Chapter 36 -Only Love (Part 10)

The Pre-existence Seekers

Before setting off, I played with Warrior. I knew that King Minu would be alright but what about Warrior? He might not make it back alive. Hence, I asked the guard to prepare a sumptuous meal for Warrior. This could be Warrior's last meal in Egypt.

Warrior was smart and he knew that we were parting. Warrior kept purring and rubbing against me and I felt even unbearable to let him go. I hugged Warrior tightly and rubbed his back which I knew that he loved it. Suddenly, Warrior let out a soft pur and I turned around, seeing a tall figure leaning against a tree.

He walked out from the tree slowly, King Minu. His black hair fluttered in the wind while the silvery moonlight shone onto his handsome face, adding some gentleness on his expression. King Minu stood still and looked at me. His iris were as dark as the night and I could not see anything in them.

"Minu, you are setting off early tomorrow. Shouldn't you rest early?" I spoke first. King Minu did not respond except making his way to Warrior and patted Warrior on the head. Warrior started to rub his head affectionately at King Minu.

"Minu, please make sure Warrior comes back alive...." I sniffed and was unable to continue my sentence.

King Minu gazed at me," Wan, you care more about Warrior than me."

"Don't get me wrong, Minu. I knew that you will be alright and so I am not worried." I bit my lip.

"Wan, don't you feel slight worry about me!" King Minu raised his voice slightly.

"Nothing will happen to you, Minu. You will return safely." I met King Minu's gaze. Slowly, I led Warrior to his cage to rest and closed the cage. "It is getting late. You should turn in early." I stood up.

King Minu grabbed my shoulders and pulled me along. Before I could comprehend what had happened, my back hit the tree. Next, I felt his body pressing against me and I was sandwiched between him and the tree. King Minu lowered his head and planted his lips on mine. I could feel his body heat through his thin clothing and his rapid heart beats. His tongue attacked my lips which was like wild fire. I could not move as his body stopped me from moving. That burning sensation returned to me once more. The man in front of me, was the son of the God of The Sun? So that was why he had the heat similar to the sun.... I should resist but I caved in to this sensation.

"Wait for me, Wan. Wait for my return." He whispered to me tenderly.

I was confused. Once, King Minu moved a bit from me, I seized the opportunity and ran away to my room. I did not know what was happening to me.


The following day, King Minu led his troop of 20,000 soldiers which was divided into 4 battalions, together with a few hundred chariots and Warrior. Watching the flying dust when they set off, I recalled the history of this battle.

At Kadesh, what was waiting for him was an ambush by Hittities, a few thousands chariots and some 20,000 plus soldiers. At there, the Hittities attacked ruthlessly at the Egyptians and King Minu was heavily surrounded by the enemies. King Minu was shielded by his close guards and Warrior to brave through the surroundings. The enemies were taken aback by Warrior and this managed to delay their chase. Hence, King Minu could reunite with his reinforcement troops.  However, history did not indicate if Warrior return alive. 

The final result was that both sides did not gain upper hand at each other. It was a tie. To put it bluntly by the history academic, King Minu escaped narrowly his first defeat in a battle and he narrowly escaped his death in this battle. Yes, King Minu would return safely else how could he live to ripe old age as depicted in the history book.

As I did not need to train Warrior, I spent more time at the Royal Shrine. Unknowingly, King Minu had departed for 10 days and I estimated that he would reach Kadesh in another 10 days. Andi seemed to treat me slightly better and talked to me sometime.

Today, I was setting off from the Royal Shrine slightly later than usual and it was pitch black at night. I saw a shadow in front and I realized that it was one of the guards who helped me in tending to Warrior. I was about to call out to him  so that I had company back to the Palace when I saw him looking around sneakily. I hid myself behind a pillar and followed him. 

I peeped out from my hiding place and saw him talking to someone in black attire. With the faint moonlight, I saw that man but he seemed to be a foreigner. I picked up my ears and listened to their conversation.

"When will I get my money" (Guard)

"Is everything settled?" (Foreigner)

"Don't worry, the lion ate the drug." (Guard)

"Good. Here is half of the money. The rest will be given to you later." (Foreigner)

"Oh....." (Guard)

I did not manage to catch the rest of their conversation. I felt my mind in a blank. Drugged the lion? Drugged? Lion? Warrior? I tried to calm myself down and waited for the foreigner to leave before I appeared in front of the guard.

"Mess....Messenger of Bastet?" The guard's face turned pale when he saw me and stammered.

I came to him and hit him with my fist. "Talk! Say everything truthfully else I make sure that you will be banished to hell and never to step into the cycle of reincarnation! I, as Messenger of Goddess Bastet, will see to it!" This was the most effective to make the guard talked as he was respectful of my status here.

"The Hittities made me do it. Wanted me to put a little drug into the lion's food to make it weak only. The drug will not kill it... I agreed out of greed, of the amount of money that they promised me. Please I beg you, to forgive me." The guard slumped to the ground and bowed at my legs.

"You are an Egyptian and you commit treason! You betrayed your country, your people and your King! You do not deserve to be reincarnated! Do you know you could have King Minu killed?" 

"His Highness is not that weak...."

"What did you know!" I roared at him," they are laying a trap for King Minu. I am taking you to Prime Minister for conviction of your crime."

The guard's lips trembled and wanted to say something but suddenly, his face turned green. He started to grasp at his throat for air before he fell flat on the ground. I was shocked and I went over to him. I turned him over and felt at his nostril but he was not breathing. He was dead! Was he poisoned or cursed?

Coincidentally, I saw some black spots on his hand. Was it due to this? I spied the money bag nearby, was it coated with poison? I drew a silver needle and poked at the money bag. Sure enough, it turned black instantly. The guard was being silenced off.

I was at a lost now. What should I do? Was the history inaccurate or was it changed here? If Warrior could not protect King Minu, there was no way that the reinforcement troop could reach and rescue King Minu. And King Minu could be - Dead! I gasped. This could not be! He was supposed to live to ripe old age, fathered many children and left a legacy in the history. I could not let Minu die! Never!

I rushed back into the Royal Shrine and wrote a note. I summoned my hawk and let it bring my note to King Minu. I was still worried, what if my hawk did not reach King Minu due to some accident? I paced up and down and I decided to go to King Minu myself. I hope I could reach him in time and save him and Warrior. Even if Warrior could not recover, at least I could protect King Minu.

Immediately, I rushed back to the Palace and demanded the fastest horse. I had to get to Kadesh fast! Minu, please be safe. I would not let anything happen to you.

I rode for several days without much rest. This could be the most torturing part of all my tasks. I ride endlessly in daylight and did not rest much in the night. I just ate the food that I brought along in my bracelet. The only thing in my mind was to reach Kadesh in time, to reach King Minu in time.

When I reached Kadesh, it was dusk. I saw piles of corpses lying about and it was quiet and deserted. Was I too late? I dismounted from my horse and ran to find King Minu. When I went further, I was horrified by the sight and took a few steps back. The damaged chariots, the horses and the mountainous corpses lying on the sands, rocks and the atmosphere had the scent of stale blood. My heart beat faster, fear seized me. Minu, where are you?

I proceeded to check those corpses. It was a grim scene, most of the corpses had very deep wounds which showed their bones, some had their abdomins pierced through, some had their limbs severed, some were headless, some were slashed in the throats,.... I felt my innard churning again. The prehistoric war scene was much horrendous than what was showed in dramas. I prayed that I did not spot King Minu among the corpses. I was feeling weak and I tumbled upon something and fell to the ground. I felt my hands were wet and that they were covered with blood.

Seeing the scene left me helplessly, I was unable to walk anymore.

"Minu, where are you? You must stay alive..." I screamed at the skies and tears flowed down my cheeks. Was history changed? Had Minu disappeared from history? I brushed my cheeks with the back of my hand. No, I could not give up like this, not until I saw his body or Warrior's body.

"Who are you!" I heard a shout and I saw 2 soldiers. I recognized their attire, they were Egyptian soldiers. I ran towards them and grabbed them. 

"Where is Minu? Your King? Where is he? Is he still alive?"

The 2 soldiers were shocked by me and just stared at me.

"Answer me now! Where is your King?" I yelled again and shook them again. They just shook their heads and their faces turned pale.

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 74: Hi, it has been a long time since I was on AFF. I want to say that I really love your story, especially this one. I've been reading it all over again. It seems like a long time since I read it. It is like my childhood ^_^ And know I am finally going to university!!! I am growing up fast haha~ Please write more fantasy stories! Love you :)
Chapter 72: Done with the 2nd time, pain a 2nd time
Chapter 15: Things spotted when re-reading T.T vampires were angels. And hyesung's unease to send wannie to a place full of vampires.
Just dropping a comment to say I am going to read the story again and I am fangirling over it to other shcj. =X
kill3rpuppy #5
Chapter 72: This story was absolutely amazing!! So M was suppose to be a version of Minwoo right? I don't know I just couldn't picture it properly with him having long white hair and blue I just couldn't see it. My favorite pairings were when dongwan was with emperor Minwoo and when he was with Minu. This is probably one of my favorite stories and even though it is already so long I was sad to see it end lol
miaamaryllis #6
Chapter 74: I love this alot ^^ your stories are always very amusing and fun to read.

However I am abit confused about one part - are Minwoo and Minu both reincarnations of Aska as well? ^^ It was quite heartbreaking to read how both Minwoo and Minu wanted Dongwan to stay (esp for Minu!!!! :() But Im glad in the end Dongwan and M can be together ^^ M is really so sweet, and Dongwan is just such an adorable dork XD Absolutely loved the plots and the characterisation

Cant wait for the sequel!
Chapter 74: Best story ever. Hands down. Omg it was such a good read! Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim. (:
shhhinhwaCJ #8
Chapter 74: Yay!!! Sorry for not reading it earlier!!! You did not disappoint me at all~ It is the best~ Love this story so much!!! Love the naughty Dongwannie!!! I love Hyesung!!!
Autumnaree #9
Chapter 72: this has been an amazing story. WOW! Just WOW!
fallendrops #10
Chapter 74: Oh my god it's been a long time since I visited aff and I didn't know you make a bonus chapter orz
thanks a lot for the bonus chapter. I really enjoyed it. But awwww poor andy to be blamed for what wannie did :< /and shout out for jinnie to be andy's boyfriend here/