Break Up Diaries

Forever and a Day

Prince Manager's POV :)

@expnews: High School Musical On-Stage featuring SJ's Ryeowook, EXP's maknae line, Juniel, CNBLUE's Jonghyun and Infinite's L will be on August 5-August 10, 2013 at 5pm KST.

It seems weird, because even if EXP members broke up with their boyfriends, they seem to be very okay. Now I wonder how things will end up.

Even if Donghyun, Youngjae and the rest of the managers do not talk to their groups all the time, they still have a clue on what is going on. I even know that EXO's making a move on Mika, and that INFINITE's L likes her so much.

But at the end of the day, they will all end up with the one who is fated to be with them.

Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)

After a few days of musical rehearsals, it is finally here. Our first musical, on stage. I am a bit nervous, but then, I am excited at the same time.

Ryeowook: Are you guys ready? We should give our all this time!
Miyu: Nae! Let's do this!
L: If ever we forget our lines, let's just do adlibs, okay?

Thus it all began. Wish us luck! :)

Donghae's POV :)

I secretly went to Sora's musical to see her again. To be honest, I wish I could still talk and congratulate her along the way.

But then, L is here. Will I still be able to tell her? Or can I still get her back?

The musical started, with Ryeowook and Mika singing "Start of Something New". My heart is waiting for Sora to come, but then it starts to ache because I know that L is there, who happens to be her new boyfriend.

Eunhyuk: Donghae, are you ready for later?
Donghae: What are you doing here?
Eunhyuk: I'm sorry.
Donghae: For what?
Eunhyuk: I'd do whatever it takes to get them back.
Donghae: What's with the sudden change of thought?
Eunhyuk: I can't stand a day without my jellyfish and it's my fault why Sora broke up with you. Partially, it's mine because I gave in.
Donghae: *sighs* We can't blame anyone anymore since it already happened.
Eunhyuk: I'm going to talk to Sora.
Donghae: And jellyfish?
Eunhyuk: Sora first.
Donghae: Arraseo.

We continued watching the musical, and when I saw Sora, my heart skipped a beat.

Damn it, I am still in love with her. I never stopped.

Ryeowook's POV :)

She's so pretty and kyeopta. My actions towards her are natural, because I have a crush on her. When she acts, I can easily go to the flow.

During the part where I have to pretend that I don't need her, broke my heart even if it is just acting. So it's true that when you're acting with her, it's awesome.

To be honest, Sora was also good in acting as Sharpay. With that blonde hair and all pink stuff, she's the Korean version of her.

It was time for Breaking Free. I held her hand and we sang. But the thing is, should I kiss her for real?

Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)

"You know the world can see us, in a way that's different than who we are."

I looked into Ryeowook oppa's eyes and smiled, as I waited for him to do the next move.

To my surprise, he held my chin up and kissed my lips slowly.

I was shocked and electrified. I did not expect this to turn out real.

I wanted to push him away but I can't.

I know Ae Young is here somewhere. This can't be.

Ae Young's POV :)

What's with the kiss scene?! I thought they would just tilt their heads in the process and pretend but I was not informed that things would end up this way.

I'm afraid. No, I'm scared to death because he might fall for Mika. It's easy to fall for her, especially now that she's single.

I feel so jealous. But I cannot bash Mika. I'm not that crazy.

Ryeowook oppa, you and I should talk.

Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)

We are done with the first day of musical and I'm glad it's a full house. But right now we're set for an interview. How hectic. But at least we're doing our jobs without any complaints.

To my surprise, Eunhyuk oppa is here. Is he looking for Mika?

Eunhyuk: Hey, Sora. Congratulations.
Sam: Thanks.
Eunhyuk: Do you have free time? I need to talk to you.
Sam: Uhm, about what?

He held my hand and took me to the coffee shop nearby.

Sam: Why did you dragged me all the way here? And what do you want us to talk about?
Eunhyuk: About you and Donghae.
Sam: What about it? You know it's over between me and him.
Eunhyuk: Sora, it was my fault. He just protected me.
Sam: I know but I'm in love with someone else so I decided to break up with him.
Eunhyuk: Do you really love L? How were you able to replace Donghae right away?
Sam: Oppa, I won't be his girlfriend if I don't. Feelings are not permanent. It's better this way than to play with his feelings. Why don't you just focus on your relationship with Mika instead and try fixing it? She's single as of the moment.
Eunhyuk: You know what I did.
Sam: Oh, right. Why the heck did you do it?
Eunhyuk: I was just overwhelmed with my emotions.
Sam: Then maybe you're not ready to be with her at all. Oppa, we still have an interview. Please tell Donghae that he must move on like the way I did.

I left the coffee shop and went to the interview.

Eunhyuk's POV :)

Damn it. So my conlusion is correct that even if Sora knew the truth, she wouldn't get back with Donghae. What about Mika? Should I go to her this time?

Donghae: I knew it. She won't get back with me. Although it hurts, let's just try to move on.
Eunhyuk: No. We won't. I'm going to speak to her inside their dorm. You must come with me.
Donghae: What for?
Eunhyuk: Just come.

Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)

The interview began when Sora arrived. I got curious on where she went because normally, she and L oppa would be together.

I was seated between her and Ryeowook oppa that time, waiting for questions prepared for each one of us.

Miyu: Where have you been?
Sam: Let's talk about it later.
Miyu: Arraseo.

That made me even more curious.

Press #1: EXP's maknae line, this is your first time being in a musical. How does it feel?
Ailee: It was totally awesome and I get to play the instruments I want. It feels as if I'm just being myself plus the script of course.
Sam: I felt a bit anxious at first since it's my first time. But when I started to think positively, I was able to portray Sharpay's role well.
Miyu: I was anticipating for this one. I'm a person who likes trying a lot of things to make myself versatile. I guess I can do musicals after all. This made me discover a new side of me.

Press #2: Mika sshi, what is easier or what do you prefer? Drama or musical?
Miyu: To be honest, I can't decide between the two. But the thing with musical is it's live and there's no take two whenever you forget your lines so it's a bit challenging. Unlike in dramas wherein they can edit your errors or shoot it once again.
Press #3: Sora, you portrayed Sharpay very well. What similarities do you have with her?
Sam: Jinjja? Kamsahamnida. Actually, it was hard especially when I have to be a sassy girl. But Sharpay and I are both girly so I guess I only have to practice a little.
Press #4: Ryeowook sshi, what about you? How does it feel being Troy Bolton?
Ryeowook: I did not expect having the lead role because I'm short. It was flattering, I guess.
Press #1: Was it easy working with Mika and the other stars?
Ryeowook: Definitely. My "Gabriella" gives her all in acting so you would be affected by the emotions she's showing you.
Press #2: Was the kiss scene planned or it just came to your mind?
Ryeowook: Well, Mika doesn't want to be kissed in the first place but since people are anticipating, might as well do fanservice instead.
Press #2: L sshi, you and Sora seem to be very close on and off screen.
L: Yes. We've gotten closer during the musical. After all, we're siblings in the story.
Press #1: Speaking of which, Mika and Sora, how did you reacted to the scandal of your boyfriends?
Sam: Well, things happen, and we should not expect it to be perfect.
Miyu: Yeah, people make mistakes, but then again, it's tiring.
Press #4: So you're both single?
Miyu: *nods* Yeah.
Press #1: I bet EXO's happy upon hearing the news.
Miyu: Really? But I'm not yet ready for a new romance. I entertain suitors, though.
Press #3: What about you, Sora?
Sam: Well, you will find out soon. *chuckles*

L oppa smiled a little. Soon, we are going to reveal our relationship status. The press conference ended after 30 minutes.

Donghae's POV :)

Haneul was with me at the dorm. She was hectic back then due to her movie and now's the time for a brother-sister bonding.

Jasmin: You and Sora broke up? Omo...
Donghae: Yeah. She's currently dating L. Now what?
Jasmin: That's too sad. I was expecting you both to end up with each other.
Donghae: I thought so too.
Jasmin: Love will find ways, oppa. I'm sure Sora will realize that you just got involved because of that Jung Nana.
Donghae: That made me crazy indeed.
Jasmin: You know how they are.

Eunhyuk arrived, holding a huge teddy bear on his hand.

Eunhyuk: Haneul, is Mika here?
Jasmin: Aniyo, they're still at the presscon.
Eunhyuk: I'm such a pabo for letting her go.
Hannah: It wasn't you who did. It was her. Oppa, why did you entertained Nana?
Eunhyuk: I know I made a mistake and I'm sorry about it.
Hannah: She loves you so much. Although she's got a lot of suitors, you're the only one in her heart. I totally get it why she's upset.
Eunhyuk: *sighs* I'm such a pabo.
Eun Mi: Do you really love jellyfish? Why do you keep on breaking up with her in the first place?
Eunhyuk: Of course I do. It's just that I'm not yet strong in avoiding temptations.
Jasmin: Well, you really should avoid them during the engagement process, oppa.
Eunhyuk: Siwon will kill me if he knew that I almost did it with her.
Hannah: Byuntae oppa. *sighs* Just do your efforts, arraseo?
Eunhyuk: We will. Right Donghae?
Donghae: Yeah.

Ryeowook's POV :)

Ae Young approached me, and she looked frustrated and hurt seeing me with EXP's maknae line.

Ae Young: Oppa, we need to talk.
Ryeowook: Eh? About what?

Ae Young just took me to a restaurant and we both ordered something because we're hungry.

Ae Young: Oppa, did it felt great?
Ryeowook: The musical? Of course.
Ae Young: I thought so too. You do enjoyed the kissing scene, don't you?
Ryeowook: What are you saying? It's for acting purposes only.
Ae Young: You told me that you would pretend to do the kiss instead of making it real.
Ryeowook: Are we seriously going to fight over this?
Ae Young: That depends. Oppa, why did you kissed her?
Ryeowook: What's so bad about it? Look at actors and actresses who are currently having their drama aired. Would you still even think of your real relationship when you're acting?
Ae Young: You know that she wasn't aware of what you did. I saw her. You kissed her for real right in front of many people.
Ryeowook: Damn it, Ae Young. For God's sake, can't you just let me do that musical? It's my dream. I thought I was going to be happy about this, but then you ruined my mood.
Ae Young: You like her, don't you?
Ryeowook: What kind of question is that?
Ae Young: Just say it. Although I know the answer, I want to hear it from you.
Ryeowook: I like her because she is easy to work with and that she is not clingy. Unlike you. I like Mika. Okay? Happy now?
Ae Young: I knew it. Don't you love me anymore?
Ryeowook: With your personality, my love is decreasing little by little. You know what? I don't think we should still talk to each other.

I left her alone, because I got pissed off right away.

Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)

Sam: Mika, do you want to go with us?
Miyu: Aniyo. You and L oppa should be together. I might ruin your moment.
Sam: Aish, don't be like that. Let's go.
Miyu: Aniyo~ Just let me be. I still have to buy bubble tea first~
Sam: Arraseo. Take care!

I guess she's making me closer to L oppa so she doesn't want to join us. L oppa was waiting for me to enter the car, and he moved closer all of the sudden.

L: I'm dying to let them know of our relationship.
Sam: Me too. But when?
L: We should just let them know. Right now, I don't care what other people think. I only care about you and me.

Stopping the car and closing the windows, L oppa and I kissed passionately inside the car with his hands on my waist. It was my first time doing it to him, yet it feels good. It's magical how a kiss can turn something ordinary into something meaningful.

L: I love you, Sora. You are mine.
Sam: Nado saranghae. I'm yours, you're mine, we're a perfect combination. I never thought I would fall for you this hard, this fast, but I did. <3
L: We didn't choose each other we just fell in love.
Sam: I know. You add color to my life, and sparkle to my eyes <3
L: You know that feeling inside when you've found that perfect someone? Well I have that feeling right now (: <3

L oppa gave me a crooked smile, which made me fall for him more.

Sam: I hate how you look at me with that crooked little smile of yours and I feel all better. I can't resist you no matter how hard I try. :)
L: If only you knew how many times I had to say the 11:11 wish to get you! Keke~

Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)

I know they would prefer being with each other so I decided not to go with them. Although I don't know how to go home alone, might as well take the bus instead.

I waited at the waiting shed, hoping I can go home soon. I'm a bit sleepy that time, but I can't sleep in public.

To my surprise, someone who I know is there.

Miyu: Kai oppa, what are you doing in here?
Kai: I figured out that we should just go home together. I was actually waiting for you.
Miyu: I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Kai: Nah, I didn't call you anyway. You had a great performance.
Miyu: Aww, thank you! Oppa, I'm glad you're here with me now. The truth is, I don't know my way home.
Kai: Is that so? Good thing I stayed here. By the way, I bought you bubble tea.
Miyu: I can't thank you enough for this. It's what I really need to keep me awake.
Kai: You're tired, aren't you? Should we ride a bus instead?
Miyu: Sure! I love riding buses especially if it's a long ride.

A bus came, and we hopped in. I was seated beside the windows, seeing the views outside.

Miyu: I miss riding public transportations, oppa.
Kai: Me too.
Miyu: Good thing there's only a few people. I don't want them to create a scandal.
Kai: You already told the press that you're single, am I right?
Miyu: Yes, even Sora.
Kai: So does this mean I have a chance?
Miyu: Every guy has, oppa. *smiles*
Kai: Sehun and the rest will kill me, though.
Miyu: They should make a move by now. Just kidding!

I was so sleepy. I didn't know how tiring it is to be a part of a musical.

Kai's POV :)

I was glad I waited for her. If I didn't, she would be lost. I feel so lucky being with her as of the moment, and I wouldn't want to miss every single moment whenever I'm with her.

She was already sleeping, and I placed her head on my shoulders and held hands with her. You did a great job, Mika.

Looking at her and imagining Sora, I wonder why Donghae and Eunhyuk hyung prefer hurting them. I mean, a lot of guys wanted to be in their position but they kept on taking them for granted.

I've witnessed her being hurt because of Eunhyuk hyung, and this time I won't let him do so, even if we end up fighting. I'd rather get hurt than to let him hurt the one I love because it's twice the pain.

I won't lose to anyone, not even to my fellow EXO members.

We are here, and I carried her on my back. That does it. I'm going to start courting her. I'm pretty sure she's going to fall for me.

Eunhyuk's POV :)

Eunhyuk: Where is Mika? It's already 11pm! I'm worried!
Donghae: Can't you stay still? You're making me dizzy!

We were still waiting for them, even if it's a bit impossible. We won't give up this time.

Sora arrived and we can clearly see outside the window. L kissed her, and gave Donghae a mini-heartache.

Sam: I'm back, EXP unnies.
Jasmin: Where is Mika?
Sam: She told us to go ahead.
Jasmin: Someone's waiting for you, by the way.

Sora looked at the both of us, with disbelief and exasperation. Before, she looked so happy seeing Donghae, but now, the happiness is gone.

Donghae: Sora.
Sam: Aren't you guys contented? Eunhyuk oppa, you already talked to me a while ago. What now?
Donghae: I can't accept the fact that you can replace me right away. Don't you love me anymore?

Sora wasn't able to answer. Haneul, Hana, Eun Mi and Ailee were there, witnessing the scene.

Donghae: Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't and I would leave right this instance.

She gave him a cold look, cleared and muttered the words.

Sam: I just don't love you anymore, Donghae oppa.

That moment, the door was opened. It was Kai, carrying Mika.

Hannah: What happened to her?
Kai: Shh noona, she's sleeping.

I followed him until he reached her room. I was that desperate.

Kai: Good night, Mika.
Eunhyuk: Why are you with her?
Kai: Why, hyung? Is it bad to hang out with her?
Eunhyuk: She's my girlfriend.
Kai: EX-GIRLFRIEND. Hyung, you disappoint me to be honest.
Eunhyuk: That's why I wanted to talk to her.
Kai: What for? You kept on hurting her, hyung. I had enough of you treating her that way.
Eunhyuk: I'm going to wait for her.
Kai: What's the point? She's already sleeping.

Kai left, being mad at me and I was still persistent.

Eunhyuk: Haneul, can I stay here?
Jasmin: Eh? But oppa, this is a girl's dorm.
Eunhyuk: Even if I sleep at the sofa?
Jasmin: People might find out.
Eunhyuk: They won't. Just let me do everything for her.

Nana's POV :)

I knew my plan is a success. Ha. Who's laughing now, Sora and Mika? I bet they're still crying, waiting for their boyfriends to come back.

My plan isn't over yet. I'll come back at the right time.

----: Hey, are you ready for tonight?
Nana: Of course, I am. What about that girl? Have you dumped her already?
----: Yeah.
Nana: Well then, make love to me right now.

Who is that mysterious character? Tune in.

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Chapter 17: i really miss this story....mind if i asking is it obvisous that they all will be back together like the old time...i miss the old they...i dont know but i just miss the romantic of them when they all still as a couple...btw love your much..
Chapter 15: awesome =)
Chapter 14: who is he or she....i'm sooo curious right the way update soon =) i really love it
Chapter 13: i'm feel sad about them....(crying) i wonder if they would be together again or else....keep it up ;-)
Chapter 10: (crying) :'( ....please update soon..
Chapter 7: why is nana doing this...looking forward for the next chapter...keep it up ^_~
Chapter 4: please update soon ^_^ i'm so~~~ loving it <3
Chapter 1: plz update's soo..interestin ^_^