Myungsoo's POV

Bring Me to You

Myungsoo’s POV


I came back from the States few days ago.

I was walking around at the park. I sat down at the bench where I first met her, the girl of my dream… Well at least she was.


Ever since the day we’ve broken up, there was never a day I wouldn’t think of her. I sometime still wonder why she had broken up with me.


2 years ago. (At the doctor)


She left me dumbfounded. I seriously wanted to chase after her but, I didn’t. I went over to Infinite’s dorm. I started drinking to the point where I started crying and spilling out my emotion. I tried calling her but Sungyeol took my phone away.


Sungyeol, “Myungsoo stop! I know you’re pain but calling her will hurt you more.”


I cried, “I need to see her!” I tried to make my way to the door but Dongwoo and Hoya stopped me. “Let go of me! I need to see her!”


Sungjong, “You can’t see her in this state, Hyung.”


I collapsed to the floor and cried out, “I need her…”


I carelessly rubbed my hand on the bench remembering the day I first liked her, the day I actually fell for a girl, literally.


I closed my eyes and lean back on the bench. I could feel her behind me, putting her arms around me neck, and resting her chin on my shoulder.


“Michelle?” I called out.


“Myungsoo?” She said back, playfully mocking me. I was about to open my eyes but she stopped me. “No, keep them closed.” And I did.


I asked her a question that I’ve been curious about for a long time, “Why did you break up with me?”


“That’s… a secret. You’ll know why soon.”


“Why can’t you tell me now?”


“Because… how can I tell you if I’m no longer here.”


“What.. do you mean ‘no longer here’?” I was confuse of what she was trying to say.


She changed the topic, “Today is beautiful, don’t you think?”


“Yeah. Just like how it was when we first met, remember?”


She said in a sad tone, “Yeah I remember…”


“Michelle, I miss you.”


“I’ve miss you too…” It became quiet. She still had her arms around my neck. Then she suddenly kissed my cheek. She removed her arms off of me. I opened my eyes and looked back. She was gone.


2 years ago (One week after the break up)


Infinite and I were at the airport.


Sunggyu, “Are you really going to America?”


“Yeah, I want to start a new life.”


Woohyun patted my shoulder, “We’re going to miss you buddy.”


“If.. if you ever see Michelle. Tell her I went to America. I want her to know that I moved on.” Well trying to move on.


Dongwoo, “Good luck man.” We give each other our last good bye and I headed off to America.


Couple of years over there was horrible. I would have dreams about her and thinking about her nonstop. My health was getting worst. So I decided to came back, hoping I could see her again.


I was driving to the Michelle’s doctor to see if she’s okay. I have a strange feeling that she’s not. As soon as I enter the building someone called my name.


“Are you Kim Myungsoo?” The guy said.




“Oh come with me to my office. One of my past patient told me to hand something to you.” Who? Michelle?


We entered his office. He went around his desk and open a drawer. He took something out, which was an envelope. He handed to me and said, “My patient said you would come here on this exact day.” That’s strange. He looked me and slightly smiled, “I wish you the best.” What are you talking about?


I bowed and thanked him for something I don’t know. I left and I drove home.


I sit at the edge of my bed and look at the letter. It still had a strawberry scent but it was kind of faded. I open the letter and began to read.


To Myungsoo


Hello Myungsoo… It’s been a while huh? I heard you went to America… I see you moved on. Not like it’s a bad thing, it’s a good thing…


I could picture her smiling softly, I couldn’t move on…


I hope you’re doing well. As for I… I on the other hand, am struggling. 2 years ago about this very day just found out that I have cancer.


Cancer?? I looked at today date and today was the day we broke up.


Yes cancer. That’s why I broke up with you. I didn’t want you to suffer with me and I wanted you to move on fast as possible.. I wanted to see you smile before I had to go but I guess I can’t because you’re there and I’m here…


I still suffered anyway.


I know it was selfish of me to do this and I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you… But there’s something that I do want you to know. When you asked me when I stop loving you…, to be honest I never stop. I still love you and will always love you. I hope in the next life we will meet each other again. And maybe this time I’ll fall for you, literally. Hahaha.


I smiled and started forming tears in my eyes.


Kim Myungsoo, let’s not say goodbye but see you later. :)


Soooo I’ll see you later!



I took good care of it. ^^



From Michelle


I cried and laugh at the same time. I looked at the letter one more time, holding on to the shoelace. I wished you had tell me. I would smile everyday for you.


I closed my eyes and I could feel her giving me a back hug.


Few days later


I just left the flower shop with a dozen baby breath flowers. I got into my car and headed to the cemetery.


I kept walking and walking until I saw Michelle Lee’s name. I kneeled down and place her favorite flower down beside her. I got back up and stared at her name again.


Tears was slowly coming down but I still smiled. “We’ll definitely see each other again.”

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Daecakie #1
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 2: OMG :( so sad!!!!!
Could you make a sequel please??
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 1: So depressing :( please update soon^^
mymymy #4
update soon ^^