Scenario #2: Change In Plans

ToDae Scenarios!

It had been a tiring week for Daesung when he returned to BIGBANG's apartment after having spent many weeks in Japan for his solo promotions.

He stepped inside the door with heavy steps and dropped the suitcase on the floor with a 'thud'. It was quiet in the apartment, too quiet. Daesung wondered why. Seungri was still in Japan, but where were Jiyong and Youngbae?

He soon found out the answer when he closed the front door and saw a note hanging on it.

'Daesung-ah, sorry we couldn't welcome you home. We are in the studio, back in god knows how many hours. Hyung has asked for you by the way.
You should call him ;). Love Ji & Bae.'

Daesung stared at the note for a few seconds, he then shrugged while letting out a sigh and removed it from the door.


He was pretty tired after the trip and after all the work he had been doing in Japan but he was definitely not too tired to call his hyung. He was pretty excited to talk to Seunghyun because they had hardly seen or heard from each other the last few weeks since both had been busy.

The brunette took off his coat and lazily kicked off his shoes and went to the kitchen where he drank some water, he then proceeded up to his room. Once inside the room, he threw himself on the bed and pulled out his cell phone from his pants pocket. He scrolled through his contacts and when he spotted Seunghyun's number, he smiled.

Daesung bit his lip as he pressed the 'call' button and brought the phone to his ear, and a beeping sound started which proved that it rang.

He quickly looked at his watch, a little after lunch time. It was probably not a good time to call but he hoped that his hyung would answer.

There were four rings and when he was just about to hang up, he heard shuffling at the other end and then a voice that Daesung had been longing to hear.

"Yoboseyo? Daesung?"

The younger boy smiled broadly. "Yes, hyung, it's me! How are you?"

The next reply made Daesung feel all warm inside.

"Daesungie ... hyung is well, but it's been so lonely without you. I missed you."

"I missed you too hyung. It's a shame that we have to be so busy..." the younger mumbled while looking down at his hand that was fiddling with a loose thread sticking out of his comforter.

An agreeing sound came as reply but suddenly there was silence. Daesung looked at his phone briefly to check if the call had ended but it was still ongoing.

“Yoboseyo hyung? Are you there?”

Shuffling sound was heard yet again before the deep voice emerged.

“Ah yes, I was just thinking." A short pause. "Daesung do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I really want to see you.”

Daesung was a little taken aback by Seunghyun’s sudden question but happy nontheless. He sincerely wanted to see Seunghyun too.

“I’d love to! I’ll come by at your house around 7, is that good?” The happiness was evident in the younger’s voice.

Seunghyun chuckled lightly. "Yes Daesung, that'll be good."

They both hung up and Daesung leaned back aganist the headboard of his bed and sighed happily.


Daesung had found himself quite a lot of spare time until he had to drive off to Seunghyun and he chose to use that time wisely. He had cleaned up a bit, taken a nap, called his mother, and now, 6 and a half hours later, he had just finished dressing up. There were 20 minutes left and Daesung looked himself one last time in the mirror before he excitedly headed out the door.

As he drove his Audi,  he strummed his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of a song playing on the radio. When he stopped at a red light, a new song started playing which made him smile immediately, BIGBANG's 'Bad Boy'. He sang along till the song came to an end.

The clock struck 7 as he arrived near Seunghyun's house. He parked the car and hopped out, already spotting the older's villa. He smiled.

While walking the way up to the villa, Daesung started to get even more excited, however he also felt a hint of nervousness. It really had been too long since they had seen each other. Oh the busy solo life.

Finally he stood in front of the familiar white door.  He straightened his marine blue blazer a bit and then moved his hand to the button of the bell, he paused for a few seconds before pressing it.
A nice tune could be heard ringing through inside the villa as Daesung stepped back a little and waited. He waited, and waited. No one opened the door. He rang the bell again but there still wasn't a sound of someone coming.
Daesung furrowed his eyebrows. How come Seunghyun wasn't opening? He was home, right? Or?


He felt that perhaps now was the time to use the thing he got from Seunghyun a year ago. He dove his hand into his pocket and felt the cold metal against his fingers. He then grabbed ahold of it and held it up in his open palm.

There it was, silver colored and shiny, the spare key to Seunghyun's villa.



"See you at the dance practice tomorrow." Daesung smiled. "And don't worry, the fans are gonna love your blue hair!"

Seunghyun smiled back, but it was an uncertain smile.

"I hope you're right Daesungie. This was a pretty big change."

Daesung grabbed Seunghyun's hands and looked him straight in the eyes with a soft gaze.

"Well first off, you DO look good with it, second, I love it and third, I did a pretty big change with my hair as well so you're not alone about it."


Seunghyun's eyes lit up and he grinned big upon hearing everything the younger had said. He then suddenly attacked Daesung with a hug, much to the younger's surprise but happiness nontheless.

"Thank you Daesungie, I'll remember that," came the muffled answer from the older who had his face buried in the crook of the blonde's neck.

He then put his lips to the younger's ear. "I love your blonde hair too," he whispered.


They let go of the hug and smiled at each other, Daesung with his famous eye smile and Seunghyun with his dimpled grin.

"Well," Daesung said and looked briefly at his car they were standing beside and back at the other. "I better get going now."

Seunghyun nodded and made a short wave. "Okay, see you."

Daesung nodded back and replied with a 'Yeah' as he got into the car seat. He smiled briefly towards Seunghyun before closing the door.


As the engine of the car came to life, the blue haired boy was suddenly reminded of something he was about to forget and he yelled 'Oh!' out loud.
Before Daesung was about to drive off, Seunghyun quickly knocked on the car window. The younger looked questioningly at his hyung before rolling down the window.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to give you..." the older said as he searched in his pocket. "This!" He handed Daesung a key.

"Why are you giving me a key?" Daesung said, dumbfounded.

Seunghyun chuckled lightly. "It's a spare key to my house you silly!"

"Oh." The blonde boy said with his mouth shaped like an 'o' as he looked at the key. He then looked back at Seunghyun.

"Are you sure your mom is okay with me having a key to her house?"

Seunghyun almost face-palmed himself at his Dongsaeng's silliness.

"Aigoo, no! It's my own house, I'm living by myself now." He then smiled softly. "I want you to have access to my house whenever you want."


"Oh," the younger said once again, but then... "Oh! No, no, no Seunghyun. I can't accept this, it's too much," he said as he stretched out his hand to give the key back.

"Nope." Seunghyun said, determined. "It's yours now, you can't give it back." And with that, he turned around and quickly walked away with a smile that grew bigger every second.

"But, Hyung...!" Daesung shouted, however it was to no avail and he was left with his arm hanging outside the window as he watched his band member disappear into a YG car.

After seeing the car drive away, he pulled his hand inside and looked at the shiny silver colored key. A smile then painted his lips.

*End of Flashback*


Daesung put his ear against the door to hear if there was any sound coming but he heard nothing. He looked at the key and then at the keyhole and without thinking he put it in and turned it around. A clicking sound was heard, surprising him a little.

"Okay." Daesung whispered to himself.

"Hopefully when I open the door, Hyung isn't standing there. I look like a creep right now," he then thought.

He carefully and slowly opened the door and much to his relief he was met with a light-filled empty hallway. He quickly but quietly tip-toed inside and again carefully closed the door.
He tried to be as quiet as possible so that if Seunghyun was nearby, he wouldn't think somebody was breaking into his house. But actually it literally looked like Daesung was breaking in, the difference being that he had a key. Upon realizing that, he mentally slapped himself.


"Seunghyun hyung?" he whispered but the only reply he got was silence.

He took off his shoes and put them neatly on the side beside Seunghyun's black louboutins.

"Hyung?" he tried again, this time in his normal tone as he slowly walked through the hallway. No answer.

That's when Daesung stopped being quiet and sped up his walking, looking into the first room he got to, the kitchen. No Seunghyun there. He went upstairs to look, no Seunghyun there either.

"Where the heck is he, I can't believe I'm looking for him in his house," he said out loud with an emphasize on the last word, a little irritated as he walked down the stairs and made a sharp turn to the living room. Almost immediately, he stopped in his tracks. The TV was on, but soundless.


From the door frame, he spotted a mop of black hair and as he started approaching the back of the couch slowly, he secretly hoped it was just Seungri who somehow had gotten into Seunghyun's house and had, by the looks of the figure's position, fallen asleep.
Daesung knew he'd get so mad if it turned out to be Seunghyun himself and he honestly didn't want to get mad at his hyung right now, not when they hadn't seen each other for several weeks.

However, the closer he got, the less the sleeping figure looked like Seungri and more like his hyung. Daesung could feel the anger build inside of him, ready to yell as he rounded the couch and got a full view of the person.

The yell never came.


It wasn't the younger Seunghyun that he had hoped for and he was supposed to be angry but all of that was now forgotten as he stared at the sleeping form of the other.

Dressed in a black sweater and patterened pajama pants, and with an open movie script on his lap, it was noticable that Seunghyun had been reading it and fallen asleep while doing so, but it was when Daesung laid his eyes on Seunghyun's face that guilt and worriedness washed over him.

His hyung looked, simply put, exhausted. He was frowning in his sleep, brows knitted together and with dark circles visible under his eyes that made Seungri's own natural panda eyes look like nothing.

"Oh Seunghyun..." Daesung whispered, sad eyes scanning the rapper's face.

The younger sighed as he reached for the movie script and put it away on the TV table. He then proceeded to grab a blanket that was hanging on the armchair across the left side of the sofa, and carefully draped it over the other.

Feeling a bit warm, Daesung took off his blazer and went out to the hallway to hang it there. When he came back inside the livingroom, he decided he would wait for Seunghyun to wake up so he took a seat in the armchair the blanket had hung on before.


Daesung eyed his sleeping hyung, who still had the frowning expression on his face.
A few more minutes passed like that before Daesung slowly got up and walked over to the sofa.
He hesitated a bit at first but then he carefully sat down beside Seunghyun, not bothering to slip under the blanket. He briefly looked the said boy's way before he leaned back and looked up at the ceiling.

After a short while, still in the same position, Daesung innocently slipped a hand under the blanket in search for Seunghyun's hand. He felt it almost immediately and intertwined his own fingers with the other's long, slender ones.

Just then he broke out into a smile, still with his eyes glued to the ceiling. In the corner of his eyes however, he noticed that Seunghyun no longer was frowning but had a soft expression on his face instead.

The smile never left Daesung's lips as he slowly fell into a slumber.


*Two hours later*

Daesung felt himself waking up, and slowly opened his eyes to yet again be met with the bright light from the ceiling lamp and the big livingroom.

"How long have I been asleep?" he thought to himself as he eyed his wrist watch with one eye to try to make out the time, it was hard when his eyesight was blurry from sleep.
When he finally did, he gasped out loud with only one thought: "Oh no!"

He sat himself straight, his hand still holding Seunghyun's hand, and for a few seconds he just sat there looking at his ticking watch and cursing himself inwardly.
Not even ten seconds had passed before he felt a squeeze on his hand and a low, raspy voice calling his name.



He turned his head and looked at his now awake band member who was watching him with sleepy eyes.

"Oh hyung," he said, with a slight surprising tone in his voice.

A small smile crept up on the other's face.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that."

Daesung shook his head slightly.

"I mean Seunghyun," he corrected himself. "This boyfriend thing is really new to me." he continued, getting a little shy and scratched the back of his head slightly.

Seunghyun smiled wider at that. He then sat himself up as well, groaning in the process, this wasn't the best position to fall alseep in.
Daesung couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's stupidity to fall asleep like that while reading the movie script, he sure must've been very tired.


Seunghyun, still drunk on sleep, noticed Daesung's quiet giggles and swatted the younger weakly. And then came the pout. "Hey, stop that, I couldn't help it, you know."

"I know," said Daesung as he smiled brightly and patted the other's cheek gently.

He then looked down at his watch again and then at Seunghyun. "About the date though..."

Seunghyun waved a hand in front of himself.

"I know, I know," he said as he began yawning.

"You know?" Daesung said questioningly.

"I can tell by your expression that we're late to our date," continued the older with a slight smile.

"Oh." The surprising tone was yet again evident in the younger's voice.


Seunghyun chuckled. "What time is it?" he asked.

Daesung looked at his watch briefly and then at Seunghyun.

"9:15PM... so we should've been at the restaurant two hours ago."

"Well, don't you worry," Seunghyun said as he slowly rose himself to his feet. "We'll just have our own private date!"

Daesung laughed and stood up as well. "But you know you made the table reservation, right?"

Seunghyun grabbed the brown haired boy's hand and smiled softly.

"I do know, I'll just call them and someone else will get the table. Tonight will be just you and me."

Daesung returned the smile and nodded.


"So... what do you say about Pizza?" asked the older sweetly.

"Yes, Pizza would be good." said Daesung, still with a smile on his lips.

"Great!" exclaimed Seunghyun happily. He then pecked the younger boy on the cheek and went to make the calls.


Blushing a bit, Daesung sat down on the leather sofa. He then let out a happy sigh.
Sure, it would've been great to have had their planned date at the fancy restaurant but having a date with Seunghyun alone, and with Pizza at that, was unbeatable.

Moments later, Seunghyun came walking into the livingroom with their food.
Daesung eyed his good-looking boyfriend with a smile as the Pizza that he'd surely devour with all his life was brought over to the coffee table.


Looks like the sudden change in plans had been good after all.

Helloooo, I'm back after after quite a long time! I'm gonna be honest and say that right now, I'm out of ideas for the next scenario, so requests are accepted! I also want to add that it took a very long time to finish this scenario, I didn't have any inspiration nor motivation to finish it, but thanks to a friend, I finally managed to finish it ^^ Hope you all enjoy!

Comments/feedback are my main source of motivation and helps me a lot with my writing, so if you can, please leave a few words in the comments section. Thanks!

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I'm sorry delaying this story but I simply haven't had any motivation to write. I'm trying my hardest to finish the new scenario now


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Chapter 2: Keep going! It's amazing <3 the next scenario could be them telling Dae's parents about their relationship?
GloriousMatilly #2
Chapter 1: I LOVED IT!! Great Job!
Zimmy02 #3
Chapter 1: this is so cute~