
A/N: it was originally planned to be a drabble of 300+ words, i don't even know how that spiraled up to 1000+ words, nearing to 2000 words omfg.
Kyuhyun leaned on the edge of the bookshelf as he watched Sungmin gingerly flipped through the pages of the book he had his hands on, his large doe eyes darting from left to right. Sungmin was so absorbed in his book, he didn't realise the younger's presence, which made Kyuhyun feel so much like a stalker. But Kyuhyun was stalking someone that belonged to him, and purely his. 
Oh the irony.
It wasn't Kyunhyun's fault he had the immense thirst of looking for the blond, not when Kyuhyun woke up without his sorce of warmth, and in replacement of his boyfriend, was a pink note with cursive handwriting Kyuhyun was so used to.
Kyuhyun hated that replacement.
The note simply gave a really really vague discription of where Sungmin had went to. Just the word "library" plastered in the middle of the annoyingly pinkish colour that were so neon, it burned Kyuhyun's eyes. Kyuhyun stared back at the single word, as if it was going to reveal a huge hint of some sort, but it just stared back at the half awake raven mockingly.
Kyuhyun groaned. Of course Kyuhyun was going to look for Sungmin, but there was so so many libraries in Seoul, it'll take him forever to retrive the blond.
"Couldn't Sungmin be a little more specific?" Kyuhyun half moaned and half groaned sleepishly. Maybe Sungmin purposely didn't want Kyuhyun to search for him, Kyuhyun was literally a relative of a sloth after all, and with such a vague hint of someone's location, he wouldn't even bother spending effort to find out where the latter is at. But now, it was Sungmin they're talking about. Sungmin. Sungmin and that "someone" had really different treatment from Kyuhyun.
Or maybe Sungmin was just braindead at that time to write anything more than a mere word. Kyuhyun pondered for a while and opted for the second reason. 
Judging by the coldness of the empty space Sungmin once occupied,it was really early in the morning when Sungmin left. And ain't no normal person would be capable of writing so many vexatious letters. They all seem like roman caracters to the half awake beings.
Kyuhyun sighed. Whatever it was, Kyuhyun still wanted to look for Sungmin. Who knows, Sungmin might have forgottened his scarf again and froze to death on the streets, or worse still, the innocent, cubby man might even be by an old man, his saggy skin dragging on the pavement with every step he took.
That was how Kyuhyun ended up in an deserted library just a couple meters away from the couple's apartment. A wooden table stood right beside the glass doors was the first thing Kyuhyun noticed. Then, someone flopped on the desk like a dead whale caught his eye.
"Em.." Kyuhyun murmured, tapping softly on the material of the desk, not wanting to be rude and startle whoever was sleeping on the job.
Recieving no reply of any sorts, Kyuhyun decided to not even bother brushing off the snow on his boots before stepping in to the book-heaven.
Grunting, Kyuhyun started wondering around in his third visited library of the day, to search for a certain male.
Sungmin wasn't really difficult to spot, considering the fact that he was the only other soul in the library and also that his hair was dyed bright blond. Almost as neon as the note he read that morning. Kyuhyun camoflaged himself with books and continued staring at Sungmin, while evesdropping on the little murmurs he made, smiling softly to himself as Sungmin's 'M' shaped lips formed into a small grin then quickly into a pout, and then to a toothy grin again. 
Sungmin had picked up a cookbook earlier this morning. The bunny like man wanted to bake some cake for Kyuhyun's and his second anniversary. Not wanting Kyuhyun to interfere and most possibly burn down the kitchen, as well as make it a surprise for the younger, Sungmin left home early, leaving a really equivocal note, hoping to provoke the inner pig in Kyuhyun and get him to leave Sungmin to his own devices.
Kyuhyun liked chocolate. Sungmin knew that by heart. He thought it would be so easy to just reach for a random chocolate cake cookbook and borrow it, returning home just in time before Kyuhyun wakes up. But hell no. There just had to be so many different types of cakes that was made up of ingredients Sungmin didn't know exhisted, and even wierder names of the types of cakes and equipments. Sungmin ended up stuck in the library for two whole hours just giving comments to the poor misjudged book.
"What's 'bicarbonate of soda'? Is that a willy wonka's son or something?"
"Where do i get an electric mixer? Can't i just mix it with wooden spoons or something? An electric mixer sounds like something used to slay the magic dragon."
Sungmin sighed and faceplamed, finally realising that he should never, ever attempt to bake. Maybe buying a cake from the bakery would be so much easier.
Just then, a pair of warm arms enveloped Sungmin's clothed torso. The elder man jumped a little and tried to pull away from whoever the deranged, etic being was, then stopped when he inhaled a familiar scent.
"Stop moving, Minnie."
Sungmin froze. "K-Kyuhyun?" Sungmin was so screwed. Kyuhyun hated Sungmin going anywhere without him knowing beforehand, always nagging that there'll be an old man with saggy skin stalking all the vulnerable people on the street. Kyuhyun nagged about it so much Sungmin used to think he had a for it. The blond hadn't really sneeked out before, but he was sure he's in huge trouble now.
"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" Kyuhyun smirked when he saw Sungmin panicking. Teasing Sungmin was so much fun.
"I-I uh."
Kyuhyun felt Sungmin tense a little.
"Do you still need me to repeat the old man theory again?"
"N-No i"
"You made me go through so so many libraries to look for you." Kyuhyun wasn't lying. He was just simply exaggerating. "You deserve a huge punishment." Kyuhyun knew that he should be angry with Sungmin for making him fret over his sudden disappearance, but he just couldn't. Not when Sungmin kept giving Kyuhyun sad puppy eyes and a huge pout over his face.
Kyuhyun didn't even give time for Sungmin to respond, he reached out to his sides and began tickling him. Sungmin broke into uncontrollable laughter, his eyes molded into cresents as he tried to escape from Cho Kyuhyun's clutches. Kyuhyun smiled goofly watching Sungmin shine his white pearly teeth, his lips exploding into a huge smile. The both of them were so destracted, they were out of s to give to either the sleeping librarian or to the policy of keeping silent in the library. They were the only -awake- beings in the compartment anyway.
"K-Kyu, stop!" Sungmin squealed and continued laughing.
Kyuhyun paused and looked up expectedly. "Well what do i get for stopping then?"
Sungmin reached out and pecked Kyuhyun's left cheek, the same smile not leaving his face. 
Kyuhyun shook his head and puffed out his right one childishly. "Min you have to make it balanced."
Sungmin rolled his eyes but place his lips tenderly on Kyuhyun's pale skin anyway. "Happy?"
Now it was time for Kyuhyun's eyes to form cresents. "Yep! Lets go home now." Kyuhyun smiled, holding Sungmin's chubby hand. "And probably stop by the bakery to buy chocolate cake so that you wouldn't burn down my kitchen."
Kyuhyun saw Sungmin blushing heavily even though his scarf was covering half of his cheeks. "When did the kitchen become yours anyway?" Sungmin murmured softly but Kyuhyun still caught it. 
Kyuhyun chuckled and took the book out of Sungmin's other hand and placed it on a stand without watching. 
"Oh my god Kyuhyun that's-"
They both watched in sheer horror as the thick book fell onto the floor, alongside with the silver materials of a tray that used to be peacefully placed on the stand, creating a noise that sounded like trashcans getting assulted.
"Come on Kyu lets go!"
Kyuhyun swore he never knew that Sungmin could run so fast.
a/n: Leave your comments!
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fygaeming #1
Chapter 1: lol at the ending part xD this is too sweet :3
Chapter 1: BWAHAHAHAHA! I kept laughing non-stop while reading this XDDDD
RayhanAdni #3
PeekyDoll #4
Chapter 1: so cute and funny XD
Chapter 1: Run for your life
nAJOnHyun #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaa lol tooo cuteee ><
little-dreamer #7
Chapter 1: kkkk ming is so cute when he mumbled to himself
Chapter 1: aw this made me all fluffy ^w^
And the fact that it was winter only added to it! Aah kyumin winter fluff is all that i need these days~ I love that kyuhyun has this old-man scenario he teases sungmin with, like a subtle way of showing his care and its so cute ;;
The fact that there was no one else in the library made it even fluffier! And the end was hilarious and perfect~
Chapter 1: wow...its so nice and sweet..the fluffiness make me puke out the rainbow^^
Funny Story !!