Battle 03

Battle Z (Hiatus: Need some time to be back)


Battle 03 'Even lecturers play games like us.'


The next morning, I asked Ki Min about how did she managed to find me. 

She showed a victorious smile and a peace sign, "You see, I did a search using tags and I found you almost immediately." Ki Min said.

"What kind of tags did you use?" I asked, feeling pretty curious about it.

"Well, the usual." She winked and then said, "Alright, I used 'rain', 'SJ', and 'purple'. The moment your user came up on the search bar, I knew it was you."

I felt pretty touched though, "Ki Min, thank you~" I said and gave her a hug.

She smiled, "Silly Junggie, you don't have to thank me. So how's progess?" She asked.

"I became a Magician last night." I said.

"Oh, that's pretty fast." Ki Min commented, "Did Se Hun gave you weapons or something?" She asked.

I nodded, "A new weapon and new equipments too." I said.

"Oh~ that's very nice of him." Ki Min was trying to say something again.

Ignoring her deliberate tone of teasing, "Se Hun and I are just friends." I said.

"Oh, friendzoned." Ki Min concluded.

I pouted, Baek Hyun came over and joined in the conversation, "Soo Jung, I added you on Battle Z, remember to accept my request alright?" He asked.

"Sure, text me your username later so that I could be sure that I don't add the wrong person." I said.

Baek Hyun did an 'okay' sign and went back to his seat.

We are having Chemistry today, Mr Park's lessons were shorter than usual today, or was it that everyone were doing their work faster today?

"Since everyone did so well today, we still have ten minutes left, what shall we do?" Mr Park asked the class.

Baek Hyun raised his hand, "Mr Park, shall we have a lecturer questionaire?" He suggested.

"A questionaire about me? Okay, I will try to answer the questions if I can." Mr Park agreed to it readily.

The whole class cheered, Baek Hyun raised his hands, "Mr Park, do you play games?" He asked.

Mr Park nodded, "I do."

"What kind of games do you play or rather just tell us what games you play?" Eun Hyuk asked.

"Hmm.. I think you all should know about Battle Z?" He asked.

The whole class was pretty much surprised, "Ssaem, what's your username?" Ki Min asked.

"Ki Min, that one.. I am not going to answer, it's for me to know and you all to find out." Mr Park kept it a secret.

It would have been quite a disaster if students managed to find out who their teacher is, in an online game. As in, if it turns out a strong character like Ki Min is to be stronger than Mr Park's character then wouldn't it be pretty awkward?

"Mr Park, what job did you choose?" Dong Hae asked.

"Warrior." He replied.

"Oh~ that's the same as Ki Min! Ssaem, do you belong to a strong section?" Baek Hyun asked.

"Define 'strong'." Mr Park said.

"Hmm.. the top three guilds?" I asked.

Mr Park looked pretty surprised when I asked the question, he smiled, "Soo Jung, do you play that game as well?" He asked.

I nodded, "Mr Park, Soo Jung just started to play, so she's pretty curious about how the game goes."Ki Min explained.

I nodded as a sign of agreement, Mr Park smiled, "Top three guilds.. yes." He said.

"Ooh~" the whole seemed to have the same idea of hunting down Mr Park's avatar character in Battle Z.

"But I don’t think you all can be able to locate me so don't bother to find me." He said.

"Mr Park, we will just be taking a look and we won't bother with you much, so just tell us your username, alright?~" Baek Hyun asked in the most sincere way.

Mr Park just smiled, "Then where's the fun about it?"

The bell rang, Mr Park packed his stuffs, "No need to greet, go for break now, see you all tomorrow." He said and left the classroom.

The class kind of gathered and we listed out all the clues we had, "Warrior, top three guilds, but we are not sure is he strong or not." Ki Min said.

"I don't think someone who belongs to a strong section would be a weakling?" I said.

"True. Junggie, you are getting the hang of this." Ki Min said with a sweet smile.

I smiled back, "Hey, time for break! Class lunch?" Baek Hyun initiated.

"Soo Jung say yes, we shall all go." Some of the guys said.

"Ki Min say yes, we shall all go." Another group of guys said.

Well, I was nominated as the class monitor, while Ki Min as the vice class monitor. We don't actually need positions like these but there needs to be some form of a control.

Many of us were interlinked by each other, we knew each other from high school, and then now we are all very close, "I heard there's a new stall which had just opened, shall we try that?" Ki Min asked.

"Can we get ice-cream afterwards?" Dong Hae suggested.

"Sure." Ki Min said.

"All set, let's go!" I said and we all went out for lunch.

I love the bond between us, the feeling of being together, no one was left out. Class lunch happens pretty frequent and the canteen vendors were aware of that, so we kind of have a special table laid out for all twenty five of us.

We chatted about things while we eat, about games, about school, sometimes about the teachers.

"I wonder how many other lecturers actually play Battle Z." Baek Hyun said.

We all were guessing, "Oh wait, the boring lecturer.. oops, I mean, Mr Zhang, our Physics teacher looks like the type who wouldn't play isn't it?" Eun Hyuk commented.

Ki Min shook his head, "Eun Hyukkie, that might just be the opposite, never judge a book by it's cover." She said.

"Why not we finish work earlier for Physics lesson later on? Then maybe we could ask for a questionnaire time?" Dong Hae suggested.

"Good idea!" Baek Hyun said and the class agreed.

We all strived to finish work fast and ended with five minutes left before the bell ring, Baek Hyun raised his hand, "Mr Zhang, mind if I ask you a question?"

Mr Zhang looked at him, "What is it about?" He asked gently.

Mr Zhang, Lay Zhang Yi Xing, is a nice and gently guy, he never shouts at us, but the thing is that, his lessons were way too boring.

"Hmm.. it is not related to Physics but we were just curious. Do you play games?" Baek Hyun asked really politely.

Mr Zhang smiled upon hearing, "So you all are so curious about this that you finished work early? Alright, I shall answer that, I suppose all guys play games?" He said.

"Then Mr Zhang, what kind of games do you play? Games like Battle Z?" Eun Hyuk asked.

"You got that, Eun Hyuk. I do play Battle Z, it's pretty fun." He said.

"Oh~" the class had almost the same reaction.

"Then Mr Zhang, what job did you choose?" Ki Min asked.

"I prefer accuracy." He said.

"An Archer. Are you part of any guilds? If so, are you part of the top three guilds then?" Ki Min asked.

"This sounds like an interview now. Hmm.. yes I am part of a section and yes, part of top three." Mr Lay replied.

"Mr Zhang, do you happen to know Mr Park in Battle Z?" Dong Hae asked.

Mr Zhang smiled, "Well, we game together." He said.

"Oh~" this time round, the class had a greater reaction.

The bell rang just then, "Alright, go home safely, see you all tomorrow." Mr Zhang said and left the classroom.

We all packed our bags and prepared to go home, "Ki Min, Soo Jung, shall we meet Jong In and Se Hun?" Baek Hyun asked.

We both nodded, "It's been pretty long since we have seen Jong In, shall we just have a drink at the cafe nearby?" Ki Min suggested.

We agreed and went over to the dance major building which was strangely located quite near to the science major building.

We waited outside the dance studio, and after both of them packed their stuffs, they came out, "Sorry for making you all wait for us." Se Hun said.

I shook my head, "It's fine, we ended early." I said.

"It's been quite a long time since we meet up." Jong In said.

"A very long time indeed." Ki Min gave Jong In a smack on his tummy with the back of her palm.

"Kim Ki Min, you can be more violent than this." Jong In looked at her with innocent looking eyes while rubbing his tummy in a seemingly pathetic manner.

I chuckled upon seeing them playing around like this, "Alright, let's go, I am thirsty." I said.

We walked our way out of school, Baek Hyun was focusing on his phone, "Baekkie, we are crossing the road." I said.

He looked up, "Oh, I am sorry." He said and kept his phone.

I smiled, "Safety first." I said.

He nodded and we all arrived at the cafe, we placed our orders at the counter and went to get seats.

We talked about what was going on lately, and also, the focus was more on the Dace Major duo since they were really busy for the past semester with dance projects and competitions.

"And now I am back to gaming." Jong In said.

"Continuing with Battle Z? Jong In, you are an Archer isn't it? That's the same as Mr Zhang." Ki Min said.

Upon hearing, "Your lecturers play Battle Z as well?" Se Hun asked.

"Mr Zhang, our Physics teacher is an Archer while Mr Park, out Chemistry teacher is a Warrior." Baek Hyun said and had a sip of his cold latte.

And yes, even lecturers play games like us.


I hope all of you enjoy this so far, it's kinda going to be more and more exciting ^^

Published: 05.01.2014, 5:50 pm

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adriana01 #1
Chapter 32: I seriously love this story.I mean i can't help squeling every now and then.The story is amazing.I just hope you could return and continue this story.Please don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 8: OH MY GOD, K IS KRIS!!! I was expecting Kyungsoo, but this is so much better! You have no idea how excited I am right now!!!
jessjejc #3
Chapter 32: My first time reading a game-based story, and it is interesting! Too bad you haven't updated it yet, Author-nim :( But your story is really nice. Sooo many teachers in the story >< Hope you didn't discontinued this story because it is real nice! Fighting, Author-nim!
Chapter 31: What a cute story!
Chapter 18: Aww~ Kris is so sweet guy and I really feel bad for Chanyeol. - Yuki
Chapter 31: god they're soooo sweet

somehow I wish battle Z could exist for real Iwanna play too ><

junnie oppa lemme love you ><
KazzieT #7
Chapter 28: hello hello hello! i hope youre staying healthy! glad to have heard from you~ we're all waiting Q.Q we'll wait for you~! Come baek soon QuQ omg ifand only if youre free can you do a Christmas special esp with in-game action?? QuQ no pressure at all ye? ; u ;