You and Me

First Snow, First Kiss

It was Christmas and because of the festive season that's happening, it was extremely crowded at Tara's Bakery. Customers were all streaming in to purchase the perfect log cake for occasion. Wanting to be perfect, every single customer was having really high requests.  

"Yoora ah! This cake needs to have frosting at the sides and the top." The male worker alerted, popping his head into the kitchen. 

"Yes, yes! Right away!" Yoora placed the mixer down and took the cake over from her co-worker. She grabbed the frosting bag and sweet designs seeped out, creating a classy look on the cake. Yoora handed the cake back and went back to the mixer. She switched it on and the machine cackled. 

"What? C'mon. You can't fail on me now!" Yoora exclaimed as she shook the mixer, only giving up when the machine emitted smoke. She dumped the mixer into a bin and scurried outside of the kitchen. Yoora squeezed through her stressed colleagues and reached for the cabinet to grab the new mixer. 

Why didn't they kept it in the darn kitchen? Yoora yelled in her head as she stretched her hand. It was a miracle when her fingertips felt the handle and she yanked it towards her. Smiling in satisfaction, she headed back to the kitchen, only to be held back by a voice. 

"Excuse me, miss. Can I get this cake?" A man in his mid-thirties asked politely, pointing to the walnut logcake in the cabinet. 

Stunned, Yoora tried to explain that she was not in charge of this but seeing her busy colleagues scrambled around the area only caused her to give up that thought. 

She passed the mixer to her partner in the kitchen and put on her best smile, "Yes. Would you like to get another one? There will be a 10% discount of your second choice." 

The guy shook his head and took out his wallet to pay. Just then, his mobile rang and he picked up the call. Frantic, he passed the money to his companion and hurried out the crowded store. 

Yoora skillfully tied the ribbon into the shape of the rose and shaped it perfectly. She handed the box to the customer and accepted the money. Yoora tapped on the screen and the cash drawer came out, taking out the change. She waited patiently for the customer to finish adjusting the ribbon. 

Yoora stared at his soft hands as they danced around the ribbon gracefully. One loop after the another, creating the perfect double ribbon bow that sat on the box. Yoora's eyes widened in realization when she saw the finish product and gulped, her mind slowly flipped through the past.

"Excuse me, miss?" The customer waved his hand in front of her, his eyes enlarged. Yoora snapped back to reality and bowed slightly. "I'm sorry. Here's your change and Merry Christmas, sir!" 

"Merry Christmas to you too!" The customer smiled and left the store with the cake. Yoora quickly went back into the kitchen, slowly digesting who she thought that guy was and she was sure that she was correct. 

It's happened this day, too.





"The cake is here!" A cheerful voice erupted into the van as the door slid open, creating a happy atmosphere. 

"Took you long enough, Jaehwan!" N frowned as he took the cake over from . Ken folded his arms grumpily and plopped onto his seat, "At least there's cake!" 

Ravi scurried over the seats and patted his hyung's back, "It's okay, hyung. We still love you!" 

Ken turned over with slited eyes, "What do you need, now?" 

Ravi's eyes lighted up as he began his list of presents he wants. Following suit, the maknae line, Hongbin and Hyuk listed out the items too jokingly too. Leo smacked his face and sighed at the sight of his foolish members. They sliced the cake and shared among themselves. They couldn't return to their families due to their busy schedule but it was still fun to celebrate among members. 

Once their mini party ended, the car starting moving again.

Hyuk was already in his dreamland and his head was lying on Ken's shoulder. The van went over a small pebble and the members jerked, Hyuk's head hitting the ceiling. Ken's eyes widened and pressed the maknae's head down. 

He gazed down to the sleeping member and smiled, feeling like a mother. Ken gazed outside and sighed wistfully, recalling the earlier encounter with the worker. She was looked really familiar to someone but Ken just can't point out who was it. 

It was someone important that was for sure but who exactly...? 



Late at night, Yoora went to the deserted park. She slowly made her way through the howling wind and arrived at the tattered playground. Yoora settled down on a creaky swing and rubbed her palms, trying to keep herself warm. Glancing around the area, sweet couples could be seen cuddling up with each other at the opposite street.

Yoora's eyes softened when a male bent down to the ground and tied the loose shoelaces for his girlfriend. The female smiled and attacked her boyfriend with a bear hug. Yoora raised her legs to look at her own shoelaces as memories started to flow back. 

The lass knew that he won't be coming again today, like the previous years but she continued waited and waited, wanting to give him a another chance. 

Chances after chances, he did not cherished them at all. Yoora knew that fact and wanted to leave that place but that's when the ring popped up in her mind and it was her last hope. She would then fill her mind with ridiculous reasons why he was not coming. 

It was rather foolish but what can she do about it? Nothing.

Maybe this year, there will be a miracle. He will come no matter what. I must stay here. 

Just then, light footsteps was heard. Yoora slipped her ring into the pocket, her eyes wandering around the area. She saw an approaching figure.

The footsteps became louder and more audible.

"Han Yoora!" 

Yoora whipped her head to back and her eyes watered. He finally came.

Yoora flung her arms around the male and smiled as tears streamed down her rosy, red cheeks. "You came, Jaehwan. You finally did." 

Ken pulled back and grinned at the lass. "Of course! I even brought some cupcakes." He held out a pretty blue box with a double ribbon knot sitting on the box. The duo settled down underneath the slide and started to eat the cupcakes. 

They talked about their lives so far and many other things. The same warmth was felt in the two and they laughed about their own stories. 

"So, when's our next date?" Ken asked, off the cream from his fingers. Yoora frowned at his actions and handed him a napkin. "You are still the same." Ken smiled as he accepted the napkin. 

"W-what? N-next Date?!" Yoora froze at that question. 

"To make it up to you for missing so many meetings for the past few years." Ken stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Train of thoughts flowed through Yoora's mind as she processed the statement. Yes, she want to go out with him to the movies, theme park and more. She had been dreaming of that almost every day. But they can't do it like a normal couple. 

Ken was an idol. He can't just go out and hold hands with Yoora. The paparazzi would be busily snapping pictures and typing away. Considering the fact VIXX was already an established idol group, Yoora wouldn't want that to happen.

Which also means that Yoora's dream would not come true. 

Gathering her courage to sound as firm as possible, Yoora replied, "There will be no next date." 

There, she said it.

Ken dropped his cupcake onto the ground, his mouth agape. Unable to comprehend to the current situation, he stuttered, "W-what do you m-ean by t-that, Yoora?" 

Yoora stopped fumbling with her fingers and looked into the other eyes. "We will not be meeting each other in the future again. 

Ken's face fell. "Why, Yoora? Do you hate me for missing the meetings?" 

"Yes. I do. In fact, I don't even want to see your face ever again." That's not the truth, Jaehwan. I love you. I wanna see and be near to you every day.

Ken grabbed Yoora's shoulders and shook her hard. "Please tell me this is some kind of joke, Yoora. Please." 

Yoora's voice turned chilly as she stood up. "It's not. This is how I truly feel."  No, it isn't. That's not how I truly felt.

"Goodbye, Lee Jaehwan." Yoora her heels and walked away, trying to stop the hot tears from flowing out.

Ken rose and dashed towards his first love. He flung his arms around the lass's back, stopping her in her steps. "Stop lying to me, Yoora."

Yoora can't hold it back anymore and allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks, dripping onto her coat. Ken slowly spun her around and wiped away the flowing tears. Ken tipped her head up and looked into her eyes. Slowly, their lips met. 

Once again, tears flowed down from Yoora's eyes as they pulled apart. 

The first snowflake fell and graced itself on Yoora's shoe, just like what happened 17 years ago. This action had made Yoora's heart to waver slightly but the thought of the negative headlines of Ken scares her. 

No, I can't be selfish and destroy his career.

Ken looked at the lass with the hope that she would change her mind and be together with him, overcoming all the obstacles.  

"I am sorry." Was all Yoora said before she ran away, away from her one true love. 

This story ends here. OTL. Sorry for taking so long just to update this last chapter. D: It wasn't a really good story, I would say but hope you guys had enjoyed it anyways! :)

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