

I open the door to find his manager, Mr. Kwan. He immediately scowled. “You’re the one that started this whole scandal! Damn Sesang!” I got a slap to the face causing me to fall back in surprise.

 I got up and said calmly “But I’m not lying, I have proof.” I took out the picture along with our elementary school yearbook.

 After a while of accusing and explaining, I convinced Mr. Kwan.

 “But why do you want to marry him if he doesn’t even know who you are anymore?” He asked.

 “W-well I didn’t know he lost his memories while onstage, and well you know…” I blush.

 “You’ve fallen for him?” He smiles and I nod, not speaking from embarrassment.

 He leans back in his chair, and relaxes saying “Young love, I remember when me and my wife were like that.” He starts to space out, drowning himself in his memories.

 I get up and  open the door to where the rest of SHINee was waiting. Everyone turns towards me and Jonghyun rushes over “Oh my god! You’re face!”

 He touches my red face and I flinch slightly. “I’m fine.” He looks at me with those big puppy eyes, full of worry. “I herd a bang a while ago but Minho kept me from going to see what happened.” I smile at him and then Minho sighed, rolling his shoulders.

 “It was like trying to hold back a dinosaur. He’s never tried so hard to get to someone before. I usually beat him fitness-wise.”

 I smile and look at the ground in memory. “Whenever I was bullied you would rush to my rescue and beat the people up.” I try not to tear up, unsucsessful. “You even jumped from a the second story ounce to block them from hitting me…you broke your ankle that day, but…*sniff* you probably don’t remember that…”

 He looks at me and wipes my tears away. “I’m sorry….” He says.

 I shake my head and let out a weary laugh “I’m an actor yet I can’t keep face.” I put on the happiest face I could, “Well I’ll be staying with you guys because your manager is letting us go through with this, we just have a busy schedule tomorrow.”

 “Yay! Noona!” Teamin hugs me and Key says “Yeah!” while Minho claps, nodding and Onew does his eye smile. I look at Jonghyun who has a playful smirk on his face. “Doubt you can keep up with the schedule.”

I smile competitively. “Bet I can be ahead of you.”

 “You go girl!” Key smiles, and I smile back.

Life is finally getting better.

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