A Hunting

A Hunting


*knock knock*


Kibum anxiously looks at the white door separating his room from the outside world.

“It’s me, princess!”

A smiling young male appears in front of the younger boy’s face. Still smiling, he approaches Kibum’s bed and kisses his forehead.

“What the hell did they do to you?” Jonghyun whispers.

Kibum shrugs, wondering why he even got there in the first place.

“They still don’t believe me.” he says after a minute of silence. “They think I’m crazy.”

Jonghyun bites his lips after hearing those few words coming from the boy he loves so much. He then sits next to him on his uncomfortable bed and caresses the poor boy’s hair.

It has been a few months since he loves Kibum. He quickly fell in love with the frail boy who is now stuck in this white small room for, probably, the rest of his life. Kibum doesn’t understand or know why he is here. But Jonghyun knew it was his fault.

“Yesterday they handcuffed me to my bed because I would scream so loudly. They thought I would kill them or something.” Kibum says, almost as if it was no big deal.


Kibum shakes his head yes then shows the scars on his wrists.

“I tried to escape and it almost cut my wrists.”

Jonghyun sighs then lies next to Kibum and hugs him as tight as he could.

“You know I love you, right?” Jonghyun asks.

“Yes, I know. But why can’t you tell that to my parents?”

“You know … I just can’t …”

“Why?” Kibum asks in a louder voice.


Jonghyun sighs again, not wanting to hurt the boy’s feelings with his answer.

“I don’t understand you. You said you wanted to help me but all you do is visit me whenever my parents are not there. And they think I am crazy! Why can’t you help me prove them wrong, for once?” Kibum almost yells.


“You see doctor, he’s at it again!”

An older lady storms in Kibum’s room followed by a psychiatrist.

“He is talking to himself again!”


“No … eomma I was talking to Jonghyun. He is here!” Kibum says, pointing to the now cold spot next to him. Seeing that Jonghyun was no longer there, he could feel tears forming in his eyes.

“I am telling you, eomma! He was there with me just a few seconds ago! Please believe me!”


Other doctors came in Kibum’s room, holding syringes, handcuffs and any other objects they needed to control the poor young boy. They knew he could easily defend himself, so they were ready for anything.




From the hallway, Jonghyun could hear his lover screaming in pain and asking for help from him. Unfortunately, he could do nothing but to listen.






Kibum let out a light sigh. He was exhausted from all that happened earlier.

“Sweetie …”

He could feel someone climbing on his bed. He felt a bit more relaxed when strong arms pulled him closer to the other’s body.

“I’m sorry honey.”

Kibum smiles at the words and turns around to face the boy he loves so much.

“It’s not your fault.”

His response came out as a whisper, since he didn’t want his parents – who were outside of the room – to hear him talk.

Jonghyun hugs Kibum’s tired body and kisses his forehead lightly. He caresses the young boy’s arms and feels scars. Knowing where they are from, he kisses Kibum’s forehead once again, wanting to reassure his lover.

“Everything will be alright sweetheart.”

Kibum closes his eyes before turning his body away.

“No! Nothing will be alright! Nothing ever was alright! I am tired! I am hurt and no one cares!” he says in a whisper but loud enough for Jonghyun to know how serious he was.

“I care baby …”

Jonghyun tries once again to make Kibum face him in order to hug him again. Fortunately, the younger one accepts the hug and buries his face in the other’s chest. Soon, Jonghyun could feel tears slowly wetting his shirt. He then takes the other’s face between his hands and kisses his lips before whispering to him:

“Let’s run away. I hate seeing you like this.”

Kibum sighs before letting more tears flow on his cheeks.

“You know I can’t leave this place.”

“Yes you can! Baby, I will help you! I know how to make you leave this!”


Jonghyun hesitates before answering.

“A few years ago, I was in that same room and I escaped. And I want the same to happen to you! We will be free together, if you agree to follow me!”

“To … together?”

“Yes! Baby I want you to live with me. I promise. We will be happy together. Just us.”

“Just … us …”

Kibum looks away for a moment.

“There is no way … You are still here. You didn’t escape …”

“I did and I failed … but if you try, I think we will both be able to leave this place. I might be stuck here but I’ve always wanted to leave with you. Please Kibum, please do it for us.”

Kibum shakes his head no before looking back at the older boy.

Jonghyun stands up from the bed and walks around the room before stopping in front of a window. It was probably the only way someone could escape their room in this hospital but most of the rooms were on the upper floors of the building. Kibum’s room was on the second floor which was high enough to scare people. No one but Jonghyun ever even thought about jumping from a window

“I can’t. I don’t want to get hurt again.”

“I’ll catch you baby. I’ll be down there and catch you when you’ll jump. And it’s not so scary when you do it! Trust me. It will all be okay after.”

Kibum looks away to think about it and when he looks back at the window, Jonghyun was not there anymore. He looks around his room but no one was here.

All of a sudden, he hears someone calling his name from outside. He runs to the window and opens it to see Jonghyun standing in the snow, waving his arms, indicating him to jump.

“Baby, I will catch you! I won’t let you hurt yourself. Trust me!”

Kibum nods then tries to go through the window. Jonghyun seems to care about him so he was not in danger. Well, that’s what he thought.

“Jump!” Jonghyun says, positioning his arms in order to catch Kibum.

The young boy obeys and let himself fall …


His body hits violently the ground but fortunately, the snow made it less painful. He slowly wraps his arms around his waist and closes his eyes. He could feel the light snow slowly covering his face and body. As time passes, the cold sensation didn’t bother him anymore.

“It hurts …” he says, when feeling Jonghyun’s arms around him. He wasn’t feeling great at all. His leg hurt and he had no more strength to move or even think.

Jonghyun caresses Kibum’s back in order to reassure him a little.

“It will no longer hurt. Trust me. It’s almost over baby. We’re almost there.”

Kibum does not respond but looks at Jonghyun and smiles. Then when the cold was too much for his frail health, he looks into Jonghyun’s eyes before letting his eyes shut and never open again …




As two nurses clean up what used to be Kibum’s room, they both comment about the situation.

“Is this room haunted or something?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s the second time someone kills himself by jumping from the window. Don’t you think it’s weird?”

“I don’t know … But it feels always feel like someone is always watching.”


As the two nurses leave the room, Jonghyun sits on what used to be Kibum’s bed.

“You made it Kibum. You made it …”



[A/N] : ** I will try to explain how I see this story.

I watch a lot of shows about ghosts and whatever related to it. I learned there are two kinds of spirits: the ones who are stuck in a place but are “smart” (which means they can interact with living humans), and there are the ones who are stuck in time. Jonghyun is stuck in a place. He is only able to go to the places he has been in the hospital (the hallway, outside where he landed when he jumped and his room, who is also Kibum’s room.)

When he asked Kibum to jump (and die), he was hoping for Kibum to find the light and follow it. Therefore, he could himself follow the light. Kibum did succeed in following that light but unfortunately for Jonghyun, he couldn’t follow Kibum. So he is still stuck in “his room”. He still is happy to see that Kibum succeeded though.

Now please understand that I do not entirely believe in that kind of stuff, but I am not saying it is improbable. And for some reasons, back when I wrote the original version, I think I was inspired by one of those ghost story shows. I hope it doesn’t sound too weird! I hope someone enjoys it anyway ! ^^

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Oh geez... here I was hoping for a happy ending for the two of them... *sigh* Nicely done, though.
SherlocKey #2
made me cry )': but soo good <3
:( It was SOOO sad.... Can't stop sobbing. It broke my heart that Key died and Jong couldn't leave the hospital. *sobs*
It so sad! I'm crying right now!! This was amazing you moved me so much!
Thank you for reading !<br />
Hehe well I don't know how I would be able to continue .. >.<
mickeyee #7
that was cool! ^^i wished it was longer though...T^T but good job!
@Oranje : Thank you so much for reading ! ^^<br />
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@Jongkeyminkey : Thank you so much for reading ! ^^<br />
Yes, I used to have livejournal. I used to be kediia but I deleted my account and I have another one just to promote the fics I post here.<br />
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@Princehyeon : Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
And thanks for the compliment! <br />
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@Maddieshinee1 : Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
But don't cry !! >.<
oranje #9
so much love for this story right now
Well I think I've read it in jongkey.livejournal. Do you also have an account of that? I forgot when I have read it but its quite long ago,. It's nice.