
Future with you...

Their first night had been awkward since they didn't knew if they should take things slow or not. He smiled as he saw the way she was looking all nervous, like a lost child as she tugged at her cute pink pajama shirt with little ducks printed all over it. They both had already taken bath and were thinking about how to talk to each other. And suddenly Jonghyun got an idea, he fished out his mobile and furiously typed something. She waited curiously and jumped in surprise as he did a little hwaiting sign before taking a breath.

Jonghyun rubbed his neck awkwardly before looking at his mobile as he talked, "Uhh Don't be nervous. I won't do anything without your permission..."

She smiled cutely at his heavy accent but nodded. "How did you spoke in English?"

His face scrunched up in confusion as he tried to understand what she was speaking. Then he again stared at his mobile and after typing for a while he talked, "I still don't know English. I'm just using translator."

She nodded in understanding and smiled again. It was really sweet of him to try so hard to talk to her. She watched in amusement as he yet again typed furiously on his phone.

"I was thinking about sleeping on couch so you can take bed for yourself. Make yourself at home. If you need anything I'll be here. No need to be nervous. I know it's hard but let's try to know each other more. Let's start with friendship. I'll start to understand you and you can do same to me... I really want to make this marriage successful." He said in one breath and sighed in relief.

She giggled at his cuteness and nodded. He smiled in relief and lead her towards his bed. He made her lay down on it and grabbed his blanket, tucking her in. He then caressed her tofu cheek lovingly before kissing her eyes. He smiled as she closed her eyes and made his way towards couch slowly laying down and closing his eyes too.

What he didn't know was after he was soundly asleep, his wife stood up and kneeled beside him. Eunsook stared at the man in front of him as he was sleeping so calmly. She felt her heart beating faster at the sight of him and her mind wandered back to all those moments she spent with him. He was always so kind to her and even though she never said it, she appreciated it a lot.

She swept away all those bangs which were covering his lovely face from her eyes and slowly leaned down to place a little kiss on his forehead. She was looking forward to that moment when they can talk freely without any language barrier between them.



Next day, Jonghyun was woken up with a little shake on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and felt his breath knocking away as he stared at the prettiest sign he had ever seen in his life. It was Eunsook, his (Oh finally... Yes! Yes! Freaking yes!!!) wife, she was fresh from shower. Her wet hair cascading past her shoulder and leaving drops of water sliding along her pale neck... Is it weird that he wanted to be that drop rite now?? God! She looked so delicious like this...

He was brought back to earth as she whispered, "Jonghyun-ssi??"

He looked up and tried to think about anything else except that freaking drop of water sliding past her collarbone and vanishing in the curve of her s... God! Kill me now!!!

He slapped himself on his cheek, surprising her. He then looked at her and gave her a little smile before quickly running in bathroom. Damn, his y wife...



After that little incidence, Jonghyun was little awkward around her but he was thankful that she was oblivious to it... After he took a shower he went to kitchen to find her standing there, with cute apron which had some english words on it. Her long hair pulled in a high bun as some of her locks framed her little face nicely, she was wearing a white dress which reached to her ankles. He watched, amused as she easily wandered through kitchen, like she had been doing it for years now. He swore she looked even lovelier then and his heart warmed as he realized she was all his.

He slowly made his way inside and tapped her shoulder, she turned around and smiled lovingly as she saw his face. His smile widened and he controlled himself so as not to kiss her rite then and there.

She turned the gas off as she chirped something in English, which he guessed was 'Breakfast is ready' and he helped her to take dishes. They both sat on table and she served him breakfast, which was definitely not Korean. But Jonghyun was happy that at least she made him something and went to take a bite. As he ate it he swore he never tasted anything tasty than this, and the fact that it was made by his wife for him made it even better.

He realized that she was staring at him and looked up. She was indeed looking at him expectantly and then he realized that she was waiting for his response. He thought about using translator again but stopped. He then looked at her, smiled wide as he showed her thumbs up. That was enough for her to smile that crinkled smile of hers and rest of the breakfast passed in comfortable silence, with sneaking glances, little touches and shy smiles.



They didn't go to honeymoon. Actually Jonghyun wanted to but when he thought a little he decided that he won't make it uncomfortable for her. He had let her known his decision through Key and he was happy to see her smiling gratefully. (And that little peck on his cheek was good reward actually.)

They had decided that they both will continue with their jobs, Eunsook was reluctant to talk about it but when Jonghyun made Key ask her about it, she had nervously asked if she could continue her job of lawyer. Jonghyun was little sad that she thought he would deny her anything, but then thought it was just because they still didn't know each other better. He then told her that she didn't even need to ask and she squealed in delight before jumping in his arms, hugging him tight before placing 'thank you' kisses over his cheeks.

He was both amused and happy with her attitude since she was always shy and reluctant to skinship. They have kissed but on cheeks, forehead or  nose. And mostly it was Jonghyun who initiated it while she was always the one who only blushed.

So that was how they decided that they will be doing their own jobs. Jonghyun was composer and song writer, he had his own music company where he worked. While she joined as a lawyer in Seoul's law firm.



As days passed they found themselves getting closer to each other. Their days were full of laughter and heartstopping smiles. Though they were getting comfortable with each other, it was making someone a lot frustrated. Kim Kibum! He was already happy with being Eunsook's tutor but then Jonghyun came to him, claiming that he wants to learn English. Both were unaware that they both were learning each other's languages for each other. At first Key found it sweet but teaching Jonghyun was like worst nightmare for him. Eunsook was his noona and quite frankly, he was fond of her, she was cutest and sweetest girl he have ever met and she wasn't headache for him. She was patient and never lost temper easily. But with Jonghyun, it was whole different case. Older boy was too damn impatient, he was already dumb enough and now he was learning English.

But still Key wanted to help them. He was tired of watching those two struggling to talk, waiting to make decent conversation without anyone's help and he was actually feeling bad for them. They both liked each other, alot actually and if not for their language barrier then he would have been uncle already.

But thanks to Key, they both started to make little conversations on their own. With broken sentences and little words of course. But it was still better than previous.



In those days, Eunsook found out a lot new things about Jonghyun. From Key of course and little from her observations. She had found out that her husband was quite music prodigy. She already knew what he did for living, which gave her idea that he must have loved music. But what she didn't know and was surprised to find out that he was pretty much nice singer. She had found that out when she was upset about her court case and wasn't talking with anyone. He had tried every little thing he could to make her smile again but then when nothing succeeded, he took out his guitar and played her song. She didn't understand whole lyrics but she did understood some words which left her blushing. He had started with some slow songs and then after few songs, he suddenly kneeled beside her and cupped her chubby face in his palms. She could still remember the way he had stared deep in her eyes before placing a loving kiss to her cheek. And that was enough to make her smile again.

Just like that Jonghyun found out something about her too. He had found how she was little too protective (read POSSESIVE) of him. It was surprising actually, since he never thought that she would be jealous types but he quite liked it. He could still remember how he had found that out. They were in Jonghyun's friend's birthday party. Her name was Jessica and she was his childhood friend. It was first time he introduced his wife to his friends and Eunsook was little uncomfortable. She had been with Key since Jonghyun was dragged away by his friends. Jonghyun was quite popular in his group, especially in girls which was the reason he was dragged into dance by many girls. Jessica and he were close to each other and he was ok with their regular skinship. But for Eunsook it was not normal, she was getting jealous every time he hugged her or laughed with her.

But of course she was shy and never the one to loose her temper so she stick up with being mute. Key and then Jonghyun tried to make her talk but no avail. Jonghyun was frustrated and his limit broke. He then excused himself and dragged her towards one of the rooms, locking the door behind them. He then pulled her in by her waist and gazed at her, she didn't meet his eyes first but then he took her chin and made her look at him.

He took in the look of disappointment in her eyes, the way her eyes were glazed with tears and how she was desperate to get out of his arms and he realized. He realized that she was maybe insecure and he mentally slapped himself for not realizing it sooner. He smirked suddenly as he leaned and whispered, "Jealous?" in her ears. And he never felt so happy as he was rewarded with her weak hands hitting at his chest as she cursed him in English.  He laughed as he thought how Key was wrong influence on his wife and how he had to keep her away from him to secure her innocence but at that moment his mind was only on his lovely wife who was jealous of some girl and he definitely didn't wanted to keep her gloomy anymore. So he did the only thing he thought was better at the moment as he pulled her out and within the group of people he called his friends. He took mike as he announced how he was engaged now and how he won't dance with anyone else other than his wife. After that Jonghyun proved it by pulling her on dance floor as he never left her side till they got home.



After few months and Jonghyun was busy with his work and that left little time for him to spend with her. He would wake up early and would come home late. Eunsook was getting worried about his health since he wasn't focusing on anything other than his work. She had talked with Key and he had told her how Jonghyun always behaved like that whenever he had workload. She was worried but at the same time she was missing him too. She missed how they would make dinner together, how they would watch tv together, how he would sing to her and how he would talk to her as if she understood everything.

That night, she decided that she would help him ease his tension and she started with making him his favorite dinner. Key had already taught her many Korean dishes, all of them Jonghyun's favorite. So she spent two hours making his favorite menu, she then decided to freshen up a bit not wanting to look sweaty in front of him. She wore his favorite dress and dolled up a little, knowing he loved it whenever she spends extra time on looking good. She knew how much he liked her and frankly she knew she did liked him too. She was tired of all awkwardness and she wanted to end all that distance between them. She knows that he won't take first step, thinking she would hate it so she decided she would take first step.

That night when Jonghyun came home, he was surprised to see her looking all gorgeous in his favorite dress. Even though he was tired, he couldn't help but smile looking at her lovely appearance. He only watched as she dragged him further inside and pushed him in bathroom. he smiled as he saw she had drawn him bath and even set up the cloths for him to change.

As he came outside, she had already set table and he was again surprised to see his favorite dishes. It was first time she had cooked korean food for him and he was happy to eat it to his heart's content.

After they finished eating, they washed dishes together which he enjoyed since after so many days he was spending time with her. After all work was done, they went to bed, as usual Jonghyun tucked her in bed before he stood up to go towards couch but stopped as soon as he felt all too familiar hand holding his wrist. He looked back to find those lovely brown orbs staring at him. He kneeled down and caressed her cheek before asking what was wrong.

She only stared at him before pulling him closer as she leaned to whisper little 'stay' in his ear. He was surprised when he pulled away but as he looked at her, she was blushing but still gazing at him. He noticed how she was nervously waiting for his answer and his heart swell. He smiled before nodding as he stood up and joined her on bed. He pulled her flush in his arms as soon as he went inside blankets. She only hugged him tighter before giggling as he kissed her forehead.

It was her way of letting him know that she was ready to take their relationship a step ahead of friendship. He couldn't believe she was this close to him. That night it was her who talked nonstop about something, which he didn't understand and he was happy to listen to her soft voice whispering so close to his ear. That was definitely one of the best nights of his life.





Hello!!! I was really happy and actually surprised when I found that much of response. Thank you so much... It means a lot. Hope you will continue to support this story... 

Thanks to all subscribers and those who comented. I love you guys!!! keep loving Jongyu...

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Chapter 3: Omg this was adorable..... I love it Soo much!! Nice one authornim..

And of coz Jong loves cockroaches! Duh!!
Chapter 3: sooo sweetttt
love this story sooo much^^
rally,,, i'm really jealous both of them
Chapter 3: TT,,TT soooooo beautiful, so cute, sooo heartwarming, author I love youuuuu TToTT huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 4: yeah... sequel!!

i want it
Chapter 4: Did i leave my comment befpre? Hahah i guess not. This is really adorable and fluffy. I wouldn't mind a sequel
Chapter 4: I didnt realise that i unsubscibe this story no wonder i didnt get notice. Sorry tho. Anyway yeay for the sequel. Oh and i hope you can update highschool romance! Im really curious hehe
Chapter 4: yes... sequel