The agreement

Key of trust

A/N: I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Let's hope 2014 brings us more great memories~ 



Do Kyungsoo had a week to constitute his decision. Each passing day, his decision keep faltering back and forth between accepting and rejecting Kim Jongin. He could not help but have second thoughts on the decision he had made previously with his best friend. Of course he wanted to help his best friend in any possible way but would this be the best way to repay Chanyeol’s deeds? Also after the fateful encounter with Kim Jongin that day, Kyungsoo has been bumping into the tanned sophomore more often while walking along the hallway and sometimes even making prolonged eye contact across the cafeteria room. Kyungsoo felt confident to be executing eye contact with SM high’s popular boy, Kim Jongin. He no longer felt terrified of any backlash he would receive from his bold actions because now he has Chanyeol and Jongin on his side.


Jongin could not help but every eye contact he manage to make with Kyungsoo makes his heart flutter. Those big round black orbs just torments his mind into staring into it, giving a squishy and lively vibe. The tanned boy also takes a big detour to his classes so he could bump into the senior at his locker.  Of course it would not make him be or feel distracted from his original plan of using Kyungsoo to just get closer to his crush. Kyungsoo was the perfect stepping stone that Jongin had finally decided to utilize the older boy to reach his ultimate goal of getting closer to at least talk with Park Chanyeol. Judging by the way Kyungsoo has been getting bolder, Jongin was getting assured his plans would actually work out to his advantage.


The last bell rang and students started to spill onto the hallway once again, all celebrating gleefully that another school week had ended. If only weekend lasts as long as their minds wanted it to be. Advanced calculus finally ended and the teacher had left after reminding the whole class to complete some math problems over the weekend, earning a symphony of disgruntled groans from the classroom. While the classroom slowly started to empty itself, a petite, narrow-shoulder student was still busy hunched over his desk while humming a melodious tune.


 Kyungsoo closed his textbook and clicked his ball-point pen. Done. As usual Kyungsoo had finished all the math problems the teacher had tasked for them over the weekend. Kyungsoo is a free man for the weekend again. Smiling discreetly to himself while he was packing his stationaries and his books into his haversack when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. The hand did not seem to budge even after Kyungsoo had told the person to remove it. He had clearly told his best friend he will go home safely and that no bullies were going after him anymore. Annoyed, he turned his head back, expecting to be greeted by the boy with pointy ears, bright white smile and crescent-like eye smile but it was not Park Chanyeol that greeted Kyungsoo’s eyes when he turned.


Jongin could have sworn school has ended a good ten minutes ago. The mass of student population were already fast exiting the gates but not one seemed to be the boy he was looking for. It was Friday and everyone, including the seniors did not have extra classes to attend to. Jongin knew from all the research he had done previously. Jongin did not even caught sight of any tall, lanky boy with pointy ears or the elf that always seem to cling onto the giant. Jongin tried craning his neck, still trying to look for the boy with milky white skin and doe-like eyes. Finally giving up after majority of students have left, Jongin decided to head back into school to look through the seniors classrooms.


The hallway was eerily empty, a contrast to the squeezy and noisy one that filled it the entire week. Jongin could even hear the squeaking of his sneakers as he made way towards the classrooms. Examining each classroom carefully, the stretch of classrooms seemed deserted if not for a melodious tune.


 The tune hummed was beautiful, almost euphoric in Jongin ears. The tanned boy pursued towards the direction of the tune and stopped outside a classroom at the end of the stretch. Jongin peered through the window, a breath-taking back view of heart-shaped brunette hair greeted him. The brunette was putting away his stationaries and packing his stuff while still humming the melodious tune. Jongin cautiously made his way into the classroom and lightly placed his hand on one side of those narrow shoulders.


The warmth from the body seem to warm Jongin’s cold one. The humming stopped and Jongin seemed unfazed by the low nasal-like voice asking him to let go. Jongin felt the shoulders turn and now he faced the boy he was waiting a good close to twenty minutes for, Do Kyungsoo.


“W-what are you doing here?” Kyungsoo finally asked after regaining his composure, standing straight but still his gaze had to be raised to meet those piercing ones. Kim Jongin was a head taller than Kyungsoo, almost the same height as his best friend.


“I was waiting for you at the gates and was kind of worried when I didn’t see you. I was thinking if we could go home together?” Jongin asked while still staring into those orbs, never blinking, mesmerized.


“I’m ugh, Chanyeol will be…it’s okay. I can go home myself” Kyungsoo tried to defend himself. Chanyeol had a date with Junmyeon to celebrate the couple’s first year anniversary and Kyungsoo did not want to appear as the third wheel. He was supposed to be going home himself but now he had Kim Jongin walk home with him. Kyungsoo momentarily forgot his week was up. He had to answer to Jongin’s question from the prior week. Fluttering his eyes trying to think of an excuse to liberate him out of the situation.


“I need to ugh put my books in the lock-“letting out a low squeak, Kyungsoo fell forward after he had hastily grabbed his haversack and books. Instead of planting his face onto the white-tiled marble floor, he landed onto a pleasantly warmed chiseled chest. He felt himself being pushed back, now standing directly under the scrutiny of those charming piercing eyes.


“You okay?” Jongin asked, his tensed arms firmly holding onto each side of Kyungsoo’s narrow shoulders. The older boy nodded in acknowledgement, eyes still continue to flutter nervously as it looked back down onto the floor. Jongin loosen his grip onto those shoulders and now caressed those soft, rosy white cheeks and tilted them so he could now face those lovingly doe-like eyes.


“I’m going to walk you home, Kyungsoo”




The situation seemed peculiar to Kyungsoo but at the same time he feels the same level of protection he’d get from his best friend. Jongin was actually walking beside him, letting a stray hand over his narrow shoulders. Kyungsoo can feel his body heating up due to the foreign arm across his shoulders but he did not shudder the arm away.


Jongin did it. He had played his cool well, an arm across the shorter boy’s shoulders. He already knew that Kyungsoo was lying about going home with that tall giant. Jongin had counted his dates meticulously, today was Park Chanyeol and his midget boy Kim Junmyeon’s anniversary. Also, the week was finally up. Jongin needed Kyungsoo to kick start his plan.

“So, about what I asked you last week…”


“Yes. The answer is yes.” Kyungsoo hastily replied and stared taking faster strides. He was waiting for Jongin to ask him. He was sure he had planned it to be more magical and more significant but this would do, he was attached to Kim Jongin, SM High’s popular student. The rosy cheeks redden after his response to Jongin. Kyungsoo did not want Jongin to notice but damn his shorter legs. Jongin soon caught up after only a few long strides and pulled onto his uniform, causing Kyungsoo to grab onto something instinctively. He felt his hand onto a stronger one. Kim Jongin is holding my hand.


Jongin could not hide his sinister smile. It was too easy to make Kyungsoo fall into his trap but at the same time he felt happy the older boy had accepted him. Entangling his hand with the softer one of the older boy, Jongin walked hand in hand with his boyfriend, SM High’s top scorer, Do Kyungsoo. It would definitely be a field day for SM High tomorrow with the gossips that is going to erupt in school. In the meantime, both boys just enjoyed the silence and the warmth of holding someone’s hand.


Reaching outside the humble house of the Do’s residence, both boys noticed a moving truck parked outside beside Kyungsoo’s house. Out came a boy, as short as Kyungsoo but slightly taller with puppy-like eyes and auburn hair.


“Byun Baekhyun!” both boys shouting in unison, surprising one another and the boy who had just exited the house.


“Oh my god, Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin? Wow!” Baekhyun cheerfully replied. After exchanging tight hugs, Kyungsoo welcomed both boys into his house since there should be a mini get-together amongst the three who surprisingly know one another. Both Jongin and Baekhyun settled down at the couch in the living room while Kyungsoo went into the kitchen to grab some light snacks. Baekhyun was Jongin’s best friend back in middle school before Baekhyun had to move away from their neighborhood while Kyungsoo and Baekhyun had known each other from attending the same vocal classes when they were younger.


“How come you didn’t tell me you were moving here? I could have prepared something” Jongin whined, pouting his plump lips.


“Don’t put up an act Kai, you’re only like this in front of your boyfriend” Baekhyun snapped back, hitting the back of Jongin. Kyungsoo only laughed at the interactions between the other two boys. The sweet interactions reminded him of himself and his giant best friend. Speaking of Chanyeol, he was happy the giant had survived this long with the class resident without a single text or call for help. Kyungsoo had so many things to reveal starting from the fact he was now attached. Kyungsoo fiddled with his phone, oblivious to Jongin calling out his name.

“Hey, Kyungsoo?” Jongin inquired the doll-like senior of his. Kyungsoo arced his head towards the direction of the voice, surprising himself at the close proximity of his face with Jongin’s. Kyungsoo could sense the hot breathes of Jongin and examine the face in detail, how the younger’s bangs hang just above his eyebrows and those lustrous charming eyes.


Kyungsoo pulled away after the brief moment of close proximity, his eyes flustering and his cheeks redden. Jongin smiled at the timid reaction which he could not help but find it so cute. Baekhyun had left earlier after Mrs. Byun called. Kyungsoo was alone at his house, with his boyfriend. The sudden realization made Kyungsoo blushed a further crimson red.


“I was thinking, maybe we should start by saving each other’s numbers and” Jongin leaned forward, placing his plump lips onto the soft, heart-shaped like lips of Kyungsoo’s. “I probably should get going, I’d text you when I reach home Kyungie” Jongin continued, unfazed about the intimate touch of their lips. Grabbing his sling bag, the tanned boy led himself out of the house. Kyungsoo still stayed frozen, his mind was busy working out what had just happened. He just had his first kiss stolen by his boyfriend and did he just called him “Kyungie”?




“Don’t you even think of calling him Park Chanyeol” Junmyeon warned his boyfriend. Kyungsoo surely would have reached home safely, why was his boyfriend so concerned about the boy when they are supposed to be enjoying their anniversary together.


Kim Junmyeon had painfully tried to remind his boyfriend of the fast approaching day that he was sure the tall giant had forgotten about if not for the constant reminders he had drilled into Chanyeol’s Yoda-like ears. The class president was ecstatic Chanyeol had managed to reserved seats at the restaurant downtown for an early dinner. If only Chanyeol would stop looking down onto his mobile phone.


“You don’t understand, you know why Kai’s goons have not been bothering us? Kai asked Kyungsoo to be his boyfriend and gave Kyungsoo a week to think about it. Soo has to give his response today” Chanyeol finally admitted. He was worried sick, Kyungsoo should have reached home at least an hour ago. What had happened to his best friend or what has that idiot Kim Jongin done?



Junmyeon paused for a moment. He suddenly realized the changed in situation at school. It was true, the bullying had stopped and had noticed Kyungsoo being a little preoccupied with thoughts the past week. If what Chanyeol said was true, would that mean he need not worry of Kai ever taking any more chances with his boyfriend?

“What? All these while, I thought he liked you. Thank goodness my speculation was wrong but now I’m worried for Soo. You should have told me earlier! Call him already” Junmyeon demanded. Chanyeol quickly dialed the familiar number, glancing around the restaurant while waiting for the other end of the line be picked up. Heaving a sigh of relief after confirming that his best friend was safely home, Chanyeol could not help but smile. He finally had Kim Jongin off his hook.



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Chapter 19: I just stumbled onto this yesterday and boy, is it FREAKING AWESOMESAUCE. It's fluffy, angsty, funny all rolled into one awesome fic. ^^ Update soon! :3
NoizHuang #2
Chapter 19: Please update soonerrrr :D
Anyway nice workk author-nim :D
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update
Chapter 17: What's going to happen next?
DO_squishy_SOO94 #5
Chapter 16: Yeay..i'm so happy for both of them!
Chapter 16: So kyungsoo forgives jongin right? I am happy for them.
Chapter 15: Just forgive him baby Soo... :(
Chapter 15: Forgive him kyungsoo
yunjae_maniac #9
Chapter 14: Ohhh...I can't wait for the next update, hehe I can't imagine how kyungsoo will react to that...>_<
babydontcry5 #10
Chapter 14: Yaayyy update! I'm glad to see Jongin came to his senses and went back to his kyungie, but I feel like i have so many unanswered questions. What happened to Chanyeol and Jongin? Was the giant Baek surrendered to Jongin for Chanyeol, and if so, why would Jongin know more than Baek if they go to the same school and hang out? It seems like baekyeol like each other but I can't tell yet. Oh, and yay for Hunhan entering the story, and I guess Minseok too if that's who Sehunnie was jealous of.