Chapter 1




"So..." His mother started off with a chortle, cutting her steak into small pieces as she stared at her fiance for awhile, giggling like a high school student. He only smiled in return as he wiped his lips dry using the table napkin. While on the different side of the table, their sons and daughter were not pleased with the lunch. They both gave each other scrutinizing glares before being scolded by their parents. After all, what were they going to do? They were like live dummies. Their parents are their dictator. Aren't parents supposed be to your tour guide in life? But living in a luxurious life has the price to pay. 


"Baekhyun-ah, say hi to your gorgeous little sister, Jung Jaejin." His mother spoke as she eyed the brat sitting across her, beside her dad. But soon after, his mother's pleasant smile faded quickly when she saw how Jaejin rolled her eyes at her. She hated disrespectful people the most. 


He only lifted his eyes and the side of his lips twiched upwards. "Hm, just my type of girl." He tossed the table napkin on his food, catching his mom and his well, future dad in surprise. Jaejin almost snorted but with more poise, she chuckled bitterly, mirroring his actions. 


"Baekhyun-ah, this is not what I thought you to behave like..." His mother hissed in clenched teeth before darting her eyes to the people infront of her then to Baekhyun. "Why am I not surprised." Jaejin dead panned, eyeing his evil and somehow, erted brother. Baekhyun, who only sat in arrogance, winked at her and stood from his previous seat. "Well, I don't have the appetite to eat with liars right now." And without wasting anymore time, he walked out of the scene just like that. At that time, he didn't care at what disgrace he brought to his mother. Why bother? It's his mother's fault for not listening to him. Love was indeed blind. 


Jaejin, who scoffed in both amusement and disbelief rose from her seat and chuckled. "Look's like mama's boy got the same exact personality from mama, huh?" She gave a small smile before walking out of the scene, probably following after her brother for a small talk. 


In silence, Mrs. Byun only sipped her iced tea before breaking the ice. "Please forgive my son. He's...just new to this kind of things." Mr. Jung only smiled at her and took hold of her hands across the table. "It's no big deal. I'm sorry for my daughter's behavior too." And with that, they continued eating their lunch. 




"Wait up, erted brother." She announced, making Baekhyun who clicked his tongue in distate halt from his steps, whirl around and shove his hand inside his pockets. "Yes? What do you want? Quickie?" He smirked, leaning his elbows on his car's roof. She only widened her eyes in terror and flipped her hair. "Hey, do I look like I need some of that right now and from you?" He only chuckled lowly before eyeing her. "Well, you're pretty and y while I'm hot and irresistable. So, why not?" She gritted her teeth in anger before staggering down the small stairs. On the last step, she chided "I'm going to deal with your cockiness later. Right now, I'm telling you to convince your mom to break the engagement off." He only snorted and hid the urge to laugh at her face. "Oh, yeah? What makes you think that I want to stop this engagement?" She tilted her head in confusion. "Well, you see, if mom marries that old hag--" She quickly stepped closer and aimed her fists on his face, signalling him to take back his words. Baekhyun only grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him, sending her to bump her nose on his chest. "--me and my mother will be in great power as you are. We will have the shares and oh, not to mention, we'll be rich as hell. You got me little sister?" He whispered, gripping on her waist a little tighter than it should be. She squirmed out of his grip before putting a hand on his chest. "As much as I hate the both of you, I will get benefits so, why not?" Then he harshly let go, opening his car door by swiftly putting the key in the slot with a swift tilt. 


"Y-You're a devil..." She muttered, eyes starting to brim in tears. 


He halted his movements and chuckled, slowly looking at her direction. "You'll see more of that side when your daddy marries mommy." And with that, he swiftly got into the driver's seat, sped off, leaving a dumbfounded Jaejin. 





"Mom? Yeah, hey." She went outside the shop, apron still hanging loosely around her small waist. Her voice was full of distress and apprehension. She managed to hear her mother's mumbling in a crowd full of people. How she hated Saturdays. These are the times when more and more people visit their shop and how can she stand people when she hates them. And sometimes, she complains about her life being a bunch of crap, wishing that her life would be easy as those rich kids in Seoul. Oh, the irony. 


She gripped on her phone tighter than she should. Just hearing her mother's explanation of why was she fired from the job added to her stress in work. Just being 19 and having to deal with all these kind of catastrophe wasn't going well for her and her mother. She mumbled a few incoherent words before massaging her temples. She looked back at the shop and she saw how her co-woker was beckoning to go inside. 


With a loud huff, she shifted her weight from her left leg to her right and started. "Okay, okay. Just... Go find another job while I will look for--" but her words were harshly interrupted as a pair of hands quickly took hold of her phone, running away. Her eyes widened in terror before running after the so-called theif. 


"Hey, you!" She yelled, a few feet away from the theif. The thief looked back and widened his eyes from the thought of her catching up. "Bastard, give that back!" She shouted once more, earning concerned looks from the passerbys. Some quickly caught what was happening and dialed the cops to send help. 


How she wanted to scream at that moment. How badly did she want to kill that theif. Truthfully speaking, she is short in money too. So, if the theif will stumble upon the reason of stealing because he needed money, she'll litearlly yell at him until he dies. She finds them really immature and sluggish. She works her off just to gain enough money for their living and they will just do this kind of immature and rude act? How pathetic of them. And not only that, she was dead tired from her work to her life. 


Fear and exhaustation soon altered to anger and fury. For some  unknown reason, she gained enough strength, catching up and shortening their distance. She didn't stop yelling though. Then the theif crossed the road but the signal for them to walk wasn't still green, earning swear words from the driver and managed to escape. However, one step from the road, she quickly lost her chance to get her phone back. 


A loud screech was heard infront of her, making her widen her eyes in horror. She was hoping she would die that minute. She really did. Closing her eyes in relief that somehow, she was about to die but she heard some glass shatter and a metallic 'cling'. She opened one eye and saw that the car bumped the light pose, breaking it's headlights. 


Oh, God. She thought bitterly as she saw a male figure aggresively trying to get out of the car. As soon as he got out, slamming the door really loud, he looked at her in disbelief and in horror. 


His voice raised, eyebrows furrowed, pointing at her accusingly. "You!"






idk how to describe this. im just going to clarify though! the "angst" tag is for the massive problems they'll be meeting in the future :) but i think this will have a twist of a fluff andddd you'll know why if you stay tuned!  i made some few changes in the tag. the tag was supposedly fluff lol but i got too caught up in theri dramatic problems so, sorry for any confusion lol. 

(sorry for any grammatical errors though. ill be fixing that soon hihi)

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would you mind showing the love? oh like susbcribing and leaving a comment would kill you, right? :D




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