Going out

The Story of Us II



Three drops of tears fall down my cheek. I told my manager to left me alone for a while in the car and he did. My head hurts so much just like my heart. My body are all in pain. I rarely cry like this but today, I don't know why I feel like crying. They will call me soon for filming. I don't feel like acting right now. I can't face her. I don't want her to see me like this but it's too late. She open the door with an aegyo voice, calling my name and all I can do is put my head down. Pretend like I just wake up from sleep when I am not. 

"I gotta go"

I tried making an excuse but she sit beside me and close the door. I still had my face facing down. She force me to tell her what happen but I still insist not to tell her because I don't want she to think I'm weak and she noticed that I've been crying. I can't hide it anymore. What a shame. We sit facing each other and I am ready to tell everything in my heart. 

I'm stress. I've to practise for tour, I've to memorize script, I've to wake up early just to hide the fact that I'm practising very hard with my drum, I've to wake up early to prepare for filming, I've to flight back to back. I'm tired. I miss home. I miss my family. 

Each word that I said hurt me like someone shoot a gun to my heart. I've been this stress before and it coming again - today. 

She slowly pull me into a hug and I rest my chin on her shoulder. She patted on my back then caress it. She told me that she is good at calming people but all she know is, when someone cry, they need a shoulder to cry on. No matter it a sad thing or a happy thing. Just when she told me that, my tears couldn't stop streaming down. And it makes her to become more anxious. I can hear she mumble some words which I don't even know what it is but then I starts to feel that she is hugging me more tight. 

She whispers to me, saying that

I'm not weak. I'm just tired of holding it alone for so long and that is not weak but strong. 

Everything she did or said, a smile create on my face. She said that she bad at comforting  people but she did an amazing job for making me happy again. Both of us are the youngest in family and she is really mature girl with a positive thinking. She might look cold from her personality but it so opposite with her attitude.

When all of us sitting for lunch before, Minho hyung asked her how did she handle all those hate comments towards her and she just said she didn't listen to it. Because she know who is the real her and people around her know how is she in real life. So, why did she need to care about people who she didn't know and don't even know her.

Now I know why every guy that ever working with her will fall for her charm. She is an amazing girl. 



Party! Right now, we're getting ready for filming Chanyoung and Bona's make up party. 

Here I am, talking to Minho hyung while she playing with Jiwon and Soojin noona. Minho hyung said he is shocked by her because at first she is a shy and cute person but when she get close to everyone, she is very easy going. That's what makes people comfortable around her and she is one of the reason why the set always in a happy mood. I told Minho hyung that I'm nervous of kissing her on the cheek and he just laugh at me then saying that I'm such a weirdo. 


Because I've been doing kissing scene before but I never been so nervous just like now. He patted my back then walks away. 

On the script, it is written that both of us need to act so naturally talking to every guest but I don't know why I feel like I can't do it. Just when I try to memorize my line, she come to me with a sweet smile. Please stop smiling at me like that Soojung. I might take a big step towards you. I asked her why did she so hyper today and she answered me with a super cute smile

"I'm Soojung if you still don't know" 

I try to understand what she mean by that but I'm clueless and then she said that Krystal is when she is on stage which she need to keep her cold, y and charismatic image while Soojung is the real her. Right after she explain it to me, the director called us to shoot for our part. But first, we need to take selca first. Very excited about it also nervous at the same time. Before I kiss her cheek, I told her that I'm sorry but she laugh. 

She said that she is okay with it. We take several times because the director think that the angle is not nice but then she place my hand very high which my hand are in a straight position. I asked her isn't it too high but she just told me to do it. 

One picture has taken and we take a look at it. The director like it and he told us to take three more different pose and the last picture must be I'm kissing her cheek. I'm holding back my breath before touching my lips into her cheek. Finally, nice angle and I saw Minho hyung from far, showing his thumb towards me. So embarrassing.

She place her left arm on my waist while my left hand around her shoulder then NG!

She laugh right after my lips touching her cheek. Her face looks really red and I asked her why then she said to the director that she can't do it. The director and staffs teasing her because when we had to hug each other before, we did it with just a one cut but this one she couldn't do. 

We tried again but then I'm the one that laugh. 

I kiss her cheek which not really cheek since I almost kiss her eye, she pretend to be shy when the exactly thing is, she is very shy about it, she looks into my eyes, holding out laugh, pretend to look at the pictures and cut! We did it. 

Right after that, she run away from me. Just like when we did the hug, Heechul hyung teasing us like crazy and she run away to the staffs just to get away from him. 

Jiwon and Shinhye noona poking her cheek and she she hitting both of them and they laugh. While me, fanning myself with my hand. 

Ouh! This is such a great story to tell my members later. 



Hyungsik, she and I are sitting on our place except for Woobin hyung who laying down. Waiting for the director to tell us to act. Before we starts, we usually talk.

She said the first time she met Woobin hyung, she kind of scared then he told that the first day when they had to shooting, Lee Jongsuk called him telling him to take care of her and it burst her into laughter. Only both of them understand what are they laughing about. Leaving me and Hyungsik in silent. 

Then Hyungsik speak out that Kwanghee hyung is jealous of me because he still have a crush on her. She is kind of shocked because it's been three years yet he still had crush on her. 

Woobin hyung said if Shinye noona, Kwanghee hyung, Lee Jongsuk and she didn't busy, he want all of them gather and have a dinner together. Which makes me jealous because she agree to it. 

It's not like I don't know that she always been going out with other male idols before such as Shinee, Super Junior, Doojoon hyung and some others but luckily they didn't caught up. I know she is easy going but I'm so jealous right now. Only if I could tell her not and just going out with me. 

She have so many friends but she is type that doesn't show off her friendship. Because she didn't want all attention is on her just like when she upload picture of her and her 94 lines, all attention on them. She quite doesn't like it. 

But still, jealous of her male friends. 



Oh my God! I didn't expect to have subscribers and upvote. I'm so shocked right now. I want to reply all of your comments but I don't know how to starts it. Sorry. Hehe. So, some of you asking who is she waiting for? I think you need to read the first one. 

You don't want?

It's okay. I'll tell ya. He is Infinite Myungsoo.

Why he?

I don't know. Haha. Thanks for reading and subscribing and upvoting. Love ya!

Sincere, Lyen ;) 

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Chapter 3: Your story is so uh-mazing! :) love it
TaEunjifanychan03 #2
Chapter 3: Huhu...Newbie here!!!!
Actually,I hesitated to comment but I tought it would be the best for you to know the opinions of your readers..Haha
Well,How stupid of me to not read this great ff.early than you thought....
Auhor-nim keep writing HYUKSTAL ff....
Chapter 3: :) haha I'm Singaporean! Neighbours ;) great story~
Chapter 3: great story^^
Caramel_lover369 #5
Chapter 1: Eat the lotion?
Keyq1998 #6
Chapter 3: i love this story soooo much <3 T^T ahhh they're so cute
Chapter 3: THE ENDING! I felt touched TvT
Hyukstal drives me crazy!!
Awww~ love this story ^^
Chapter 3: new reader here, and feel regret for not knowing this fic sooner u_u
i love this story so much! your writing style is awesome! ^^d

btw, the part when soojung gave a call to minhyuk and jonghyun remind me of CNBLUE on Radio Star last week---wonder if this story was real XDD

i think i'll be your fans because of this story and its previous XDD
keep writing ;)
Chapter 3: I love your writing style.
It's smooth and flowing naturally.
I hope you can make another ff. but who says that your story is not good compared to the other?
Your story is amazing!! :)
Keep writing :)