Chapter 70 - Forbidden Love (Part 11)

The Pre-existence Seekers

After that night, Sakan constantly visited me together with Ray. He did not mention that matter again. I was alright with Sakan before that night. So long he did not bring up the matter and I could remain friendly with him plus I had a nosy Ray around.

I did not rule out that Sakan was using a gentle approach towards me. So long I did not agree to it, he would not be able to do anything.

"Ray, as a bird; why didn't I hear you sing at all?" I placed some food on my palm for him. Ray was eating greedily but he stopped when he heard me. Ray spreaded his wings and just flew off, leaving me puzzled.

"Sakan, what is wrong with Ray?" 

"Before Ray came here, he had the greatest voice in the mortal realm. He fell in love with his master and his master doted on him. However, he refused to sing to his master's lover and she cut away his tongue."

"Oh my gosh." I was shocked to hear that. " So you save Ray?"

"I happened to be in mortal realm at that time and I brought him back with me. I gave him a new tongue but Ray would not sing ever since."

"Can that be called Love? Didn't his master do anything?" I was upset when I imagined the sufferings that Ray went through.

"So Delia," Sakan looked into my eyes," Some love are fragile and one day, you will understand." Sakan went off and looked at a far distance.

Shortly, Ray flew back and demanded to eat more food. It seemed as if nothing happened earlier.

"Ray, I am so sorry." I patted his head with my finger.

Ray continued eating and mumbled," I don't know what you are talking about. Don't disturb me while I am eating."

An attendant came into the room and he whispered something to Sakan. Sakan smirked," So.... It is starting soon?"

I did not understand what Sakan meant by that.


The next few days, I did not see Sakan but the chatty Ray was disturbing me daily.

Today, Ray seemed restless and uninterested.

"Ray, are you feeling unwell?" I snuggled him to my face."

Ray nodded slightly and shook his head.

"Why don't you sleep here tonight?"

"No! I am used to sleeping with Prince Sakan." Ray pouted.

"What! You are foregoing a great opportunity to sleep with a beauty, you know. If you regret, I will not give you a second chance." I rolled my eyes at Ray, playfully. "Alright, I am sending you back."

It was empty when I entered into Sakan's palace. I was about to go off when I heard talking from a room.

"Is everything settled?" It was Sakan's voice.

"Yes. We, the Mist clan, pledged our loyalty to you."

I was taken aback and I stared at Ray. This was obviously Alyssa's voice. Why was the King's concubine doing here?

"When do you intend to strike?"

"Not at the moment. Wait till they made the first move." There was a cold bitterness in Sakan's voice. "Let see who is able to endure it."

"But, what if they are not doing anything...."

"Very soon, I am sure of that. He wouldn't take it down for too long."

There was silence before Alyssa giggled," I missed you so much. I will stay here tonight."

"No. I had some matter to attend to."

"Oh. You are so cold to me. To think I did so much for you." Alyssa purred," You are being like this.. So it is true that you loved that girl whom was your...."

"You said too much! Just go!"

"But, you..."

"Don't make me repeat a second time!"

I quickly backed off and cautioned Ray not to say anything about this.

I returned to my palace safely and I was lying on my bed. I heard something that I shouldn't have know tonight. Was Sakan gathering troops? What did he intend to do? Was he going to start a war here? But that couldn't be because he was going to be the future King and that was no need for him to start a war. Unless he was tryin to get rid of someone?

I recalled the conversation between Aska and Queen Yana that day. Was it.... I dared not think further. Here, was not as peaceful as it seemed.

I was so frustrated that I couldn't sleep and so decided to look at the night skies.

While I was blanking out, my room door creaked suddenly and causing me to yelp in fear. I saw Sakan standing there, looking amused at my reaction.

"Ya, don't appear suddenly like this. It scared the hell out of me."

"You heard everything?"

My mind turned blank. I cursed at Ray and I sweared that I would barbecue him.

"Alyssa is the head of the Mist clan. Even my father is unaware of this." Sakan just mentioned casually.

I suffered another heart attack," But... But how did you know her identity?"

"When a woman is so hopelessly in love, she will lose her mind..."

"So earlier you and her..." I quickly covered my mouth.

"Yes. So you heard everything. I won't miss this chance."

"Are you here to silence me off?"

Sakan gazed at me with a weird expression," I wouldn't bear to do so to you." 

I was frightened when he started walking towards me. I retreated and accidentally tripped. I was grabbed by my waist.

"Why are you so careless?" There was concern and gentleness in his voice. However, I felt uneasy.

"I....." I only managed to say a word because Sakan swiftly pressed his lips against mine. I was shocked and I tried to push him away but this angered him as he turned my hands on my back and restraint them. I tried to turn my face away but Sakan hugged me closer to his body and restraint my movement totally.

"Sakan... Let go of me..." I spoke through the kiss.

Sakan closed his eyes and his hands were roaming on my back.

I was too stunned to react. When Sakan opened his eyes, our eyes met. There was a tingle of sadness in his eyes and he stopped his hands when he realized what I saw.

"Sakan, what are you doing!" From Sakan's back, I heard Aska's voice.

I was unsure if I was mistaken because I saw a devilish lights in Sakan's eyes.

Aska charged forward and shot a silver ray of light from his ring. It hit Sakan and sent him flying on the wall. A drop of blood trickled down his mouth.

"How dare you go against the pact that you made with Lord Hades!" Aska looked at me worriedly and I gestured to him that I was fine.

Sakan brushed away the blood," That pact does not mean anything to me."

"I will not go easy on you if you broke the pact." Aska yelled.

"I's like to see if you are capable of doing so!" Sakan rose up and a golden rope flew out, binding Aska. Aska struggled but he could not break free.

Sakan came to me and kissed me again, smiling victoriously. I tried to hit him but he grabbed my cheeks and took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

"Let go of Delia this instant!"

Sakan let out a snigger before he released me. He chanted something and the rope started to tighten on Aska. A silver light started to emit from Aska's body. When the silver light collided with the golden rope, both of them was threw a few steps back.

"Aska, other than my father, you are the only one who are on par with me. But don't forget, she belonged to me only! Because..." Sakan smirked," and don't you forget that I will be the future King!"

Sakan left.

Aska looked bitterly at the vanishing figure. A fury of anger burnt in his iris.

"My dear, are you alright?" Aska came and helped me to my bed.

"Yes I am fine..." I had a shock of my life but I was very confused. I could not pinpoint exactly what was wrong.

"Aska, how come you are here at this hour?"

"I saw Sakan's bird behaving suspiciously and I followed it. To think..."

"Bird? Ray?" Why would Sakan behave this way to me which was unlike of him? And how come Aska appeared here earlier? Wasn't Ray not feeling well and how would he be appearing in front of Aska?

"My dear. Take a rest now." Aska sat on the edge of my bed and he held my hands tightly," I promise that I will not let anyone harm you. I will never let you go through this ordeal again!"

"Aska, thank you. But he will be the future King and it will be worse for you." I started to worry for Aska because he had to serve Sakan in future.

"Future King?" Aska snorted," Maybe not." Aska patted my hair," My dear, give me a bit of time. Very soon, no one can harm you."

Aska brushed the straying hair from my face," Go to slept. I will be here till you fall asleep."

Aska.... This feeling that stirred in my heart.... He was like M, gentle and caring.

After a while, I woke up from my sleep and I saw Aska sitting by the edge of my bed. Aska had dozed off and a strand of his silvery white hair fell on the bed. I touched his hair and it was silky and soft. I felt a burst of happiness in my heart. 

Aska might be only one here who really cared for me....

When I woke up again, Aska was gone.

For the next few days, I did not see Aska around and neither did I see Sakan. I enjoyed the moment of peace for the time being.

Today, I sensed a weird atmosphere in the air when I woke up. I saw the pale expressions on the faces of my attendants. 

"What happened?" I sensed something bad had happened.

A young attendant looked around before she whispered to me," Princess Delia, you don't know yet right? Something grave happened and the King is in a very bad temper." I saw horror in her face,"Someone discovered the bodies of several missing attendants in the tree hole. It was rumored that Quern Yana was the culprit. The King had ordered Prince Sakan to look into this."

"What!" My hands trembled. How would someone discover this? Did something secretly reveal this. I felt my stomach churning.

Queen Yana was close with Aska for he was the Head of the Light clan. Would this matter affect Aska? I decided to find Aska.

Maybe he would be in the Valley of Rose because Aska liked that place very much.

The warm sunlight showered on the Valley of Roses. The soft white petal was enveloped in the golden ray reflecting a faint golden and yellowish colours. Near the swing, I saw the familiar figure.

"Aska." I waved and he smiled brilliantly at me.

"My dear why are you here?" Aska was surprised but nevertheless happy to see me.

"Aska, have you heard about Queen Yana's...." Before I could finish my sentence, I saw a girl in yellow dress behind Aska. 

"Freeya?" I cried out

Aska turned his back and was a little surprised," Freeya, why are you here?"

Freeya looked puzzled," Aska, you arranged to meet me here."

Aska frowned," I did not."

"What? If it is not you, who is it?"

"Me." A white robed figure came to our views. The blond hair, and the golden iris which seemed to have absorbed all the sunlight and the glare was too blinding.

"Sakan?" I saw a stunned expression on Aska.

"Aska, what are you conspiring when you deployed all the troop of your clan?"

"Sakan, I do not know what you are saying."

"Long ago, I received news that you and Queen Yana conspired to overthrow my father to give up his throne to my elder brother, Sungmin. This made me uneasy." Sakan smirked. "However, your side did not make any move after such a long time and I was restless. I could not deal with you without any evidence but now I do because you aren't going to let it down."

"You are involved with Queen Yana's matter?" Aska was still calm.

"She herself is in deep trouble and she can't protect you. Aska you can't escape from the crime of Treason!"

"Sakan, I do not have any motive for committing Treason!" Aska grinned," By gathering my troop, it does not mean anything!"

"Motive?" Sakan advanced towards us," You are right. I needed a motive from you." 

In an instant, Sakan slided Aska's sword out and charged towards him. When Aska was intending to block and fight Sakan, Sakan swerved.

"Ah!" A moan sounded.

I saw the sword pierced through Freeya's chest... Blood splattered and tainted the white roses....

"Sakan! You are insane! She is your sister!" Aska exclaimed. I could not react seeing the gruesome sight.

"Aska, you are insane!" Sakan threw the sword at Aska's feet. With a wave of his hand, troops appeared in the skies. "Aska, my father bethrothed Freeya to you but you are against it. And now, you even kill Freeya, my dear sister, a royalty! Aska, be prepared to surrender now!"

"Sakan you are the culprit! You are insane to sacrifice your sister ! Aska was raging mad and a bright silver light engulf him totally. It was getting stronger and brighter...

"Aska, you are intending to use the Light Curse? Spare a thought for your clan even if you are not thinking for yourself." Sakan spoke coldly.

"Light clan are all warriors and with your troop, l don't think you can take us down!"

"Oh really?" Sakan looked up at the troops in the skies," What about the Mist clan?"

"What!" Aska's expression changed to bewilderment," Mist clan! How did they..."

I saw a large troop in black and riding black winged horses. Their face was covered with a black mask. One of the Mist troop came forth to Sakan," Your Highness, we arrested all the the people in Light clan."

Aska was so shocked that his knuckles in his clenched fists were turning white.

"Aska, I can spare your people if you surrender now."

The silver light faded quickly and he stared hard at Sakan," Spare my people and I will go with you."

Sakan smiled and shot a golden rope at Aska," Bring him away."

"No. Stop!" I finally started to react," Sakan, Freeya was killed by..." My throat was seized by a force and no sound could come out.

"Sakan, don't hurt her!" Aska looked at me.

"Your Highness, what are you intending to deal with the Light clan?"

"Kill them all." Sakan spoke casually after seeing the retreating figure of Aska. "Mist clan will take over Light clan to be the Guards of Heaven from now!"

I frozen. Sakan promised Aska that he would spare the Light clan. I could not speak but I grabbed into Sakan's robe tightly. I was glaring at him.

"My Delia. You need to rest. Forget about what happen today." Sakan spoke gently and he pressed his palm on my forehead. I felt my eye lids getting heavy and I lost consciousness.


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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/