Chapter 2




She quickly fluttered her eyes closed and massaged her temples. This will be a long day, huh. She bitterly thought to herself as she watched the helpless guy infront of her mumble incoherent words. Why does she need this out of all the days. Today is a busy day--a very stressful day, actually and she never expected things would end up this way if not for that hooligan who just stole her phone away from her. It's Samsung Galaxy Y, okay. It's still Samsung. 


"Hey!" The guy in a coat and tie, his hair neatly combed up, neared Jaemin with the most displeased look on his face. "Who in their right minds would cross the middle of the road? What are you? Stupid?" He hissed, eyeing her from head to toe. She only scoffed in disbelief, placing her hands on her hips like a woman who just got insulted by a hobo. 


"Woah, woah, mister. It just happens that I am chasing a thief who just stole my phone." She scratched her head and sighed in distaste as she recalled the earlier events. She mentally noted to herself that she should never ever go out while talking on the phone starting today if ever she buys herself a new phone, though. 


He chuckled bitterly and turned to look at his messed up car before speaking. "Your phone is just an ounce compared to my car. I can buy you your cheap phone anytime but do you think you can compensate the disaster you've caused?" He pointed at the damaged bumper and headlights, making him flush in anger for a second. She only frowned at him before chiding, "Hey, was I the one who caused that?" He snapped his head to her direction and gave her an unreadable reaction. "Oh, no duh!" 


She rolled her eyes in annoyance cause first, she hated dealing with people like these and second, people now were going around them and buzzing to themselves about the current scandal. How she hated attention and it was the least she wanted from people. "Look, I didn't bump your car and I didn't do anything humungous to cause that disaster so, don't put the blame on me." She checked out the car and inwardly winced at how bad the outcome was. 


"Yeah, not that humungous but your little deed here made me turn my steering wheel and bump on the post because I don't want to kill you. But right now, I want to." He clenched his teeth in anger, not liking what the people were giving them. She laughed bitterly, taking the apron, that was hanging around her waist loosely, she threw it on the ground and sighed. "Hey, you could have might as well just bump into me and cause me my death rather than dealing with you, really." 


"Oh, now you want me to cause your death? And I'm going to be the bad guy here and go to prison? You're so impossible." He squinted his eyes in exhaustation and frustration. This conversation was getting nowhere. Neither of them wanted to stop and lose. Both of them wanted to win, they know that. 


"Okay!" She shouted, flailing her arms crazily in the air. "Just... tell me how much your car is and I'll try to pay every penny of it." But worry and fear was dripping from her words that he inwardly chuckled. 


"You're sure you can? I bet it would take your life to, if you try." He smirked, stepping on the apron. 


"And now you're belittling me?" She scoffed, an amused and snide smile appeard across her face, stepping closer and pulling his tie, shortening the distance between them. 


"And this act is because?" He smirked, looking down on his tie. "You're threatening me?" He chuckled and snatched his tie away. 


She chewed on her bottom lips before sighing and picking up her apron. "Okay, tell me what you want me to do in compensation for the disaster caused. Make it quick. Needy people don't have much time." She stood up and swatted her bangs away from her eyes, huffing.


"Let's see..." He tapped his chin in much interest before looking at her with serious eyes. "You'll have to be my maid for the rest of your life until your debt is paid off." She chuckled bitterly before patting the dirt away from her apron. "What is this? A cliche movie? Are you serious? You can do much better, right?" She grinned sarcastically. 


"Oh, don't go easy on this job. I'm sure as hell I would make your living a piece of hell." He winked before grabbing her wrist and dragging her away. She widened her eyes in both fear and confusion. Oh my god, is he going to kill me? She inwardly swallowed the lump that was forming in . 


"H-hey! I can walk on my own." She yelped, smacking his hand away from hers. Aware that he isn't planning on listening to her pleas, she rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, looking down on his hand. God, she gotta admit that those hands are pretty and amazing for a man. He has this thin, long, delicate fingers and his nails are just shaped naturally beautiful. Then she looked down on her hands and inwardly snorted. 


After they came to a stop, in which it seems like they're on some road, waiting for a taxi, he turned to her and sighed. "You will have to resign to your current job now that you're working for me." Then he turned to look at the road and raise his hand. 


 She ignored his statement earlier and frowned. "Where are you taking me?" She inquired, her voice firm and stern with much courage that he halted his movements and closed his eyes in frustration. 


"My house, where else?" He stated like it was obvious to her and she suddenly formed an "o" shape on . But before she could respond, he shoved her inside a cab and sat beside her, leaving much distance for the both of them. Shutting the door close and telling the driver where to go, Jaemin interrogated. "But how will I tell my mother?"


"Tell her you found a new job or tell her your agreed to this because you caused a disaster. You're choice. Don't know, don't care." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms above his chest. 


"I don't even know why I agreed to this." She muttered under her breath before looking at the scenery outside. 


"It's better than paying your debts for life." He snorted, shifting in his position to find a more comfortable position to sleep. 





"Hey." He called, shutting the door close while finding Jaemin on the counter top, eating some of his cereals. When he didn't get the respond he was waiting for, he snatched the cereal box away from her, causing her to glare in response. 


"I would like to remind you about your place in this house, Jaemin." He hissed and threw the cereal box away from them, causing her to gawk in horror. "You're no one to eat anything without my permission, you understand?" He eyed her up and down before flicking her forehead really bad. 


These months haven't improve for the both of them at all. The first few months she started her duty in his house, she was in deep trouble having Baekhyun to watch her every move. Her not so pleasing personality didn't add much help to her either. They were always arguing, bickering, shouting at each other and getting mad at each other. They even wondered how they can even stand each other's presence for some unknown reason. 


"Yah, get me water." He called from the living room, loosening his tie a bit and ruffling his hair, making it messier than it already was. 


Jaemin, who gave a very innocent smile, walked in the living room and placed the glass of cold water on the coffee table. Baekhyun, who scrutinized the glass of water, carefully lifted it up under the light. "Did you spit on this?" He snapped his head to her direction. 


She shrugged and was ready to leave when Baekhyun dropped the glass of water on the floor, causing for her to flinch in surprise. I've had enough of this. She cursed in her mind and slowly looked back at him with eyes full of anger. 


"Clean that up before I hurt myself." He nonchalantly looked down then up to her, finding her deeply shooting him daggers on his head. 




"That's master Baekhyun to you." He narrowed his eyes before resting his feet on the coffee table and leaning back on his sofa. 


"I've had enough--" But suddenly a sharp knock was heard on the door, causing the both of them to snap their heads in the direction. 




ok guess who are the guest/s! lol!! anyways, please leave your comments behind so that i would know what you actually think of this chapter that i can improve in the future chapters :) 

(apologies for grammatical errors and typos) 

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