Just Tell Him


"When I see you crying it makes me want to protect you. When I see you smiling, it makes me want to smile, too. It's weird for me. It's almost like..." Siwon hesitated, his gaze averting from Kyuhyun's chocolatey eyes.


title: Just Tell Him
rating: G
summary: Kyuhyun's been stressed out, and it doesn't necessarily help that his hyung likes him. okay this summary
word count: 1420
author's note: I have no idea where I was going/wanted to go when I wrote this. It's kind of weird. :/


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Merettevan #1
Chapter 1: Wow I absolutely loved this story! It's really cute and has this gentle yet suggestive atmosphere! My favorite part is when they are, consciously or unconsciously "flirting", especially Siwon, telling Kyu he looks gorgeous and that looking at him drives him crazy, then his
"It makes me think of all the things I'd like to do to you." totally killed me! And lol I laughed when Siwon worried about Kyu but it was just Kyu watching a drama! The last part had me flailing, thanks a lot for your story!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! I was wondering where I could read awesome KyuWon story and god, I found it! KyuWon looks so cute together *__*
awww thats so adorable i also ship Kyumin but i think this is so adorable!!!! go Kyu my baby kyu!! ^-^
mclassics #4
gah! so good! i ship kyumin, but kyuwon is getting there!