{ T w o }

{ Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss }






“Is she pretty? Do you really like her?” SooJung asks, pulling her kness closer to her chest. Chanyeol simply nods in reply, and SooJung continues, “Do I know her?”

She receives a pinch on her nose, “Aren’t you being a little bit too nosy?”

“I-I’m just worried!” SooJung retorts, trying not to make anything too obvious. Chanyeol laughs and SooJung feels her heartbeat quicken.

“Alright, thanks for being worried about me, I would worry about you too. That’s what best friends are for, isn’t it?”

And SooJung instantly feels her start to ache, and she’s trying hard not to cry in front of him. Instead, she excuses herself, saying that she has to meet her friend for lunch and she quickly runs off to hide in a bathroom stall. She was one of the closest people to Chanyeol, but why was she so far?




To others, Park Chanyeol was the handsome drummer of the most popular band in school, called EXO. To Ahn SooJung, Park Chanyeol was her best friend. Whenever SooJung had problems, Chanyeol would be the first one who would realize and would immediately ask her what was wrong, whenever SooJung got her heart broken by a heartless guy from school, Chanyeol would always be there. It was the same with Chanyeol, whenever he was unhappy, she would be the first to know, whenever he got rejected by a girl, she would be there for him. They were inseparable. SooJung was head over heels in love with Park Chanyeol.

“Are you even listening to me at all?” Chanyeol asks, waving his hands in front of her eyes. This movement makes SooJung jolt back to reality, and she nods.


“Well? What should I do?” Chanyeol asks expectantly, and he continues when he sees SooJung not replying, “The girl…?”

“Oh.” SooJung replies, unable to hide the disappointment from her voice, it was always her, every time. “Do you really like her?”

“What kind of question is that? I do!” That part completely killed her. SooJung clenches her fist tightly and bites down on her lip.

“Alright, I’ll… I’ll help you,” SooJung says before she turns to leave, her nails leaving crescent-shaped marks on her palms, a few tears escapes.




“It’s really hard to love someone that doesn’t love you,” SooJung says quietly to Baekhyun, who was listening intently.

“Who do you like?” A loud voice (which didn’t sound anything like Baekhyun to SooJung) boomed, SooJung whipped around only to see Chanyeol who was looking at her curiously, and he repeated the question again.

“Oh! Is It Yixing?” Chanyeol guesses before SooJung could say anything else, and Baekhyun sighs and shakes his head, muttering a soft ‘idiot’ before leaving.




“I like you, Park Chanyeol.” SooJung practices for the eleventh time in front of the mirror, it was graduation day, and she wanted to confess today. It was today or never, so she chose the first option. Baekhyun sits at the back and looks, sighing quietly, he wants to tell her to stop, but he doesn’t have the heart to.

When she finally finds Chanyeol in the crowd, she grips on his sleeve making him turn. She takes a deep breath before saying those 3 words. Chanyeol looks at her with a cold and unreadable expression and SooJung knows she screwed up.

Chanyeol forces himself to smile, but before he could say anything else, another hand latches on to his arm, “Who is she?”

SooJung looks at the girl hugging Chanyeol’s arm close to her, it was her, the girl Chanyeol always talked about. SooJung looks at Chanyeol who looks back with a slight hint of sorry and pity in them, and he introduces the girl as his girlfriend. SooJung feels everything shatter and she’s running away.




After that, SooJung never really saw Chanyeol again, she barely met up with the exo members who she had grew close with before, only meeting up with Baekhyun once in a while. Every time she walks past Chanyeol and his group, she ducks her head and walks faster.

“You can’t really avoid her all the time you know?” Suho says to Chanyeol.

“I know, but what can I do?”




“You can’t really avoid him all the time you know?” Baekhyun says to SooJung.

She frowns and pulls her legs closer to her chest, “I know, but there’s nothing else I can do.”

Baekhyun sighs as he scans her room, looking at her messy desk filled with papers that were assignments that were supposed to be completed a long time ago. He sighs and quickly suggests to take her out for dinner, which SooJung refuses and pushes him out the room. Baekhyun stands outside the door to her room, hearing her cries from the other side, and he feels terrible.

“SooJung-ah.” He tries, trying to opening the door, only to realise that she had locked the door.

“Open the door.” Baekhyun tries again, “before I call Kris and Tao in here to break it down.”

Baekhyun hears a soft click and he immediately opens the door, wrapping his arms around SooJung.




“You have to talk to her,” Suho says to Chanyeol.

“She’s happier now, isn’t she?” Chanyeol starts, looking at SooJung at her locker, with Baekhyun behind her, “Baekhyun is there to make her happy.”

“She doesn’t like Baekhyun,” Jongin starts, getting really annoyed with Chanyeol’s recent change in behaviour. Chanyeol was no longer smiling as often as he did, not cracking jokes anymore, but more sullen-looking, often spacing out and just looking at nowhere. The shine in his eyes were gone.

“How do you know?” Chanyeol asks, doubting what Jongin is saying.

“It’s really obvious.”

Chanyeol scoffs and storms out, he’s angry, but not at SooJung or Baekhyun or s even. He’s angry with himself for not seeing things faster. When SooJung was looking at him, he looked at someone else, and when s pointed that out afterwards, he just felt upset with himself, because he never realised SooJung looked at him that way.

And he misses it. He misses talking to SooJung and it’s really making him uncomfortable when she’s replacing him with Baekhyun. He fumes silently, was he that replaceable to her?

Ever since she confessed, he had been avoiding her, but that’s because he didn’t know what to say to her. He didn’t want to hurt her, besides, he already had a girlfriend (who turned out to be liar and only dated him because he was friends with Yixing). After that, he just felt so sad, and whenever he sees Baekhyun and SooJung together, he just feels like screaming because SooJung was his best friend, not Baekhyun’s or anyone else’s.

He knows that he should talk to SooJung about this, but she never answered his calls, and he sees her running away whenever he’s near. He lets out a frustrated sigh and takes his phone out, tapping on the screen. He calls Baekhyun instead.

Baekhyun picks up on the fifth ring, and he hears SooJung voice in the background talking about something happily, and instantly, he feels anger boiling up again. He asks where Baekhyun was and the latter replies he was at the rooftop. Chanyeol hangs up and immediately makes his way upstairs.




He opens the door and sees the backs of Baekhyun and SooJung sitting side-by-side, talking. He frowns, cause that was what he and SooJung used to do, and the rooftop was their spot.

“Baekhyun,” he starts, making the both of them turn around, Baekhyun smiles when he sees him while SooJung has this uncomfortable look plastered on her face. Baekhyun greets him happily, while SooJung hesitated for a while before saying hello and Chanyeol realises that he misses her voice.

Chanyeol looked at SooJung, realising how much she had changed over these few months, she had grew her hair long instead, and she looked pretty. Then he shifted his attention to Baekhyun, who realised that was a signal to leave, he sighs and leaves, telling SooJung that he would text her.

“We have to talk,” Chanyeol starts when he sees SooJung getting up to go after Baekhyun. He grips her wrist tightly, so that she wouldn’t leave.

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“Hypocrite,” Chanyeol starts, and that has SooJung whipping around staring at him intently.


“You are a hypocrite,” Chanyeol continues, “You said you liked me, and after a few days, you and Baekhyun started, and doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?”

SooJung scoffs, “I’m not with Baekhyun. Now I’m going to leave.”

“Don’t lie.”

“I’m not! Why are you even here?”

Chanyeol desperately thinks of something to say but he doesn’t know what to say, and he’s starts crying. After so long of bottling everything up, he finally breaks, and tears started rolling down his face. He’s miserable and upset because he knows he screwed up everything, and he knows that SooJung will probably never talk to him again because all he’s done was hurt her again and again. He’s angry at himself for being an idiot.

When he feels a pair of arms wrap around him, he thinks that it was probably one of s that came up.

“Stop crying,” SooJung says, her voice was shaky, and Chanyeol realises that the person was SooJung. It didn’t take long for Chanyeol to realise that she was crying too.




“Chanyeol, say cheese!”

Chanyeol turns to the direction of the sound and gets momentarily blinded by the flash coming from the camera Minseok is holding, who just smiled and went to take pictures of the other guests. None the less, Chanyeol smiles, because today was one of the best days in his life.

He sees s from his band from his school, each are living out their dreams; it has been a while since they last gathered here, and he’s glad that he had a chance to play in the band after such a long time.

He spends a really long time standing in front of the food table (prepared by Suho) because everything looked delicious and he couldn’t tell what to eat first, he stares at everything because theirs is just so much variety there.

“Chanyeol-ah!” He looks up when he hears his name but he feels his heart stop for a moment when he looks at the girl smiling at him.

“SooJung-ah,” he smiles gently, kissing her forehead gently, “Happy anniversary.”

He takes her hands in his and he still smiles in the difference in size, and he leans in for a kiss. When they separated, he hears their friends cheering.

He leans in for another kiss before turning to their friends, just in time to be once again blinded by the bright light of the flash as Minseok captures the moment.



{ 1,800 words }



The second one up. I think I screwed this up. ;-; I'm sorry. 
Requests are open! So do send in request! 

Comments and subscribers would be loved and appreciated okay. 
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++ Do check out my vixx story as well! { x }



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Chapter 2: hey mind if I request?
Pairing : BTS Suga/Emily (OC)
Genre : romance
Plot : Suga meets Emily a flirty dancer at a masquerade ball. He is more than determined to unmask his quick footed princess.
Requester here :D
Pairing: VIXX's N/Hakyeon X Lee Jinmi/Faith (OC)
Genre: fluff, romance
Plot: You can make up anything, I don't know what to request for the plot :/
I do apologize if you find this bothersome, but if you do my request, I appreciate so much, author-nim~
i'd like to request ~

paring: Jeon Jungkook x Sung Jikyung (OC)
genre: angst, romance
plot: they were the couple everyone had envied . they had fights but not one this big. it left them hopeless in love. but what happened when they meet again years later only to see that love has decided to play with their hearts again .

i really don't know what i'm doing with the plot ; . ;
anyways sorry for bothering you with this request ~
and please do take your time author-nim ~ <3
hi, i'd like to make a request :)

characters: Chanyeol of EXO and Krystal of f(x)
genre: angst
theme: a thin line between love and friendship
plot: chanyeol was secretly relieved that his best friend confessed her romantic feelings towards him after graduation. he wouldn't have to deal with the uncomfortable feeling since they would be taking separate paths during college and won't be seeing each other that much. he tries to avoid her as much as he could but one day he really just couldn't when he finds out that krystal is on the verge of self-destruction and needs him as a friend.
Character: Daehyun x OC
Plot: some people cry simply because they were strong for too long.

AYO WASSUP!! hehe decided to request coz I'm bored:P have fun writing~