Sunggyu POV


It’s just for 2 weeks. The exchange is experimental and I’m sure you’ll develop better as a leader. You’ll learn from your sunbae and besides, Woohyun and Key are friends.

I sighed for the nth time today as I waited for the van which will take me to a meeting place for this stupid experiment our manager agreed on. It’s not that I hate SHINee, on the contrary I love them, it’s just that they are my Sunbae-deul and being their leader for the next 2 weeks would be a bit different and difficult.

I have my fair share of diva and babies but SHINee? That’s a different story.

I heard from Woohyun that Key was a nagger; and I quote Woohyun “Key’s like a machine gun when he nags, it’s unlimited.” Key is generally cute and good mannered but that’s his personality towards friends and acquaintances; what about s? Is he a diva like my little Sungjong?

And Taemin is such a baby. Yeah, I know I shouldn’t think that way, but he’s still a kid to me. For a grandpa who is taking care of 6 babies at the moment, the maknae will forever a baby in my eyes. Sure the kid is now married to Naeun (and it because the maknae was the first to marry) but that’s just for show, I’m sure Taemin is still a baby.

Minho? I think he’s the most decent. He’s an actor, a photographer, arapper, a model…. Ok sao he’s perfect like Myungsoo but is he like Myung who is all kitten at the dorm while a cold L on stage? I am not sure if I could decipher the tall member with the perfect smile and demeanor.

And Jonghyun. Oh the dino. I’m quite sure he’s like Dongwoo and is very close to Onew-ssi but I also heard he’s the bad guy out of the five. He’s rebellious and playful. He’s like a puppy who got out from his tiny cage and is about to wreak havoc in town.

So what am I supposed to expect and do for the next couple of weeks?

“Hi!” A smiling face greeted me and here I am all stuttering and shy in front of the soft and gentle leader. I waved back and sat across his chair as the coffee he ordered were served the moment I sat. “I already ordered for us if you don’t mind.” He said and I just nodded.

Curse Venus for giving this male all the beauty of Adonis and the smile of cupid! My heart was pounding with just that freaking adorable smile.

“thank you for granting my request.” He said and I looked like a confused hamster caught with a flashlight in front of my slit like eyes as he chuckled.

“I’ve always wanted to feel like what’s it like to be a leader of another idol group. It’s not that I hate my members, it’s because I still feel that I lack as one.” He clarified and I nodded.

“Oh so you requested for Infinite?” I asked and he nodded before sipping his cold drink (and he was doing it on purpose, teasing me like he’s some creatue sent by the gods of lust).

“Since the fans say we’re quite similar and our groups are too, so I figured that it’s a good group for a switch. Plus Infinite’s image is really cool.” He said and I nodded.

Freaking Lee Jinki how can you be this irresistible that all my thoughts of protesting about the silly idea has now gone down the drain?


D-day came and I was now in front of the famous SHINee dorm with a suitcase at hand. I knocked and a familiar face opened it. “Oh Sunggyu-hyung!” Jonghyun said as he led me towards the living room where Minho and Taemin were playing games and Key was looking at his reflection.

“Everyone, Sunggyu-hyung has arrived.” Jonghyun announced and the members straightened and greeted him warmly.

“Hi! Just treat me like how you’d treat Onew-ssi” I said and a silly grin came up on their mischievous faces.

“That’s not a problem!” Jonghyun immediately wrapped his muscular arms around me and hugged me. “it’s your own decision hyung so don’t hate me.” The puppy said with that crooked grin and I smiled, like I always did.

“It’s not the same as Onew hyung’s smile though.” I heard Taemin say and the smile broke into a frown. “Yepp, definitely not hyung.” Taemin said and Jonghyun glared at him.

“Sunggyu hyung said to treat him like Onew hyung, of course he’s not Onew hyung but he’s trying his best to be our hyung. You shouldn’t stay with Key so much.” Jonghyun said then dragged me and my suitcase towards the shared room.

“That’s hyung’s bed, make yourself comfortable.” Jonghyun said to me and I nodded.

“You sure are leader material Jonghyun-ssi” I told him and he shook his head.

“I am a bit intimidating but I leave the leader duties to Onew hyung, he’s much better at it. And don’t mind the brat, he’s just a brat.” Jonghyun said as he sat on his bed.

“You’re like Woohyun, he’s such an anchor for me.” I told him and he chuckled.

“I got Dongwoo’s position in height and laugh, and Woohyun’s position as vocals and sub-leader. Infinite and SHINee aren’t all too different. It’s just that our leader’s sangtae kicked in and requested for this tradeoff just to satisfy his curiosity.” He revealed as I took out a few of my clothes and placed it inside Onew’s empty drawer.

“Yeah, he told me. Is Onew’s wardrobe this boring?” I asked as I eyed the black, white and grey color schemes of the leader’s clothes and Jonghyun nodded.

“Yes. T-shirt, hoodies, pants and rubber shoes. He’s comfortable with those so he just stays with it. Ever wonder why he always has the tightest pants in Shinee?” Jonghyun asked and I shook my head. “He’s too boring to try out colors and outrageous outfits like Key so the stylist noona deul bargained with him, either the bling or the pants, he chose the pants.” Jonghyun said and I erupted in laughter, was that the only reason?

He left me to do my own things and I was beginning to feel at home in here (and yes it’s been a good 10 minutes already) but I am sure the surprises will slowly come to me in the next couple of days.

But I was wrong.

“Shut the up Kim Jonghyun or I’ll strap you to bed and tease you all night long. And no I’m not going to you.” I heard the nagging omma from the kitchen and I have to cover my ears from the indecency. Key ing Jonghyun? What the was that? And I thought Key was always on the receiving end.

I just knew Key was gay from day one and was actually guessing if Woohyun and him were dating but ended up as being just friends, opting for another male; I was secretly guessing if it’s either Minho or Jonghyun but today confirmed the relationship with the puppy. Great start Kim Sunggyu.

“You heard?” Key asked me and I nodded. “Good, Jonghyun’s mine. If you have kinks for any member, only Onew-hyung is available.” He said as he walked passed me and towards the other room where he nagged Minho for being late for his schedules.

“So what does Onew do here?” I asked to no one in particular and Taemin wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. “He smiles, eats and makes our partners jealous.” He replied and placed a kiss on my cheeks just as Minho was about to leave.

“Yah Lee Taemin! Don’t you dare use Sunggyu hyung. I swear t God I’m gonna you later!” He shouted before slamming the door loudly, I actually winced from the sound.

“I love it when that happens,” He skipped merrily to his room and I was left alone to ponder what the hell of a chaos SHINee’s dorm must be.

And it was in fact chaotic first night.

I was restless and couldn’t find sleep. Jonghyun wasn’t in his bed and I am sure he’s somewhere inside the shared bedroom of Key, Minho and Taemin. I heard from the door when I tried to get some water that the four probably enjoyed steamy nights inside the room and secretly thought if Onew would be loudly like that too. And the thought aroused me to the point that I needed to lock myself in the bathroom and jerk myself with the thoughts of the leader inside me.

So is SHINee’s dorm this erted?

Well not actually. I learned that they are very professional with their work and no matter how heated their nights were, they’ll still perform like mad men on steroids.

I was blessed to join their practice and Onew came tagging the rest of Infinite with him. He bowed at me as he entered the practice room, the clouds were at the background and all 5 of the 2013 artist daesang stood in front of us seven. I was mesmerized by the outstanding star power the 5 member group had shown, and mind you it’s just a practice.

“I want to watch Infinite’s practice!” The bubbly Taemin said and he pleaded in front of me that I have no choice but agree to it.

For the first (and probably the only) time in history of Infinite, we dance in front of the cloud filled blue background made famous by SM artists.

We danced like our life depended on it and earned claps from the sunbae group.

“As expected Nam, you’re the worst!” Key exclaimed an Woohyun went bananas.

“Watch it Kim, we both know I am not the worst, have you see Sungyeol dance? Oh wait you can’t resist me.” Woohyun teased and I rolled my eyes.

“Like I want you. I have my fair share of muscles and boy it feels good.” Key retorted, a glint of slyness on his feline eyes.

“Enough, let’s not go near that topic Key.” I heard myself say and Onew looked at me curiously. Why?

“Sure.” Key replied with a grin and my jaws drop, did he just obliged?

“Great job Gyu, you made the almighty shut up.” Woohyun congratulated me and this time Onew was the one whospoke.

“And what have I told you about manners Nam Woohyun?” Onew raised an eyebrow, lips pressed into a thin line and arms crossed in front of him.

“Sorry hyung, I got carried away.” Woohyun said and I was like running for the hills, did he just apologize to Onew? And he doesn’t even do that to me!

I came to realize that it’s really weird but knowing that the exchange will end later tonight was bittersweet. I miss the 6 pesky babies called Infinite but I will miss the touchy members of SHINee (or the fact that I sleep in the most comfortable bed in the world).

I was teary eyed when I was packing my suitcase and it’s not helping that the maknae was crying like a baby beside me.

“Hyung can’t you stay a bit longer?” Taemin asked me and I shook my head. “I don’t think Onew would want to share the position with me.” I responded and Taemin pouted.

“He would love it hyung.” He said with a silly grin and it made my hopes up. “I’m sure he won’t” I replied and zipped my suitcase. “okay, let’s go or else we’ll be late.” I told him and the bawling shook his head.

“Let’s get your banana milk before heading to the studio. How’s that sound?” I cooed and Taemin perked a bit. “And why don’t I visit you once in awhile?” I added and Teamin was just like bouncing bunny; I laughed so hard.


“I was worried about the things they could do, did they hurt you?” Onew askedas we met for the rehearsal before KBS Gayo Daejun and I shook my head.

“They are quite honest, apparently not hiding their statuses and what they do behind closed doors. The worst I got was getting locked out from the room because Key was really after a musical.” I told him and he chuckled.

“That’s good because you wouldn’t want to see them actually do it. It’s traumatic.” Onew revealed as I nodded, falling deeply in those brown eyes like it was the black hole.

“So how was yours?” I asked and he nodded. “It’s fun actually, I learned a lot.” He replied and I questioned him further.

“Woohyun’s like a grease ball and he kept on teasing Sungjong to the point where it grosses out the poor maknae. It kinda reminded me of Jjong and Key when they started hitting it off.” He said and I sighed. “Like Sungjong will ever say yes to him, the maknae likes the other maknae.” I told him and Onew nodded.

“I guess Myungsoo is quite his type, then why don’t Woohyun just hit on Sungyeol, the poor kid has been giving him pleading puppy eyes for the longest time. The poor kid even cried to me like he was in danger of losing his own life.” He remarked and I was surprised.

“Oh my gosh it’s now complicated.” I replied and face palmed myself for not noticing these tiny little details.

“Well good luck with your performance later!” He said then bid farewell. And that was enough to make my heart skip a beat and rammed inside my ribcage.

“So you guys had fun?” I asked my members who were all grinning. “He’s not that scary and his smile is just the best. He’s really soft and gentle.” Hoya said and out of these six, he’s my most trusted. “great because I don’t want to apologize for all your indecency.” I told them and Woohyun was quick to catch on.

“So how was your stay? Learned anything interesting about your lovelife?” He asked me and I blushed.

“Aside from his boring wardrobe and the fact that he’s single, I guess it’s just normal fangirl information.” I told them nonchalantly.

“Oh, but we learned that he’s liking someone. He told us that it’s okay to be open and gay about our uality because he had lived long enough to witness this from s and the fact that he likes another man himself.” Woohyun said with a greasy grin and I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad news.

“Oh great, he’s gay now what?” I asked and my members just grinned at me, I felt betrayed.

The Gayo daejun went on quickly and because our group was on blurry lines, I am not so sure if we should congratulate EXO for winning; so we ended up just standing by the sides.

“Nam!” Key shouted and the grease ball ran towards the best friend and they had an animated talk, greeting EXO too then went back to talking.

Onew noticed us so he gestured for us to come and we did, my members getting comfortable with SHINee and EXO; again I felt betrayed.

“Our Sunggyu hyung is jealous?” I felt the familiar arms around me and I smiled, its baby Taemin.

“You want a steamy night again Tae?” I asked and he nodded, eyeing Minho who was shooting death glares at me. “I’ll die early cause of you baby, but heck.” I replied before kissing his forehead. “Thanks hyung!” He said happily as Minho walked towards us and Taemin happily flung himself towards the taller.

Looking at the chaotic SHINee and Infinite members, I smiled and thought that I have gained a few more babies to take care of. Sure I miss my own babies but getting to know (the erted) SHINee members had given way for me to appreciate how diverse idol world could be.

“I never told you the real reason why I wanted the exchange.” Onew said as he stood next to me. “I noticed how Infinite is too scared to interact with fellow artists, especially SMTOWN artists. Your members confirmed that you are quite scared of the backlash of the merger thing. I wanted you to be comfortable with everyone. I am sure you are now.” He said and I just couldn’t resist the urge to hug him right now; which I did and regretted afterwards.

“I’m so sorry.” I bowed as I apologize and he just laughed at me. Great work Kim Sunggyu.

“It’s ok. I actually liked it.” He replied as he moved towards me and enveloped me in a comforting hug. “You know what my other reason was?” He asked as he rested his head on my shoulder, tightening his grip on my waist. “You. I wanted to learn more about you and the future babies I’m going to handle when I ask you out.” He said and it must be the shock that I pushed him away from me and looked at him with slit like eyes.

“You must be kidding me.” I told him but he chuckled at me.

“Nope.” He replied as he stepped closer and placed a quick kiss on my cheeks. “I already asked for your members’ permission.” He said as he walked towards the now bigger group and joined in greeting everyone. H e then looked at me and winked. Lee ing Jinki winked at me!

I smiled to myself and joined them, Woohyun nudging me and asking if I already accepted Onew’s offer. “Offer?” I asked him and soon I found an arm around my waist, enveloping me in a back hug. “He’s not taking me seriously!” I heard the voice say and I blushed.

“Just say yes. Do you know how much of an ear sore Onew-hyung’s bathroom cries were when he found out that you were being paired up with Woohyun, Myungsoo and even Soyou? And that’s just fanfictions!” Key said and Onew glared at him.

“Even in fanfiction I am deprived of a love life what else do I do?” Onew replied and I blushed even more.

“Let me love you.” I hear myself say and the rest of our members cheered and hugged each other; , what did I just say?

“Great. How about we start tonight because I am sure you’ve wanted to do it ever since you stepped inside our dorm. And I’m locking out Jonghyun as payback.” He whispered in my ears seductively; guess what, I couldn’t control myself anymore.


a/n: What did I just wrote?! Yeah crack! Happy New Year fellow Ongyu shippers!

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all done~ crack is crack


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InspiritYuki #1
Chapter 2: I loved this so much :) and it was very funny. Everything you write, I just wish it would really happen :(
Chapter 2: waaahh there are similarities in SHINee and Infinite...

Onew is just one smart tofu for thinking such great plan to get sunggyu.. its really daebak that Infinite members agreed to onew being their leader's boyfriend.. well who would reject a cute little tofu XD
I'm so happy that Infinite and other SM Artists are getting along specially Shinee and Infinite.. finally having OnGyu share the same stage is possible (you would be happy to see them perform together with Henry^^)
weerainbow #3
Chapter 2: Great story! So cute too. I love how Onew had this all planned so he could get closer to Sunggyu aww. And it was great that everyone supported him. SHINee's dorm antics had me in stitches it was so funny! I really enjoyed this, the way you went about telling their story was refreshing :)
lwyCarmen #4
Chapter 1: Wahaha if this actually happened in real life lol. Awesome story!
fatieyn95 #5
Chapter 2: ongyu...such a nice story author-nim...