where do I begin

i'm sorry but after this i'm also gone

Dear Jonghyun. Where do I start.our life was so full of happiness it looked so perfect we hadn't a relationship but we swore that we never would betray each other I thought that this would be like this for ever. But every happy story has his own sad side and our sad side came to soon. I miss you , you're smile, you're voice and just the Jonghyun I love.

The first time I saw you was at the sm entertainment audition we both wanted to became famous. We managed it to become a trainee .it was fun But we needed to train very hard.After a couple years of training we became a boygroup called SHINee with three other boys : Taemin,Minho and Onew-hyung we became best friends had fun and made our fans happy it looked so perfect our dream becoming famous came true. Every time I think about that wonderful time my heart hurts. I don't want this anymore. Why oh why needed this to end so soon.

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Unipandahond #1
Chapter 1: sorry for this short chapter