This Is Wrong

The Greatest Emotion

Luhan brings back some warm hot chocolate milk as Seohyun silently sits on the couch still in shock and few tears from what happened earlier. He then takes a seat next to her and looks down not wanting to burden her with anything. "I'm sorry that I just came in like that, I didn't know where else to go at the time" Seohyun explains. "It's fine, I just want to know what happened. Why were you crying?" Luhan asks turning to her and asking sincerly.She sighs before revealing the truth. "My father, he got into an accident at work in which he had to be sent to the hospital. When we got there the doctor said he has some sort of disorder which is from stress, pain in the muscles; my father just wasn't doing well. Later on, I come to find out that my family has been hiding the fact that were broke from me for a long time, So I just ran away. And now I'm here with you." "Do they know your here right now?" Luhan asks concerned. Seohyun immediantly shakes her head no. "I can't face them right now, I mean, How could they keep that from me? I deserve to know just as much as everyone else does" Seohyun says.

"Maybe they didn't want to pressure you over it, You are the youngest so they feel like you shouldn't have to worry." Luhan suggest. "You sound exactly like my mother. And plus, I'm mature enough to take in news like that. Luhan, for the past couple of weeks they have been keeping this from me, they've been lieing to my face. How can I trust them?" Luhan sighs and rubs his head in response. "I know that your angry and I would be too but I guess you have to know and believe that they wouldn't do anything or hide anything from you unless it was becuases they cared. Maybe they were doing it for good reasoning not bad." Seohyun listens in and takes a sip of the drink he provided. "What are you going to do?" Luhan asks. She shurgs her shoulders. "I don't know, Luhan. I really don't know" She answers tears getting built up.

Luhan scoots closer to Seohyun in which she lightly lays on his chest still crying. "Please don't cry, Everything will be fine." He reassures her. "I hope so" Seohyun sniffles. Yoona from upstairs overhears their conversation as she sits on the stairs. She rolls her eyes at the scene infront of her. "How pathetic. Poor Seohyun as always, blah blah blah" She mutters under her breath. Sliding out Luhan's phone from her back pocket since he had left it upstairs. She texts a person that's very familiar and who she misses very dearly. This person texts back instantly which cuases Yoona to smile. "I'll see you soon, then" She mutters and then smiling gently. Looking at the scene of Luhan trying to comfort Seohyun one last time, she rolls her eyes and then goes back upstairs to sneak out from the window.

The tall guy walks down the dark yet lively city streets in silence. Hands stuffed in pocket, poker face on display, and eyes staring blankly ahead; he walks forward without a set on where he is going. A feeling of depression overcame him and he wanted to shake it off but it was sort of impossible. His phone vibrates in his ripped jean pocket, and he slides it out. "Hello" He answers coldly placing the phone towards his ear. "Kris, where are you right now? Your missing out big time right now" Kai says from the other line excitedly with the sound of blasting music and people talking and cheering in the background. "I'm not in the mood for another lame party" Kris replys. "It's not lame, Hyung. There are hot girls, good music, and I've even heard that upstairs they are having a hookah party. When have you ever been to a hookah party?!" Kai asks with a sense of excitement. "Tell me all about it tommorrow" Kris replies amlost ready to hang up the phone.  "Outside, Sooyoung" Kai murmmurs. "Sooyoung? Kai what does she have anything to do with this?" Kris asks.

"Oh, she was just asking where Yoona is. Oh yeah, Im Yoona is back in town, Luhan is going to freak out!" Kai stats shocked at his own words. "I'm on my way, I have to see this for myself" Kris says hanging up before Kai can even reply. If Yoona was really back, what was he going to tell Luhan. It would make him go crazy for her again, which also meant him breaking things off with Seohyun. Was Yoona coming back a good thing to happen right now? Kris couldnt even get his final thoughts together just at the thought of Yoona coming back in the picture with Kim Luhan. The picture which Kwon Seohyun would no longer be a part of, atleast he hoped not to be.

She paces back and forth silently on the wide deck outside as the porch. Feeling the wind whistel and rrush past her, she rubs her arms trying to give herself some warmth. The snapping of a twig or some leaves and a branch cuases her to look up and see the person who she has missed for awhile. "Your here" She says excitedly and gets down from the porch and runs into his arms. His grasp around her grows tighter and he inhales deeply. She clutches onto his leather jacket collar and gives him a passionate kiss on the lips. "I'm sorry about what happened between us, it should have never ended like that" She apologiez looking down. "No, I'm sorry. Were always getting into fights and I made it worse for the both of us. Forgive me?" He asks. She nods and hugs him again. "I love you, Taecyeon". He smirks, "I love you too".

"Thank you, again Miss" Seohyun says before hanging up. "Your going to stay at a hotel for the night?" Luhan asks confused and eyebrows furrowed as well. "I'm not going back to see them, I just can't. I have all this anger built up inside that I don't think I can control when I'm around them" Seohyun states rubbing her forehead. Luhan stand up from sitting on the couch and faces her with his hands placed on her shoulders, "Calm down, Seohyun. Please relax" He asks of her. She sighs before walking out of his grasp and sitting herself down on the couch. "I can't do that Luhan, I can't calm down becuase I'm so tired of having to listen to everybody else telling me what to do and how I should feel, I just want to be me!" Seohyun exclaims. "And who exactly is that? Who is the girl that I have been talking to all this time?" Luhan asks seriously. "I-I'm the girl who likes to be around friends and family, the one who doesn't spend all her time thinking of school work and studying, I'm just me. And honestly, I don't really know who that is anymore. I don't know who I am anymore" Seohyun admits. Luhan takes a seat next to her and holds her hands in his.

"Your Kwon Seohyun, The girl who always is honest and loyal to those around her. The girl who cares and looks out for her family and friends. The girl who has an obsession with Keroro but doesn't let him get in the way of her learning. And the girl who is trying to find herself which is okay. But mostly, your the girl that I spend every day thinking about, and care for so much that I wonder if I even care for myself as much as I do for you. Your amazing, and I'm glad I got to know this girl" Luhan confesses. Seohyun blushes lightly and wraps her hand around his this time, "Thank you" She whispers to him touched by his words. "No, thank you. You've helped me find out that not everything I do has to revolve around negative things. There can be positive things too and it's not bad to experience them." Luhan admits. She nods in agreement. "Your the best good experience I've ever had" He admits. She sits still unsure of what to do but her heart already telling her what to do next.

Luhan slowly leans in towards her and without any interruptions he successfully reaches his destination. Seohyun feels his gentle lips on hers which calms her butterfly-like filled stomach, and erases all the bad on her mind. Now in this moment is only them two. Everything feels right until the thought of Yoona comes into Seohyun's mind causing her to break off the kiss and move back ruining the moment. "What happened?" He asks confused. "This is wrong, I can't do this." She responds getting up from the couch ready to leave. "What do you mean, what happened?" He asks confused not wanting the moment that just happened to slip away so far from his grasp. "I was emotional when I came here and the thought of Yoona being here doesn't seem right, I- "Seohyun, I reassure you that I was not trying to take advantage of you, And me and Yoona are nothing. I don't like her, I like you. I choose you" He confesses. Seohyun doesn't want to leave but she can't stay, it just doesnt feel right. "I have to go" Seohyun excuses. As she is about to walk out the door, Luhan grabs her arm, turns her around, and cups her face gently before crashing his lips right back onto hers. The thought of leaving drifts from her mind as she is caught in the moment with him.

"Where have you been?" Taecyeon asks serious. "At a friends, My mom kicked me out so I had to go somewhere" Yoona asnwers. "I'm so glad I can see you again, I've missed you" Taecyeon says hugging her tightly. "The feeling is mutual" She responds with her smile now slowly fading. "What's wrong, little doe?" He asks using the nickname he gave her when they first went out. She scratches the back of her neck, "Are you cleaned up right now?" She asks. He smirks causing her to gently smile. "You know I always have something" He states zippering down his jacket and pulling out from one of the inside pockets a pack of . The sight of the bag excites her but he doesn't give her it yet. "When are you coming back home, with me. I miss you alot, probably more than this 'friend' does for you" He asks. "I'm not sure, I just need to stay there a little while more to convince her that I'm okay to leave on out. I promise that I'll be back soon" Yoona responds. He gives her a passionate kiss on the lips and then hands her the bag. "I got to go but I'll see you soon" He says giving her one last kiss before walking off somewhere.

As Yoona turns back and walks back onto the porch with the packet still in her hands trying to hide it somehwere in her oversized sweater, the packet is instantly snatched from her grasp. Looking up, Yoona sees a smirking Sooyoung. Yoona scoffs. "Give it back" She says with gritted teeth. "May I ask, Does Luhan know of this? Know of him?" Sooyoung asks not budging to give it back. "It's really none of your business, now hand it over" Yoona says trying to snatch it back but failing when Sooyoung moves it faster to the other hand. "Typical Yoona. Lying, Betrayal, Faking everything about yourself. However, one thing you can never fake is your addiction to drugs!" Sooyoung yells angrily at her. Yoona rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "I really don't need a lecture from you to tell me how to run my life. I'm doing just fine on my own so give me whats mine and i'll go".

"But I bet Luhan gave you this same speech before, right? He tried to stop you from living like this but you never listened. And now look at you, no home to go to, no real friends to count on. The only reason why Luhan is still dealing with your sorry is becuase he feels guilty that you can't get better. And it's not his fault, your the one who choose this path and now your dragging him along to clean up the mess you keep making out of yourself. Your little boyfriend I saw there is no better than what you could have but you choose this life. You ed up your own path and now your trying to ruin everybody elses. Well take a good god damn look around you and realize that at this very moment, your hearing it from me and only me, that you will not ruin everybody elses life becuase of your miserable one, alright?" Sooyoung states seriously. Yoona looks at her up and down. "So what are you going to do Ms.Choi? Your going to tell Luhan that I'm doing this and thats going to stop me from doing anything I want" She asks in disbelief.

"What? Oh no, I'm not going to be the one who tells him about this incounter and what I just saw; your going to be the one" Sooyoung replys. "And what makes you so sure about that?" Yoona asks with a tempting voice. "Becuase it would hurt if Luhan heard it from you which will make you realize just how much you ed up when you decided to screw up the rest of your life. This is wrong of what your doing, manipulating everybody that you meet just to get what you want is wrong and your going to see that very soon." Sooyoung states. Yoona snatches the bag from Sooyoungs grasp successfully and smirks at her. "You know, whats funny about this whole thing is that I am wrong sometimes. But whats even more wrong is that your no better than me, Sooyoung. Your so jelous that the guy you like is crushing on your bestfriend that you deep down inside wish you were her so bad. I however don't mind being myself, It's the best person I can be. Before you try and knock me down, fix yourself back up first" Yoona responds with a smirk as she begins to walk away. "You have no-one left Yoona, so go ahead and mess up all the little things you have left, your nothing that has no-one. Enjoy that life." Sooyoung responds. Yoona waves goodbye and makes her way out the party.


*Authors Note*

Omg was that a good update or no? I was so excited to write this chapter since Luhan and Seohyun finally showed some love!!!! Please leave your thoughts and comments below, I look very much forward to reading them. Also, I had placed this story in a contest so please don't forget to vote for me (Link:

Stay tuned for the next update and don't forget to comment down below. I'll update soon!







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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!