
You're the mother of my child?!
Clenching A Tight Fist by B2ST

After a while, the other members came.

"He looks exactly like Yoogeun." Everyone said except Taemin. After I explained/lied yet again, then nodded and started playing with him. I sighed happily, and then sat in the kitchen.

"Eomma!" I heard Key and Taemin.
"Yes?" I asked.
"We're bored." They told me.
"I don't know what to tell you guys..."
"OO! I know let's go to a k-"
"Taemin no. You clearly know why." I told him, then he sighed.
"Fine fine."
"Well, I do need to go shopping a bit, I think. And I'll need help from a fashionista and my youngest son. How does that sound?"
"YES!!!" They both cheered.

"Minho, Jong Hyun, take care of Yoogeun. Onew, just loaf around the house if you're that scared." Taemin sat in the back while I drove and Key rode shotgun.

"Where do you think I can get formal stuff?" I asked.
"Anywhere actually. Almost any mall has a formal store." Key said.
"Oh really? Never noticed." I drove to the mall I worked at, stopped by the clothing store, said hi to Iseul, so did Taemin, and we went to a place where they had all suits and dresses.

"May I help you?" A lady in a lady suit asked.
"I'd like help with a suit." I told her.
"Right this way." She lead me to the women's suits, and I said not that kind.
"I meant for mens."
"Yes I know. But I usually wear men's clothes and it's quite comfortable and some people have told me that it suits me."
"Oh, okay then this way." I picked out a few, then the lady left to go to the counter while I tried them on. I told her that I didn't need anymore help, since Key and Taemin were there.

"How's this?"

second one of course:

"How's this?"

"How about this?"

"Wow fine. I'll try something a bit different then." I grabbed a few dresses that caught my eye, and changed into them one by one.

"How's this?"

"Too bright."


"Wow...Perfect." They both clapped. I smiled, took the dress off, put my normal clothes back on, and bought the dress.

"Would you like another dress? It's half off if you get it."
"Oh really? Okay. I'll take this one."

We left the store, me carrying the two bags, and we drove back home.

"We're back!" Taemin called for me.
"Where did you guys go? You took forever." Onew complained.
"Sorry. We didn't agree until after...6 things." I put the bags in my room, then went back to the living room.

"So....whatcha buy?" Minho and Jong Hyun asked.
"You have alot though." Jong Hyun said.
"I couldn't find the perfect thing." I smirked. "Yet girly." I whispered.

"Oh yeah...It's really pretty." Taemin said.
"It's perfect! You'll drool all over her if you saw it." Key smiled.
"Oh yeah. I forgot to say. You guys are all invited too. Rin said to bring anyone."
"YAY!!!" Taemin and Key cheered.
"To what?" Minho, Onew and Jong Hyun asked.
"I'll tell you in two months." I winked.
"AH!!!" Jong Hyun fainted.
wow. someone said im racist. k sure, i am, but never about her and her friends. i always am racist about videos, and some of my other friends. stop accusing me!! gosh! i dont bug you, so dont bug me!!


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Oh and shout out to lightsfaries who finished this in one day :D


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Chapter 8: Jung Woo is my classmate tis yr ^^
ITS OVER!!!!<br />
<br />
but<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
YAYYYYY!!!!!!! lovelovelovelovelovelove!!!!<br />
Kekeke, EXCITED!!!!<br />
Amazing story Dongsaeng!! Can't pick a favorite part because I loved ALL OF IT!!!<br />
(okay so I'm totally abusing caps lock here, but I think it's necessary)<br />
<br />
NOT READY FOR LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
but HO DANG, daddy found out????? SOMETHINGS GOING DOWN!!!!!
Awww, kekeke, remindsmeoflastnight ^_^ haha, again, NOT READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER!!<br />
everything is finally going good.....Aigoo..... -.-<br />
annyeong ^^<br />
kekeke, LOVING these chapters :D<br />
Haha, I saw the bit of our story in there ^^<br />
I have an AWESOME surprise planned for it >:D but it's near the end so we beter get going :)<br />
Update soon!! Or not, because I'm so not ready for this story to he over yet!!
pinkypn #7
i hope both of them r ok
JONGKEY FTW!!!!<br />
aha, this scene seems somewhat familiar xD LOL, please update soon, im dying to know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i had a mental break down there!! please update ASAP dongsaeng!! IT CANT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!
OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 krfvnhqk qjhj efewkjcnlked s