Meeting the second guy

Second Love ( Introduction)

Meeting the second guy 

Hyoyeons POV

I walked through our school long hallway that had lockers both sides; they were all very colourful because everyone tried to show their personalities within their lockers. There’s no one in the hallways because I’m like 20 mins late for my math class, the class I hate the most and thank god I have a reason for that. I walk in to find Mr Kin looking  at me and he doesn’t look that happy I’m telling you guys :he said ‘’ cheerleading practice Again?’’, I answered ‘’ Sorry, I’m late Mr Kim and Yes’’ while bowing twice than I walked to my set it’s the one right at the back because I could actually get some sleep and rest so won't be wasting my time listening to Mr Kin for the next 40 mins.  
I opened my sleepy eyes to the sound of the squeaky and the horrible high- pitch ringing bell, I lifted my head up, I can see everyone packing and leaving the class so I hurried and packed my things, I really want to go and see where Jongin and find out why he ignored me this morning at the football field.

----> Flash Back <----
" You are on a team.
that team is a family not matter what happens , regardless if you like them or not or if you like them all or none of them you will work, sleep , eat and share happy and sad moments with them because you can't choose FAMILY just you can't choose your team. no matter what happens you always have to have your teams back despite all of the drama that goes on throughout the years of you being a party of this family and this team you should always be there for them and i will always be there for you, remember that no matter what you’re going through there will always be some on in this team you can talk to. So I know I made this long but my last words ------>
YOU compete as one, not as individuals. 
Each and every one of you has to try harder every practice.
 WIN or LOSE as a TEAM.
WE ARE ONE .......> WE ARE.....> W.O.L.F.S" (btw I’m a cheerleader) 
after I dismissed the girls saying our first practice starts at 9:30 to 12:30 tomorrow, I turned around to see a guy with sleepy eyes, with perfectly shaped lips and that smile and that one side dimple could send any girl to a hospital in less than 3 secs hehe , his dark brown that's covering half of his handsome, white and angelic face.... that handsome guy that I’ve been talking about or let’s say describing is Yi Xing '
Yi Xing '' why you looking at me like that?,
Hyoyeon " I wasn't I was looking at the uhmmm..... Rubbish bin behind you''' I lowered my head in embarrassment, what a stupid excuse a rubbish bin REALLY Hyo A BIN?! I thought to myself. 
“Yi Xing, Anyways I’m here to ask you if you've seen Jongin around, he’s nowhere to be seen since yesterday?" he looked at me with a worried and confused look on his face and said “No, I thought he was spending the day with you?” Yixing is really close to Jongin they were friends since primary school and they became closer after Yi Xing lost his dad. 

Before I could even say a word to Yi Xing , Jongin walked pass me and Yi Xing really fast as if he’s ignoring us ?!, I was about to run to chase after him , when Yi Xing grabbed my wrist and said '' don't  go ..... Looks like he needs sometime alone'' I replied with a confused look on my face '' B-but Y-you....’’  aish why can't I talk properly ? . Yi Xing stopped me at "you" and said “sorry Noona I have to go now" ruffling my hair before leaving. I couldn’t bother screaming my lungs out to say what I wanted to say to Yixing so I just stood there looking at him walk away and looking like a lost idiot in the middle of the football field.


 Yi Xing is like my older brother even though hes a year older than me but wait I don't think it sounded right when I said "older brother" haha because of how i describe him like two mins ago........ Well I had a crush on him when I was 10 I think hehe but he always acted like an older brother toward me..... well you see he’s a very quiet and neat person that’s the only way I could describe him hehe *shy mood on*, he’s the school’s first student president and he’s the head president of his music class he can play piano without reading or even looking at the sheets and he write songs, I've listened to a couple of them and they’re amazing. I remember he once wrote one to his ex-girlfriend and it was heart breaking but, I still envied that girl because she got all of that attention for him ( you see not many girls can get his attention easily) , since then I wished that one day he'll write me a song too.) 

so here's my second update (2nd chapter) I hope you guys like it and I know chapters 1&2 aren't that interesting but I promise you chapter 3 will have more action in it heheh please vote and comment anything you want me to add u can even suggest some cast cuz I haven't fully decided on them: D and I will read over my work and try to correct my work :D THANK YOU XX 

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Chapter 8: Bad Kai why did you cheat on her??

Poor Hyo , hope you will be fine
Chapter 3: Great!!Hyo is a cheerleader

Love to see her dance
Chapter 2: Hyo is very cute!!
Love HyoKai!!