

Tomorrow came a bit fast for Chanyeol. His heart started beating rapidly against his chest when he thought about the new actor that was going to star in his commercial today. He went to the studio after doing his morning routine and bumped into a tall, lean figure. Almost as tall as him. He muttered a low sorry before helping Chanyeol pick up the papers that fell.  Chanyeol glanced up and he was met with the most beautiful human being in the universe. He has sun-kissed skin, a well-sculpted face, tousled brown hair and gorgeous thick lips. He stared at him with unfocused eyes, and the man in front of him stared at him back. Their eyes connected for a few seconds before the unknown man cleared his throat and muttered a low ‘sorry again’ before entering the studio building. Chanyeol just stared at the direction where the unknown man went before he went to his office.






He went to the shooting site when Baekhyun called him. The lights, microphones, cameras and all the other equipments are all ready to roll. Chanyeol sat on his usual director chair while watching his crew preparing some final touches. The actor was still in the makeup room doing some final touches before he came out.


Chanyeol eyes went wide when he saw who the actor was.


“Yah, aren’t you the one who I bumped this morning? You’re the director? You’re the cold director who Baekhyun told me about? Woah, you’re hot man.” Chanyeol’s mouth widened when he heard what the male said. His blushed at the male’s blunt comment before directing the crew to get ready for the shoot.


Jongin, or he liked to call on set, Kai, was an amazing actor. Even though he’s playful, he turns 180 degrees when the cameras started rolling. When he forgot the lines, he laughed it off before saying a ‘sorry’ and continued doing his best. Surprisingly, Chanyeol didn’t spoke a word at all the entire shoot. He didn’t nag like he usually does. He doesn’t said the word “cut” whenever Kai did a mistake. It was Kai himself who realized his own mistake. Baekhyun watched Chanyeol intently, wondering what is wrong with the younger boy.


After Chanyeol said “CUT!” and Kai’s last scene, everyone clapped and bowed, while “Good job, everyone” and “Thank you” were heard in the small studio. And yes, guess who clapped as well? Park Chanyeol. Everyone stopped their actions and stared at the once cold director, who suddenly clapped for the first time. When Chanyeol realized he was being stared by the crew and Kai, he immediately stopped his actions and rushed to his office, flustered. Baekhyun smirked knowingly and followed Chanyeol, leaving the rest of the crew with questions in their mind. And Kai just smiled at the director’s actions. He’s cute eventhough he’s unfriendly. Man, Baekhyun was right. He’s hot.






Poor Chanyeol was startled when Baekhyun barged into his office as usual, only this time, a devilish smirk decorated his face. Chanyeol just stared at Baekhyun in confusion before Baekhyun came close to Chanyeol and whispered,


“You like Jongin, don't you?”


Chanyeol spluttered and Baekhyun just smirked knowingly.


“N-no! W-why would I l-like him? C’mon Baek, my tastes aren’t that b-bad!” Chanyeol spluttered nervously while avoiding Baekhyun’s eye contact. He rubbed his neck and Baekhyun’s smirk just widened at Chanyeol’s actions.


“Dude, I’ve known you since middle school. C'mon, we all know Jongin is your type. Don’t lie to me. And, I know you’re lying whenever you rub your neck.”


Chanyeol cursed under his breath and looked at Baekhyun, who was still smiling knowingly.


“So? Are you going to confess or not? I can help you if you want to.”


“No! I’m not going to confess! I’m not going to be the one who surrenders in this!” Chanyeol stood up with determination and unconsciously slammed the desk hard with his hands.


“Woah, dude chill. Ok ok you won’t confess. But I’ll make sure you guys are together by this evening today. Till then.” Baekhyun mysteriously exited Chanyeol’s office and rushed on finding his favourite dongsaeng.






Evening came and Chanyeol was getting ready to go home when suddenly a tall figure (definitely not Baekhyun) barged into his office and kissed him full on the lips. Chanyeol’s eyes widened into dinner plates and he pushed the unknown man. When he finally got rid of him, he wiped his lips with his sleeve shirt. The unknown guy smiled at him and Chanyeol thinks he may have a heart attack because the person who’s kissing him is Kai. Kim ing Jongin.


“Hey. I thought you liked me. I never thought you’re going to react like this.” Jongin pouted and Chanyeol really, really, really wants to get out of there.


“N-no, I mean its not that I don’t like you. Its just um….” Chanyeol trailed off, not knowing what to continue. Jongin closed the gap between them and hovered his lips over Chanyeol. His breath ghosted against Chanyeol’s lips and he smirked when the latter shivered at the contact.


“Cut off the talking. Let’s just enjoy this.” Jongin whispered and finally kissed Chanyeol softly. He moved his lips hesitantly over Chanyeol while waiting for the latter’s respond. After a few seconds, he can feel lips moving against his with passion and Jongin smiled before kissing him back with the same amount of passion.


After a few minutes, they pulled away for oxygen but their foreheads stayed connected. Chanyeol smiled at Jongin and placed a soft peck on his nose. Jongin giggled before wrapping his arms around Chanyeol’s neck and Chanyeol wrapping his arms around Jongin’s waist, pulling him closer. Jongin whispered against his neck,


“I like you too, by the way.”


"What did Baekhyun tell you?"


"Well, he told that you like me and coincidently, I like you too. He also said you were too shy to make the first move. So, here we are." Chanyeol muttered a low curse for Baekhyun before smiling at Jongin back.


“I am so going to thank Baekhyun for this.”  Jongin chuckled at Chanyeol’s statement before kissing the daylights out of Chanyeol.


Little did they know, a short petite brunette watched them from afar and the faint camera shutter sound goes unnoticed by the couple. Baekhyun cackled evilly before going back to his office.



YEAY ITS FINALLY COMPLETE PEOPLE!!! sorry for the late update cries but i hope u enjoyed it nonetheless!!! wow i never expected to get this much subscribers thank you <33333 oh & im going to start a new fic very veryyyyy soon so stay tuned c: leave ur comments below!!! i appreciate every single one of it <3 till then~

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i edited the latest chapter a bit. so for those who already read it, u might wanna read it back :)


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Annasj #1
Chapter 2: Baekhyun is their bestfriend of course XD And I'm sure he is going to get revenge for all those angry-and-modey chanyeols he faced, by this video XD

Thankyu for the story^^
oh-tea-twelve #2
Chapter 2: HOMG HOMG /breathes heavily/ i need a moment for my brain to start working properly

HOLY LIKE GAAAAH JONGIN IS SO CUTE AND COCKY AND FULL OF CONFIDENCE AND CHANYEOL IS EVEN CUTER STUTTERING AND BEING ALL SHY AND FIDGETTY, IT IS SI CYTE TO SEE THIS NEW SIDE OF YEOL- THE SIDE THAT IS TOTALLY ALLURED AND AMAZED BY A KIM JONGIN ∩(´∀`)∩ I CANT UGH MY HEARTEU AND BYUN BAEKHYUN AHH HE JUST HAD TO FILM KAIYEOL'S MAKE OUT SESSION- PROBABLY FOR FUTURE BLACKMAIL MATERIAL OR HE'S MOST LIKELY GONNA RELEASE IT FORCTHE WORLD TO SEE ugh i could already imagine him cackling at yeol's misery /shivers involuntarily/ yeap baek you're the greatest bestfriend ever (two thumbs up- me is being sarcastic ( ;∀;) ) and haha in jongin's eyes: monggu + janggu + jangah + chicken >>>>> everything else (*つ▽`)っ he's so precious

I WANT MOAAAR MORE MOAAAR umm pretty please pleseupleaseupleaseu?
you gave me so much feeeels! thankyooooou! <3<3<3<3
*throw skittles and gummy bears at chu*
elkyouya #3
Chapter 2: why end so fast? TT TT omg i need chankai moarrt
Chapter 2: Lol jongin is blunt. These two is like love at first sight xD
Chapter 2: Why end so fast ??
Makemorechankaiplease !!!!
elkyouya #6
Chapter 1: wow good! update asap.babe.. this fic so cute
Chapter 1: Yayay. Can't wait for chankai to meet lol. Chanyeol is already attracted xD
Chapter 1: Kyaa !!! Update soon !!
Chapter 1: I crieddd omfg my precious chankai *Waiiiilllsss* update bb omfg i love u soooo much ♥♥
Chapter 1: So it's love at first uh chanyeolsshi??? Wait until you see him in person kekkeke, I can't help to imagine it.
Thanks for the update ^^