You gotta be kidding me?

I Guess You Don't Know (모르나봐)

Minkyu's POV:

I opened my eyes alittle. I gently got up & rubbed my eyes. I then looked at the floor to find it Chunji-less. Did he get up already ? I then got off of bed & went outside at the living room. & there he was watching T.V drinking water. He then looked at me. "Ohh ~" he said. "You're awake ~"

I nodded then looked at Chunji's bedroom door & back at him. "Did he ?" i asked & Chunji shooked his head. "It looks like Sungyeol is still out of it so if anything -- I'll just stay here & take care of him." he said. "Or i'll go school later & just make up an excuse ~" he then sipped on his water then continued. "You go on ahead of me ~"

"Are you sure ~??" i asked. "I can stay here with you ?" He then shook his head. "I'll be fine ~" he said, "Go before you're late." I nodded & started getting ready. After 30 minutes i took my bag & was about to exit the place. "I'm going ~" I yelled out.

"BE SAFE ~!!!" Chunji yelled. I looked down as I opened the door & kicked some dirt out & closed the door. I then looked up to find that guy from yesterday. He looked at me as he held his phone. You gotta be kidding me ~? This jerk is my neighbor ?

Dongho's POV:

I heard a door close on the apartment next to mind. I looked to see who it was & unfortunately it was that girl who dropped my drink. "You gotta be kidding me ~?" i said. She then gave me an irritated look & started to walk away. I looked at the time & it read 7:35. About an hour till the bell rings for school. I should enjoy this ~

I looked up to find the girl still walking. I went after her. "Yah ~" i said, but she didnt turn around. "Is she deaf or something ?" i muttered to myself. She was standing in front of the elevator & I guess the elevator doors opened because she started walking forward. I then jog towards that elevator & stopped the doors from closing. She looked at me then back down at the ground. I walked in the elevator & stood right next to her.

The elevator doors closed & I swear -- the air was filled with awkwardness. I looked at the number meter & it was counting down the floors we've passed. Once we reached the lobby, I looked at her. "Ohh by the way ~" i said. She then looked at me. "You owe me a drink ~"

She looked at me weirdly as the elevator doors opened. I then walked out the elevator & smirked.

Minkyu's POV:

"Ohh by the way ~ You owe me a drink ~" he said. He then walked away without saying anything else. "Mwo ~!?!?" i said. I then ran over to him. "Ya ~!!" i said. He then looked at me. "I dont owe you a drink ~" I said.

He then smirk. "Yes you do ~" he said. I then tilted my head. He then rolled his eyes. "Oh my gosh ~ Do you understand Korean or what ?" he said. "Or are you just plain stupid ?" I felt my upper lip twitch alittle as he sighed & continued. "You bumped into me yesterday & you made me drop my drink ~"

I then tried remembering what happened yesterday. I then remembered. He was the one who slept during my vocal test, who told asked me if i was gonna confess to him even though i dont know him, & he was also that guy who yelled at me because he's drink fell..... Wow.... he has anger issues ~

"Ohh ~" i said, quietly. I then looked at him. He then shook his head. "Gaja ~" he said & started walking away from me. "Mwo ?" i said. 'Where ?:

He then turned around. "Where else ? To by me a drink ~" he said. "God -- do i have to do all the thinking today ?" he said under his breathe. He then turned around & started waking towards the doors to exit the building.

I looked at him as he walked away. I sticked out my tounge at him & I let out a sigh. "God you're so freaking grumpy ~" i muttered. "What do those girls see in you ~" I sighed again. "Yah ~" he said as he held the door, looking at me alittle irritated. "Hurry up ~ We dont have all day ~" he then walked out. I rolled my eyes & walked towards the door & walked out.

"Took you long enough ~" he said then grabbed my arm & started pulling me to who knows where.

This is gonna be a LOOOOOONNNNNNG day.


Woooo ~~ Finally an update ~!!! Wooo ~ & also..... DID YOU SEE THE TEASER FOR DONGHO'S NEW MOVIE ~?!?!?!?! or was it a drama.... AHH WHO CARES ~!!?!?!?!?! HE SO ASKDSKADJSJDSLKAJDLKJDSKLJDKSJDS xD

Ahhhh.... Dont mind me... That was my fangirl moment ~ so yeah ~ & sorry if the chapter is boring... it'll get interesting -- just wait & see ~ xD

Ignore all my grammar & spelling errors ~ that, yes -- you're right, that I'm too lazy to fix ~

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This is like heartstrings right?? Nawww how cute!!!~~
chxrlene3 #2
hahahahaah! I did! I updated tonight! But really late. XD Hahaha, just a few minutes ago.. or was it an hour?! OMO HE'S DOING THIS TO GET THAT NOONA!? *tear*
chxrlene3 #3
hahahah! I love it! Thanks for updating! I know I kept bothering you, but hey you did the same to me! xD I love it, UPDATE AGAIN! XD
DAEBAKK and this cliffhanger... You owe me.
chxrlene3 #5
Okaee since you pushed me to update twice in one day, UPDATE AGAIN!? LIKE NOW!? :DD I demand it! XD