Side story -Baekyeol-

Married With CEO

"Baekhyun, annyeong. I'm going with Sehun. Bye." Luhan waved his hand from far away, leaving Baekhyun alone. Baekhyun groaned. Some guys whistling from his right. He turned around and saw a group of students whistling. Baekhyun sighed. His driver has emergency so he asked for a day off this morning. His father always has a meeting around this hour, so it’s impossible for him to fetch Baekhyun right now since his company and Baekhyun's school are far from each other. His mom busy with her new boutique that will be launch this weekend. And Chanyeol... that guy was always studying these days because the final exam is just around the corner.

He stepped inside the school and waited under the guard's post. It’s safer than the outside. He really hoped someone will fetch him up since he didn't feel comfortable at all with the whistles he got. They're frmm another boy's school around there when Baekhyun saw their badge and coat. "Hey pretty, what are you doing alone here? Come, we will accompany you." One of the boys said. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and ignored them. 

"Before you want to accompany him, you must fight with me first." All of them turned to the voice's owner. "Chanyeol-ah!" Baekhyun said, throwing himself to the taller. "Ch-chanyeol sunbaenim. We are sorry! We won't do it anymore!" The boys said and ran away. "Yah stupid! I thought you won't fetch me." Baekhyun sniffed. Chanyeol giggled. "Of course I will fetch you up. You supposed to tell me that there is no one to take you home." Chanyeol said, inviting Baekhyun into his car.

"You are always with your books. I don't want to bother you. I can take a taxi." Baekhyun said. "You? Taking a taxi? I will never believe it. Besides, I am your boyfriend, you should tell me."

"OKay, I will... next time. How did those guys know you?" Baekhyun asked.

"Their dads are my dad's friends. Their dads said that their sons are at math and physic and well you know that I'm the expert on those subjects, so they asked me to tutor their sons." Chanyeol explained, earned a simple 'ooh' as a reply from Baekhyun. "Okay, for now lets head to the lunch and after that I will take you to the amusement park because I felt guilty that I didn't spend much time with you because of the final examination."

"Really? I really want to go to the amusement park. You are jjang!" Baekhyun said. He planted a kiss on Chanyeol's right cheek made the giant lost focus on driving. "A-ani. Don't kiss me when I'm driving Baekhyun. You know how hard I'm trying to focus on my driving whenever you are right beside me." Chanyeol said. That's true. Baekhyun always his lips, unconsciously without he knew he was seducing his giant boyfriend with his tempting actions.

Chanyeol always knew that Baekhyun didn't mean it but oh gosh, he always getting distracted by Baekhyun. "I'm sorry... not sorry though." Baekhyun said mischievously. 


After they finished having their lunch, they heading to the amusement park, Lotte World. The place when they first met, thanks to Sehun. "Ahhh I still remember the days when we always hanging out here after school and do you remember when we first met?" Chanyeol asked. "Yeah, I still remember it although it was almost 6 years ago."



"Sehun, lets go and ride that!" Luhan said excitingly. He pointed at the roller coster right there. Baekhyun immediately frowned. Chanhee who knew why said, "but Lulu, Baekhyun is scared with roller coster." Sehun laughed. "You? Scared of roller coster? You will not get killed if you ride that, Baekhyun-ah." Sehun said.

"He scared of height, Sehun-ah." Chanhee said. Then someone ran to them, panting hard. "Sorry... I am late. I was caught in a bad traffic." 

"Oh Chanyeol-ah! This princess over here actually scared of the height but this two princessces want to get into the roller coaster," Sehun said, earned a pinch on each of his side. "Owch. By the way, guys this is Chanyeol as a Park Chanyeol. Chanyeol, this deer-like over here is Luhan, this bunny face over here is Chanhee and this fierce kitty over there is Baekhyun." Sehun earned 3 pinches on his arms.

"Nice to me you"

"Nice to meet you guys too."

"We need to wait for Mark, though."  Sehun said. As if on the cue, a cute, handsome boy walked calmly to them and greeted. Baekhyun eyed the new boy infront of him. He is so much mature than the other two. "Guys, this is Mark. His real name is Tuan Yi-En."

"Are you Chinese, by the way?" Luhan asked, a bit happy becasue at last he gonna befriend with a chinese.


"Uh, okay. Right now this is Luhan, Chanhee and Baekhyun. We will pair up and get onto the highest rolles coster here." Sehun said.

"But I'm scared..." Baekhyun whipered. Sehun nudged Chanyeol who was stunned looking at Baekhyun adn said, " Dude, this is the time you make the move. This is the first time I'm gonna get him for you and I will never help you after that." Chanyeol nodded. "Hmm, if you are afraid, you can pair up with me. I will protect you." Chanyeol said with a blushed face.

"Okay." After that they got on the roller coaster. Chanyeol was with Baekhyun, Sehun was with Luhan meanwhile Chanhee was with Mark.


After they having fun on the roller coaster (well, not for Baekhyun since he closed his eyes and gripped onto Chanyeol and screamed with his high-pitching voice and he almost cried up there), they splitted onto 2 groups (Sehun, Luhan, Mark and Chanhee in one group since they wanted to ride the other roller coaster, leaving the other two since Baekhyun practically begging Chanyeol to join him ride the boring ones). "Let's ride the tea cups that spinning around." Baekhyun said excitedly. 

Chanyeol smiled. He like Baekhyun since the first time he saw him at his mum's boutique launching. Practically, their mums are friends but Chanyeol was too shy that time to approach the younger. It was a year back then when Chanyeol was a plump boy with glasses on his eyes because his sight was bad and he always had about 2 ferrets with him. He thought Baekhyun won't like to be friend with someone like him because Baekhyun seemed like the elegant guy. He began to exercise to get a fit body and he get rid of his glasses to look cool with a pair of contact lenses. Now, he become a handsome boy and he promised to himself and Sehun to get Baekhyun as his boyfriend later.

"You want to ride that? Oh, okay. Let's go." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun enjoying the ride since it's the first time all of them went to somewhere without having bodyguards guarding them all the times. "It's quite making me dizzy but- Whoaahh!" Baekhyun screamed when the tea cups started spinning faster. It's better that riding the scary rides. "I'm having fun." Baekhyun said joyfully. "Yeah, me too. Let's go to the cafe there. I heard from my maids that their cakes and desserts are delicious."

"Really? I never heard of it... Let's go! I can't wait to taste it!" baekhyun grinned and pulled Chanyeol into the cafe. The cafe was too crowded with people. Chanyeol spotted a couple leaving their table and he immediately pulled Baekhyun to the empty table. The waiter came to take their order. "Aren't you guys too young to go to the amusement park alone without the adult's companion?"

"We could manage ourself. Now, I want to order this and this." Baekhyun said, pointing at the cake and drink. "I want to order this and this." Chanyeol said. 

"Do you know, you are the only one who want to get on the boring rides with me. Usually when three of us coming together, both of them didn't want to ride on those rides but they wanted to ride those scary, high rides." Baekhyun said. He felt grateful because today he met someone who could understand his fearness. "It's nothing, really." Chanyeol smiled. 


"Yeah, I remember that day. I really wanna thank to you cause you are willing to sit beside me on the roller coaster when. You don't know how much I'm afraid to ride those high things!" Baekhyun said. They scanned their pass and entered the Lotte World. "Of course I will because I've liked you since the first time I saw you... I think it's about... 7 years ago when I'm still a fat boy with those hideous glasses and 2 ferrets in my pockets." Chanyeol laughed.

"Really? Why you never tell me about this? I thought we met for the first time here!" Baekhyun said shockingly. "I just thought that wasn't important... so I never planned to tell you."

Baekhyun leaned in and tip toed on his toes, he pecked Chanyeol's lips. "Every seconds, everythings that involved you and me are so important, Chanbaby." Baekhyun chuckled when he saw Chanyeol's flushed face. Although Baekhyun always kissed Chanyeol, the elder always shy andd blushed. Baekhyun found it's cute. "So now, what should we ride first?" Baekhyun asked, looking at the map.

Chanyeol suddenly wrapped his left arm around Baekhyun's waist made the latter yelp. "How about... that, yeobo-ah?" Chanyeol asked, pointing at the highest roller coaster in the Lotte World. Baekhyun gulped. "Do you really want me to ride on... that thing, Chanyeol-ah?" Baekhyun asked. The beads of sweats started to form on his forehead. Chanyeol liked this side of Baekhyun. Well, actually he liked all the sides of Baekhyun, but this side of Baekhyun (the coward side) rarely come out from his lover.

Baekhyun will hundred percetly rely on Chanyeol whenever he is scared of something. "Yeah. It's not that scary once you try to enjoy it, Baekhyun." Chanyeol giggled. Baekhyun frowned. "It's easy for you to say like that, Chanyeol. You and the other four are practically the roller coaster-freaks!" Baekhyun said frustating. "Nevermind, trust me. I will always protect you."

Baekhyun took a deep breath before get on the roller coaster. The worker helped them to buckle up the safety equipment. "Chanyeol, could we skip this ride? I don't think I can..."

"Too bad, you can't. This was the first time we rode together 6 years ago and our 4th anniversary is next week and I have the examination next week. Just consider this as my early event for you for our anniversary." Chanyeol said. The roller coaster started moving and Baekhyun immediately gripped Chanyeol's arm. "Hey, relax." Chanyeol said. He felt guilty when he saw his boyfriend's fear face. He took Baekhyun's hand and Baekhyun immediately gripped his hand tightly.

"Oh my God, Chanyeol-ah! We are falling!!!" Baekhyun yelled when the train drop. Chanyeol raise their hands together and shouted, "I LOVE YOU, BYUN BAEKHYUN! WE GONNA HAVE OUR OWN 'DIAMOND' SOME DAY!"


Finish. I want to make the fluffy one actually, but I am not in the fluffy-mood this week. So, this is the only one I could give to you. And by the way, the 'Diamond' that I highlighted on the last line is actually their soon-to-be child's name. I know this story is lame and sorry if you guys did not like enough my story, well since it's my first story (actually this is my second but I deleted the first one).

Actually I have the urge to write story for my crack-ships: Luhan and Chunji, Kevin and Chunji.

I'm so weird. Don't hate me though T_T

So ppali! Drop a comment! I really like to read the comments and its motivated me so much!

Bye x





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ExoKissAndHugs #1
Chapter 39: Whew okay i finished reading everything and i think that you reaaaaaaally did an awesome job with this fic! You didnt fail to make me feel the pain when im supposed to feel the pain and happy when im supposed to feel happy! Really! Good Job! Though i still think that Byunghun is such a huge jerk but well it's okay~ i loved the ending anyways teehee~
ExoKissAndHugs #2
Chapter 36: Okay i have not finished reading this fic yet but WTH BYUNGHUN IS SUCH A JERK- A SELFISH JERK. He got no shame man. Tsk tsk tsk. AND PLEASE STOP BEING SO ANNOYING BYUNGHUN SSI.
To the author of this story, i think youre really awesome in terms of portraying tha characters in this story and also the storyline. You really made me cry and curse a lot while reading this story. HAAHAHHAAH Im not trying to say that this is a bad story or anything cuz HEY THIS STORY IS GOOD!!!! But anyways! I will comment again~ gotta finish up the other remaining chappies!
Chapter 45: I love this story!! At firsy, when they were at their early stage, I don't understand why Byunghun & Kimberly had even it clearly that is a ! I even more angry when Byunghun doesn't even tried to push Kim. And I hate it when Byunghun aaked Chanhee leave the house while Chanhee is pregnant that time even he didn't know yet. I love your side stories too ;)
iamgirly #4
Chapter 42: thanks for the great story author-nim .. :-) *im crying while read it*
nickmo #5
Chapter 45: I already did it since the mv first day release..i will never stop
Hwaiting to u too
Chapter 1: I like it.. Thanks for the story
sweet_lovemeowy #7
Chapter 39: Finally !! I finished reading this amazing story!! I can't believe i read this in one day rows.! *shed tears*
sweet_lovemeowy #8
Chapter 31: Ashjggdkffhhfxtuhfthdtfsasfghj!!! This is the first time i read fanfic i curse too much.
sweet_lovemeowy #9
Chapter 28: Good luck for your SPM ^^ i'm also taking it. Its 4 months to go tho. Fighting~ ♡
sweet_lovemeowy #10
Chapter 25: Sassy kimberly is back again oh god how can byunghun handle two pregnant people alone?