Onew POV


I’ve noticed how the group was very distant from others; how one member fidget at the sight of the huge gathering of idols. Sure he was leader, but I feel that somehow, he’s just like me: a bit shy and scared.

It’s no secret that SHINee has some gay members; it’ll be surprising if no one noticed this just yet. But sadly, an odd numbered group would always end up with 1 single amongst the couples; and yes the sad part was that I was the single one.

I am gay; yes I admit that but don’t blame me for falling for that hamster guy with slits for eyes. He’s just so freaking adorable that I wanted to do illogical things to him (and I am completely talking without my sangtae mind you). To me, he’s like a ball of fluffy fur much like Theodore from Alvin and the chipmunks.

“just get him for Christ’s sake.” Key nagged me for the end time as I walked out of the bathroom with puffy eyes.

“What?” I asked and he rolled his eyes.

“Are you even sane? You cry over fanfictions and that totally killed my moment with Jonghyun. He’s pretty concerned about you.” Key nagged even more as he lined his eyes with the dark kohl.

“I’m sorry, it’s just too sad that I barely get ..” and Key cut my sentence short.

“a decent fanfiction with him, just what the do you think the writers have to work? You cling to me, jonghyun, teamin and Minho. They will bound to write our pairings just as much as he clings to Woohyun, myungsoo or Soyou. At least you get a few Le Joon or Luna.” He finished and great, I can feel the tears b.

“Great, you are supposed to be our leader. God, Onew-hyung get a hold of yourself! You should have a crash course for leadership skills training or something.” Key said as he finished lining his eyes and went out of the bathroom to get his coat.

“oh that’s a great idea.” I dashed towards my room, grabbed my phone and dialed our manager’s number.

“Are you sure about this?” Manager Jin asked and I nodded furiously. “I’ll give Jungryoul a call.” Manager Jin said and I was so delighted; I should thank myself for being such a good kid.

“He agrees so might as well meet Sunggyu tomorrow to explain to him why you wanted this stupid exchange. And I am warning you Onew, don’t let your sangtae get the best of you.” Manager Jin said with a knowing smile.

The truth is, I think everyone knows my not-so-secret crush on that hamster of a leader, well everyone but the man himself, that I just wanted to get to know him better and for him to get my members better. Besides, it’ll make him more comfortable during stages and promotions; SMTOWN will soon feature them.

I was nervous as hell when I reached the café, what if he rejected the idea?

“Hi!” I greeted him. He waved back and sat across his chair as the coffee I ordered was served the moment he sat. “I already ordered for us if you don’t mind.” I said and he just nodded.

I just cannot help myself from smiling! This hamster is just so adorable and I swear I could just crush him with my ttakkbam like a walnut.

“thank you for granting my request.” I said and he looked like a confused hamster caught with a flashlight and that made me chuckle.

“I’ve always wanted to feel like what’s it like to be a leader of another idol group. It’s not that I hate my members, it’s because I still feel that I lack as one.” I clarified and he nodded.

“Oh so you requested for Infinite?” he asked and I nodded before sipping my cold drink (and yes, I was doing it on purpose, teasing him because I can do so).

“Since the fans say we’re quite similar and our groups are too, so I figured that it’s a good group for a switch. Plus Infinite’s image is really cool.” I said and he nodded; dang he looks like a hamster (did I emphasize that enough?).

We exchange a few guidelines on how to survive each other’s dorms and settled for the dates. We exchanged numbers and stories and I’m sure the heaven had parted and shown the best spotlight because Sunggyu was glowing!


“Just act normal okay?” I reminded the four and their eyes were rolling like hell broke loose. “Just don’t let him get uncomfortable with your antics. No in the kitchen Key.” I specifically reminded the diva.

“Sure., we’ll do it in the bathroom.” He said and I just smiled. “Don’t give me that smile hyung, it’s disgusting.” Key said, throwing a pillow over.

“Just make him feel relaxed and enjoy your company. I’m sure he’s just afraid to approach us because of these issues about SME and Woollim. Think of it as a welcome gift for Infinite.” I told them but I know they’ve seen through my crack.

“You’re just going to spy on your lover so just stop reminding us to behave. You should worry about yourself hyung, I’m not there to catch you if you fall!” Jonghyun said with his puppy grin and I just sighed then smiled.

“I’m sure their floor is hard enough not to crack.” It was lame I know but forgive the sangtae.


I knocked on the door and a bright smile from Dongwoo greeted me. “Hi!” I said and he gladly welcomed me to meet the 6 infinite members. They introduced themselves and I can sense the tension in the air (and the smell of gay men in front of me).

“Please relax, I’m not that strict and I live up to my name.” I said as I introduced myself.

“Sunggyu hyung shares a room with Myungsoo and Sungyeol. “Woohyun said, pointing to the room on the side and I nodded, pulling my suitcase towards it.

“Let me help you hyung.” Sungyeol said as he opened the door for me.

I looked at the room and smiled a little. I can see the difference in personalities. Oh, is this Sunggyu’s wardrobe?” I asked as I looked at the clothes in different styles and colors.

“Yes. He’s the only one who could pull those off.” Sungyeol explained and I nodded. I opned my suitcase and placed a few of my clothes in the empty space Sunggyu had graciously lent me.

“Who cooks?” I asked and Sungyeol perked up. “Woohyun hyung.” I heard his reply. “Great, I hope he’s good like his best friend.” I said and Sungyeol nodded.

“can I tell you a secret hyung?” Sungyeol said and I nodded, giving him my full attention.

“I’m gay.” He said and I gave him a smile.

“Good to know that you trust me well enough to say that.” I replied and he smiled lovingly.

“I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable since we share the same room. But you’re not my type.” He said and I was taken aback.

“Who’s your type then?” I found myself asking and he smiled. “Woohyun hyung.” HE replied but then a frown graced his handsome ace. “But he likes Sungjong.” He sighed and I pity him, at least I am not alone in my unrequited love.

“Don’t worry about it; I’m sure he’ll come to realize your worth sooner or later.” I reassured him and he smiled again.

I just thought about it and after looking at the members, I just had a feeling that they were closet gays. Oh come on, the stench of green blood was hanging over them; and Hoya with his purple thing is just screaming GAY! But who am I to judge these kids so I just smiled and enjoyed their company.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why would you swap places with Gyu hyung?” Myungsoo asked and the visual was indeed a face of true beauty.

“Well, I figured that Infinite isn’t really comfortable approaching fellow SMTOWN artists and since you’re family now, this will at least help a bit.” I told them and they nodded.

“I’m not shy around SHINee, hyung.” Woohyun said and I nodded. “Yes I know you’re not but your leader is.” I replied with a smile and they all nodded.

Infinite wasn’t like my members at all, despite the similarities, because they are really messy. I actually tripped on something and it’s a first because it’s not my foot. I picked up the thing and my eyes widened at the book in front of me. “Kama Sutra?” I asked out loud and got confused.

“Its WooHyun hyung’s” Sungjong said and I looked at him with mouth wide open; and I thought I lived in a erted dorm!

I called the said member and raised an eyebrow. He looked at me then to the book I’m holding and he smiled at me sheepishly. “You’re just like your best friend and mind you, please get a hold of yourself and stop hitting on the poor maknae!” I reprimanded him and he pouted like a cute five year old.

“But hyung.. wait, how can you tell?” He asked because it’s been only an hour and a half and I can tell that he’s hitting on Sungjong. And no I’m not gonna tell him that Sungyeol revealed the detail.

“Look Woohyun, we both know that Key is just like you and he’s dating the puppy back home. I’m quite used to it really, and you guys are being silly by covering your true selves. Just come out of the damn closet and I’ll understand. “ I told him, a bit louder than expected, and everyone was gathering around me.

“you can tell?” Hoya asked and I nodded then smiled.

“It’s not like we’re hiding it, it’s just…” Dongwoo started and I looked at him then smiled.

“Just like Jonghyun, a sad little dino when he thought I’d get mad at him for liking Key in a romantic way. I am your leader for now and trust me that I wouldn’t do anything to harm you and your reputation. Secrets are with me.” I said with the famous smile and they all nodded. “How about we play a game.” I suggested and everyone looked at me like confused babies.

I gathered them around the living room (taking care not to trip on my feet or the clutter they had around the dorm) and I explained the little game we used to play back home. Everyone eyed me curiously while I explained and after which they all agreed.

It was a battle of pride and no one was backing out; no one wanted their secrets revealed. One by one they said things they hid and for the first time in my 5 year idol career, I saw Infinite this pure.

“Now I should tell you my secret.” I said and everyone eyed me curiously, waiting for the juicy secret I am going to reveal.

“I like your leader.. a lot.” I said and I am sure that I am quite blushing afterwards. It was dead silent and I was afraid that they might hate me for it. Then I heard a loud shrill from the maknae.

“You are so getting married!!!” He was jumping for joy and my jaws drop. “Who fed Sugar to the baby?” I asked and Sungjong glared at me. “Like I’m the baby. Come on hyung I am so happy for you. I always wanted you to be my appa!” Sungjong was like Taemin when I told him about Sunggyu.

“And I thought that grandpa has no appeal.” Woohyun said and it earned a good smack from Sungyeol.

“Thanks!” I said as I approached the groaning Woohyun. “Manners Nam Woohyun. He is still your leader.” I reminded him and he nodded before cooking dinner.

Sungjong became like magnet to me, telling me how happy he was to know that his Sunggyu appa would have someone like me. I smiled and giggled at the cute maknae, Taemin sure is similar to this one (but he does it so he could get Minho aroused).

It became easier with the boys as the days passed, since they’re not whispering to each other but instead openly talking about their dates and other romantic stuff, oh wait that’s just Dongwoo and Hoya flirting with each other.

“Sungjong baby!” Woohyun plopped himself at the maknae and Sungjong has to kick him away. “I told you hyung that you are not my type!” He said, hiding behind me for protection. I eyed Sungyeol who was a bit hurt and Myungsoo comforted him (and the maknae behind me dug his nails on my shoulder as he clenched his fists in anger).

“okay enough of this drama, we have a practice to attend to.” I told them and they looked like deer caught in the headlights. “I have a practice for Gayo, you should have too so let’s go.” I told them and they nodded. Jungryoul hyung came in just in time to drive us to the SM building.

Their eyes were big as dinner plates and I chuckled. “You’ll be practicing here as well so get used to it.” I told them and they nodded.

We met Super Junior sunbae, well just Henry, Ryeowook and Sungmin and I introduced the members.

“Where’s Gyu?” Ryeowook hyung asked and I explained to him. He gave me a knowing smile and whispered something I’m not going to say. But I’ll tell you this; those three are my loyal shippers.

We entered the familiar practice room and I bowed at Sunggyu. I talked to my members and our choreographer told us to get ready; it’s time to show off!

“I want to watch Infinite’s practice!” The bubbly Taemin said and he pleaded in front of Sunggyu, the hamster agreeing like a slave (and I should thank the baby with Banana milk later).

For the first (and probably the only) time in the history of Infinite, they danced in front of the cloud filled blue background made famous by SM artists.

They danced like their life depended on it and earned claps from the our group.

“As expected Nam, you’re the worst!” Key exclaimed and Woohyun went bananas.

“Watch it Kim, we both know I am not the worst, have you see Sungyeol dance? Oh wait you can’t resist me.” Woohyun teased and I saw Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

“Like I want you. I have my fair share of muscles and boy it feels good.” Key retorted, a glint of slyness on his feline eyes.

“Enough, let’s not go near that topic Key.” I heard Sunggyu spoke and my mouth hanged opened, he said what?

“Sure.” Key replied with a grin and my jaws drop even further, did he just obliged?

“Great job Gyu, you made the almighty shut up.” Woohyun congratulated his leader and this time I heard myself speaking.

“And what have I told you about manners Nam Woohyun?” I raised an eyebrow, lips pressed into a thin line and arms crossed in front of me.

“Sorry hyung, I got carried away.” Woohyun said and Sunggyu looked bewildered; like a spell was casted and he was frozen, he looked cute that way.


It was a very fast 2 weeks for me and before I leave tomorrow, I wanted to ask everyone for their permission. I gathered them around the living room (and yes I forced them to clean the dorm) and smiled brightly.

“I am very thankful that you have accommodated me into your dorm and life. I just wish that you won’t get awkward with your fellow SM Town artists now.” I started and they all thanked me for the opportunity and such things. I smiled then continued. “Tomorrow, I’ll be returning to our dorm and I do hope you clean the mess here; I’ll visit you guys often.” I continued and they groaned.

“But most importantly, I want to ask for your permission. Can I have your Sunggyu hyung and be his boyfriend?” I asked, closed my eyes and waited for their response. None came so I opened my eyes and took in the shocked expressions on their faces.

“Oh hell yes!” Sungyeol shouted first, pumping his fist up in the air. The rest joined in and I was attacked with hugs. “You bet we want you to be his boyfriend!” Woohyun added and I heard Dongwoo’s melodious and high pitched laugh.


“I was worried about the things they could do, did they hurt you?” I asked as we met for the rehearsal before KBS Gayo Daejun and Sunggyu shook his head.

“They are quite honest, apparently not hiding their statuses and what they do behind closed doors. The worst I got was getting locked out from the room because Key was really after a musical.” he told me and I chuckled.

“That’s good because you wouldn’t want to see them actually do it. It’s traumatic.” I revealed as he nodded, mesmerized by how those tiny eyes can stir so much emotions in me.

“So how was yours?” he asked and I nodded. “It’s fun actually, I learned a lot.” I replied and he questioned me further.

“Woohyun’s like a grease ball and he kept on teasing Sungjong to the point where it grosses out the poor maknae. It kinda reminded me of Jjong and Key when they started hitting it off.” I said and he sighed. “Like Sungjong will ever say yes to him, the maknae likes the other maknae.” he told him and I nodded.

“I guess Myungsoo is quite his type, then why don’t Woohyun just hit on Sungyeol, the poor kid has been giving him pleading puppy eyes for the longest time. The poor kid even cried to me like he was in danger of losing his own life.” I remarked and he was surprised.

“Oh my gosh it’s now complicated.” he replied and face palmed himself for not noticing these tiny little details.

“Well good luck with your performance later!” I said then bid farewell.

I went to my members and they were not happy to see me. “I prefer Gyu-hyung better.” Key retorted and Jonghyun glared at him. “Repeat that and you’ll have to jerk yourself later.” The puppy reprimanded his boyfriend, I missed this naughty talks.

“So, how was your stay?” Jonghyun asked with curious eyes and I just smiled at him. “Great, though it took a lot more effort to get them to reveal their real statuses. You wouldn’t believe how funny they were to hide themselves.” I revealed and I heard Key laughed.

I felt warm arms around me and Taemin was now hugging me like he used to. I smiled at him and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks. “I’m sure you also did that to Gyu.” I told him and he nodded. “You said to act normal so I did. “ I chuckled, i missed this baby of mine.

“Well i was quite surprised that he took it well.” Jonghyun said, handing me a water bottle. “Can he stay tonight?” Taemin asked and i shook my head. “Please ask him out already!” Taemin whined and i faked a laugh.

“Yah Lee Jinki!” Key nagged me. “Fine I’ll ask him.” I smiled but inside, i was nervous.

Sure I already got Infinite’s approval but what if Sunggyu doesn’t like me back?

The Gayo daejun went on quickly and right after our performance, EXO was awarded as winners. I was happy for my saengs, they are family so there’s no grudges.

“Nam!” Key shouted and the grease ball ran towards the best friend and they had an animated talk, greeting EXO too then went back to talking.

We were all out and congratulating them when i took notice of the 7 member group so i gestured for them to join us. Oh come on e guys, we’re one big happy family!

Sungyeol tugged the sleeves of my suit and I smiled at him. “What’s up Yeol?” I asked and he smiled. Then whispered something in my ear. “Hyung I want to thank you for being there for me when i needed you. Right now i feel much more better and i think i can get Woohyun to stop being a jerk and finally notice me in a different light.” He told me and I hugged him. “That’s my boy Yeollie. Now all you have to do is whack that grease ball, come on.” I led him towards the others and we had some great time chatting.

As I looked at the 10 members giggling and exchanging stories, I was really happy that i made that choice and got to know them better. I’m sure Infinite is a good group and they’ll be rising to the kpop tier, and SHINee will be there to work with them and support them. A smile formed in my face as I saw the fluffy hamster by the side, observing the tiny group in front of him.

“I never told you the real reason why I wanted the exchange.” I said as I stood next to Sunggyu. “I noticed how Infinite is too scared to interact with fellow artists, especially SMTOWN artists. Your members confirmed that you are quite scared of the backlash of the merger thing. I wanted you to be comfortable with everyone. I am sure you are now.” I told him with that famous smile. He was speechless I guess and the next thing i knew, he was hugging me.

“I’m so sorry.” he bowed as he apologize and I laughed at how adorable he is; wow, just wow Sunggyu, you made me fall for you again and again!

“It’s ok. I actually liked it.” I told him as I moved towards him and enveloped him in a comforting hug. “You know what my other reason was?” I asked as I rested my head on my shoulder, tightening my grip on his waist. “You. I wanted to learn more about you and the future babies I’m going to handle when I ask you out.” I said and it must be the shock that he pushed me away and looked at me with slit like eyes.

“You must be kidding me.” he told me but i chuckled; his cuteness is way beyond legal.

“Nope.” I replied as I stepped closer and placed a quick kiss on his cheeks. “I already asked for your members’ permission.” I said as I walked towards the now bigger group and joined in greeting everyone. I then looked at him and winked. God Sunggyu, you make me wanna you right now!

I saw him smile to himself and joined us, Woohyun nudging him and asking something. “Offer?” he asked him and I took the chance to wrap my arm around his waist, enveloping him in a back hug. “He’s not taking me seriously!” I told everyone.

“Just say yes. Do you know how much of an ear sore Onew-hyung’s bathroom cries were when he found out that you were being paired up with Woohyun, Myungsoo and even Soyou? And that’s just fanfictions!” Key said and I glared at him.

“Even in fanfiction I am deprived of a love life what else do I do?” I replied and saw Sunggyu blushed even more.

“Let me love you.” I hear Sunggyu say and the rest of our members cheered and hugged each other; , Sunggyu, this is a dream come true

“Great. How about we start tonight because I am sure you’ve wanted to do it ever since you stepped inside our dorm. And I’m locking out Jonghyun as payback.” I whispered in his ears seductively; I’m sure he wanted it just as much as i do.


a/n: this is nonsense I am very sorry~

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all done~ crack is crack


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InspiritYuki #1
Chapter 2: I loved this so much :) and it was very funny. Everything you write, I just wish it would really happen :(
Chapter 2: waaahh there are similarities in SHINee and Infinite...

Onew is just one smart tofu for thinking such great plan to get sunggyu.. its really daebak that Infinite members agreed to onew being their leader's boyfriend.. well who would reject a cute little tofu XD
I'm so happy that Infinite and other SM Artists are getting along specially Shinee and Infinite.. finally having OnGyu share the same stage is possible (you would be happy to see them perform together with Henry^^)
weerainbow #3
Chapter 2: Great story! So cute too. I love how Onew had this all planned so he could get closer to Sunggyu aww. And it was great that everyone supported him. SHINee's dorm antics had me in stitches it was so funny! I really enjoyed this, the way you went about telling their story was refreshing :)
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 1: Wahaha if this actually happened in real life lol. Awesome story!
fatieyn95 #5
Chapter 2: ongyu...such a nice story author-nim...