Final ~

The Perks of being Cho Kyuhyun

The alarm clock blasted loudly on the bedside table, the man on the bed groaning and turning it off with a movement of his arm. He sighed and looked at the clock. 12pm, deeming it too early for his liking, he went back to sleep.


Loud knocks resounded on his apartment door; he took a glance at the clock. 1pm. Who could be at this hour?


-“YAH! Cho Kyuhyun! Open the door on this instant!” – a voice he recognized as that of his sister’s called from outside the door. With a huff, Kyuhyun took of the covers and got up from bed, yawning on the process. The knocking didn’t relent.

-“I’m coming! I’m coming!... Jesus, noona, why are you here so early?” – he opened the door, scratching his belly and ruffling his already messed hair.

-“Early? It’s 1 in the afternoon, Kyu! “– Ahra screeched and entered the apartment, a big suitcase trailing behind her - “Did you stay up late again?”

-“Well, yeah... I have to finish that new game, you know? It’s gonna be huge!” – he said with a little smile.


Ahra sighed.


-“Anyways, what’s up with that suitcase?” – Kyuhyun asked, eyeing said object suspiciously. – “You know I love you and everything, noona, but I don’t think we should move in together”

Ahra shook her head and slapped the back of Kyuhyun’s head, smirking when he hissed in pain.

-“I’m not moving in with you, you dummy. This suitcase is not mine... In fact, I’m here because I have a teeny tiny favor to ask of you” – she said with a sweet smile, taking a sit on the couch.

Oh boy, this can’t be good... Kyuhyun thought, sitting on a chair.

-“I have to go for a business trip tomorrow morning and I have no one to take care of Minah... so...”

Kyuhyun had a shocked expression on his face. He could guess what she was going to say.

-“Could you please please, please take care of her while I come back?” – Ahra said, her hands joined and her face showing a pleading expression.

Kyuhyun groaned and slumped on his chair.


-“But...I’m not that good with children... I...”

-“Oh don’t be silly. She loves you. And you’ll do fine” – Ahra stood up from the couch and pinched Kyuhyun’s cheeks – “So don’t worry about it” – She smiled.

Kyuhyun sighed and rubbed his cheek.

-“Where’s Minah, then?” – Kyuhyun said in a resigned tone.

-“She’s at school” – Ahra took a glance at her watch – “She’s to leave in half an hour, so, you have to go and pick her up. Make sure she does all of her homework, goes to bed early, brushes her teeth, eat proper meals not the crap that you eat all the time, and please get her on time to the school, ok” – She said, grabbing her things and giving Kyuhyun a kiss on his cheek – “All the things she could probably need are in the suitcase, toys, clothes, all her books... So if you have a question or something call me, ok? Thank you brother, I love you!” – She opened the door and left the apartment, closing said door with a bang.

Kyuhyun sighed for the umpteenth time that day, already regretting his decision. But well, it’s not like anything could turn out wrong...right?




Kyuhyun stood outside the school watching all the children running towards their parents and relatives, greeting them with warm hugs and kisses. He smiled at the scenes in front of him and wondered when Minah will show up... Did he arrive too early?

-“Uncle Kyu!” – A girly voice screamed happily and the next thing he knew, he was tackled to the floor by a pink ball of excitement – “Uncle Kyu! I’m so glad to see you!”

Cho Minah was a 10 year old bright girl; according to her mother, she was “too bright for her own good”, for she noticed certain things she shouldn’t be noticing at that age. Like for example, the fact that her mother still wore the ring her father gave to her when they were dating, even though he left 5 years ago, because he still loved him and missed him; or the fact that her uncle haven’t had a normal relationship with a woman because he didn’t exactly swing that way...But that was something she knew he had to discover on his own.

-“How are you, little lady?” – he said with a smile playing in the corner of his lips. –“ Ready to go to your home for a week?”

Minah giggled and stood up from atop Kyuhyun, taking his hand to hurry him up.

-“Yes! I’m ready!”




That night as they were having dinner, Kyuhyun noticed his niece was growing up. She will turn into a woman soon, a woman as beautiful as his mother. He got scared. That meant that she will meet men... He knew how men were nowadays, and he certainly didn’t want his little lady to suffer because of any of those jackasses. He made a decision right there, he will sign her up for martial arts lessons so she can learn to defend herself from all the evil men around her when he weren’t there to protect her.


-“Yes, uncle Kyu?” – she said, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

-“I’ll sign you up tomorrow for martial arts lessons, ok?”

Minah clapped her hands in excitement.





The next day after leaving school, they went directly to the Martial Arts School that was on the center of the town (Kyuhyun had looked up the address on the internet last night). Minah was jumping excitedly all the way to the School. She commented she was excited to learn something new. She told her uncle on the way that she had seen movies, where the good guys beat up all the bad guys with some kung fu moves. She proceeded to show him some movements she had seen, making Kyuhyun chuckle at the silliness of her.

Soon enough they got to the center and to the school. They entered and it was all very quiet; for some reason Kyuhyun felt nervous.

-“Good afternoon”

Kyuhyun and Minah jumped slightly on their spots, the sudden voice scared them. The boy that had addressed them hid a chuckle behind his hand.

-“How may I help you?” . he said, sitting behind a desk Kyuhyun hadn’t noticed.

-“Yes, well... good afternoon Mr...”

-“Ryeowook, Kim Ryeowook” – the man said with a smile.

-“Oh, Kim shii – Kyuhyun said, bowing his head – “My name is Cho Kyuhyun and I’m here to sign up my niece Minah, to the karate lessons”

-“Oh yes I see” – Ryeowook said, the smile still on his lips – “You’re lucky because there was just one spot left to the classes. You see, Sungmin shii is quite popular these days” – at the blank expressions on Kyuhyun and Minah’s faces, Ryeowook quickly explained – “”Oh, Sungmin shii is our Martial Arts teacher, one of the bests out there, if I may add”

Kyuhyun smiled politely.

-“Well, she can start right up, class will start in... – he took a glance at the clock on the wall behind him - ...10 minutes! So, Kyuhyun shii, you’ll need to sign here, here and here” – Ryeowook said while taking some papers out of a folder and giving them to Kyuhyun to sign. He took out the right amount of money from his wallet and gave it to the man.

-”Thank you Kyuhyun shii~” - Ryeowook said in a sing song voice - “Now let me just take you to where the classes would take place and where Minah could leave her things while she’s in class, Oh and also I need you to tell me her size so I can give her the uniform”

-”Is there a uniform?” - Kyuhyun asked dumbfoundedly
-”Well of course there is” - Ryeowook answered, looking at Kyuhyun with his eyebrows raised.

Kyuhyun felt very embarrassed all of a sudden and decided not to say anything. Minah was strangely quiet, something Kyuhyun thought was very strange.

Soon enough they were walking towards the classroom where Ryeowook told them she would be in; along the way Kyuhyun saw that the School was nicely decorated and very clean. He felt pleased with his decision.

-”Minah, do you like everything so far? - Kyuhyun asked his niece in a whisper.

-”Yes, uncle” - Minah answered with a little smile.

-”What’s wrong, you seem quiet…” - Kyuhyun wondered aloud while they were turning a corner.

-”Nothing, uncle. I’m just nervous…What if my new classmates don’t like me?” - Minah looked at the floor, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to fall out.

Kyuhyun kneeled in front of Minah, forgetting for a moment about Ryeowook and the fact that they were probably late for the class.

-”You have nothing to be worried about” - Kyuhyun said, lifting Minah’s head - “You are a wonderful girl, and very bright and capable. I’m sure they will love you and you’ll make tons of friends in here”

Minah sniffed and said in a little voice:

-”You really think so?”

-Of course I do!” - Kyuhyun said, his voice full of conviction.

Minah smiled and hugged Kyuhyun tightly, almost making him fall to the floor.

A few steps from them, there were two men, one of them was smiling and the other was drying a little tear that had slipped out at the sweet scene. A slight sniff caught Kyuhyun’s attention and he looked behind him, were Ryeowook and a man he hadn’t seen before, where.

Kyuhyun was left speechless.

The man alongside Ryeowook had blonde short hair, almond shaped eyes on a brownish color, his nose was pointy and elegant; and his lips… his lips were in the shape of an “M”, in a pinky color.

Kyuhyun had the sudden want to kiss them to see if they were as sweet and soft as they appeared to be.

-”Hmm, Kyuhyun shii, this is the teacher I was telling you about” - Ryeowook said, a spark of understanding and mischievousness on his eyes - “This is Lee Sungmin. Sungmin, this is Cho Kyuhyun and his niece Minah”

-”Nice to meet you, Kyuhyun shii, Minah” - the man called Sungmin smiled and bowed a little at both of them.

-”N-Nice to meet you too, Sungmin shii” - Kyuhyun bowed back, stuttering a little in the process.

-”Minah will be your student, Sungmin” - Ryeowook said, a smile on his face.

-”Oh, then you should call me Seonsaengnim” - he said with a little giggle.

Kyuhyun found it endearing.

-”Yes, Sungmin Seonsaengnim” - Minah said with a small voice and a smile.

-”Omo, you’re just too cute” - Sungmin smiled, suppressing the want to pinch Minah’s cheeks. -”Class is starting right now, so you should go change and then enter, ok? Don’t worry, you get just in time because this is a review week so you’ll be able to catch up in no time, ok?”

Minah smiled at Sungmin, making him smile as well. Kyuhyun didn’t say a thing, he just observed quietly, looking intently at the man in front of him.

-”Kyuhyun shii, are you going to stay for the class?” - Sungmin asked, a light blush covered Kyuhyun cheeks, he hoped nobody noticed it.

-”Well, can I stay? I would love to”

-”Of course you can!” - Ryeowook enthusiastically said - “Come on, I’ll take both of you to hand you the uniform and then I’ll bring you here. Hurry hurry, we’re late!” - He took Kyuhyun’s and Minah’s hands and dragged them towards a door at the end of the hallway. He opened it and said:

-”This is where the lockers are” - he said, motioning them to enter and walking towards a seemingly empty locker, he opened it and there was a small white uniform. He took it and gave to Minah - “That door over there is the bathroom, go quickly change ok?”

-”Yes oppa” - Minah said, smiling cutely.

Once Minah was done changing, they hurriedly went to the classroom. Class had already started and Kyuhyun was stunned at the door.

He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing. The blonde haired man had a stick on his hand and was spinning it quickly in the air, a set expression on his face. His movements were fluid, as if he were the waves on the sea. Sungmin made a high spin on the air and landed swiftly on his feet, making all the class go “Ohhh” at the display.

-”If you work hard and practice everyday, you will be able to do all of this” - Sungmin said, looking at all his students directly in the eyes. - “I can teach you all I know, but you will only learn if you set yourself to reach your goals” - He was met with silence. - “Now, all of you stand up and start stretching… Minah...” - said girl jumped a little at the mention of her name.

-”Yes, seonsaengnim?”

-”Come over here so I can help you with the stretches… Kyuhyun shii, you can sit down over there” - Sungmin said, motioning towards a group of chairs on the far corner of the room that Kyuhyun hadn’t noticed, too absorbed in watching Sungmin’s movements.




He moved swiftly, his body moved with a grace he hadn’t ever seen on anyone. Nor male, or female. He admired it, and he was a little envious to be honest.

But all good things must come to an end, clock got to 4pm; it was time for the class to finish.

-”Ok everyone. You’ve worked hard!” - Sungmin said, clapping once. There were murmurs all around, from the parents who had come to take their children and from the children saying goodbye to their friends. - “See you all next class!” - Sungmin left the classroom, a little smile on his face.

-“Uncle Kyu! Did you see my movements? Did you see my kicks and my punches?” - said an excited Minah, running towards Kyuhyun who welcomed her with open arms.

-”I saw everything, little lady. You did very well.” - He smiled at her, the thought of the blonde haired man never leaving his mind - “Come on, it’s time to go home”




A week had passed and the infatuation Kyuhyun felt towards a certain blonde haired man who happened to teach  martial arts to his little didn’t do a thing but to grow.

Of course, Kyuhyun KNEW that what he felt for Sungmin was admiration because the man was a good teacher and knows what he’s doing. That was all it was, no more no less.

He didn’t listen to that little voice on his head that said it was more than admiration, because no, Kyuhyun didn’t feel anything more for Sungmin. He was NOT gay. No, he wasn’t.

Just because of the fact he wanted to run his fingertips on Sungmin’s hair to see if it was as soft as it looked; or the fact that he wanted to hug his petite little waist while he breathed him in the perfume he took a whiff of that other day (it was an accident, they kind of...bumped on the hallway and Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin from the waist so he wouldn’t fall); or maybe the fact that he wanted to make him smile everyday because that was the most precious smile he had ever seen before; or just because of the fact that he wanted to kiss those “M” shaped lips to feel if they were as smooth as they looked…

That doesn’t mean… That couldn’t mean that he was… Gay…

...Could it?




-”You’re totally gay”

-”Thanks man, you’re really helpful”

Kyuhyun groaned and banged his forehead on the table.

-”What did you want me to say?... No, Kyu, you’re not gay, you just want to kiss that man and screw him senseless because he’s awesome…”

-”Zhou Mi!” - Kyuhyun said, scandalized.

The man called Zhou Mi shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his non-fat latte.

-”I know of these stuff” - Zhou Mi said, an understanding tone on his voice - “I know how you feel because I’ve been there before”

-”And what did you do?” - Kyuhyun raised his head from the table and looked at Zhou Mi.

-”I accepted it. I acknowledged myself for who I am, because… you can lie to everyone about something like this. But you can’t lie to yourself”

-”But I’m not gay” - Kyuhyun said with a whine.

-”Maybe you’re just gay for Sungmin” - Zhou Mi said with a little smile, patting Kyuhyun’s hand.

Maybe that was the answer. Kyuhyun felt silent and took a sip of his black coffee.

-”Now you just have to confess yourself to Sungmin”

Due to his shock, Kyuhyun spat his coffee all over Zhou Min’s new Gucci shirt.




Kyuhyun didn’t really have a clue on what to do. He had to stop working on his new game because everytime he would sit in front of his laptop, images of Sungmin will fill his mind.

Sungmin jumping.

Sungmin laughing.

Sungmin smiling.

It all was Sungmin, Sungmin, Sungmin.

He sighed and slumped on the chair he was sitting at, rubbing his temples to calm the headache that was starting to form.

He looked at the clock that read 10:00am, Minah was still at school. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he grabbed his coat, his keys and went out to take a walk to hopefully clear his mind.




A chilly breeze moved the trees and the leaves on the concrete floor on that October morning. Kyuhyun was walking leisurely on the park, no destination in mind, just letting his feet carry him. He approached a big elm close to the river shore and sat down below its shadow.

It was peaceful. He closed his eyes and sighed.

-”Kyuhyun shii?”

He knew that voice. His heart started to beat faster on his chest. He opened his eyes and there it was. The person who had been on his mind non stop everyday.

Lee Sungmin.

The sun was shining, giving Sungmin an angelic glow. He was wearing a coat and a beanie. He was the definition of cute.

-”Can I sit down with you?”

Kyuhyun just nodded his head, willing his heart to stop beating so loud. He was afraid Sungmin would listen.

Sungmin sat down next to Kyuhyun and a peaceful silence enveloped them.

-”It’s a nice day… Don’t you think Kyuhyun?” - Sungmin said, a smile on his lips.

-”Yes, you’re right, Sungmin shii”

Sungmin pouted, his lips jutting out (something Kyuhyun secretly loved about him)

-”We should drop the formalities… How old are you, if I may ask?”

-”I’m 23”

-”Oh” - a surprised expression left Sungmin’s lips - “I’m 27, that makes me your hyung” - Sungmin laughed, making Kyuhyun smile and fall a little more in love with him.

-”Do you want a cup of coffee?” - Sungmin said.

-”Sure thing, hyung” - Kyuhyun said with a teasing voice, making Sungmin laugh and Kyuhyun’s heart skip a beat.

He took a decision right there in that instant. He had nothing to lose. Well, maybe he did, but, if he didn’t take a chance he would never know.

-”Hey Hyung…”

-”Hmm?” - Sungmin hummed, a sparkle in his eyes and a smile playing on the corner of his “M” shaped lips.

-”Have you ever… felt something towards someone… and not be sure of what they feel towards you?...”

Sungmin stopped smiling, a thoughtful expression on his face.

-”Why do you ask that, Kyu?” - the nickname slipped Sungmin’s lips without his permission. It made Kyuhyun’s heart warm.

-”Because I… kind of...I…”

It was NOT the time to chicken out. He had to say it, or else he would explode.

-”I… I like you, hyung” - as soon as those words left his mouth, he couldn’t stop the flow - “And I don’t mean it in a just friends way, it’s an I like you, I LIKE you. I don’t know how I started feeling this way, maybe it was when I met you that day on the Martial Arts School, or when you smiled at me, or maybe I’m mistaken and I’m just infatuated with you but I don’t know because my head tells me this is not possible but my heart… This is the first time this has ever happened to me and I just...” - Kyuhyun suddenly stopped. Sungmin was looking at him intently, a shocked expression on his face.

-”What is your heart telling you, Kyuhyun…?” - Sungmin whispered.

-”That I should go for it… He’s telling me that you are...the one for me…”

Sungmin didn’t say anything. Kyuhyun was dying little by little with every passing second Sungmin was silent.

-”Hyung… please say something, anything… even if it’s rejection…”

Sungmin put a finger on Kyuhyun’s lips, silencing him. Sungmin smiled.

-”I kind of… like you too, Kyuhyun…”

Kyuhyun’s heart filled up with happiness; he smiled a big smile, his eyes crinkled and his stomach full of butterflies.

Sungmin smiled at him and gave him a light, very light kiss on his lips.

Kyuhyun felt he would explode from all the happiness he felt.

...Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing to listen to Zhou Mi every once in a while…


The End.

KyuMin is REAL and ther'e's nothing you can say to change my mind.
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Chapter 1: so sweet~^^
it's kinda cute!! and of course KyuMin is real <33
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaa!!! Kawaiiiiiiii!!! *-* i'm speechless ;-; dunno what to say it''s... *wipe fake tears* your awesome author-nim (Y)
Chapter 1: I love it
Kyumin is real,just look at their eyes!!!!
Gyaaaa #4
Chapter 1: I am agree with uou.. KyuMin is real even with their lack of PDAs lately.. But the chemistry and connection between them are still there.. >_<

Thanks for writing.. *^
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun in denial is so cute actually! XD And I couldn't help but laugh at Zhoumi XD
pinkheartx #6
Chapter 1: One word: CUTE. HAHA.
oh hi^^ i like this thank you for writing this one~ it feels nice reading this :))