Happy 3rd Anniversary

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Waiting for her boyfriend, So Hee looks at her watch again. Ten minutes has pass, and he still wasn't here. She heaves a sigh and takes another sip of her water.       

“Would you like to order now miss,” a waitress said.

So Hee smiles in embarrassment.

“May I have another five minutes,” So Hee asks.

The waiter bows and walks away leaving So Hee. She sighs and looks out into the darkness while resting her hand under her chin.

“When will he be here,” she asked herself.

She looks at her watch again.

“It's been twelve minutes past our meeting time,” she continued.

She heaves another sigh and looks down.

“Sorry I'm late,” he said.

So Hee looks up and there he was, all dressed up in a fancy black tuxedo with a blue tie and his hair put neatly to the side.

“Seok Jin,” she said smiling.

“Did you wait long,” he asked sitting down.


“I'm sorry. I got off work later than expected.”

“It's okay,” she said shaking her head.

“You haven't ordered yet,” he asks looking at the table with only her glass of water.

“I was waiting for you.”

Seok Jin frowns.

“You should of ordered first. You must be hungry,” he said.

“It's okay.” she smiles. “Since you're here, we can finally order.” Seok Jin smiles back at her.


Eating their dinner happily, Seok Jin started a conversation.

“Do you like it,” he asked her.

“Yes, of course. The food is really good,” she replied.

“Then eat as much as you want alright,” he asked resting his hand under his chin while still holding onto his utensils. “I didn't make reservations here for nothing.”

So Hee slightly chuckles.

“Alright. I won't waste a bit of food here,” she said resting her hand under her chin copying Seok Jin. “You eat a lot too okay? I'm sure you didn't eat when you got home.” He smiles and removes his hand taking a bite out of his dinner.

“Alright,” he said.

They both smile at one another and continued to eat.

When they were done, dessert was served.

“Seok Jin,” So Hee started.


He looks up after taking a bite out of his dessert. She smiles and reaches under the table handing him a small box.

“What's this,” he asks accepting it.

“Open it,” she said while setting her silver wares down and clasping her fingers together. He takes the lid off wondering what was in it and was awed when he saw his gift.

“You remembered,” he said.

He smiles earning a smile back.

“Of course I did. You look so helpless without a watch. I just needed to get you one after you dropped yours and broke it, and,” she rests her hand under her chin. “I am your girlfriend.” She laughs and he laughs back.

“Thank you,” he said not knowing what else to say. “I've been stealing my brothers.” He shows So Hee the watch on his wrist. “See?”

“I've noticed.”

They both laugh. Seok Jin sets the box on the table and cleared his throat.

“First, I want to say thank you. Thank you for the gift, and thank you for being a great friend and girlfriend to me. I don’t know what I'd do without you.” So Hee smiles. “I don’t know what I'll do to repay all your kindness, but I'll figure out a way to repay you somehow.”

“You don’t have to do much. All you have to do is be there for me when I need you, and be a great friend. That's all I ask for.”

“So Hee,” Seok Jin gulps.

“Hmm?” She waited for him to finish his sentence.

“I... I don’t think I can be your boyfriend anymore.”

“What?” Her smile turns upside down.

“I don’t want to be a friend who can be there for you whenever I can get to you.”

“I don’t get what you're trying to say.”

“So Hee, I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore.”

He could see the sadness in her eyes.

“So Hee, what I'm trying to say is,” he reaches into his pocket. “will you,” but he was interrupted by a loud bang.

“Everyone put your hands in the air!”

Both Seok Jin and So Hee turned their head to see the scene.

“Hurry! If you don’t,” he grabs a woman in front of him and head locks her. “I'll shoot her!”

“No! No please don’t shoot me,” she pleads.

“Shut up!” His grip on the gun tightens. A security guard runs over to him making him point the gun to the guard. “Stop right there! If you don’t, I'll shoot!”

“Sir, please let go of the woman,” the security guard said.

“What is he doing,” So Hee asks.

“I'm not sure,”Seok Jin replies back.

“Sir, please let go of the lady.” The guard took a step towards the guy making him point the gun back to the lady again earning a loud yelp.

“Stay back! Or else I'll shoot,” the man yelled.

“Fine, I won;t come, but please release the lady.”

It took him awhile, but he finally released her and she ran to her kids.

“Now please let go of you weapon,” the guard said.

He struggled to do so.

“Let go of your weapon sir.” So Hee turns her and saw Seok Jin trying to help.

“Shut up! Everyone just shut up,” the man said.

“Sir,” the guard said.

He closes his eyes and whispers, “I'm so tired.”

“Sir,” Seok Jin walks over to him, but got stopped by the gun that was now pointed at him.

“Don’t come any closer!”

“Sir, please,” Seok Jin took another step.

“I'll shoot!”

“Sir,” Seok Jin took another step.

“Stay back!”

So Hee grew worried and ran over to Seok Jin's side.

“Seok Jin, please do as he says. I'm scared.” Seok Jin smiles and caresses her cheek.

“Don't worry.”

Seok Jin took another step earning gasps from everyone.

“Stay back I said! One more step and I'll shoot you,” the man warned.

“Will you really shoot me? Think about it. You're not that kind of person who would shoot random people. Are you?” He thought for a while. “So if I took another step, you won't shoot me.” Seok Jin took another step and a gunshot was heard. He closed his eyes waiting for the bullet to hit him, but he never felt it. Opening his eyes again he saw So Hee in front of him. His eyes widen and caught her in his arms as she fell down. “So Hee.” They both fell to the ground as Seok Jin held So Hee close to his arm.

“Seok Jin,” she could barely say his name.

The guy looked at what he just did and dropped his gun. He shook in fear and sweated. The security guard ran over to him and put handcuffs on him before handing him over to the police who had just arrived at the scene.

“So Hee, why? Why did you block the bullet?”

Tears ran down Seok Jin's eyes.

“You said you couldn't be my boyfriend anymore.” She forces a smile. “Now you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You're free now.” A tear escapes her eyes.

“No! That's not what I meant! So Hee how can you be so clueless?”

“Seok Jin,” he looks into her eyes as she caresses his cheek and shows him a smile. “Happy 3rd anniversary.” Her smile slowly faded with the wind, and her arm dropped to the ground. Seok Jin looked at her not believing the sight.

“No!” He shakes his head. “NO!” He grabs her hand that flew to the ground and caresses it. “No! So Hee! No!!”

So Hee was rushed to the hospital and into the E.R.

“Please doctor,” Seok Jin pleads. “Save her. Please!”

“We'll do our best,” the doctor closes the door leaving Seok Jin behind. He wipes his tears and went to a bench to sit down. As he waited, he heard his name being called. He turned his head and saw So Hee's parents running to him.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kang,” he stands up wiping his tears and bowed to them.

“How is she? Do you know,” Mr. Kang asked. Seok Jin looks down and shakes his head, but as he did that, the doctor came out.

“Are you So Hee's parents,” the doctor asked.

“Yes,” they both replied.

“Please follow me.” the doctor headed back and Mr. and Mrs. Kang followed him. Seok Jin didn’t know what to do so he sat back down and waited for them.

After ten minutes of waiting, they finally returned. Seok Jin saw them and stood up.

“What did the doctor say? Is So Hee okay?”

He looks at them with curiosity. Mr. Kang looks at Mrs. Kang with tears in his eyes.

“2:20 am, time of death.” Seok Jin's heart stopped.


“I'm very sorry.” Seok Jin dropped to his knees as tears, one after another, came rolling down his face.

“I can't believe this is happening. Because of me, she's gone.”

“Seok Jin,” Mrs. Kang helps him up.

“I'm very sorry Mr. and Mrs. Kang. Because of me, your daughter has left.” Seok Jin wipes his tears away. “I'm very sorry,” he said bowing to them.

“She's in room 219. Go see her.”

“Thank you for your kindness.”

He walks to room 219 hanging his head low. As he approaches the room, he couldn't help but cry. He takes in a deep breath and walks in.

“How long do you think he's going to cry for,” Mr. Kang asks Mrs. Kang.

“I don’t know, but at least we know he truly loves our daughter.” Mr. Kang nods his head.

Closing the door behind him, he slowly approaches So Hee who was lying peacefully on the bed. Seeing her like that, he broke down. Dropping to his knees, he said,

“Why did you have to get in the way? I risked my life because I had a bulletproof vest on. You clueless girl, and I didn’t want to break up with you. I was going to ask for your hand, but now since you're gone, I can't do so.” He takes her hand into his and sniffles. “I wish there was a way to bring you back.” He hung his head low.


Seok Jin's eyes widen and raises his head.

“I'm not dead. Am I?”

“Kang So Hee,” he said in disbelief. “But your parents,” he was speechless.

“What about my parents?”

“They said you were dead.”

“My parents did?” Seok Jin nods his head. “Well they lied.” She sits up with the help of Seok Jin.

“So you're not dead,” he asks sitting next to her.

“Do I look dead to you?”

“No, well,”

“Were you crying,” she asks caressing his cheek wiping away his tears.

“Of course I was.” Seok Jin pouts. “Your parents lied to me, and I was so worried about you.”

“You were worried about me? A woman you don’t love anymore?”

“No, let me finish what I started. Kang So Hee, I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore who can only be there when I get to see you, but someone who you can see and rely on everyday. Kang So Hee,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. “Will you marry me?”

“Seok Jin,” her eyes got teary.

“Will you?” He waited for an answer.

“Yes.” She nods her head. “I'll be happy to be a Kim So Hee. I'd love to be your wife.” They both smile at each other and Seok Jin puts the ring into her finger. Tears ran down her face and she clutches onto her stomach.

“Are you okay,” Seok Jin asks looking at her full of concerns.

“It hurts to cry.”

“Then don’t cry,” Seok Jin said wiping her tears away. “Cry when you're healed. I don’t want you be in more pain.” He holds onto her hand as she nods her head. “I can't stand to see you in pain. So next time, let me have the bullet instead.”


“I had a bullet vest on.”

“But you were off duties.”

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t have it on. I should get you one too, so this doesn’t happen ever again.”

“You just made a fool out of me.”

“It's okay.” He rests his forehead onto hers never letting go of her hands. “This just proves that you love me, and I can trust you.” They both smile at one another and Seok Jin rubs their nose together.

“Who was that guy,” So Hee asks removing her head from his.

“I heard from the police that he went crazy after his wife past away. That's why he was doing that.”


“So Hee,” Seok Jin said after a pause. “Are you hungry? Should I get you something to eat?”

So Hee nods. “I am, but the doctor won't allow it.”

“Ahh,” Seok Jin pouts. “Then you're going to have to starve?”

So Hee smiles.

“It's okay. I'm cold though,” she said.

Seok Jin smiles and repositions himself to give her a back hug.

“Better,” he asks.

“A lot.”

They both smile and Seok Jin looks down at her stomach.

“Where did they do the surgery?”

“Right here,” she said cupping the left side of her stomach.

“Here?” He puts his hand on top of hers.

“Exactly.” And he left his hand there.

“If I keep my hand here, hopefully it'll heal faster, so you won’t have go through all this pain,”

“Thanks.” So Hee said with a smile. Seok Jin rests his chin on her shoulder.

“So Hee,” he said softly to her.


“I love you.”

She smiles.“I love you too.”

He lifts his chin off her shoulder and turns her head to face him. Slowly he started to get closer to her, and his eyes started to close. Same goes with her, her eyes slowly closed as he got closer to her, and finally the fireworks went off. Their lips met one another.

“Happy 3rd anniversary.”

She smiles at him and he smiles back. As he was going for another kiss, So Hee groaned in pain. “Are you okay?” He looks at her feeling concerned.

“My stomach had some cramps.”

She smiles sheepishly at him while he looks at her still concerned. His other hand caresses her stomach and he rubs their noses together.

“Can you transfer the pain to me instead,” he asks.

She smiles and snakes her hand around his neck kissing him again. He smiles and kisses her back.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it!! Bye!! Saranghaeyo! *Muah!* (^o^)

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Chapter 1: ohgod triple kill from the .gif till the end of the story asdfghjkl
Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute <3
Chapter 1: Awwww this is amazing! I thought the girl would die.. Thanks god it was just her parent jokes. Good job authornim! :)