Maybe I Just Love You?

Wing Man (a.k.a Jinki Talks Way Too Much When He Is Drunk)

“―and, oh my god, did I show you pictures of him this past Halloween?” Jinki is saying, eyes crinkling in delight as he tries to hold back an excited chuckle, completely oblivious to the daggers Kibum is glaring at the back of his head from where he is sitting on the elder’s right side.

In response, the stranger just shakes their head politely, glancing behind him for a second and shooting Kibum an odd expression over Jinki’s shoulder, which makes the younger man cringe internally from the sheer humiliation he is currently going through. Kibum tries to supply an apologetic smile but now this man is avoiding all possible future eye-contact―which really because, wow, this guy is really ing hot.


Jinki had basically slurred non-stop for the past half an hour about his best friend (read: Kim Kibum) to a complete stranger that had had the misfortune of catching the younger man’s interest. Upon voicing this interest to Jinki (which was a huge- error on Kibum’s part because his best friend was ing drunk), the older man said ‘Oh, let me talk to him for you!’ and promptly plopped himself next to the stranger despite Kibum’s protests.

But in the matter of thirty minutes, the older man hadn’t done anything to build up Kibum’s charm as much as he had absolutely wrecked it by revealing all of Kibum’s strange sleeping habits, his tendency to yell extremely loud when displeased, how he wrings Jinki’s wallet dry whenever they go shopping, and other details that really don’t compliment as much as, say, his―according to Kibum―flexibility, which comes in handy for all that he’s totally into.

“He lost a bet and, oh god, just look at his face!” Jinki is in tears now from how hard he is laughing, hunched over the bar top with his phone as he pulls up pictures of Kibum from the last Halloween party with their friends―the younger man’s face is covered in red lipstick and he’s making a really estranged expression that make it seem like he should be in a mental asylum instead of the bar they’re currently in.

Jinki really talked way too ing much when he was drunk.

Kibum wants to die right then, his head banging against the table in agony―letting Jinki take those pictures had been a terrible idea, which only occurred because he had been too faced to turn them down, and because of that moment of regretful decisions, Jinki now uses the ugliest one as his lock-screen photo.

The picture is obviously too much for the handsome stranger to handle, and with an awkward high-pitched laugh, he excuses himself from Jinki’s company and makes a beeline for the door. Jinki stares after him sadly, lower lip pulled out in a pout as he slides over to the next picture (a zoomed out picture of Kibum at the Halloween party pre-alcohol, in which he is sporting a tight, hot-pink skirt and makeup that accentuates his sharp cheekbones and catlike eyes―the perfect picture to make someone interested, but obviously it was too late now).

“Aw, I didn’t get a chance to show him all of the pictures!” the elder mumbles sadly. He turns to look at Kibum, whose head is resting on the table as he watches Jinki with a smirk pulling at the corner of his bowed lips. “I was a hundred-percent certain that you were getting laid tonight. I’m sorry for being such a failure, ‘Bummie.”

In all honestly, Kibum wasn’t really upset at all―maybe just a little, since now there was an extremely attractive stranger out there that thinks that he is a complete nut job―because Jinki genuinely looked upset, his shoulders slumped as he flashes his best friend those irresistible puppy-dog eyes. At least he had tried―it said way more to Kibum than his other friends.

“What I want to know,” Kibum begins, a small smile still on his lips, “is how the hell did you expect the guy to like me after you said―and I quote―‘Kibum has sleeps with his mouth open so sometimes he drools or snores really loud’?”

Jinki’s cheeks tint endearingly pink as he fidgets in his seat, fumbling with his phone awkwardly. “Well, I was only telling him stuff that you do that I think is really cute…” he mutters, trying his best not to look his best friend in the eye.

At those words, Kibum is a taken aback, rapidly sitting up straight as his eyes widen almost comically. “You… think I’m cute?” the younger man asks, slowly, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Jinki just flushes darker before nodding. “And really nice and sweet and caring…” he replies, chewing his lower lip as he picks at his phone case. “P-Plus your hands are really soft and warm, and your lips are so pretty when you smile.”

Kibum’s mouth feels suddenly dry, face heating up as he regards the older man in a new light. “You think I’m p-pretty?”

“Mhmm. Really, really, really pretty.”

Swallowing thickly, Kibum finally asks, “So does that mean that you… like me?”

Finally meeting his friend’s eyes, Jinki replies with a shy smile, “Yeah. I like you. Actually, I like you a lot. Sometimes, I even think I might be in love with you.”

At that Kibum’s heart skips a beat in his chest as he studies the elder’s expression for a few seconds. Suddenly, he’s grinning brightly, grabbing Jinki’s hand and tugging the older man off the barstool as they cut through the crowd and exit the bar. “Well then,” Kibum’s begins, lips curled in amusement, “if I had known, I would have done something about that as soon as possible.”

Startled, Jinki mindlessly follows Kibum out to the younger man’s car, where the backseat door is flung open and he is shoved inside, falling onto his back and nearly hitting his head on the opposite door’s armrest. “W-What do you mean?” he asks, a little disoriented from running outside and then being deposited onto his back.

But before Jinki can get a chance to gather his bearings, his breath catches in his throat when the younger man unexpectedly climbs on top of him, straddling his hips and slamming the car door behind him. The lights on the car headliner dim without delay and make Kibum’s slanted eyes glitter in that impish way that never fails to get Jinki’s heart racing.

“W-What are you doing?” Jinki finally manages to croak out, hands resting awkwardly on Kibum’s slim hips as the younger begins to Jinki’s cotton shirt, fingers brushing against the bare skin underneath as he moves down.

his lips, Kibum lets out a breathy laugh as he leans closer, lips ghosting over Jinki’s teasingly. “Well, didn’t you say you were going to get me laid tonight? You have to take responsibility for your words, Jinki,” he sing-songs before moving closer until their chests are flush together. “You are going to, aren’t you?”

Jinki gulps audibly, face red when the younger man finally presses their lips together.

He really talked way too ing much when he was drunk.





a/n: not really sure what this is, but i’ve been wanting to write it for a while now so here you go ^u^
i actually haven’t written any onkey in a long time, so this was quite refreshing! c:

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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 1: Cute love this
Chapter 1: Lol Jinki is a cutie pie
ninabulett #3
Chapter 1: I bet jinki's not that drunk, he was just jealous and afraid if his bummie going out with someone else, kekeke..or maybe he did drunk a little to gain some courage to confess.. XD
Chapter 1: I love a drunk Jinki. He finds everything key does to be cute, even the not cute at all parts. Lol
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful omfg I love it author-nim ^^ I love drunk!Jinki and this is just way too perfect for words~
MraRosas #6
Chapter 1: This is perfect, seriously. I like your writing and the situation you put them in..perfect haha. Reading this was so much fun, thank you. Please do a sequel, please.
Chapter 1: HAHA Jinki talks way to much when he's drunk. This was nice and pretty funny thank you for this oneshot :D
bbonkey #8
Chapter 1: i love this!
onkeyslove #9
Chapter 1: woooo long time no read onkey. this is so sweet and funny. oh my jinki~~ he is so cute
Chapter 1: This was so cute! I can't even.... thank you for this ^^