The Musical [Hiring]

Compilation of Exo U, The First Class: (The Gardener's Lover) OC x Xiumin

Later that morning, Ronald went to the garden and brought them the "good" news.

“A-A PLAY?!” the unison hollered.

“Yes, a musical~!” Ronald repeated with pride.

“But… why us?” Luhan asks while looking at Ronald.

“He’s right, sir.” Chen agrees. “Why are we playing the roles of the characters in that pl--- musical?”

Ronald clears his throat.

“Do you remember the play held by the Drama Club in the past two years?” he asks and looks at everybody. “If I recall, only Minseok was here at that time,”

“I heard about that, sir,” Xiumin replied. “But I didn’t watch it because I was training for the inter-school championship at that time.”

“I watched that play,” D.O. announced. “Their play was ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare.”

“Correct,” Ronald said. “Now, what can you say about that play?”

“It was ugly,” D.O. replied with a poker face.

The others snicker but D.O. urges that it was really ugly.

“Hamlet was supposed to be like a poem but the actors said their lines in prose.” D.O. says. “Furthermore, the scenes were not vividly delivered. It was like a grade school’s play, to be honest.”

The unison burst into laughter. Ronald told them that it was true, given that Grell chooses s by looks and he lets them do their scripts.

“I even wonder if he checks the script even for once,” Ronald sighs. “Anyways, you should accept this assignment because if you do, I’ll give out a no-thesis for this semester~”

The group looked at each other before nodding happily in response. The blonde prof told them that a meeting for the musical will be held later in the afternoon. He gives them the list of cast and leaves.

“What role do you want to play, Sei?” Jongin asks the young lady who was beside him.

“Hmm… I think I would want to be the narrator,” she replies with a smile.

“I want to be a wolf~!” Baekhyun declares.

“Aish~ It doesn’t fit you,” Chanyeol reacts and pats Baekhyun’s head lightly.

“I want to be the antagonist,” Kris told everybody.

“You can’t.” Tao replies. “They die very quick.”

“But that’s what I want--- A short part.” Kris says while looking at Tao. “Besides, bad guys are cool.” He adds.

Chen hides a smile and looks at Xiumin.

“Hyung, what role would you like to play?” he asks the latter.

“Me? I think… I’ll go with the Captain’s role,” he replies.

Xiumin then parts away from the group, saying that his classes will almost start. He goes inside his classroom; five minutes before the professor will come. As he takes out some books out of his bag, the flyer accidentally fell from his folder. Cream saw this and picks it.

“Xiumin, what is this?” she asks the latter.

Xiumin looks at her and notices that she’s holding the flyer.

“Oh, it’s a musical for this year’s school festival,” Xiumin replies as he arranges his notebooks. “We are joining in because Sir Ronald asked us to.”

“Really?!” Cream exclaimed. “I want to be part of it too!” she declares.

Xiumin frowns and took the paper from her.

“No way!” He declares. “I don’t want to work with you in this play~!”

Cream puffs her cheeks. She was about to complain but Alan Humphries arrives inside the room. She only returns a glare to Xiumin which irritates the latter even more. After class, Xiumin heads straight to the auditorium for the meeting. He met Chen on his way so he decided to go to the auditorium with him. They arrived just in time.

I wonder what kind of play will EXO perform for the school fest~ Find it out juseyo~~ ^^

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