
Are You Still My Prince?

"You know, the annual masquerade is coming up, you know the one where you met Sunggyu...." Woohyun mentioned. while they were walking to class. 


"That's cool." She nodded her head. 


"Do you want to come? Sunggyu isn't going, he has to study, finals are just around the corner for him." 


"I'll think about it, I might bring Zico, is that okay?"


"Yeah... I guess. You two hit it off pretty well on your date, didn't you?"


She smiled, "Yeah, it went pretty well."


"Do you like-like him?" Woohyun said slowly.


"On our date yesterday, Zico, h-he kissed me...." She blushed.


'! If she falls for him even more the whole plan is ruined!' He thought to himself. "I saw hims kissing another girl yesterday!" Woohyun suddenly blurted out that lie.


"What?" She said her eyes widening.


"Well I'm not sure it was him, but it was around six in the evening." He noticed her shoulders relaxing.  


"Woohyun, he was walking me home at six, so yeah it wasn't him." She smiled.


'Damn, Sunggyu is going to kill me.' He whimpered to himself.  


"But still I'll go to the dance, will you help choose something?"


"Yeah, sure." He smiled.  


After school they headed to the mall and looked around for dresses. "I remember, last year you looked amazing in your dress." Woohyun admitted.


"Thank you, Oppa."  She shook her head as she went through the racks of dresses.


"How about this one?" Woohyun picked out a purple dress.


"Um, no." She frowned focusing at the rack again.  "I think I'll just get this." She picked out a dress.


"B-but that is nothing compared to last years!" Woohyun complained.


"I really don't want attention, I just want to be able to hang out, okay?" She said as she was now getting dressed in the changing room. "Can you pass me the heels?" She said as she came out.


Woohyun sighed, it looked plain on her. He passed her some plain black heels. "So you're getting that?" He scoffed.  


"Well, yeah. I like it. Woohyun. If you want another dress so badly why don't you wear it instead?" She retorted going back into the changing room. She changed quickly leaving to the register before he could say anything.


"I'll see you at the dance." She said leaving him at the store alone.  

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this is cool and nice to read. ^^
Chapter 17: Is there still an alternative ending ;____; ?
waiting for another alternate ending~ (not really a fan of zico)
TeenageDream #4
That would be great if you didn't mind
jesstxt #5
@TeenageDream, would you like me to write alternate endings? xD
TeenageDream #6
To be honest I didn't want her to go back to Sunggyu or be with Zico.<br />
Awww!!! lol Zico xD I love your story!
Awww it ended but it was nice though... but funny thing about Zico being there, tied and taped xD
lei-jjang #9
Ngawww <3<3
They're kidnapping him?? O.O