Chapter 18



For the greater good.

On the drive back to the apartment, I try to convince myself ‘it’s for the greater good’.

As I take the lift up to the penthouse, set my keys on the table and slump on the sofa, I repeat the thought in my head. Over and over again.
It’s for the greater good. 

Then why does it feel so wrong?

I close my eyes and bury my head in my hands. Keeping this from Tiffany is going to be very difficult. My instinct is to tell her everything. But to do so would be a betrayal to the company. And to not would be a betrayal to her.

Mr Lim is right. I have changed. The old me wouldn’t hesitate to place the needs of the company above anything…or anyone else. But Tiffany isn’t just anyone else to me. Not anymore.

I groan. 

It’s six in the morning and I need to catch at least a couple hours of sleep. We are going to have brunch with both her family and mine later today. That should be eventful.

In order to not disturb Tiffany, I use the spare room to take a shower. I’m so tired I don’t even bother to turn on the room lights. I put on a button-up pajama set that is kept for guests. It's a little too large for me and I grudgingly roll up the sleeves so my hands can pop through. I’m dying to sink into my bed. As my fingers clasp around the door handle to leave, I stop. 

Someone is in the bed. 

They are lying on their side with the quilt pulled over them so it looks like a puffy lump. I’m a bit surprised. Why isn’t Tiffany sleeping in my room? If I hadn’t known better, I would think that she didn’t want to sleep in the same room as me. But earlier today she brushed aside the suggestion of separate beds.

“We are married, Taeyeon. Married people share a bed.” She said when I offered her the choice of a spare room. Just in case she wasn’t comfortable.

I stand still for a moment until a thought hits me. There are three bedrooms in my apartment. Did she mistake this one as being mine? 
Married people share a bed right? I guess it doesn't matter which one. I bite my lower lip uncertainly as I watch her. For progress to be made I need to start somewhere…so the sooner I start…

I climb on the bed gently. Maybe I should cuddle first. My heart starts beating a little fast. I lie flush against her. 

“Fany?” I whisper.

She stirs slightly. My hand hovers uncertainly above her for a second. I pull at the covers exposing the back of her head and shoulders.

I bring my lips closer to her ear. "Fany?"

Maybe I should let her sleep  - oh! Her arm reaches back to claim mine and she hugs it against her chest. My arm moves along with the rise and fall of her breathing. The material of her nightgown is thin and... and...I don't think she's wearing anything underneath.

I hear her sigh and she turns her body to face me.

And my stomach feels like it's skydiving at a hundred miles per hour.

Turning to face me eyes closed, still half asleep with a dreamy smile etched on her face is not Tiffany. It is...wait, who is this? It's too dark to clearly tell.

OK, keep calm.

Well whoever it is still has my arm firmly between her s. I give it a gentle tug to try and pry it loose. 

Nope. Still stuck.

The girl shifts closer and murmurs, "Bumsoo, what took you so long?"

Great. She thinks I'm this Bumsoo person. Are there more strangers in my apartment? I twist to look over my shoulder. 

I decide to give my arm an almighty yank but before I do, the girl yawns and releases her grip. 


I back away slowly. Careful not to rouse her further. If I can get out the door without her opening her eyes, then no one will have to know about this tiny mishap.
As I reach the edge of the bed, her arm whips out in search of mine. I manage to yank my hand back in the nick of time.

But the process, I lose my balance and my shirt snags under my knee causing the buttons to rip open. 

No. This is not good.

At the sound of the ripping noise, the girl's eyes flutters open and she blinks away the last remnants of sleep.  Her eyes widen in recognition.

“Ms Kim!” She gasps. 

She knows who I am? 

She takes in my undone top with my bra exposed and releases a little squeak. She claps her hands over . 

I quickly pull together my shirt. Oh no. She probably thinks I'm coming onto her. “Who - who are you?” I ask with as much dignity as I can muster.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Ms Kim. I'm Jiyoung - Ms Hwang's new secretary. We met that day." She attempts to bow but her nightie is quite revealing and she clutches at it desperately. 

Now that she mentions it, I recognize her face. "But what are you doing here?"

"I missed the last train home after the reception and Ms Hwang offered to book me into one of the hotel rooms-" She says in a nervous rush. "-but unfortunately all the rooms were booked because of the reception. She said she couldn't leave me in that situation and asked me to stay over."

I nod. "Okay. That's fine."

Jiyoung clears . "Ms Kim...if I may ask...what were you doing in this bed?"

There is a moment of awkward silence. 

“I thought you were Stephanie. I didn't know there was anyone else here.” 

"Oh." Her gaze briefly flickers to my held together top. A deep blush sets in with the realization. "Oooh..."

I need to leave.

I haul myself out of the bed and pause by the door. "I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please make yourself at home."

She bows gratefully. "Thank you, Ms Kim!"

“Don’t mention it.”

And I truly hopes she never does.

I close the door behind me and rest my back against it.

Ah that was beyond embarrassing! 



At last I enter the master bedroom. Sure enough I see Tiffany’s silhouette on the bed. I stand in place for a while, looking at her. 

Just to double check.

“So are you just going to stand there?” Her voice jolts me back to the present.   

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I was…until I heard the hullabaloo.” She giggles. 

I lie on my side, facing her. 

With a smile still on her lips she teases," Yah! Kim Taeyeon. On the very first night after the reception you end up in bed with another girl?" 

"Fany-ah..." I sigh. "I can't help it everyone finds me desirable..."

"Omo! Kim Taeyeon!" She gives my shoulder a little shove. "Who else has been finding you desirable? Huh?"

I put on a bored expression and start ticking off the names. 


Her expression is one of pleasant surprise.


She moves closer.


Her eyes are focused on my lips. My heart does a little skip.


She's moving painfully slow, intensifying the moment. 

And lastly, "Hwang Miyoungie"

I close my eyes waiting for the kiss.


A pillow meets my face instead.


Keeping my eyes closed I rub my nose. I hear Tiffany laugh and there is a shift on the bed. Fingers brush my hand away. A gentle kiss is placed on my nose. She places another on my forehead and chin, then finally settling on my lips. 

Before things get heated she pulls away. 

"You need to get some sleep, Tae." She cups my face. "In a couple of hours we will be meeting our family."

"I'm not slee..." I give a huge yawn.

Damn it! 

She giggles and pulls the quilt over me. 

"Don't worry." Her expression is full of endearment with a mixture of promise and excitement. "We have a lifetime."

A douse of cold reality hits me.

No. Unfortunately time is the one thing we don't have.



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czankx #1
Chapter 20: I hope there's a possibility of a continuation
Teigoo #2
Chapter 20: Still waiting 🤧
Chapter 20: I guess this is the end of the story. Okay. Thanks. Bye.
Few more months and next year will be a decade from the last update T.T
kimHMae #5
Chapter 20: Hey... Hey
still waiting, hoping, praying :')
Chapter 20: This was a fun read! 😉
TaeNysmith22 #8
Chapter 20: This reader is missing this story.
NekoLS #9
Chapter 20: Wishing for moreeeee hmm
lampi5 #10
How could you do this to us author 😭😭😭😭