My ge needs my help.

Saving my Brother's Dream


(Prologue) My ge needs my help.


"Ge?" Nineteen year old Lu Xin asked with wary eyes as she answered her phone. She had assumed it was from Lu Han as the call was from Korea.


"Annyeonghaseyo, is this Lu Xin-sshi?" The male voice asked in fluent korean. This was definitely not Lu Han's voice.


"Ne, Lu Xin imnida. Nuguseyo? (Who are you?)" Lu Xin replied in Korean as well. Thank god she had been learning to speak Korean ever since Lu Han started speaking Korean. 


"Ah! Lu Xin-sshi! I'm Lu Han's manager!" 


"Lu Han's manager? Oh, is there anything I can do for you?" Lu Xin asked, puzzled. Why did Lu Han's manager call her all of a sudden? Ever since Lu Han and his group of superstars made a comeback around half a year ago, Lu Han hadn't had the time to call back home, and now his manager was calling her? What kind of situation was this?


"Actually, yes. Lu Han... he..." The voice sounded unsure, dragging his words as if he was delaying what he wants to say.


"Did something happen to ge?!" Lu Xin was quick to assume. 




"Manager-nim? Is he okay? Is he hurt? Let me speak with him!" Lu Xin panicked at the absence of a reply, immensely frightened at the thought that something terrible has happened to Lu Han.


"Calm down, Lu Xin-sshi, your brother got into a little dance accident, but there isn't much damage done! It's just that his knee is a little dislocated..."


"His knee?!" Lu Xin gasped. As a dancer herself, she knew how horrible and traumatising a knee injury could be, especially a dislocated kneecap. It was an absolute nightmare and she couldn't imagine how horrible Lu Han must've felt. 


"It wouldn't be such a serious accident, if it wasn't for him continuing to perform even after he realised his accident..." 


"How bad is it?" Lu Xin bit her lip. 


"They managed to put his knee back in place, but it is assumed that he would need much longer to fully recover... physiotherapy may even be needed."


"But he can continue to perform, right?" Lu Xin asked sanguinely. Leaving the performing stage would mean leaving his dream, and that would be just devastating for Lu Han. She couldn't imagine the amount of pain he would feel if his dreams were crushed just like that, for if it was Lu Xin in his shoes, she would have rather just chose to end her life.


"Rest assure, his knee won't affect his performing career, that is if he fully rests and recuperates in the given duration." 


"That's a relief." Lu Xin exhaled. At least Lu Han would still be able to continue his dream, all he needed was a break.


"That's where you come in, Lu Xin-sshi."


"Me?" The girl's eyebrow arched quizzically.


"Pardon me for asking you to do this ridiculous, absurb favor, but I have no choice... This is the only way to save your brother's dream."


"I thought you said he could continue performing?"


"I said that his knee wouldn't affect his performance, but if certain people found out about this injury, his career will definitely be over."


"Mom."  Lu Xin immediately understood. If their mother found out about Lu Han injuring himself while dancing, she would surely forbid him to grace the stage ever again. Typical, protective mothers.


"Your mother is one of those people," The manager continued, "Another example is Lee Soo Man, the CEO of SM Entertainment."


Lu Xin gulped.


"How can I help?" 


"Cover up Lu Han's absence while he heals."


"How am I supposed to do that? You couldn't possibly be asking me to..." Lu Xin's gaze drifted to a picture frame in the corner of the room which showed a picture of Lu Han and Lu Xin at a photobooth last year when Lu Han visited China for a few days. In the picture, Lu Han had blonde hair, while the girl had her natural black hair, but their facial features looked so striningly identical that many relatives and friends who visited their house had thought that the two siblings were twins.


"Please, pretend to be Lu Han for a while, just until he recovers! You're the only one who can do this, and you should know why."


Lu Xin swallowed hard. Yes, Lu Han and her looked strikingly identical, but a girl pretending to be a boy? That's insane. This isn't some hana kimi drama series here, this is real life. And in real life, this is just senseless. Downright psychotic. Nobody in their right mind will agree to this kind of mental plan.


"I'll do it."


Then again, Lu Xin didn't really care. If she could be of any help to her brother, she would gladly accept the deal.


"You're gonna do it?" The voice sounded surprised that it didn't take much persuasion for her to agree to this preposterous plan.


"If it means saving my brother's dream, then yes." Lu Xin replied, determination written accross her face. She had once told Lu Han that he could always depend on her, and she was going to keep her word. If Lu Han needed her, then she will definitely be there.


"Well that's, that's just terrific! Thank you, Lu Xin-sshi! Thank you so much! It's really wonderful that you agreed so cooly, I had thought that it would even take me a trip to China to persuade you! I guess Lu Han was right about you, he told me that he could always rely on you." 


That last statement made Lu Xin smile.


"Just promise me this will work out. What happens if I get caught..." 


"Let's try not to, but if you do, not only is it game over for Lu Han, but I'm sorry to say that it would mean game over for you too. Are you still up for it?"


"Definitely. I won't get caught." hopefully.


"Thank you for helping Lu Han, Lu Xin-sshi. It really means alot to not only him but me too."


"He's my brother. If his dreams are about to be crushed, then I'm going to do everything I can to save it."


"I wish us the best of luck then. May we overcome this period smoothly. For Lu Han."


"For ge." Lu Xin agreed tenaciously.



Author's Note:

Please read, c

omment and click that subscribe button if you like the story so

 far! Have a beautiful day!

And please pardon my grammar... I'm still trying :/





p.s: this is the photo of Lu Xin and Lu Han taken at the photobooth ;) wink wonk


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