Of Concerts and Backstage Tickets

Of Earplugs and Concerts

Warning! I just finished this and it's too late to care much about grammar right now, so I'm sorry for any mistake you'll find.

Sequel to "Of Earplugs and Concerts", so if you didn't read that one, you should probably go back to chapter one.



“Now I understand why Min bought that extra large box of earplugs for your birthday.” The middle-aged woman smiled at Kyuhyun, who tried to hide his nervousness as much as possible. It was his first time he met Sungmin’s parents, and although his boyfriend had tried to convince him that he’d be alright, the young brunet was nervous as hell. Kyuhyun really wanted to leave a good first impression, although he had been more than intimidated by the hurt-him-and-I’ll-kill-you-slowly-and-painfully…-twice look of Sungmin’s father.

“Yes, especially great comeback concerts like this one tend to be quite… deafening.” Kyuhyun deadpanned and relaxed slightly when even the older man chuckled lightly.

“You’re having fun without me?” a teasing voice suddenly spoke up behind him, and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but grinning with obvious relief as he turned around. Sungmin looked great as always, though you could see that he was excited about tonight’s concert.

“How could we?” Kyuhyun smirked. “As you so often repeat, the party only starts with you and hot chocolate.”

Sungmin grinned. “Yes, well, I make a mean hot chocolate.” he said proudly.

“True.” Kyuhyun and Sungmin's father said simultaneously, and suddenly the awkward atmosphere of the first, important meeting wasn’t all that awkward anymore.

“Kyu, I’m sorry but we need to go to our seats. If I even miss a second of the first VCR I’m probably going to be y tonight, and no one wants that.”

Kyuhyun faked a horrible betrayed look. “So I’m good enough for getting you and your parents some VIP-tickets as well as backstage tickets for Shinhwa’s return concert, but you can’t even spare another minute to speak with me?”

Sungmin chuckled, leaning forward to quickly peck the younger’s lips. “I love that you always understand exactly what I mean.” the singer mocked his sulking boyfriend. “Just be a good boy and do your job, and then maybe I’ll do my job after you finished work, alright?”

Kyuhyun felt a slight shiver of anticipation as he sighed, leaning forward to give Sungmin a proper kiss before he heard his name being called by no other than Jungsoo. “I will definitely remind you of that later this night.” he smirked, turning around to wave Sungmin’s parents goodbye as well.


Jungsoo grinned at him excitedly as they quickly walked down a busy hallway to get behind the north side of the stage. “Seems like things are still great with Sungjin, aren’t they?”

Kyuhyun groaned. “It’s been a year Teuk, a whole year. I’ve actually been to the music awards with Min. And you still have to get back to the most embarrassing day of my life every time?”

“That embarrassing day is the reason why you’re currently dating one of the most successful Asian artists, so don’t give me that eye-roll, Cho. I still can’t believe he actually agreed to go on a date with you that day, though. He must have mistaken your nerdiness and horrible humor with… I don’t even know. Maybe he thought you were just nervous and that it was cute.”

“I don’t think ‘nerdiness’ is a real word, hyung.”

“That’s exactly what I mean! Brat!” Jungsoo said in fake annoyance, but the warm amusement in his eyes spoke another language. They had gotten a lot more closer after Kyuhyun had started dating Sungmin, especially since the young brunet had been desperately needing someone to lean on, whenever the public’s reaction had been too harsh again. Sungmin had suggested to make their relationship public after a few months of dating, and Kyuhyun had been happy to agree. He wasn’t stupid, he had known it would be hard and often difficult, but neither had he wanted to be Sungmin’s little secret while some reporters invented yet another story about a supposed love scandal with some actress.


Though, as Kyuhyun took his place in front of a large group of hyperventilating teenage girls, he couldn’t help but wonder what exactly Sungmin had seen in him that first day, backstage after the concert…



Staring down on the innocent looking earplugs in his right hand as if they were the source of everything bad which had ever happened in this whole mess called Kyuhyun’s life, the brunet tried to mentally calm him self down. With little to no success.

The problem was that Sungmin seemed to be really nice. Although they had only spoke a few words with each other, Kyuhyun could imagine being friends with him. And probably even more if their friendship survived the whole awkward ‘get-to-know-each-other’ phase. Now all of this wouldn’t be so bad, if Sungmin wasn’t the Lee Sungmin. Kyuhyun had spent the whole pause after the first half of the concert searching the internet about  every article ever released about the singer. And it seemed as if he had been incredibly deaf and blind the past two years, because everyone knew Sungmin. Korea loved this guy. And it had only taken a few months for the rest of Asia to fall head over heels for this walking ball of cuteness as well.

So Kyuhyun didn’t think it was overly pathetic that he was kind of freaking out at the moment. He seemed to be snarky and arrogant most if the time, but talking to someone he was attracted to while knowing that they could never ever be possibly more than a singer and a security guard… this was a situation he could not handle.

He took a deep breath for what felt the millionth time and threw the earplugs in the closest trash bin. He could do this. He just had to believe he could do this, and then it was possible. Or at least that was what his mother had always told him. And because listening to your mother will never be wrong, Kyuhyun tried to convince himself that he’ll survive the few minutes he’ll spent with Sungmin in no time. Because it would be insane to expect that the singer would want to talk to him for more than a few minutes. Kyuhyun still had no idea why Sungmin would want to talk with him in first place. Maybe he wanted to laugh at him because the brunet had been dump enough to fall for Sungmin’s lie? Or maybe the singer wanted to ask him if he’ll start listening to the latter’s music after today.

This at least was something Kyuhyun would be able to answer completely honest. Of course he would. Sungmin’s voice was warm and comforting, and his songs seemed to be truly his own. No computers, just Sungmin’s voice.

One could fall in love with the older’s voice.

Hell, Kyuhyun could.


As long as the start of their conversation would go smoothly, everything would be fine. Kyuhyun clenched his fists in determination as he thought about a few nice things to say to not embarrass himself completely in front of the cute singer.

“Hey Kyuhyun!”

“Holy !!” Kyuhyun cursed as the voice of said singer suddenly spoke up right behind him. He froze as he realized what he had just done.

This conversation going smoothly? Yeah… not really.

Not embarrassing himself? How could he have ever really hoped for that?

“Err… sorry. I mean… hi.” Kyuhyun managed to mumble before facepalming mentally so hard that he couldn’t quite remember how speaking was working again.

However, it seamed as if Sungmin didn’t mind the younger’s mental breakdown and simply grinned widely. “I’m glad you found some time to meet me… you must be really tired.”

Kyuhyun relaxed at the sight of the friendly and genuine smile and shrugged. “I’m actually not very tired. I’ve slept for a few hours beforehand and the audience was… surprisingly calm today.” He hesitantly smiled at the shorter male. “Thanks for that by the way.”

Sungmin chuckled. “I actually preferred this kind of calm and relaxing atmosphere for this night. I love it when my fans go crazy together with me… but today was a special night, so I wished for this kind of concert anyways.” He opened the door to the private waiting room and turned to Kyuhyun, still smiling. “You want to come in?”

Without thinking about it, Kyuhyun nodded and entered the quite large room. He still had no idea why Sungmin was so friendly to him, why the singer seemed to have taken some kind of special interest in him – but if an attractive-as-hell guy asks you to come in, you agree.

There was a short, awkward moment when Kyuhyun didn’t know if he was supposed to sit down, or if it’d be horribly impolite to do so. Fortunately Sungmin solved his internal conflict by letting himself falling on the dark couch at the right side of the room. The younger followed the singer’s example and sat down as well, hands nervously clenching around the edges of the comfortable, leather cladded chair.

It had been ages since Kyuhyun had been interested in someone, and he just didn’t know how to act in those situations anymore. Especially not if the guy he was interested in was gorgeous, cute, talented and famous. Did he need to start a conversation? Sungmin looked relaxed… his eyes half closed and he was actually humming a melody Kyuhyun recognized as one of the songs he had played earlier. To his surprise Kyuhyun didn’t mind just sitting there, watching Sungmin (and he wasn’t being creepy at all, alright?!) and being silent. In his job he never had many possibilities to simply enjoy silence.

“So…” Sungmin’s soft voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. “What are your plans for the rest of the night?”

Kyuhyun swallowed, trying desperately not to think too much about what could be lying behind those words, because seriously now he was being delusional. “I… just… not much.” Kyuhyun answered slowly, carefully.

“Let me guess.” Sungmin grinned, sitting up straightly as if he had somehow recharged his energy during the last few minutes. “Gaming?”

“How did you know?” Kyuhyun asked surprised, not even trying to deny the embarrassing fact.

Sungmin shrugged. “You just seem like the type, you know what I mean. So before this goes anywhere else, let me make one thing clear.” The singer leaned forwards, and Kyuhyun could feel his stomach twisting in anticipation. He had no idea what was going on, or ‘where else things could go’, but he had the faint feeling that he’d like it. That he liked Sungmin.

This singer watched him with serious eyes, before the spoke again. “There’s only one thing we won’t be discussing, because it’s pointless. Neither World of Warcraft not Leagues of Legends will ever even scratch on the edge of the awesomeness of Starcraft.”

Scratch that.

Kyuhyun might have the feeling that he’s a little bit in love.  


Kyuhyun chuckled as he remembered the awkwardness of their first… talk? Meeting? Anyway, what he remembered even better was the way this awkwardness disappeared within minutes, and then they had talked like they had known each other for years. Everything with Sungmin was just so easy – it had been like that back then, and it was still like that by now. The older had the ability to make Kyuhyun completely forget about the fact that Sungmin was way, way out of his league.

Though, after being together with Sungmin for over a year now, Kyuhyun had discovered some unknown character traits about his boyfriend. The latter wasn’t really the innocent ball of fluff he made everyone believe he was. Well, not completely at least. And Kyuhyun loved him because of it. He loved how Sungmin would develop some kind of inhuman strength when he was really , he loved how Sungmin could get dangerously possessive of him, he loved how Sungmin would sometime whisper really, really bad words into his ear when the official event they attended was just too boring.

All in all he just really kind of loved Sungmin.


And if you wonder about how Kyuhyun had asked Sungmin out on a date that night-but-already-early-morning, then you can be sure he had done it with amazing eloquence, wit and charm.

No awkwardness or embarrassment at all.


“So… do you… uhm… want to …. you know… kind of… go on a date? With… me?” Kyuhyun stammered, mentally hitting himself for creating a whole new level of awkwardness.

Sungmin seemed to seriously struggle to hold back an amused laugh. “Well, I kind of want to… maybe. Probably.”

Kyuhyun blinked. “Is that a yes?”

“Depends. Was that a real question or do you kind of just want to run away because I really am not like you imagined I’ll be.”

Kyuhyun quickly shook his head, eyes wide. “No, no. I mean yes! It is a real question. And I think you’re… amazing, so I’d love to go on a date with you.”

Chuckling, Sungmin moved closer, making it impossible for Kyuhyun to breath properly. “Do you think I’m amazing or just kind of amazing?”

Kyuhyun stared down on the wicked smile on Sungmin’s lips and know that he was completely ed. He was so whipped.

“Definitely option one.” he murmured slowly, watching fascinated how Sungmin’s lips now formed a dazzling grin.

“Then we’ll definitely go on a date.”


And again it's really short, but I hope you like it anyway!^^

I'm sorry this took so freaking long, but I'll write my final exam in exactly one month and spend every day trying to remember every important date and historic event between the French Revolution and 2002. That are a lot of numbers and names and ... well, it's insane.

I wish all of you an amazing week!!! ^.^

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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 1: ow ow ow >< "Maybe I
can show him a better way to forget
the world outside than earplugs" i could feel a bit sense of naughtiness >_<
Chapter 3: ASSA!! *attack the sequel*
Silver86 #4
Chapter 2: kyaa, so cute. and well-written too. I really love how you picture the two characters and your humour is exactly what I like ;-) keep up the good work!
Chapter 2: kyumiiin! omg this is so good story ;A;
I really like this ^^
elmokyu #7
Chapter 2: Wow you wrote a sequel!! Thank you!! It's a cute story and there'll be more?? So they really went for a date? Looking forward to read abt it then!
nAJOnHyun #8
Chapter 2: Heheheh cmkdksksks awww dkkdkdsj kyuuuu kdkdsnsk kyumingggg jdjdsnjs sequel? Djdjjdjds hhehehe
Chapter 2: what a cute story :) happy to read it