
She's Mine
For those of you who have been following me since before June, I hope this will be of good news for you and those who have followed me since then, welcome!

I’m Samantha, otherwise known as SJCGuard. I’ve been gone from here for almost two months now and being away this long has been really hard on me. I know that  I had to put my writing on full-hiatus but I made a promise that I would be back. I’ve missed everyone here so much and I’m really happy to be back writing again and I’m excited to hear from all of you again, so don’t be afraid to stop by and update me on how you have been and what’s been happening in the Kpop world for the past two months. I haven’t been really updating myself so I might be behind on a few things. Just to update you on a few things in my life that possibly will affect my activeness here, here they are:

1. I’m still in college. This coming fall semester I will be taking my final load to achieve my associates, meaning I am taking some of the harder classes so I might not be as active as I would like to be, but I’ll try to keep something posted at least once every other week. (I would like more, but expect no less than that.

2. Future Scenarios. I currently have one scenario ready to post, and I will post it right after this as a Welcome Back celebration (it’s Yongguk and it’s a bit longer than what I usually write ouo). I do have the Jungkook request almost ready, but I won’t be posting it until I’m almost done with another one, that way if it comes down to it, I’ll have one on backup to post if I hit a muse rut.

That’s all that I have to say right now. I’m truly sorry that I’ve made all of you wait so long for me to comeback, but I appreciate everyone’s patience, especially all of those who waited out this two months with me. I love you all and I’m looking forward to interacting with our new followers.



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xodollfin #1
Chapter 8: Love the story! ^•^
Chapter 7: Yay, fanally update! Thank you! I am happy, it seems that Baek is opening to her now! Looking forward to next chapter ^_^
Chapter 6: Yuhuuu I seriously hope so much for update in this story!! You are the best that you came, storng and shiny ^_^ Good luck and thank you!
Chapter 5: Fighting! <3 ^_^
Chapter 5: Iy's ok!! I will still waiting for the update but please take your time author-nim :)) I hope you will feel better soon, fighting author-nim!! :))
Chapter 5: IT'S OK!
Chapter 4: IT'S OK.TAKE CARE!
Chapter 4: Oh, take care! No pressure! We'll wait until you feel like wriring again! <3 Keep the faith <3
Chapter 3: Update chuseyo <3