
Key of trust

A/N: I had written this chapter before I had even wrote some prior chapters so I apologise if there is any mistakes in here. Originally this was supposed to be added into another work of min but I found the general storyline of this chapter fitting for this story so ta-dah it's in her instead. Also I had left my ask.fm account in the foreword of this story in any case maybe some of you have any questions about the story so far. Again, thank you for subscribing and commenting :)




Kyungsoo’s POV


I wake up to the sound of a mechanical beeping and the shearing pain down my right arm. I slowly took in the pristine white surroundings and the detergent smelling environment. I fluttered my eyes open, eyes examining every inch of ceiling trying to recall my latest memories. My head started to register the moments before I had fainted and the agony in my arm grew significantly making me whimper in distress. My body had finally regained consciousness and now pooled the pain onto my right arm. I wanted the ordeal to end, everything was a bad dream. My parents are still happily married and Jongin was still dating me.

I wanted out of this.


“Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo honey, you’re fine. You’re fine. Shhh relax” the soothing voice of my mum managed to calm me down as she patted my hair as she helped to reposition myself to sit. I had tried to use both my hands to prop myself up but the pain in my right arm causing me to fall back onto my mum’s as she assisted me.

I’m so useless.


 My eyes fixated on the bandages that wrapped around the length of my forearm and how ugly my veins on my hands were. I marveled at the state I had landed myself into, tears never seemed to come out de o all those tears I had expelled. I did this with my own bare hands. My mum continued to pat my hair and reassuring me everything is fine but I could see through her hoarse voice that it was clearly not. I dare not even ask her where dad was. Nothing is fine at the moment.


“Oh Do Kyungsoo you’re finally up” a petite female lady in a white lab coat holding a clipboard walked in. Her smile seemed to radiate the gloomy and confusing state I was in. I watched as she continued closing her distance towards the right side of my bed, opposite of my mum. She extended her arm and I let my left arm shake it, feeling the discomfort of not being able to use my right.


“I’m your assigned doctor, Kim Taeyeon. You were out for almost three days mister. Your body was in so much fatigue and you managed to cut yourself deep enough to cause lacerations and narrowly missing some vital nerves. Please promise me, never to do that again” she annunciate as clicked the ballpoint pen once she finished jotting down a few scribbles on her clipboard and gave me a radiating smile once again, her eyes disappearing as she did so. I admire her bold front, for someone working in a stressful environment, she seemed kind, meticulous and sincere.


“Also I have a younger brother who goes to the same school as you, I don’t know if you have heard of him before- “


“Yes, yes okay sure I’d be right there. Sorry Kyungsoo, I got to go. Just take the medication and get some more rest” she instructed and bowed at my mum before exiting the room.


I watched as she left the room, leaving a tray of pills and a cup of water on the nightstand. I hated pills but looking at how my mum had cautiously tried to split each pill into half for my ease, I reluctantly took them from her. I digested the information and also swallowed the painkillers which almost made my esophagus be clogged by them. I was out for three days which meant I missed school but that should be at the back of my mind right now. I was away from Kris and the others and I bet no one else noticed either.


Wait, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


“M-mum, does C-Chanyeol know? B-Baekhyun?” I croaked, my voice sounding like I had just swallowed sand. I tried to withdraw from my mum trying to rub my uninjured hand reassuringly.


“They’re in school honey. It’s Monday.” My mum responded with a tinge of sadness as she noticed how I had quickly withdrew her hand away. If it was a new week, that would mean my entrance exams had already begun and I had missed some papers. I mentally slapped myself. The anger in me was getting to better of me as I started thrashing and flailing causing the patches of bandages to be stained red. My body was heating up from the adrenaline and the anger seeping through my body as I let my lungs out shouting in misery.





I suddenly heard the door swinging open and my dad rushing in with Dr. Kim as now both my parents tried to hold me down as I saw the petite doctor fiddling with a syringe and jabbing it into my side. Again, I felt light and the lights began closing in again.

“It’s just post-trauma Mr. Mrs. Do” I heard before I finally passed out again.



“Hey! Do Kyungsoo!” I heard two voices resonate the room at an ear-deafening decibel as two students in the mundane yellow uniforms started to stare at me like I was some exhibition. I blinked as my vision started to clear once again. I was relieved that I saw both my friends Baekhyun and Chanyeol eyeing me with much worry and also for the first time I did not hear them bicker about anything and just kept quiet and continue gawking at me. I raised both my arms to embrace them but felt myself being restrained and only my free uninjured making my way to sling on Baekhyun’s shoulders as I felt Chanyeol bring his body closer making it seem like I had hugged him too. I glanced down onto my right arm, this time it was casted instead with some scribbling on it.


I felt sick inside.


“We sort of wrote get well messages on the cast Kyungsoo…how did you even manage to fall so hard to fracture your arm and be knocked out for almost five days?” Baekhyun asked me as he tapped the cast pointing to his signature which seemed to overlap with my best friend’s. The cast felt like rock hard and had amazingly managed to cover all the scars I knew were had formed under it.


Wait, does that mean both of them do not know about the cuts?


I mentally thanked my mum for not telling them the initial reason I was hospitalized as I knew Chanyeol would not have kept mummed about the situation if he had known about the cuts, not that he did not stop questioning and listing down almost the entire student body, probing me to name the students that had probably harassed me. Every time I heard the names of a few basketball players, I felt my fingers curl, relieved that Chanyeol did not notice them doing so under the blanket.


Both of them decided to keep me company for the rest of the visiting hours with Chanyeol taking his time to busy himself with some last minute revision and Baekhyun mostly trying to keep me entertained as we watch some reruns of dramas played. Considering it was midweek today and I had missed another two days of exams, Chanyeol had told me how I would have to forfeit this year’s entrance exams. I accepted the fact quite fine because even if I was still able to take the entrance exams, I knew my mind was not in the right mind to do so. Everything had just happened at a wrong timing and it had to happen the week before exams. Chanyeol is flying off next week and I hope by then I would be able to at least be discharged.


My mum came in a little over visiting hours after both Chanyeol and Baekhyun had left. I tried to remain calm as I watched her hesitating her actions and stuttering about wanting to tell me something I sighed and finally asked her to tell me. I saw her hesitant actions, probably afraid I would flip again and break another bone. I hummed in acceptance that although what I had done has entirely shook both my parents, whatever was happening in reality continued, my parents were officially divorced and my mum had the custody over me. Generally I was supposed to go off to college soon but since I had missed the exams, my mum is still the legal guardian of me. Actions brings consequences it seems and no matter how I had tried to tell myself this was a dream, it was not because the nightmare I am living right now is reality.




Dr. Kim came in the very next morning and briefed about the results of my actions two days prior. I could have been discharged by today but because of the cast and further testing needed to be done, I would be lucky enough to be discharge earliest in a week. I sighed in defeat, at least I will be released a day before Chanyeol’s departure. If everything goes as plan that is because this petite lady kept asking me to smile and think optimistic I mean, who could if they were in my situation? My parents just got divorced and I had missed the college entrance exams I had busily prepared for but still, on the hindsight if everything goes as planned this time around I would get to enter college with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.



“I really would like you to meet my younger brother Kyungsoo, I mean I know you have your own friends but my brother had this sudden interest in wanting me to introduce him to you. At least I’d finally get him to start talking to people, he’s been spacing out lately.” Dr. Kim beamed as she adjusts the IV drip connected to my wrist. I winced in discomfort and she quickly apologized for being a little too excited that her younger brother would be paying me a visit later in the afternoon. I was too because whoever Dr. Kim’s younger brother was, he would definitely have his sister’s cheerfulness.


Leaving me to myself, I started picking out the book I had been reading prior to everything happening courtesy of Chanyeol who had went to the library despite his busy studying schedule and packing to borrow it for me. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun would not be free to visit me today and I had constantly told them it was fine plus it would be a hassle for them to shuttle between school and the hospital straight after school. My mum would be busy at work today and my dad had called me earlier to ask about my situation. At least they were trying to be better parents I tried to reason with myself.


A couple of hours seemed to have passed as I watched as the nurse coming in to give a check on my vitals before smiling and exiting the room again, leaving myself to my thoughts since I had just finished reading the book. I watched as the door swing open and in stepped a boy with balloons and flowers covering his appearance.

Must be Dr. Kim’s brother.

I watched as the boy slowly made his way towards me very hesitantly but was still making progress. I began to question myself, the very familiar dance shoes, the way his hands fidget as he held the basket of flowers and the cologne smell as he got nearer to me. My heart started to beat faster as I watched as he stopped right in front of my bedside still covering his appearance.


It could not be.

It should not be.

It would not be.



“H-hey Kyungie” the husky tone behind the gifts spoke. I felt my heart stop. Just when I thought my nightmare would stop getting worse, standing in front of me was the one person I did not want to meet.




I watched as he set down the basket of flowers and helium balloons onto the nightstand and turning towards me with his head down casted, his bangs partially hiding his eyes that had prominent dark rings below them. My mind was buzzing, standing in front of me was the one person I did not want to even meet or let him know of my condition. The last person I would expect to be in the same ward as me. I was flustered to say the least of his presence as he began to fiddle his thumbs in the awkward long silence that had eloped the room.


“G-get out”


“B-but Kyung- “


“N-no, just get out Jongin, get out. Go away. Leave”

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Chapter 19: I just stumbled onto this yesterday and boy, is it FREAKING AWESOMESAUCE. It's fluffy, angsty, funny all rolled into one awesome fic. ^^ Update soon! :3
NoizHuang #2
Chapter 19: Please update soonerrrr :D
Anyway nice workk author-nim :D
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update
Chapter 17: What's going to happen next?
DO_squishy_SOO94 #5
Chapter 16: Yeay..i'm so happy for both of them!
Chapter 16: So kyungsoo forgives jongin right? I am happy for them.
Chapter 15: Just forgive him baby Soo... :(
Chapter 15: Forgive him kyungsoo
yunjae_maniac #9
Chapter 14: Ohhh...I can't wait for the next update, hehe I can't imagine how kyungsoo will react to that...>_<
babydontcry5 #10
Chapter 14: Yaayyy update! I'm glad to see Jongin came to his senses and went back to his kyungie, but I feel like i have so many unanswered questions. What happened to Chanyeol and Jongin? Was the giant Baek surrendered to Jongin for Chanyeol, and if so, why would Jongin know more than Baek if they go to the same school and hang out? It seems like baekyeol like each other but I can't tell yet. Oh, and yay for Hunhan entering the story, and I guess Minseok too if that's who Sehunnie was jealous of.