Stranger that cares

My miracle in December

Hi guys, sorry for late update!
Omg, so many new things to do when you want to post a story! AFF admins did a very good job! I'm excited!
Anyhow, I'm really unsure about this chapter, so will you please tell me how do you feel about this one? Comment down below!

The phone kept ringing, but she never picked up. After some seconds of annoying ringing alarm, I cancelled the call and threw my phone on the couch. I went to the bedroom and looked around. It was still dark in my room, and if I had fallen asleep on the bed, I’d definitely still be sleeping now. I picked up some clean red sweater and blue, tight jeans and got dressed. I picked red, thin long socks from the drawer and sat on the bed. I’ve forgotten how soft it is; probably haven’t slept on it for days. I’d always fall asleep on the couch. For a moment, I let myself lie on the bed and rest on a cold mattress. I finally put those socks on my legs and finished my look with black, shiny shoes, long black coat and a black beanie. I grabbed my phone, my Gucci bag and my apartment’s keys and went out.

Crossing the street, I made my way through all the snow to the small shop and bought a newspaper. I put it in the big pocket of my coat and turned behind the corner right to my favourite bar in the whole city. I was only 30m away from the bar, when out of nowhere appeared that y stranger I saw yesterday and that appeared in my mind today while showering. He entered the bar and the doors closed behind him. I froze. I wasn’t sure if I still wanted to go to that bar. But my legs suddenly started walking again and even though I started panicking as I got closer, they kept walking forward. Finally, my hand raised in front of me and pushed the bar doors. The bell announced a new guest, but nobody turned their head to me. There were four people in the whole bar as it was still early.

And then I saw him. His brown hair with a touch of red colour and wide shoulders. Sitting just where he was sitting yesterday. Without any doubts I walked straight to his table: “Is it free?” I heard my croaky voice and pointed to the seat opposite him. He turned his head to me, his look travelling from my shoes to my dark eyes and pink hair. He nodded his head: “Yes, it’s free.” I heard his voice for the first time. It was opposite of my high, croaky voice. His voice was stronger, ier, and deeper. My knees trembled and I sat down happily; I didn’t know if I could stand a second longer. Just his voice could give me countless moments of pure pleasure. I pulled out my newspaper and tried to focus on reading it. But I kept peeking over the newspaper. What a pain that is, to just look at this pretty face and not be able to do anything…

The waitress appeared in front of us, and I blurted out: “Green tea, please.”

“Me too.” He added and smiled to the waitress. I was jealous of her for a moment. Such a perfection of a human in front of me. I stared. The waitress left with the order and his eyes drilled in mine. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes, and then he leaned back on his seat and smirked, covering his beautiful face with the tablet. Awoken from my stare, I realized what that smirk meant. I leaned back in a surprise too, realizing how brilliant this man in front of me is. I put my newspaper on the table. We pretty much ignored each other from that point on until our tea arrived. Our resemblance when we got that tea was terrifying. Our hands pulled the cup on my right side and moved the newspaper/tablet to my left side. We put the tea spoon that we clenched our fingers around in the tea and slowly started mingling, while fingers on the left hand followed the words we were reading. Realizing our similar actions, I stopped reading and raised my look in a shock. I was terrified how similar our actions were. He just glazed at me with a questioning look, probably wondering why am I staring again, but didn’t give as much attention. Then, he took a sip of green tea and looked at me again, finally getting his eyes off of that tablet: “Do you always drink green tea?” He stared at me. Absolutely frozen, I forgot how to speak. I shook my head after a few moments of silence and quietly answered: “Yes.” He nodded and we both focused on reading the newspaper. We sat there for a half an hour in silence, when I noticed he’s nervous. He kept wiggling. Unable to focus on the tablet, he pushed the tea cup away because he already drank it and it was just in his way. I raised my look, smirking. “What’s the problem, pretty boy?” It just slipped out of my mouth. I widened my eyes in a shock, but he didn’t seem to notice. “Ah…nothing,” he scratched his head and looked outside. “Oh look, it’s snowing…again.” I looked out too. “Yeah,” I nodded. “My friend kept saying big changes are coming.” I sighed and moved my look to my skinny, long fingers with painted black nails and four silver rings of different thickness. “I understand her. My grandpa used to say that all the time…still, it doesn’t mean I believe in that.” He added and looked at me. I shrugged. “I don’t want to be disrespectful, so I just go along with it.” He remained silent for a couple of seconds. He looked like he was thinking hardly about something. I used that time to look at his face and just appreciate it. “I noticed, yes. People in Seoul get offended quickly.”
I raised my eyebrows: “Well…yeah…so that means you’re not from here?”
He shook his head:” No. I’m from Busan.”
“Oh…” I nodded. “So you’re completely new?”
“No,” he shook his head again. “I’ve been living here for the past three months. I just never noticed this bar. It’s hidden well, but once you find it, it’s irresistible. It feels like home.” I felt like this is his confession to me, so I listened carefully. “Do you miss home?” I asked and hoped I didn’t do anything wrong. “I have nothing to miss there,” he said and looked out of the window again. That’s where our conversation ended. I didn’t want to continue this sensitive topic, and he seemed like he’s lost in his thoughts. I thought about what he has just told me. Suddenly, he stood up and put on his coat. Grabbing his bag, he looked at me a little longer and then left. I was confused. And full of regrets. I could ask him for his number, name, address, whatever, but I didn’t. I’ll do it next time I’ll see him. If I do.

When I left, I couldn’t even think properly. He was all over my mind, taking control over me; his eyes, his voice, his moves. I was bewitched by him entirely. I was just walking down the street when the phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the screen: mom.
“Hey sweetie!”

“Mom…how are you?”
“I’m great. How are you, my child? How did you do in school?”
“I’m good. Of course I got all A’s mom. How’s father?” I suddenly whispered in the phone with tears in my eyes.
“I knew you’d make it. Your father is okay, doing better than ever before. He will be happy to hear his only son is so smart…we’re very proud of you, Jiyong.”
“Mom…” I whispered with my cracking voice. She remained silent. She knew god damn well she just said a lie, but she didn’t want to admit her husband is ashamed of his only son in every way and doesn’t even care if I do good in school or not.
“Yes?” Her voice was trembling.
“May I and your father come to visit you for Christmas? ... To spend it together again, like a family, now that you’ve finished your finals.” I stopped walking. My breathing was short, fast and shallow.
“Yes…” I finally made myself to say it. “Please do.”
“We’ll come to your apartment, no need to come to pick us up, alright?”
“Yes mom.”
“Good boy, Jiyong. I’m so proud of you. I love you, my son.”
“I love you too mom.”
“Have a good day! Goodbye, Jiyong.” She hanged up. I leaned on the wall of some building next to me. I pressed the phone to my chest and breathed heavily. Christmas was one week away. And I didn’t have any decoration by then.
And my sick father was coming to visit. Although my mother said they are proud of me, I knew that my father isn’t. We just had…these conflicts all the time. He was never able to accept me as I am – weird, outstanding, party animal…homoual. He started hating me even more when he found out my love relationship with Hyo-Jin is fake. Every time my parents would come on a visit since I was away from home, I asked her to play my girlfriend. And because we were such good friends, we had no problem kissing each other, sleeping together and being sweet – anything to convince my parents we are in love. But my father saw what are we doing, he knew me too well.

The problem was because he liked Hyo-Jin. He thought she would be a good wife to me. And most importantly; she’d bring more money to the family as her family was also rich. Her parents were nice too, so why not? He said once to me. He just couldn’t deal with the fact that I’m not attracted to girls. Sometimes he didn’t even want to admit I’m his son. He’d make a joke I’m his hidden daughter. Yeah. Funny. Since then we were always in conflicts. For him, I was just a black dot in his life and nothing more. One day, he came back from the doctor with terrible news: he had a cancer. He locked himself in and barely talked to anybody, but his wife. Me? He didn’t even want to see me…

And now he and my mother were coming to visit me. I decided I’m going to put a smile on my face and make my father proud.


But I guess that was not going to happen. Not until my ing hormones were working.

The next day, I woke up on my bed, still dressed as I was. No memory of what happened after that phone call with my mom. My neck hurt and I fell asleep on my hand. I rolled over and moaned in pain. I slowly took all my clothes off and threw them somewhere on the floor. Only In boxers, I walked out of my bedroom and looked at the clock. It was still early in the morning, so I decided to do a little exercise.

After an hour and fifteen minutes of sweating I took a shower, got dressed and just when my digital clock displayed 8am, I stepped out of my apartment and walk my usual way to the bar. When I entered the bar, he wasn’t there…yet. So I sat down at ‘our’ table and tapping with my fingers, impatiently waited for him. Minutes ran, and I waited. Who else would wait a complete stranger like me? I wasn’t even sure he’d come. Maybe I was just overreacting, like always. Maybe he didn’t see me that way I saw him. I was young and naïve. I always get too excited easily, damn Jiyong, I cursed myself and leaned back on the seat, lost in my crazy thoughts.

But the bar doors opened and he entered. He put his coat on the coat hanger and walked to the table where I was sitting. I was able to look at his body again. My heart jumped. “Is it taken?” He showed on the seat opposite me and smiled. “No, you may sit,” I said excited, pointing on his seat and looked at him as he slowly sat down and raised his look up in my eyes. He smiled at me and my hormones made me feel like I’m a teenage girl in love. He pulled the newspaper out – which surprised me, as he had his tablet – and start reading it. I didn’t buy a newspaper today, so I pulled my phone out and decided to call Hyo-Jin. We haven’t heard from each other for a day and this was the longest we were separated. It was stupid how I already missed her. Leaning the phone on my ear, I patiently waited for her to pick up.
“Yes?” She answered and I laughed: “Hey Hyo-Jin,”

“Oh my god Jiyong, you’re alive.”
“Yeah…sorry I didn’t call you back.”
“You should be! You scared the out of me, I was about to call the police to check your apartment if you were murdered or something.”
“Are you crazy girl? They could find something.”
“Or do you have some in your apartment and you didn’t tell me?”
“No I don’t know, but it should arrive yesterday or today.”
“Well…okay. Any news?”
“Uh…two, actually.”
“Okay so, my parents called me yesterday and they are coming over for Christmas.”
“Oh okay.”
“Don’t worry; you don’t have to…anymore.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m about to face my papa.”
“Okay then. And the other news?”
“I can’t really tell you now.”
“Why? Come on.”
“Not now Hyo-Jin.”
“Why?” My eyes sensed his moving. He didn’t move much, but enough for me to notice. His head leaned on one side, his eyes glued on me; carefully listening to what will I reply. I grinned.
“Because the good news are right in front of me.”
“What is going on?” She screamed into phone and I laughed: “Bye Hyo-Jin.”
“Oh my… are you in bar with that…” I hanged up and the stranger pretended he was reading all the time. I remained silent, smirking to myself and watching him. He was nervous again and he knew I have my eyes on him. The waitress saved him from my never-ending stare. I ordered a croissant and a cup of coffee for a change – I was hungry like a wolf. He ordered hot chocolate. Then we looked at each other again. “What happened to our green tea?” He asked with a precious smile on his face. I couldn’t help but smile too: “I’m hungry today.”
“May I ask why do you drink green tea? Problems with metabolism? Or are you dieting?” He leaned his head on one side like he did before and watched me curiously. I looked at him dead serious. “Actually…” the truth was I didn’t even know why I drank green tea. I knew it helps you lose weight or with your metabolism, like he said, but I didn’t have problems with that or this. His eyebrows raised while he was waiting on my reply. “Well…I don’t really know why…” I said confused as never before. “You shouldn’t ask me such hard questions.” He laughed and I felt good about myself; at least I can make a total stranger laugh. But, was he total stranger?
“I’m sorry then, maybe questions like how are you today are enough easy for you?” I laughed too: “Absolutely. And I’m…okay, I guess. Thanks for asking.”

“No problem.”
“Here you go,” a third person’s voice jumped in our conversation. We both looked at the waitress who brought us our order. I focused on my croissant and coffee and he focused on his hot chocolate.
“So…you don’t drink green tea to lose weight?”
I looked at him: “No. Should I?”
He looked relieved. “No, you absolutely shouldn’t. You already have such a body every woman would be jealous of.” I gave him an ugly look: “Gee. Thanks.” He laughed again.
“Oh the girl I talked to isn’t my girlfriend.” I blurted out before I could stop myself. , what the Jiyong? He looked at me surprised: “What?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Hyo-Jin,” I nervously smiled at him.
“Oh,” he said again after a few moments. “That’s cool. That makes two of us.”
“What?” I widened my eyes, trying to catch up with his words.
“She’s not my girlfriend either,” he laughed. I leaned back, sighing and grinning at the same time. But I couldn’t be happier that moment. I knew what he was trying to say; he’s single too. My heart jumped excitedly. On the first look, he looked so cool and mature, but in this conversation I was able to see he’s extra childish. I shook my head at this thought. His childish mind, his y voice, and his mature look…it got me crazy.
“I like your humour,” I said while drying my eyes, full of tears of laughter.
“And I like how you get it,” he added. Then he stared in my eyes.
“What?” I smiled.
He stuck out his hand to my face and removed that one annoying curly hair that kept falling on my face. I was surprised by his actions and he seemed to be surprised too. “I have to go now,” he said quietly, got up and left. I wanted to go after him, but my legs wouldn’t move. I wanted to say bye, but no matter how many times I opened my mouth, there was no sound coming out from it. I buried my face into my hands and sighed. I paid and left too.


Day three. I couldn’t sleep. My parents were coming in three days, and I had no decorations. I barely dragged myself to the bar. I felt depressed and I don’t know why, but I needed that stranger. He was already there and I sat down without any greeting. He looked at me and leaned forward on the table: “Hey.” He whispered sweetly. It brought a smile on my face. “Hey,” I replied and went through my messy hair. He was watching me all the time. "I really like your hair,” he finally said and leaned back. I raised my eyebrows and shook: “R-really? Nobody likes my crazy hair.” But he nodded: “I think it suits you and your crazy personality. It’s really nice, though I’m no expert.” I sighed: “My personality? Like you know me.” He smiled: “I have plenty of time to get to know you. But I’m good at reading people.”
“I’m not an open book,”

“Oh really?” He raised his chin a little like I’d be giving him a challenge and he’d accept it. I smiled unbelievably and shook my head, but refused to say anything. I took a deep breath. I couldn’t deal with a troll today. “What’s the matter?” He asked worried and I smirked: “You care?” I replied and looked through the window. “I do,” he said and it surprised me. “You only know me for three days.”
“Will you tell me what the problem is?” He smiled irresistible. Damn you God for making such perfection. I felt my rising and pressing up against my tight jeans. Oh , are you serious?



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Chapter 5: Sweet ending but confusing on how suddenly seunghyun coming with jiyong's parents??????

But anyway it very well written. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 5: i love the ending!! a very good job author-nim. saranghae
Chapter 5: i am glad with the ending ~ so sweet >.<
GirlSwag #4
Chapter 5: So many feels! It was a really sweet story. I am glad the ending was happy.
Chapter 3: Omg!
This is so fluffy (i find even the fluffy!)
Love it!
NioneEurantale #6
Chapter 3: This is wonderful ! Merry Christmas ( a little late)
GirlSwag #7
Merry Christmas to you too. Kamsahamida!
Chapter 1: Great start.. can't wait for the next..^^
Keep going