넷 (four)

Sincerely, your hope xx


" Finally I get to show my beautiful face to the world keke."  Taehyung gliggled. 

" Heh, people will just thought you are just some random person filming for the music video." Jhope smirks and stuck his tongue out at Taehyung.

" You're jealous because you are afraid that I'll attract more fans than you do. Of course, since I'm the one and only handsome, charasmatic and full of aegyo Kim Taehyung of Bangtan." He starts showing off his aegyo self. " Just because I'm hidden doesn't mean you can bully me, hyung." Taehyung hoped on Jhope's back and strangled jhope's neck with his arms. 

" YA! Taehyung you lil brat. My back hurts, pabo!"

" Uh huh, I ain't going down!" Even it was the voices from only two person, the loudness where very loud untill the dressers shushed them down but of course they won't listen.

" Boys, let me have my beauty sleep." Jin who was sleeping, opens his sleeping mask and gives the two a warning eye.

" Beauty sleep my ." Jhope whispers and Taehyung slapped his back, laughing together.

" Tsk, I heard that brats!" Jin roared, causing the two to giggled slowly like some average school girls.

Jhope throws Taehyung on a Sofa which cause him to bounce, afterwards rolls to the ground because of being imbalanced. He growled but then laugh again when he see Jhope holding his back strecthing like an old grandpa.

" Eyy this hyung won't even be happy for my first filming." He complained, pouting his mouth. Throwing a tissue box and it directly hit Jhope's head.

" YA! What if my precious nose broke?!!!!"

" Wekkkk" Taehyung stuck his tongue, ran to Jungkook and clings on his back. This kid basically clings on everybody, Jhope thought.




Practice for ' I'm Da One' Music video just finished a few minutes ago and everyone was panting their hearts out and flops on the floor because of the tiredness from dancing.

" Hoseok hyung, pass me the water please." Said Jungkook who was soaking wet in sweats and worn out from the training.

" Thanks hyung. Here have some, aren't you tired?" He asked again as he turns his head facing at Jhope who was wearing a black shirt and grey pants. Most of his shirt were wet but his face doesn't show much tiredness as Jungkook's.

"I sleep well last night but my body is still sore. Wanna grab lunch later on or what?" 

" Sure, we can call the other members as well." Jungkook flips his hair causing some water droplets to fall from his hair.

" My dongsaengs, go rest up for awhile. Jhope we have some practice for ' Animal' later on, okay?" Jokwon approached them and patted Jhope's shoulder.

" Ahh ne, kamsahamnida." They chorused and watched as Jokwon and the others leave the practice room.

" Hmm, it's okay hyung since you still have practice coming up we can all have lunch outside some other day hyung. Go rest first." Jungkook stands up and hungs his bag strap on one shoulder. " I'll go check the members for awhile before washing up." Pulls the door knob and leave.

" Sure sure,  it's fine." Jhope lift his hand as a gesture. He placed his bag on the floor and positioned it comfortablely under his neck, closing his eye for a quick nap. But after for about 10 minutes later,  he was distracted when he heard footsteps coming closer and closer to his eardrum, vibrating stronger and stronger within the steps. He eventually opens his eye and saw Jungkook with his eye wandering across the room, looking somehow panic.

" Kookie-ah, what's wrong?" But Jungkook didn't responsed anything as he scatters the desk which was full of papers and some food wrappers. The items fall to the ground as he dig for something that Jhope was unsure about.

" Hey, you heard me right?" Jhope sat, watching Jungkook's back, feeling confused when he saw Jungkook's terrified pale face. But Jungkook still didn't answer his question and immeadiately stomps out of the room after creating a messed in the practice room.

" Tsk, I wonder what was he looking for?" With that Jhope lays down, with his sweater as a blanket and eventually dozed off.




" Hey hoseok!" Jokwon hollered from the other side of the room. Jhope who was jugging on his water instantly swolled it hard and twist the cap back.

" Yes, hyung? It must be really tiring for you right hyung?" Jhope mentioned as Jokwon's sweat soaked through his white tank top.

" Ahh ne but for the sake of my career it's all worth it." He smirk evenso his face was obviously written tired and exausted. " Oh, you did a great job today dongsaeng! I can see you shine bright in the future ha kiddo. Keep it up!" Jokwon passed Jhope a bread as he digs through the box of food. " Hmm, why are the desk and this area in particular is so messy?" He mumbled.

" Thanks hyung. That's really.. comforting to hear." He chuckled. " Um, maybe it was the wind that makes it messy?" Jhope mentally slaps his self as Jokwon turn his back facing him, giving him a weird confused look. Wind? In the practice room? God Hoseok, you have got to be kidding me, Jhope thought.

" Haha that's kind of silly. I guess someone was looking for something." " Ah, my legs." He winced as he unlace his weird structured spiky shoes. " Ahh, more better now." Relaxing his toes as he wiggled them in a circular motion.

" Haha yeah right. Silly, right. Is that shoes comfortable? Err." Jhope asked.

" What do you think huh?" Jokwon asking back like a lawyer.

" Um, no?" 

" 100% mark for you. You can leave now if you want to it's getting late and I'm pretty sure practice was really tiring."

" True that! I'll get going first, thanks hyung!" Jhope walks slowly to the dorm with one bag strap hanging on his shoulder and another shoulder with a sweat filled red towel. Sighing in relive as he succesfully climb  the stairs and pulls the door. 

The first thing he noticed about his dorm the moment he steps inside the space is the delicious aroma lounging around the air. Smells like soup, Jhope thought and all of sudden his saliva starts to flood his mouth. Turns out it was Jin cooking so dearly in the kitchen.

" Wahhhh, it looks good hyung." Invading jin abruptly causing him to startled. " Tsk, you scare me!" With that Jhope just laugh. " It's pretty late, why are you cooking at this kind of time hyung?" He asked as he watch Jin stirring the soup.

" Your beloved fella got sick. I thought you already knew." Jin stop stirring as he catch a glimps of Jhope's expression. " Wait you really don't know? I told Jungkook to inform you." Jin shrugged. " Maybe he forgot."

" But I asked-" Jhope remembers Jungkook's pale face earlier in the practice room and the zero answer he gave when Jhope asked. " He was looking medicine is it in the practice room?" 

" Yeah, namjoon told him it was there so he quickly rushed over. He really is concern about his hyung, that's great, since you know... he just finished practice."

Jhope grab his bag and dashed to the bedroom seeing Taehyung laying weakly on the bed. " Taehyung-ah.." Jungkook who was in the room to turn his back to face Jhope. " Hyung.. bianhe. I forgot to tell you that Taetae hyung was sick. I kind of.. got panic." 

" It's fine.. Is he okay or ?" 

" Very NOT okay. He's fever is quite high i might say. Do hyung want to look him or you are going to wash up first?" Jungkook asked looking at the now not active and cheerful Taehyung. Feeling weird and sad seeing him not being his true self.

" His face were very pale earlier and I asked him if he was okay but he said he was fine. Just some minor headache." Jimin who was lazying on his bed voiced.

" Haish this kid so smooth at lying." Jhope mumbled." It's okay guys i'll look after him." Patting Jungkook on the shoulder.

" Hmm, Jimin and I plan to go to the practice room anyways so yeah we'll get going soon." Jimin hopped off from his bed wearing only boxers.

" Hyung, look at your abs." Jungkook chuckled. " It's looking good."

" I know right! Hey, kiddo where's yours?~ Perhaps are they hiding behind your one big ab aka flabby tummy?" Jimin smirk, he must have feel great with those great looking abs he's been working on hard for the past months.

" At least I still excersice unlike that hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes to Jhope.

" Blergh, I hate exercising you guys know that right? " Jhope put his blank face on with his arms crossed on his body.

" That explains the no abs pshhh" Jimin teased as he fixed his snapback on his hair.

" Ya, i don't care about abs tsk you jerk ." 

" Jealous hoseok is jealous." Jimin said running away with Jungkook. 

" Haish this kid." Jhope mumbled under his breathe.

Jhope sat beside Taehyung on his bed. His weight was causing the bed to creak and woke Taehyung up.

" Hmm, hobbi hyung?" Taehyung voiced with the same deep voice but course, squinting his eyes because of the light above the ceiling.

" Yeah, how come you catch yourself a fever?" Jhope place his hand on Taehyung's temple and his expression turns worry naturally. " Wow, it's really hot but then your hands are cold. Hmm, definitely fever." 

" I was out yesterday on late morning to buy some important some the manager asked for and yeah maybe I got a cold from that." Taehyung coughs along with snorts. His face looks rather pale with his bangs still perfectly placed on his head never got messy. His hair never got messy huh, Jhope thought.

" To be honest that must have a lot. Poor kiddo, such a pity." He smirks.

" Ahh, I hate being sick hyung. How can I practice for the music video?" Taehyung lean agaisnt his pillow, cugging on a glass of water that Jhope poured for him.

" Meds?" 

" Yeah sure." Taehyung swolled two pills and slide into his covers again. " Ahh, it's so cold."

" Forget the practice for now. Just rest for now, health first okay? Remember that." 

" Aww, you really love me right?" Taehyung shoots the same question Jhope had asked to Taehyung back on February when it was his birthday. One of the best day in his life but now that Taehyung is asking him, he really had no idea what to respond. Tongue tied, stomach grows butterflies. Sweaty palms, extreme heart beats.




Comment down below what you guys want to see in the next chap!!! ^^ I think it'll be interesting to have our opinion as vhoppers together. Am I right? :)

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To those who have read chap three before, please (DO) read it back because I've added some important things in there (:


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330nai #1
Chapter 5: cute
330nai #2
Chapter 5: Where dat vhope gift come from
Chapter 5: Update soon`
Chapter 5: I kinda forget this story but oh well

Update soon
Chapter 4: noooo taehyungie is sick aww poor guy :'(
i love the story btw, its Amazziiiiiinggggg
Updtee soon :DD
Meonggg #7
Chapter 4: Finally I'm reading some VHope! hahahaha! :'D
This is my favourite OTP right now!!

ah what will JHope saaaaaaayyy!! ghahaha so curious! just say that you love him too! be a couple and live happily ever after!! :'DDDDDDD

thanks for the story! and good luck for the next chapteeer! x)
Chapter 4: This is great~~~taehyung sick? So sad T^T hope he will recover soon by hoseok's love~~ /cheesy/

Update soon~~~
Chapter 4: Ong aww v Is sick poor guy!
luvvmiss94 #10
Chapter 4: Omg, I know!! *internal screaming* ...
Cannot wait for that hehee

I hope you will include their moments in rookie king