just close your eyes, you'll be alright

BANGTAN ONE-SHOTS (request are closed momentarily)
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{ jeon jungkook.
by: chenzi for: Baploves. Enjoy! ♡

*samcheon - uncle

The street shops I run by are a blur as I start to pick up speed. I am running so fast because I know that they will catch up to me if I don't. I don't turn back to see what they have done to him, I don't want to take the risk.

My legs are caving in on me but I keep running. My heart is palpitating madly and I am so scared. But he had told me to run so I have to run.

Or my brother's sacrifice will only be in vain.


When I am sure that I have run far, I stop to take a rest. I find myself next to a high school. The bell has just rung and students are pouring out of the building and going out through the gate. I figure that the crowd might help me blend in but I guess I figured wrong because just as I turn around I see two familiar men surveying the area.

, this can't be happening.

I turn around too quickly and bump into a boy. He looks surprised as he looks at me, eyes wide and blinking. I would have stumbled if he didn't hold my arms tightly. "Let go of me!" I hiss at him.

"Why, what's the hurry?" he asks with a confused face.

The two men are closing into where we are and I cannot take the anxiety anymore. I am about to have a panic attack but suddenly the boy is pulling me close to him, covering my face with his school blazer. I stand frozen as his arms wrap around me. We stand like that for awhile and I am paranoid that the two men might see me.

But somehow the boy’s arms are reassuring. They make me feel as if no harm is going to get to me.

“They’re gone now,” he finally whispers.

I quickly pull away from him as if a force has repelled me from him but he still has a grip on my arms. “Please let go of me,” I weakly say to him. He gives me a look over before releasing me and putting his hands down.

“What was that?” he asks, “Why were they looking for you?”

“Bad people,” I tell him, seeing no point in lying. I feel my legs getting wobbly but I have to move on. “Thank you for helping me but I have to go,” I say.

I have only turn away from him but suddenly I feel myself crashing to the ground and everything turns black.

Yoongi is standing before me. He cups my face and gently caresses cheeks with that warm smile that never left his face.

Even when that bullet pierced his chest.

“My dearest sister, I’m so proud of you,” he says in a voice that sounds like a distant echo, “Remember that I’m always with you.”

He is starting to fade and again I cannot help the cry escaping from my lips, “Yoongi!”

Then suddenly everything turns bright.


My eyes shoot open and I sit up shouting, “Yoongi!”

Almost immediately I feel a searing pain in my limbs and I cry out. The boy from earlier comes rushing into the room and behind him is a man I do not recognise. “Calm down,” the man instructs as he gently pushes me back on the bed, “You need to rest.”

“I can’t,” I say, “I need to go.”

The boy is looking at me incredulously, “But you’re injured!”

The man pulls down the blanket and sure enough there is a bandaged wound on my shin which I do not remember getting. The bottom part of the sheets is covered with blood. My blood.

“I- I’m sorry,” I whimper.

The man gives me a smile and shakes his head, “It’s alright. It’s not your fault.” To the boy he says, “Jungkook, go get our guest water.”

The boy, Jungkook, nods and goes out of the room. “I’m Jin, by the way,” the man introduces himself, “My nephew Jungkook said that he met you outside his school and that you were being chased by bad people?”

I timidly nod my head, “Yeah.”

Jin straightens the blanket once again and places a hand over my forehead. “Well your fever seems to have gone down,” he informs me.

“I’m sorry for troubling you,” I whisper but Jin chuckles, “Stop apologizing. You’re not being a burden to us; we’re more than willing to help.”

Jungkook comes into the room again, this time with a glass of water. Jin helps me sit up and drink. I realize that my throat has been parched and I have never felt this thirsty in my life. “Feeling better?” Jungkook asks, taking a seat on the chair at the bedside.

“Slightly,” I say and Jungkook smiles, “Slightly is good.”

I can see the resemblance now between Jin and Jungkook in their smiles. “I’ll go check on dinner then,” Jin says, getting up, “You can ask Jungkook if you need anything.”

“I’ll be okay,” I reply to him and he nods before going out of the room, leaving me with Jungkook.

Jungkook is looking at me but somehow I do not seem bothered by it. Moreover, the reassuring feeling I felt earlier when I was with him came back. “Hey, who’s Yoongi?” Jungkook asks.

I slightly purse my lips, contemplating on whether to tell him or not. I decide that since he has saved my life more than once, I may as well tell him, “Yoongi’s my brother.”

“Where is he?” Jungkook asks.

My throat is suddenly dry again and I cannot find the correct words to say. He died? I left him behind? Before I can say anything, Jin comes into the room. “Jungkook, please set the table,” he tells the boy.

“Okay,” Jungkook says before obediently going to do so.

I did not realize that I have been holding my breath until Jin tells me to breathe. “I’m sorry for Jungkook’s insensitivity,” he frowns, rubbing his nape, “He’s always been straightforward, took after my sister.”

I nod and lie back down on the bed. Jin helps rearrange the blanket properly. “Do you want to eat anything?” he asks.

I shake my head, “Not hungry.”

“Alright,” Jin simply replies. He leaves me a glass of water on the bedside table and goes out of the room.

I do not get much sleep that night, tossing and turning in bed. I only sleep for 3 hours and when I wake up it is 7AM. There is a bang coming from outside the room and the curious me gets up to see what it is. It turns out to be Jungkook getting his breakfast in the kitchen.

“Oh, sorry to wake you!” he apologizes, putting back the things that fell.

“You’re really clumsy,” I comment as I watch him go around the kitchen, knocking things over in his pursuit for breakfast.

Jungkook rubs his head and scowls, “I don’t think there is anyone who can be coordinated at 7 in the morning.”

“True,” I reply, nodding.

Jungkook takes a box of cereal and a jug of milk, putting it on what I assume is a dining table. There are only two chairs so Jungkook gestures me to sit as he occupies the other. “Cereal?” he offers.

My stomach grumbles, having not eaten anything the night before. So I nod and he takes another bowl for me. “Look, I’m sorry about last night,” he is saying as he pours some cereal for me.

“It’s alright,” I reply, taking the bowl from him and pouring the milk myself.

“I feel like we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot,” he states.

Foot. I look at my wounded leg and sure enough the bandage needs to be changed. “Where’s Jin?” I ask, getting up and hobbling to the room I slept in last night.

“Uhh, Samcheon went to work,” Jungkook replies, getting up and going after me, “Do you need to change your bandage? I can do it for you.”

“I can do it myself,” I say as I look for the medicine box Jin lef

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elfcloudlove #1
I'm sorry, but the "Yes or No" story doesn'r really make sense to me. Would you explain it to me, please?
V and Jikyung live together, right? But aren't they too young for that? I mean, they broke up, and 4 years after that they are still in high school? And also V got drunk even though he was underage...
I'm sorry if I misunderstood the whole story, but it was a bit strange so I had to ask you.
Chapter 7: Thank you~ :)
Chapter 5: thank you author-nim,
kookie soooo cute<3
bereaved #4
Chapter 4: Thank you author-nim~ Oh,Jimin is so sweet to Seokmi <3 OMG MY FEELS <3
Pairing: Taehyun x OC (Jae Sol Hyun)
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff
Scenario: Solhyun is a well-known maknae/visual for one of BTS's rival groups (AG.L, also known as SilverLITE). She is known for her punky chic style, free-spirit, and aegyo. One night, Solhyun gets lost outside of Seoul because of her usual wandering off. Her unnis left for a schedule in China that she couldn't attend because she had educational obligations. V is out with BTS at the park. He then discovers a lonely and scared Solhyun on the jungle gym.
Pairing: RapMon x OC (Baek Soojin)
Genre: comedy
Scenario: A strange yet fun date. Out of boredom, Namjoon asks random strangers if they want to hang out with him. He's not really serious and was mostly hoping for some laughs and some story to tell his buddies and therefore was not expecting anyone to say yes but one girl (who is as bored as him) does.
Chapter 1: Hope that I can request~
Pairing: TaeJin
Genere: fluff
Scenario: Just the simple winter night when everyone went out for bowling but Jin didn't feel well and want to go back. Then Taehyung volunteer to go back with Jin to dorm. Snow falling down, nice light etc etc. That night Taehyung confessed his love to Jin. Thank You anyway~
Pairing: Jin x Jeon Yumi (OC);
Genre: angst, AU, romance;
Scenario: In wich Yumi lost her parents in the accident taking place at where they're working as lab doctors, due to an experiment. Jin, the weirdest guy ever bumps into her right in the front of the building realising that his father, the owner of the factory has unlished a deathly virus over half of the population in Seoul. He takes Yumi with him, at the same time trying to comfort her about her parents's death as well.as being aware of the other virus his father injected into him, one that can put Yumi's life in danger. They spent a lot of time together, she tries to understand him, to make him believe that their love can win all those battles. In the end his father is caught by the international force and Jin is cleansed of that virus, allowing them to live together after this.
Im sorry if the scenario is weird or blurry..if you arent comfortable with it please tell me so I can change it~ thanks^^
pairing: jungkook X jimin
Genre: fluff, comedy(maybe)
Scenario: just about a jealous maknae