Changing Identities.

Saving my Brother's Dream


(Prologue II) Changing Identities.


"I can do this." Lu Xin nodded as she stared at the air in front of her, determination radiating from her eyes.


"It's for ge." The girl narrowed her eyes as she raised a pair of scissors into her view. She swallowed hard upon seeing that shiny, evil piece of contraption that was made to chop off her precious long hair. 


"This is all for ge." Biting her lips, Lu Xin lifted a few strands of her beauteous, beloved long hair (which the girl hadn't bear to cut for the past twelve years) and positioned the strands of hair in between the two blades. 


"I'm gonna do it!" With shaky hands and eyes that were firmly squeezed shut, the girl took a deep breath and prepared to snip.


"Here I go--"


"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD JUST CUT IT ALREADY!" Mei Ying roared in frustration. Mei Ying was the girl's best friend, and also one of the only people that knows about what Lu Xin will be going through soon. Lu Xin had called and told her best friend everything the previous night, with the intention to bid farewell for a few months. But now, the two girls were in Mei Ying's room, because Mei Ying had decided to help Lu Xin transform into her brother.


"I can't..." Lu Xin lowered the scissors and let her hair fall back into it's rightful place.


"I knew it." Mei Ying rolled her eyes as she scanned her sea of paper bags on the floor.


"That's why I bought this while I was out shopping just now." The girl casually grabbed one of the paper bags off the floor. Smirking, she tossed the bag across the bed and it landed on Lu Xin's lap.


"Oh my gosh! Ying! You're the best!" Lu Xin practically screamed in happiness when she saw the wig inside the bag. At the realisation that she didn't need to give herself a dreaded haircut, the girl crawled across the bed and gave her best friend a tight bear-hug.


"Okay! I get it! Now let go and let me help you fit your freaking long hair into that wig!" Mei Ying chuckled gleefully.


After a few minutes of streching and tugging, the wig was finally secured on Lu Xin's head with her hair neatly squashed inside it.


"So, how do I look?" Lu Xin asked as she fixed her bangs.


"Just like your brother." Mei Ying replied confidently as she smirked in satisfaction. Of course, in other people's eyes, Lu Xin and Lu Han didn't just look alike, they were nearly identical. And it was even more so now when she was wearing a wig on her head. But in Lu Xin's eyes, Lu Han looked so much different from her. He was beautiful, yet handsome. Delicate, yet masculine. 


As a girl herself, Lu Xin knows she can pull off the beautiful and delicate part of Lu Han. Piece of cake.


But handsome and masculine? 


Now that's gonna be quite a challenge.


"Lu Xin? Yoohoo!" Mei Ying snapped her fingers in front of the dazed girl. 


"Oh, did you say something?" Lu Xin snapped out of her thoughts with a jolt.


Mei Ying sighed as she repeated her statement, "I said, I have insoles you can borrow. Do you need them? Lu Han is a little taller than you afterall..."



3 hours of preparation and 2 hours of flying later, Lu Xin stood in the arrival hall of Incheon Airport, where the manager was supposed to pick her up. She wore a mask and a hoodie, covering herself up fantastically well. Her wig was still on her head and with her hoodie on, she really looked like a boy from afar.


"Lu Xin-sshi!"  a voice hollered from behind her. The girl turned her head and found a middle-aged man waving at her with a hearty smile. Cautiously, she walked towards him, dragging her lugguage behind her.


"Manager-nim? How did you recongnise me?" Her voice came out muffled as she spoke through her mask. 


"Lucky guess," the manager extended his hand and Lu Xin shook it with a small bow. 


"Come, let's go to the car first. Lu Han's waiting inside."



Author's Note:

Updating schedule would be every Saturday! Blame it on school!

whispers school is not my style =w=

Subscribe and comments are loved, and chapter one would be officially up soon! aka exo will finally be appearing

( If you didn't know, these two chapters are prologues [<- is that how you spell it? D__O] )


and also, I know my writing flow so please do comment and tell me how to improve alright <3 

Have a nice day!



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-minhyukie-kyeopta- #2