One heck of a day


“Wake up Minsoo.” Jonghyun shakes me gently. I open an eye to see the clock and groan. 6:00a.m. “It’s too early.”

 He rolls his eyes “We let you sleep in and we got your stuff ready.” I groggily get out of bed stand up, yawning.

 “Here.” He throws my clothes on my face, letting a laugh escape his lips before closing the door.

 Changing into the clothes that he threw at me half-awake, I hate mornings…

I am brushing my teeth when Onew walks in. He brushes his teeth to, and we glance at each other at the same time only to look away awkwardly. He’s handsome as well, actually, all the members are, but still me heart is with Jonghyun. He was my first love and still is. I would turn away men all throughout high school because of him. Girls hated me for turning down “the most popular” guy in school. Yes, I like Jonghyun that much, I didn’t like that guy anyways.

    I finish my teeth and go to where the others are. “What’s for break feast?”I turn toward Jonghyun, and he hands me a coat. While I put it on he says “There’s a granola bar in the pocket, we need to leave now.” Him and the others were already ready to leave.

   “Come’on Hyung!” Minho calls to Onew while opening the door. “Coming!” he runs to us in his socks, falling on the wooden floor. He gets up and puts his shoes on laughing at himself with us, “Let’s go!” he says and we leave the dorm.

   While I eat my granola bar, banana milk appears in front of me. I look behind me to see Taemin, he smiles brightly “I brought one for you!” I take it thanking him, then he tells his story on how he and Kai were pranking Key, and Key was defending himself, and Minho was stuck in the middle. Onew adds his strange comments and Jonghyun starts playing rock, paper, scissors with Minho.

   I smile, watching them laugh and play until Jonghyun looks at me. “Want to join us?” I nod and soon we’re all playing rock, paper, scissors. I was the overall champion, and Taemin lost almost every time but in the end I let him win over me by doing opposite of what I was going to do.

   When we arrive, we go to a dressing room where we ware high-fashion clothes, and our make-up and hair is done. I’ve never worn anything this expensive before. I walk out of the dressing room and ask the boys “How do I look?”

   I am given different reactions. “Beautiful…” Minho swallows. “Pretty!” Taemin smiles. “Very pretty.” Onew adds mouth agape. “Perfect babe.” Key admires my outfit. “Gorgeous`.” Jonghyun says then looks at the other guys. “Hey! She’s my wife!” He covers me and I blush. “Thanks you guys.”

   I take Jonghyun’s arm, “Let’s go to the interview now shall we?” he smiles and we walk onto the stage. “Let’s do this.”

In the interview, the rest of SHINee said they were aware of our relationship since they debuted, and me and Jonghyun explained our relationship a bit, although it was all lies.

   We sit down at the table, cameras already flashing. The first question Is for me “Minsoo Lee, you have already filmed the comedy High school Drama Queen, and you claimed you were single during that interview, why is that?” Forgot about that, what do I say?

   Jonghyun holds my hand on the table, I look at him while saying “Considering we are both idols, we didn’t want to lose any fans, considering the interview was a couple years ago, it was my debut as an actor.”

   Next was for Jonghyun, “You seem to be quite the lady’s man, but all this time you had a girlfriend?” He nods. “Yes, she already explained we’ve been together since our school days.”    

   Next question is asked by a shady man who doesn’t look like a reporter at all. “So you two are married and you still go by as Ms. Lee?” I tense, this man scares me, and I’m not easy to scare. Jonghyun rubs his thumb gently over mine, calming me down. “Actually, were only engaged, I’m sorry for the bit of confusion.” He looks at our hands. “Neither of you are wearing rings.” Crap. I bite my lip. “I proposed with a rose after one of our dates.” I nod and smile. “I still have that rose on my bedside table..” he sits down satisfied.

   Jonghyun loosens his tie, nervous. I took a sip of the water provided and then said with a fake smile. “Next question.”

   “Do we seriously have to go to a photo-shoot next?” I say taking my heels of and rubbing my poor feet. Jonghyun nods “I’m winning this bet.” He gives me a playful smirk. I push him and laugh, “Not yet, I know your tired tor.” I point to his tie. “You loosened it halfway through.” I look at him meeting his playful smirk with my own. “I’m looking forward to this photo-shoot.” He crosses his arms and nods. “Okay, change up, we’re leaving soon.” I laugh “I think you should leave or it will get awkward, don’t you think so?” His eyes widen and he steps out of the room, “Ah…yes.” He closes the door behind him and I smile, what an idiot.

   “Aish! What’s going on?” I say as we get out of the van. “I win again!” Minho smiles and I pinch his cheeks. “Aigoo, how can someone your age be so cute that I can forgive you so quickly?” He puts an arm around my shoulder as we walk into the photo-shoot. “Because you like me, and I’m the agyeo king.” I laugh and we part at the dressing room.

   Before I closed the door, Jonghyun stuck his foot in the crack. “What do you want?” I pout. He folds his arms and glares at me. “Hey, I'm supposed to be your husband not Minho. Cute?” He scoffs. “This punk really…”

   I laugh. “Omo! Someone’s jealous! You did this in elementary school too, that’s why I had no friends except you that were male. And he’s a lot cuter then you.” I stick my tongue at him and close the door.

   He tries opening it. “Hey!” He sighs and walks away, “Cuter then me? She’s going crazy.”

   I laugh again, I fell for this idiot, and I approve of myself for doing so.

   After changing into a wintertime dress, I walk onto the set, to find Jonghyun wearing a matching outfit. He’s so handsome. “Hello.” I wave to him and he smiled. “Wow, my fiancé is beautiful.” “Thanks.” I said and we were called over to start taking photos.

   The camera man had us do several photos until he said “You two are love birds but you haven’t even touched each other!” We both blush. “It will help, not ruin your image to be with each other so don’t worry, okay?” He assures us.

   Jonghyun put his arms around me and I look up at him. He picks me up and spins me around, he gives me a piggyback ride and kisses me on the cheek, in different shots. When we change into our last set of clothing its spring attire and the set is like a park.

   “Sit here.” Jonghyun pats beside him on a blanket, where a picnic is set up. I walk over to him and sit down in my white and pink sundress. “There’s real food! Let’s eat!” he smiles wide, and I stop him from shoving a sandwich in his mouth. “Hey! Leave some for the photo-shoot okay?” he pouts and the cameraman finally arrives.

   We ate the sandwiches and drank from the same smoothie, my face becoming a shade of pink every time we get so close. There was a cake in which we smeared frosting on each other’s face, him putting some on my nose. “So cute.” He kissed the frosting on my nose. I blush, I’ve always wanted to do these things with him again, I missed him so much, I searched for him for countless hours, and I’ve never gone a day without thinking of him.

   These emotions got to me and I kissed him on the lips, surprising him. We break apart and I hug him “Please don’t leave ever again.” He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses my hair “I won’t.” We lay in the fake grass and cuddle together, the people at the photo shoot cooing and the cameraman gets a phone call.

   “Oh, is that so? I’ll send one right now. Yes, I understand.” He ends the call and takes a picture of us with his phone. “The rest of SHINee is on a variety show right now and they we’re wondering how the photo-shoot was going so I’m sending them this picture okay?”

   We take 3 last pictures and then then it ended. “You all did well today.” The cameraman says, and he gets a phone call. “Okay. It’s the variety show they want you two.” He puts it on speaker for us.

   “Hello?” Jonghyun asks. “YOU PUNK!” Onew yells but I can tell he’s smiling. Key speaks next. “Wow, I know you haven’t seen each other for a while because of our schedules, but the first moment you get you’re all over each other?” We laugh. “I’m glad they didn’t see the other picture.” I say teasingly. “What picture?” Taemin asks in an agyeo way. “You’ll see when the magazine comes out tomorrow.” I say and he wines. “Hey, Jonghyun?” Minho asks. “Yeah, what is it?” Minho’s voice becomes stern “You better restrain yourself or we’ll put you on a leash,  got it?” We laugh. “Hey! I’m not a dog!” Jonghyun laughs. Minho answers immediately “You are.” I hear Onew laughing in the background. “Where do you get that from?” Jonghyun asks. “You’re drooling behind Minsoo!” Taemin speaks next. “We have to end this soon, any last comments?” “Is this the reality you wanted?” Jonghyun asks. “For me to be a dog?” Everyone laughs. “Don’t forget to check out our photos in the KIdol magazine tomorrow we worked hard and I’m sure you’ll all be pleased.” I say.

    Onew speaks now “Well this is the end of the show we had lots of fun, say it with us you two, 1, 2, 3.” “Thank you for watching!”

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