You, Me, Mia..... and her...


Hello Hello~ Everybody every everybody!
This is a Jongkey story with other caracters that will get involved ...

obviously when there`s "and her" in the title hehehe XD

if you can't take it that's not good if you want to read the rest of the story O.o

I have no clue how many chapters this will have...

This is my second story so sorry if it isn't well written

This story is fictional as well as the caracters, I'm only using their names you will see why in the story :P

Sadly I don't own SHINee 3

Enjoy ....




I have another story ; "To make your life easier"

Check it out if you have time :P


I once lived only for myself but then I met you

You became the center of everything

I gave you all I had and more

but you never cared

and you took it for granted





(I'm really not good with foreword so ... don't pay to much attention to it and continue to the first chapter XD)


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