Chapter 3

Married With CEO

It is only 3 weeks more before their wedding, Apparently, Chanhee was already agreed to marry with Byunghun. He also said that he loved Byunghun so much. Well, the hypnotised thing is successful. About Byunghun wanted to change the date of their wedding, he can't do anything because all of their preparations are not done yet. So, he just do what he want to do about their marriage while Chanhee is still under his control.

Chanhee's parents are so happy with Chanhee's decision. But, the not-so-happy-bestfriends, Luhan and Baekhyun can't do anything. They are worried if Chanhee is being threatened by his future husband. They never saw Chanhee's future husband because Byunghun is always busy.

Today, both of them will go to choose the dress for Chanhee, and tuxedo for Byunghun. Actually, Chanhee supposed to wear tuxedo same like Byunghun, but the young CEO said that he wanted to see Chanhee in a wedding dress. Chanhee just agree since 'he loves Byunghun so much and he wants to be a good wife, so he must obey to his future husband'. 

Currently, Byunghun is driving them to the famous boutique in the South Korea. With the y cutiepie bunny beside him, Byunghun seems like he can't focus on the road. Chanhee's cute and small mouth keep chattering about how the design on the dress that he wants and his imaginary wedding ceremony.

'So tempting! Byunghun, you must be patience. After you get married with your kitty, you can do anything you want, his first kiss, first night with him.' Byunghun thought and smirk. He has many nicknames that he gave to Chanhee such as, bunny, kitty, y cutiepie and many more. Chanhee seemed like he don't mind with those nicknames.

"Chanhee baby, can you stop talking. Your mouth is distracting me... so much" Byunghun patted softly Chanhee's thigh. "Y-you don't like me talking? Do you hate me? You always avoid when I talked about kiss. You don't want to kiss me? is my breath is too stink?" Nowadays, Chanhee is too sensitive until Byunghun must think properly before speak infront of Chanhee.

"Baby, no... not like that. Please don't cry" Byunghun stopped his car at the roadside and face Chanhee, then he continue "I just want to save your first kiss after we marry later. Baby, shhh don't cry anymore. I don't hate you. I promise" Byunghun gently pulled Chanhee's head onto his firm chest and Chanhee's hair.

"Promise me that you will never hate me?" Chanhee asked."Of course! How could someone hate cute bunny like you?" Byunghun replied makes Chanhee giggled.  "You can continue driving, now" Chanhee said.

Byunghun just smiled and continue driving.


After about 15 minutes driving, they arrived at the boutique. "Byunghunnieeeee, this place seems like only sell expensive stuffs. Let's search for another boutique?" Chanhee hem Byunghun's short sleeve. "Baby, the owner of this boutique is my friend. She can give us discount, though. Besides, I want to spend my money on you. I don't care how much the price is." Byunghun gave Chanhee a reassured smile. 

"Now, let's go in the boutique." Byunghun slipped his hand around Chanhee's waist and rest on it.


"Hi Byunghun! It's been a long time since I saw you. And this guy beside you is....?" the owner of the boutique asked. "Hi Sara! Long time no see you!" Byunghun slipped off his arm around Chanhee's waist and hugged the woman infront of him. Chanhee's heart clenched with the sight infront of him, but he just stay silence, don't want to create any commotion.

"How long we don't see each other? About 5 years right before you went to London to help with your father's business there. I really miss our crazy group! Oh yeah Byunghun... like I asked you just now, who is this guy? Or girl?" Sara release the hugged and asked Byunghun while staring at Chanhee.


"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Do you remember when I called you last night about my wedding?" 'He forgot about me....?'

"Oh yeah I remember. Why?" "This is the guy that will be my bride, Lee Chanhee" Byunhyun introduce the male beside him with Sara "Oh, I thought you are straight. Nevermind, I am not homophobic so it is nothing to me. So... what are you want for your wedding ceremony later?" Sara quickly pick up her file and clicking the pen, ready to write.

"Ermm.. for me a set of tuxedo is fine. Later I will tell you the specific details like colour and design. And... for my bride, I want him to wear a dress. can you do it?" "Oh okay. Since I know your taste so well in fashion, it will be easy for me, Byunghun. For the dress, I had done several design that I finished this morning. New design by me. You will be the first to wear it, Chanhee" Sara winked and went to search the sketch.

Chanhee wandered around the boutique to look at the dress. he pick out a dress that is so beautiful. With the laces on the arms, the beads and the veil. It seems like only princess can wear it.

"Baby, do you want this dress?" Byunghun whispered ily as he back hugged Chanhee. "This dress is so beautiful."

"Alright gentlemen, here are my sketch. Choose the design that you want and I will definitely do the best for you" Sara assured both of them. Chanhee reviewed the sketch carefully and one of the sketch managed to take Chanhee's focus. " Sara, this one looks so pretty." Chanhee hand the paper to Sara.

"It's beautiful." Byunghun compliment Sara's drawing. "Thank you for compliment my drawing, Byunghun, Chanhee. You want this? I will make it for you." 

"Can you make it as soon as possible, Sara because the wedding will be held in 3 more weeks. And make sure it will be pretty." Byunghun asked hopefully. It is his fault too because he is too busy lately until he don't have enough time to make sure the preparation is done.

"This is Kim SaRa, Byunghun. The leader of our fashion club and won four times in the fashion's award. Of course I will make the dress flawless than ever. Don't worry. Okay, since Byunghun is my friend since we were in highschool, I want to give you a offer. Choose 3 more dress and I will give all of them 40 percents discount including this dress. How is it? Interesting?"

"Byunghun! Let's take that offer. There are some dress that I really admire. Pleaseee pleaseee." Chanhee begged Byunghun with his doe-eyes and some aegyos. "You are so clever. Using that eyes and aegyo to win over me. Go pick out some dresses." Chanhee quickly sprinted off towards the wardrobe and pick out 3 dresses that are so beautiful until he can't get off his eyes on them.

"This!" Chanhee gave the dresses to Sara. "Do you want to try it, now?" Sara asked. "I can try it here?" "Of course you can. Firstly I must search the size for your body and since I see that your body is feminine soI guess that I have your size. Wait here"

"Byunghun, do you want to see me in that dresses?" Chanhee said seductively. '! Mental note that I need to hypnotised him when we are married later because damn, he is so seductive since last week!' Byunghun screamed in his mind. "Of course, kiddo. Ppali pick the wig and the crown that you want to wear along with the dress." Byunghun smiled.

"Wait here, ne. I will go to the dressing room. I will wear the most y dress among the dress in this boutique" Chanhee whispered ily. 'How can he be so seductive like this... Just imagine him wearing that dress is enough to make me . Byunghun. He just 17 years old.'


Byunghun waited for almost an hour for his future bride to come out from the dressing room. "Byunggiee~ I am done. Do you want to see it?" Chanhee shouted from the dressing room. "Of course. Ppali come out!" Byunghun replied. He try to ignore the tightened pants and try to sit comfortably on the sofa, but when Chanhee come out with the y dress, and the veil, wig and the crown, Byunghun immediately excuses himself to go to toilet leaving Sara and Chanhee in confusion.

"Sara, am I that ugly until Byunghun immediately went to toilet after I came out?" Chanhee frowned. Sara just laughed "No cutie, I think he just has a problem with his pants" 





" that y dress! He really provoked me since this morning. Nghhhh" Byunghun rubbed his with his hand quickly. "Chanheeeeee~ that y bunny better give me his ity on our first night" Byunghun rubbed and groaned.

"Imagine his small mouth with that lips wrapped around my little junior... Oh it just make me more harder and bigger. No Chanhee, Nghhh nghhh" Byunghun pants heavily. He fastened his pace on the member while he imagine he s deeper into Chanhee. "Ngggggahhhh~~~~~~~" The white fluid burst out and luckily he do not wear his pants and boxer that time or else it will have planted a bit on it.

Byunghun wears his boxer and pants and went out from the toilet and saw Chanhee frowned and pouting already change to his cloth. "Hey Chanhee, is the dress okay?"

"Yeah it's okay. The dresses are fit with me. We can go back home now. Sara said we can pick up the dress in two weeks more" Chanhee said coldly. "Baby, why are you like that? Angry with me, aye?" Byunghun wrapped Chanhee's petite waist and Chanhee and pulled him closer.

"How can you just leave me like that when I wanted to show you I wore that dress" Chanhee said obviously he is so angry with Byunghun. "It's not like that, Hmm how to say it... I need to... pee! Yeah I need to pee just now. Now baby, don't be angry with me." Byunghun try to persuade Chanhee. "Don't you love me? Forgive me, ne. I promise when our wedding ceremony for 2 days later I will always look at you, only you. You love me right"

Byunghun knew Chanhee's weakness when Chanhee is still under hypnosis. The weakness is Chanhee can't bear angry at him too long. And when Chanhee is angry, Byunghun just need to say 'Don't you love me' to Chanhee.

"I love you. I am not angry with you anymore~" Chanhee hugged Byunghun. See, Byunghun just need to say that and then POOF Chanhee already forgave him. 'I don't know how to handle him after he recover from the hypotized' Byunghun thought.




-8 days more-

It was late in the midnight when Chanhee, Baekhyun, Luhan, Chanyeol and Sehun are having sleepover at Chanhee's mansion. "I can't believe that you will be the first among us to marry. Moreover, the is too big. Do you love him so much?" Sehun asked Chanhee who are preparing the movies that they want to watch.

"Of course I love him so much! I will give anything as long as I have him by my side. I don't care about the , though because age is just a number, right?" Chanhee smiled. "Although both of us still don't satisfied on how you just simply agreed to  marry that man, we decided to support you." Baekhyun said.

"Speak about your future husband, we never saw him. He always busy with his work. Don't you have any picture of him?" Luhan asked. "Yes, I have but I took his pictures with my DSLR, and my DSLR is with him, now" Suddenly, the whole mansion is black out makes the five boys surpries and immediately hugging each other without knowing who.

Chanyeol hugging with Luhan, meanwhile Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanhee hugging each other. "Yeobo?" Chanyeol aol want to call Baekhyun. He thought that the one that he is hugging is his yeobo but "Sehun, since when that your voice become deeper?" Luhan replied with question. The real Sehun and Baekhyun are so shocked. "THIS IS NOT MY YEOBO/ MY SEHUNNIE!" Both Luhan and Chanyeol yelled in unison and releasing the hug.

Sehun and Baekhyun just laugh at their idiot boyfriends. Chanyeol and Sehun quickly search for their boyfriend in the dark. Sehun who noticed that Chanhee just stay quietly immediately grabbed the torchlight inside his backpack and turn it on infront of Chanhee's face make Chanhee shocked and fainted

"CHANHEE?!" The others are so surprise when they saw Chanhee fainted out of the blue.



Chanhee slowly opened his eyes and immediately closed it back because he still can't adjusting the brightness. After he comfortable with the brightness, he groaned a bit and suddenly all the boys are surrounding him. "Chanhee, are you okay?" "Does your head still hurt?" "You want a water?" Many questions are thrown to Chanhee.

"W-what happened?" Chanhee asked. "We don't know either. You were unconscious for about 30 minutes. We just randomly talked about you agreed to marry with Byunghun and suddenly the mansion is black out and t-"

"What?! Me agreed to marry that old man? I never agreed to marry him!" Chanhee immediately cut off Chanyeol's word and shouted. "Yes Chanhee you already agreed."

Babam! What will happen in the next chapter? And Byunghun is so lol in this chapter.

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ExoKissAndHugs #1
Chapter 39: Whew okay i finished reading everything and i think that you reaaaaaaally did an awesome job with this fic! You didnt fail to make me feel the pain when im supposed to feel the pain and happy when im supposed to feel happy! Really! Good Job! Though i still think that Byunghun is such a huge jerk but well it's okay~ i loved the ending anyways teehee~
ExoKissAndHugs #2
Chapter 36: Okay i have not finished reading this fic yet but WTH BYUNGHUN IS SUCH A JERK- A SELFISH JERK. He got no shame man. Tsk tsk tsk. AND PLEASE STOP BEING SO ANNOYING BYUNGHUN SSI.
To the author of this story, i think youre really awesome in terms of portraying tha characters in this story and also the storyline. You really made me cry and curse a lot while reading this story. HAAHAHHAAH Im not trying to say that this is a bad story or anything cuz HEY THIS STORY IS GOOD!!!! But anyways! I will comment again~ gotta finish up the other remaining chappies!
Chapter 45: I love this story!! At firsy, when they were at their early stage, I don't understand why Byunghun & Kimberly had even it clearly that is a ! I even more angry when Byunghun doesn't even tried to push Kim. And I hate it when Byunghun aaked Chanhee leave the house while Chanhee is pregnant that time even he didn't know yet. I love your side stories too ;)
iamgirly #4
Chapter 42: thanks for the great story author-nim .. :-) *im crying while read it*
nickmo #5
Chapter 45: I already did it since the mv first day release..i will never stop
Hwaiting to u too
Chapter 1: I like it.. Thanks for the story
sweet_lovemeowy #7
Chapter 39: Finally !! I finished reading this amazing story!! I can't believe i read this in one day rows.! *shed tears*
sweet_lovemeowy #8
Chapter 31: Ashjggdkffhhfxtuhfthdtfsasfghj!!! This is the first time i read fanfic i curse too much.
sweet_lovemeowy #9
Chapter 28: Good luck for your SPM ^^ i'm also taking it. Its 4 months to go tho. Fighting~ ♡
sweet_lovemeowy #10
Chapter 25: Sassy kimberly is back again oh god how can byunghun handle two pregnant people alone?