The Tourment of a Flower.

            I walked quickly in the college's library and pratically ran in the History of Economy section. I truly needed to have this book by the German Economist who explained flawlessly the history of the world economy. I quicked my path, turned to the right and finally, the holy section was right in front of my eyes and empty, thanks to Lord. I held back my smile and silently I began to search the book. 

- It's supposed to be right there, I mumbled for myself as I read for the third time the title of all the books who were on the sixth shelf. But it wasn't here. It really wasn't here. I checked again the small paper where I wrote yesterday the reference of the book and put it back in the back pocket of my trousers. 

Maybe the librarian made a mistake and put it in an other place ? Or maybe he didn't even put it back and the book maybe was waiting me on the librarian desk ? Or ... maybe ... Someone already took it ? 

I tried to walk casually to the reception where two middle-aged women were tapping on their respective computer. 

- Excuse me Miss, I asked politely while taking the reference from my pocket. I'm searching fot this book but ... The woman threw a quick glance to the little paper then slowly turned her head to me with a sad smile on her lips.

- I am sorry but someone already take it ten minutes just before you. She answered me as quickly as she slowly turned her head to me one second earlier. I made a discret face and sighed of disappontement. I was about to ask who takes it but the lady already turned back her attention to the screen.

Well, let's say that today is not my day since the weather seems sad. Indeed, the sky was covered with big grey clouds who were nearby to explode and let the rain fall.

Since it was 3PM, the library was full but an empty chair caught my attention and agilely I passed by the occuped desks and sat down on the chair even without asking to the guy who was sitting in front of this place. And without surprise, he raised his head from his computer and book with a questionning looks in his eyes. I stood up, bowed a bit and asked him if the chair was empty. He smiled politely then made a head sign which must means yes. I sat down, sighed and put my bag on the table in order to take my computer when suddenly I saw the title of the book that the guy were studying with. 

- It's the holy book ! 

Few students turned their face toward me and repressed a laugh, I even myself held in a giggle, it's kinda funny to hear someone saying with a happy voice " it's the holy book " ... I thought. But the boy's face in front of me was priceless, he watched me, then the book and again, curiously me.

- Oh, I just said, not knowing at all how I was supposed to say to him that I searched this book since a long time. Err ... Are you a student in Economy ? I finally asked after forcing my eyes to stop watching the book but the boy. 

- Me ? No I am not, I'm an History student. Second year. He said with a gummy smile before to leaned his head to his right then to his left side in order to boost the blood circulation in his head. I thought again. And you ? The gummy smile asked me, following the etiquette of the politeness.

- I'm also in second year but in Economy.

He smiled as an answer and plunged his whole attention to the book. I tightened my fist in order to give me a wave of courage.

- Er, the book you're reading right now ... isn't it a book about economy ? 

Gummy smile raised his head a second time and say yes with a really husky voice that made me jumped. I didn't pay a lot of attention about the sound of his voice since the holy book was right before my eyes.

- But it's a book who speaks about the History of the Economy. We have a class about it this year, in our Major. He added in order to answered my silent question about why he had the holy book. 

- Actually... I'm really sorry to disturbing you about this, but I really need this book for today. His eyes were two black pearls and it didn't help me at all to know what he was thinking. So I pressed myself to say, I already order the holy ... I mean, the book, on internet, I already bought it but since it's comming from abroard ... it will spend a much more longer time to come in Korea. Like one week. But I really need the book ... and ... I stopped myslef and take a breath.

- I also need the holy book. Gummy smile asserted with a calm voice, it's not a book about economy only, it's  a book which is explaining with stunning details historical events going through economical states.

I pinched my thigh in order to don't exclaim.

- I know, but, will it be a big deal if I borrow you the book ... just for a little week ?  I joined my hands in front of my face as a plea and closed my eyes waiting his answer. He coughed. 

- And can I keep the book just for a little week ? His husky voice rang in my ears as a bomb. I wasn't sure, but was he mocking me ? I opened my eyes and saw the holy book in front of my face. Was I supposed to take it or ...

- Let's meet here next week at the same date, same hour. You'll give me back the book. 

I took the book, stood up and bowed 45° in front of gummy smile in order to thanks him. I saw him blushing and making a stop-it movement with his hand. He was cute. I thanked him again, threw my bag on my shoulder and began to got up when he suddenly cleared his voice.

- I think I need to know your name. He said with his hand in front of his mouth.

- Oh sure ! I'm Kim Woo Ji ! You ?

- It's Bang Yong Guk, very enchanté Kim Woo Ji. I hope you'll be here the next week giving me back the holy book. I smiled widely and showed him my pinky finger.

- A promise is a promise, I'll be here ! Then he linked his finger with mine, and gave me this gummy smile before I left the building. My thoughts wandered to my voice recorder. I need to record every little details about today, or else I'll forgot to give him back his book. 


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