No Dreams


You are an average rich girl who meets a poor boy, but they just want to have different lives.

The 2 of you end up switching bodies from a wish the 2 of you made.

Maybe this changes how you picture life, of no dreams.

Yoon Jin Ae (You)
You're thought of being a stupid spoiled rich kid when really you're just lonely. You have a bit of a charp tongue and apathetic attitude most of the time. You're very emotional and just want to be noticed. You never thought that a wishes you made out of pure whim would ever come true. You become friends with Jimin and his friends out of pure boredom and curiousity never thinking it'd impact your life so much.
Park Jimin
He's a kid who has slight issues in school and is kind of poor compared to a lot of the students even his friends. Yet he's pretty strong guy who's a bit smarter than you'd think. 
A group of guys that Jimin hangs out with and you soon become friends with after switchign bodies. 


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 2: -new subbie-
I love your idea for this fic
It's funny :D
Update soon^^
annabelleshlee #2
Chapter 2: Lolol junggook and taehyung are so chill haha looking forward to the next update :)
annabelleshlee #3
Chapter 1: Haha please update soon. It's a fun start i think this could be good :)
Chapter 1: Okay this looks like it could be interesting. Odd but interesting.
I suppose it takes the phrase walk a mile in the other shoes that extra step. (assuming I'm reading it right).
Looking forward to an update.
Looks interesting i look forward to your future updates. :)