Final Chapter

Look Carefully! Before you love

[Part 5]

Eunjung Pov:

Today was the first day that I started dating with him, Lee Jungshin. I got success to push Jiyeon to Myungsoo oppa. Suddenly, I felt shame with Jungshin after I know he was really gentle. However, I still tried to do it for Myungsoo oppa.

“Do you want to eat Ice cream?” Jungshin asked me when we were at Ice cream shop together.

“Orange Ice cream please…” I told him.

“Okay..” and then he walked out quickly.

What is Myungsoo doing now? Aiyo I really miss him so bad. He might start his plan to Jiyeon.. Aigoo..

I checked my smart phone to look at Myungsoo’s photos sadly. I have to do my best to make him happy.

“Jung.. what are you doing?” Jungshin came with two ice cream glasses quietly as soon as I took my phone in the bag back.

“I just checked SMS haha.. It’s alight.. Isn’t mine? O.O” I looked at an ice cream which was made as cartoon style.

“I just ordered for you like this..”

“It’s cute.. but does this shop also design ice cream too? o.O”

“No, because it’s my mom’s shop..” he smiled gently.

“Really? O.O so can I be free all time since I am your girlfriend? :P ”

“Sure, Suzy’s never paid when she was with me either..” he smiled sadly.

“Yah, you shouldn’t mention about your old girlfriend in front of your present girl… U_U” I ate ice cream slowly.

“You broke us… :3” he added more

“It’s fine. I can ignore it because of this free ice cream :P ” yoyo.. I have to calm for Myungsoo oppa. You can’t make me mad since I didn’t love you at all.


Being Jungshin’s girlfriend had a lot of advantages. I just knew these days. I could eat free ice cream and ask him to do my homework all time since he was an outstanding student. He was good at telling funny story and considering my feeling much. That why many girls wanted to be his sweet heart. Weren’t they reasons? O.O

“Jungshin ah… ” I brought all my book to keep on his table.

“This silly girl again =_= Can’t you do it by your own?” he looked at me boringly.

“Yah you are my boyfriend~ ” I hit his shoulder.

“It’s the reason that you want me to be your boyfriend? I felt that I was being cheated =_=” Jungshin shaked his hair messily. Aigoo, you were cheated since the first time. It would be my bonus okay? Haha..

“Don’t do so baby…!” I poked his nose.

“This silliness >.<”


It was a dark raining day for us. There was scary lightning almost cover the sky. Some students walked across the raindrops with umbrella and some students took the taxies or whatever. I just looked at the heavy rain and hugged myself coldly. I couldn’t walk out or I will wet.

“Why are you here again? Haven’t you waited for me? xD” Jungshin who just came out, asked me suddenly.

“……..” I said nothing and pointed to the sky to sign my answer to him.

“You’re afraid if you will wet..?”

“Good job, you are clever..”

“Yes, that I always get rank 1 of the school..”

“Take a rest dear with your admiring.. =_+”

“Haha… Don’t you have umbrella?”

“No.. do you have?”

“I don’t have either xD”

“Pabo… =_=”

“But I have rain coat.. ” he smiled

“Oh where..? o.O”

“Here you are…” he took out his rain coat to me.

“Thank you..” I began to wear it but I stopped and looked at him again.

“If I wear it and how about you? O.O”

“It’s alright… I have another one in my bag and take this.. it’s cold..” he took off his coat to cover for me.

“You are not cold?”

“I am a man of course… just go. It’s darker now..” he smiled.


[Part 6]

I walked across the raindrops with Jungshin’s rain coat. It was raining dog and cat as it was so heavy. I tried to hold my coat tightly and look for taxi. But no taxi shopped for me, therefore I chose to walk home. Suddenly I saw a similar male shadow that was walking across me. He was wet and pale.

“Lee Jungshin..?” I called him and then he stopped.

“Haven’t you got home? O.o” he looked at me.

“Why are you wet? And where is your rain coat? Didn’t you lie me..?” I shocked.

“Have you ever seen someone have two rain coats in the bag?” he asked me back.

“So why you gave it to me? Why did you lie?”

“If I truth you, you will not take it. Moreover, I am a man and you are my girl. I should protect you as well..” what he said, made me surprise. Of course, I was his girlfriend and he was my boyfriend. His kindness made me stressful with my cheating. He was so good to me, but I had broken his love for twice times because of Myungsoo. Y_Y

“…………” I said  nothing and took off his rain coat quickly.

“Hey Are you mad at me? I’m just worried you..” he said in a hurry.

“I am your girlfriend, you’d better to take me home and we can share this plastic together..” I took it cover our bodies.

“Okay…” he smiled and covered it as we started walking together. On the cold way, we just said nothing and walked on quietly. I felt that it was warm when I was with him. His gentle made me feel shame with my bad purpose.

“It’s already been home..” he kissed my forehead gently.

“…………… ”I said nothing, because I was really shock with his action.

“I’d better to leave hehe.. I will call you after I got home..” he smiled and ran out quickly.

“Lee Jungshin….!” I touched my chest hardly. He almost made my heart die.

“Ham Eunjung!!!!!!!!!!!” Someone called me as I turned back to see him. The tall man was wet so badly with his messy hair, Kim Myungsoo. He looked at me palely before he came to hug me tightly.

“Myungsoo..?” I shocked suddenly because he hugged me.

“Stop doing that. I’m begging.. Please stop…” he hugged me tighter.

“Why..? you aren’t with Jiyeon..?” I felt hardly to say it out.

“Don’t do that again or I will be broken heart.. I’m hurt when I see you and him together.. Eunjung… Please pity me… You are so good to me, all of your act makes me awake. I just know these days that who the kindest person for me is.. It’s you.. Eunjung..” he got me off and looked at me softly.

“………………” I got shock with this moment. Didn’t he truth me his love? O.O!

“You have done everything for me, I’m thankful.. but can you…” he looked at me surly.


“Break with Lee Jungshin or I will kill you.. How come you went into his heart ha?” he yelled at me loudly.

“What…? Oppa???”

“You are so annoy.. You take him from me.. kyaaaaaaaa…. I’m not in love with Bae Suzy or Park Jiyeon. What the heck you are doing? You are so ing that you came to mess it…”

“Oppa… What are you saying? :O” I almost fell down with what I showed. Maybe my ear was error..

“Yes I love Lee Jungshin, not Bae Suzy or Park Jiyeon! Please take your face from my man..”

Oh god, Am I dreaming? @o@ A man who I have been in love is gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…… T^T

“What’s this..?” Jungshin suddenly appeared in front of us angrily.

“Jungshin.. O.O” I shocked.

“Is that so?” he looked at us strongly.

“Jungshin ah….” Myungsoo shouted out with his girly voice.

“You have fooled me Ham Eunjung! I hate you……………” Jungshin ran out quickly.



[Part 7]

I had been in love with gay for a year. Myungsoo loved Jungshin in fact, it wasn’t Suzy or Jiyeon. It was all my confusing. Damn… T^T it was so hurt.. I lost two loves in the same time, the man I had loved, liked my boyfriend? Ahhhh… Eunjung was going crazy about thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…………….

Since that night, I hadn’t seen Myungsoo anymore. It seemed like he was lost from my world. Moreover, Jungshin ignored me when we met each other at school. He never looked at me again. It became hurter when I ate ice cream at his shop, I had to pay. =_=


While I was walking across the garden of the school, suddenly…………..

“Life is no meaning… Live is for sadness….” The tall man cried out while he was beginning to strangle his neck with the big tree which I had done that before.

“Lee Jungshin…? O.O” I shocked and ran to him quickly.

“Hey! What are you doing? :O” I pulled him out.

“It’s none of your business.. Don’t bother my dead plan..”

“Waeyo? This is my teacher’s favorite tree and it’s also my favorite way. I don’t want when I walk across this way later, I feel about the soul over here… >o<”

“Ham Eunjung :’( you hurt me so badly………………………” he yelled out.

“I’m sorry…”

“You have broken my loves for twice times and now you are breaking my dead plan again…” he looked at me strongly.

“It’s fine.. You can’t continue your act… U_U I will never bother you anymore..” I gave the string to him and walked away.

“Hey! Don’t you stop me? O.O” Jungshin yelled at the back.


“Hey! I will really die…..”


“I am killing myself right….”


“Ham Eunjung, please stop me T___T” Jungshin cried out.

“You said you wanted to die? I shouldn’t break your plan again, or I should be here to wait for your dead body? xD”


“……………” he ran to hug me tightly.

“No one loves me anymore, so you have to respond on me because you have broken my love for third times” he cried.

“Why no one loves you? =_=” I shaked his hair.

“Because they thought I was gay with Myungsoo… T^T” he cried loudly.

“Ha?? =0=”

“You hurt me so much.. you make my name worse because of that.. I will never find girlfriend anymore.. so you have to respond on me.. Bad girl :’( ”

“Okay okay =_=” I really felt disappointed about this.

What I has learnt for this experience is looking clearly before I mark someone’s reality. U_U Poor myself…



The end xD

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xielai #1
Chapter 3: hahaha I can't keep my laughing xD Does Jungshin charm really make Myungsoo in love? LOL
Chapter 3: Omg hahahhaah this is funny Xp
Chapter 3: what the....??
wkwkwkwkwkwkwk.. XD
so Myungsoo is a guy!!
Poor Eunjung, oh my dorky Jung..
hahahahahahaha.. xp
this story really funny chingu.. GOOD..
Chapter 3: Lol, I kind of figured it out after reading the 2nd chapter =w= Honestly, I wasn't sure, but this confirmed it. Since Myungsoo was happy when Suzy left, and jealous when Jungshin had another girlfriend. Only possible reason for me was that the one he was after was Jungshin =w= still funny though xD
pioushej #6
Chapter 3: hahaha what a twist! so funny!
1137 streak #7
Chapter 3: Hahaha nice ending
01041991 #8
Chapter 3: haaaa, soooooooo funnyyyyyyyy!!!!
Chapter 3: Hahahahaha xD juk pos
xielai #10
Chapter 3: Hahaha..
I am laughing so much here...
Its so funny...
Please make myungjung ff chingu