the confession

i'm sorry but after this i'm also gone


~continue of Key's letter~ Ah hyung Minnie was here to ask me for dinner but I don't want to eat. I'm to sad to be hungry. Okay sounds kinda gay but I start with my confession.... I...I....I like you okay to be honest I like you to much I can't live without you. I know that you want me to live on But I can't I...I just can't*begins crying*I miss you I know that it happend just a day ago but I really really miss you how can  I live without you.

about 4 days is your furneral I  only have just 4 f* days to say goodbye,4 f* days to write this letter and 4 f* days to see you.

I wanted to eat icecreams with you, to learn you bicycle, to go on a trip with you, tell you this and to live happy with you if you wanted it.

I don't want Minnie to cry because of me but how can I be happy without you, you're my everything I......I really love them but I think that I

will break the promise to live on......... I'm so sorry I love you for now and ever I will see you soon.



No-one -POV.

key then stopped with writting and headed to the bathroom.

he washed him self he then looked in the mirror with disgust at his on face.

he was pale and he  dark circles began showing them self under his eyes of crying.

he thought: how long can I stand this, look at your self Key you look like a skeleton, you must eat

but what sense makes life if Jonghyun isn't here. how sooner I die how beter.


1 month after the funeral



it has already been 1 since the funeral and Key is still in his

room he has locked him self up and he never comes out except for the toilet and the bathroom.

I mis his smile and his laugh, he barely eats we must bring him food and order him to eat it or he'll starve.

Jonghyun-hyung why did you had to leave us.

*starts crying* 

I wnat key to come out again and play with me in the park.

it's almost summer, Key said that he wanted to do so many thinks with you in the summer before you died.

the only thing he's doing now is crying in his bedroom and writing in his diary.

I don't know what to do.......


~Key POV~

it has already been a month since the funeral and I still feel misserable

it is that the other order me to eat if they didn't do that I wouldn't eat.

It's almost summer hyung, all those things I wanted to do can't come true because you're not here with me.

what should I do to be happy,I can't even go out my room of sadness. 

how can I smile to Taeminnie and the others how.... please Jonghyun-hyung how.


~POV-someone ~

I promissed to watch over you and I see you Bummie.

but I can do nothing to help you I only can see and hear you from here.

It makes me feel misserable to see how much you're hurt because of me, I wish I can me the clock reverse. 

and that I never left our dorm that day. Then all of this would never have happend.

I know your secret bummie heard you talking and saw you writing.

I wished we could do all those things you wanted to do together.

I miss you here it's boring. please keep your promise do it for the others, do it for me

I know you won't hear me because i'm a ghost but please do it for me.

I hope there will be a day I will see you again and feel my blood running through my veins again.

but that day is still far away i'm sorry.

to be honest I.... like you too but now it's to late to say it to you.








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Unipandahond #1
Chapter 1: sorry for this short chapter