II - Surprise

Brought Me Here
The sun's rays through the window tickled your skin, sending warmth to your nerves. It's your first morning in Seoul. 
Your forehead creased as your head felt a bit sting of pain. You're awake and you wondered why you're feeling so comfortable.
It was last night, you decided to sleep on a park and what you are feeling now is strangely different from a hard wooden bench. Instead, it felt like a soft cushion is hugging you. 
"Hmm.," you groaned and slowly, opened your eyes bit by bit. The bright sun light almost blinded you making you stare on what you expected to be sky, but a roof. You were in someone's house. 
You immediately sat up and scratched your nape. The knowledge that you were in someone's house brushed the panic on you until a flashback came into your memory.
He was gentle. His touches electrocuting sending shivers down her spine. He planted soft butterfly kisses on her neck up to her jawline and found her sweet spot. She let out a soft whimper marking that he found it. He focused on that sweet spot making her tilt her head a little sidewards to give him way.
"What the-.," your heart started to thump wildly. Things last night came into you wrecking you into pieces. You really can't consider yesterday a day for you. 
Inside, you wished it didn't happen. 
"Hrrrm.," a groan. You were certain that it didn't come from you making you jerk up and look at the other side of the bed. 
'What the .' You thought as you relax your head with your palm.
Your savior is beside you, his milky back facing you and he was fairly covered with the thin sheet of blanket. He is starting to get his senses back and slowly, he opened his eyes. 
"AH~!," you shouted realizing that the thin fabric is covering you as well. You were .
Jin's eyes opened wide realizing how both of you ended up . He jumped out of the bed pulling the other half of the sheet from you. He, too was too shocked. 
"W...what did we do last night?," he asked like he was completely unaware that he initiated it.
"W...why did you!," you exclaimed. The atmosphere was so heated with fury and anger. Both of you are throwing glares on each other. You just couldn't believe how he stole your purity from you that easy. Tears suddenly started to climb down your cheeks. 
"You wanted it as well!," 
That moment you knew how sometimes first impressions could be deceiving. Yesterday, you felt safe around him. Now, with him yelling at you for sleeping with him which is not your intention, you don't know if it is right to even agree with him anymore.
Jin was so different last night. Jin is a different person now.
Suddenly, the door screeched open. Both of you turned to look at the door and found a taller guy. Looking at the situation, the guy's eyes went larger than it's usual size. 
"What the .," he said looking at you and then at jin and back at you. "Hyung! What's this?," he exclaimed.
There is nothing you could do but to rest your forehead on your palm. Things  had just gone worse. You were completely tied down into being so complicated.
"I don't know! I was drunk!," Jin contradicted. 
I was drunk.
It was the thing that knocked you off. He was drunk, you were devastated. You both didn't know what had gone into your minds. He was drunk, like it was a mistake to even bed you.
The other guy entered the room and closed the door shut. The click of the lock was so loud. Anger is evident on him.
"Damn. Hyung, what were you thinking!," he scolded. He realized that the both of you are sharing a thin sheet wrapped around you. The guy opened Jin's closet and threw him a pink silk robe.
Jin covered himself with the robe before letting the half of the blanket down completely. You pulled the other half and covered yourself before getting his shirt and wore it. You stood up and grabbed the other pieces of your clothing that was scattered on the floor.
"I... I'm sorry.," you walked passed by the both guys to seek for the door. 
For now, you just want to go away. 
"Hey. Stay there. We'll talk afterwards.," the guy said. His voice is stern and deep, like you can't do anything against what he wants. You nodded and went out of the room. 
The living room is still empty. You could see the entire city from the long stretch of glass window. It is such a nice view and you wished that the rest of your stay would be this nice. 
You waited for the guy to come out from Jin's room, but it took a while before their confrontation ended. You expected Jin to go out with him, but he didn't. You were really wrong.
The guy sat on the other edge of the seat across you. He rested his elbows on his knees looking down. He's trying to puzzle things together.
"I see you're not a korean, right?," he stated rather than ask.
"N..nae.," you said biting your lip.
"You can speak korean?," he asked again, this time, his thin eyes laid on you.
"A bit.," you admitted. 
"English?," he asked with a perfect accent. You realized that the guy could speak in English.
"Can you speak English?," 
"Yes. I'm from New Zealand.," he answered while you nod in amusement. "By the way, I am Namjoon. Just call me Rap Monster, they call me that.,"
"Oh." 'What a strange name.' You thought. "I.. I am Danny.," and reached for your hand.
Rap Monster gradually stretched his out and shook yours.
"How did you end up.. You know.," he asked after releasing. After all, he needs to know the whole story. Never did they saw Jin with a girl, in fact, this is the first time. Jin is always kind towards the opposite , but their usual conversations would only last two or three sentence exchange. That is why Rap Monster grew curious.
"Oh. About that.," you were taken aback with Rap Monster's question, but decided to answer it evenso. "I'm.. Actually.. Looking for someone here in Seoul.,"
Rap Monster nodded anticipating the next part of your storytelling. You can tell that he is younger than Jin, yet he seemed to be mature. 
"I arrived here just yesterday. Someone offered me help, he said he's Kim DoYong and he's a tour guide. He could help me find a nice place to stay. He even helped me with my luggage. The last thing I knew was Do Yong was already running with my bags.,"
You narrated while looking at your fingers. You continued to play with them on your lap. 
"Go on..," Rap Monster asked gesturing his hand.
"I asked help from the police and told them about DoYong. They said they could help by hunting down the suspect throughout the city.,"
"And then how did Jin hyung find you?," Rap Monster lifted his index finger to cover his lips, narrowing his thin eyes, he listened.
"I found a park to stay in. Two drunk men saw me there and they nearly me. Luckily, Jin came. Jin brought me here and well yeah, you've heard him, he was drunk.,"
"So, you were saying that you don't have your belongings with you?," Rap Monster concluded.
You nodded in response and bit your lower lip, completely admitting how dumb you are for ever trusting a stranger and another stranger. You thought Jin would make you feel a little light, but the case went otherwise.
"I'm sorry for Jin hyung's behavior. We actually don't let him drink too much alcohol, but it looks like he consumed a lot yesterday.," 
"N..no need to apologize. It was his birthday yesterday and as he have said, we both wanted it.,"
You lied. You were never okay of everything. Addition to the fact that Jin and you had . You were conscious, still you let him be. You were in pain, like you regret spending the night with him. Even if he helped you, the way he treated you earlier made you feel he isn't even worth it.
"If you don't mind, can I use the bathroom to change clothes? I'm going afterwards, don't worry.," you asked and Rap Monster loosen himself. He nodded and smiled. His deep dimples left you a mark of something to remember on this cute, mature guy. You wished he was just the one who saved you, maybe you're not going to end up on someone's bed . 
"The bathroom is there.," he pointed at a white classy plastic door. You stood up and headed towards it.
It took you a while to change clothes, you were drawn into talking to yourself in front of the mirror. You noticed some hickeys on your chest, tummy and neck. Marks that you would want to erase any time sooner. You changed into your clothes from yesterday and folded Jin's shirt neatly before giving it back to him. 
You mentally practiced what to say to him. Would you say sorry or thanks or just throw curses on him because you don't deserve his treatment.
Without further fixing yourself, banging doors and people throwing scolds could be heard outside. 'What's happening?' You asked yourself, unsure of whether to go outside or stay inside the bathroom, but the yells just went worse than you expected. Slowly, you leaned your ear on the wall.
'Is Rap Monster scolding Jin?' You wondered. Closing your eyes, you concentrated listening. 
But you heard only two voices; you are a hundred one percent that one of them is Jin and the second is still a mystery.

Rap Monster followed you through his eyes until you reach the bathroom door. Silence filled the living room. He stared at the city view from the long stretch of glass windows. 'This is trouble.' He thought while brushing his fingers on his forehead.
He was so disappointed of ever forgetting his hyung's day. Even the other five did too. Are they too busy to even forget their hyung? Mean, they were all here yesterday doing their own stuffs like a regular day.
He roamed his eyes around the doors. No one is still going out, maybe they are still sleeping or so. He wanted to wake them up, but something inside him still doesn't want to.
Jin having a woman in his room is a very sensitive issue, he knew that the boys would bug Jin if they knew it. Also, it might affect you as well. A chaos would totally occur. 
"Let's just keep it a secret.," he whispered to himself.
Suddenly, the phone rang. Rap Monster picked it immediately from the side table.
"Yobosaeyo?" He greeted.
"Goodmorning sir, I just want to inform you that Mr. Kim has a visitor waiting here downstairs."
"Oh. Mr. Kim? Me?,"
"Kim SeokJin sir, Mr. Kim Seokjin has a visitor."
Rap monster chuckled knowing that someone is looking for Jin again. 'Really popular.' He thought.
"Who is it? So I can inform him.,"
"His dad sir, Senator Kim.,"
".," it seemed that all Rap Monster's blood came rushing up his head because of nervousness. He knew Jin's dad. Jin introduced him to his dad before, when he just came back from New Zealand. They have met in a party. Since, he knew how the man's temper is short for his son.
"Yes sir?,"
"No. Ughm. Yes he can... Go here.,"
His palm started to sweat, but a part of him is taking it as a birthday surprise for Jin maybe, but the other one is contradicting knowing Senator Kim never visit them.
Rap Monster put the phone down and he started going here to there and back and forth, thinking of a way not to discover you inside the bathroom.
He walked to Jin's door and knocked on it. No, Jin can't be sleeping again.
It came from the steel door. 
".," Rap Monster sworn looking at the steel door. He kicked Jin's door before leaving it and going to their door to open it for Jin's dad.
In a swift flow of moment, Rap Monster was pushed a little aside by the senator's secretary after he had opened the door. The senator made way inside, seemed to be not in a good mood. It increased Rap Monster's nervousness. 
"Jin?," his dad asked. Rap Monster tried to be as calm as he could. 
"At his room sir.," he pointed at the door just in front of Jin's dad. But the drama did not end there for him. He pinched his nose bridge just when Jin's door opened revealing a newly awaked Jin. 
Jin's eyes turned dark seeing his dad in front of him.
Normal greetings are really not Jin's dad's style. Never did they greeted each other politely in private. In parties, they would exchange polite smiles which were never true. Jin loves his dad so much, but there are times when he question himself if his dad loves him the way he do.
Jin received his first greeting; a slap.
His dad's palm left a red mark on his bare milky face. Jin was left dumbfounded, although he somehow has an idea why.
"What? By any chance, did I punch a son of a colleague again?" Jin asked smirking.
Another slap, which now left a mark on his heart.
"Someone saw you at the bar, real drunk! How could you be so careless? And you even brought a girl home! Do you know that girl?," his dad scolded.
"I'm a man!," he said back. "And of course, I know that girl! Whether I know her or not, what is it to you? Like you care.,"
"You're my son!," 
With that, Jin chuckled. Really? Since when did his dad acted like a dad to him.
"Really? I thought, I am..," Jin was cut by another sentence from his father.
"You're senator's son.," senator's....son. A thing Jin never wished.
"Right.," he nodded. "I am.,"
"Then act your age Kim Seokjin. You're 22!,"
"No. I was 22. I'm 23, since yesterday.," Jin shot back. 
His dad turned his back on him to face his secretary. "Send him gifts.," 
It totally broke Jin's heart. His dad didn't even greet him for yesterday. In fact you've heard it all, clearly from behind the bathroom's thin walls.
It broke you too, you felt sorry... For Jin.

Thanks for subbing and commenting! Ljfsfhjak i love you all!

forgive me for my grammar errors. Huhu.



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Chapter 4: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! It super good!!!
jamesmaark #2
Great story.