Second Love ( Introduction)

Yixing POV

Three lessons have already past and Hyoyeon was nowhere to be seen?, I looked around the canteen, schools playground and the cheerleading practice room basically everywhere but I wasn't about to find her, I sat on the bench outside the football field thinking why isn't she in school? WHAT HAPPENED to her, could she be sick?!! My thoughts were driving me crazy to the point that I actually forgot why I was even looking or her. my thoughts were cut by jongin's voice calling me "Ya, Yix come and play why are u sitting there like an old lady" he laughed and continued playing, but I sat there for like 15 mins thinking about Hyo and why she’s not in school, but when i got up and I was about to leave jongin called me again and said " um have you seen Hyoyeon around today cuz I can't seem to find her anywhere not even by our tree or out dance house?" 

"ugh I thought you knew where she was that's why I came to see you" I said that with a really worried tone but before I could say a word Jongin's phone rang " Hello is this Kim Jongin speaking? 

"Yes may I know who I'm speaking to?"

"Ah yes, I'm Mrs Park and I'm calling to confirm you that your applications has been accepted even though you brought it in late , YOU'RE A VERY LUCKY GUY" 

"WHAT ME?!! Really........ WHEN and HOW?! 
"I'm sorry Mr Kim but I can’t answer these questions now I'm busy but if you want to take this opportunity you have to come to your first class on Friday at 8:30 pm, I shall hung up now , take care" 

"uh ...OkAy .....Um wait....wai....!" Jongin shouted 

I just stood there looking more confused than Jongin, like I had no idea what was going on so I asked him “who was on the phone and why do you look so confused and SCARED? Or wait were you SHOCKED?! actually you still are?" but jongin didn't even say a WORD to me he just stood there looking at the ground and that's what got me angry and got me to shout out and say " YAA ANSWER ME WHAT'S WRONG?!!" that's when he looked at them and suddenly out of nowhere he started hugging me and shouted "I GOT ACCEPTED ......AH I'M ACCEPTED HYUNG........." 

" What?......whats wrong with you why are  you acting so weird all of sudden and STOP HUGGING ME" I said in annoyed tone and tried to pull out of his hugs and when I was finally  free I looked at him and he said " I'm going to SM Hyung I'm accepted there and I don't know how or why HYUNG BUT I AM !! " he had a huge smile on his face and you could see the happiness in his eyes, that's when I remember I have to tell jongin in the exact same thing I was looking for Hyoyeon to tell , but before I could say it to him , Jongin was like five miles away from me and he was shouting out loud " hyung sorry but I have to go and find my baby, I have to TELL HYOYEON!!" while waving at me . 

I laughed at how stupid he looked shouting and waving but I was actually really happy for him......BUT that's when I recalled what happened like two seconds ago ......did Jongin say B...A...B...Y?? What wai.....i...it is he calling HyOyeoNNN ''BABY'' why?...... WHY what happened??...... "WHY IS HE CALLING HER BABY?!!!" and that's when I realized I was saying the last few words are they DATING?” a bit loud.


 Jongins last word got stuck in my head and that’s all I could think about all day.....BABY ....Baby...ba....Aish just forget about its nothing ....NOTHING ..... they can't be dating?!. 

UM could Jongin and Hyoyeon really be DATING??? And why is Hyoyeon missing school?? WHO helped Jongin to get in SM?? all of this will be revealed SOON heheh , this is a short update sorry guys I don't update that often but I really have so much work but I'll try to update now and then and I promise you guys if the next chapters not long the one after it will definitely be :D so what do u think of this chapter I mean  I haven't done a LAY POV before so here’s one and i hope you guys like it ^^ and I'll read over my work again to check for any mistakes if there is I'm sorry about that. Thank you for reading and please comment and VOTE: D love ya all xoxo 

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Chapter 8: Bad Kai why did you cheat on her??

Poor Hyo , hope you will be fine
Chapter 3: Great!!Hyo is a cheerleader

Love to see her dance
Chapter 2: Hyo is very cute!!
Love HyoKai!!