Michelle's POV

Bring Me to You

“Bring me the night, that brings me to you

'Cause when I'm dreaming we don't seem so far.”


Counting the days since we both said our goodbyes. It still hurts…


I waited and waited for you to visit me. But it never happen and won’t be happening anytime soon. I ask the doctor to grant my last wish before I go. I wanted to go to the park where we first met. Where we both fell in love.


4 years ago.


I went jogging along the track on the park. Some guy came up jogging beside me.


“Hello.” He said.


I looked over to my left, “Oh hello.”


“I never seen you around here before.”


“I’m new.”


“Oh, then my name is Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo.” He smiled.


I smiled back, “My name is Michelle Lee.” He suddenly tripped. “Oh my gosh are you okay?!”


“Haha, yeah…”


“Here let me help you up.” I helped him over to the bench. I slightly chuckled, “Clumsy aren’t you?”

“Yeah…” He rubbed the back of his neck. He slowly look up at me. We looked into each other eyes and smiled. Right then I knew he was the one. That day we exchange phone number.




For the past months we would talk until 3 in the morning and whenever I go jogging, he’ll  already be there. I’m sure it wasn’t a coincidence but I didn’t mind.


Then one day he randomly ask me out and from there our love just blossom.


(one year later)


Myungsoo, “Happy One Year Anniversary!”


“You remembered!”


“How can I not?”


“What did you got me??”


“Go open it.”


“You got me a shoelace?” I looked at him weirdly.


“Yeah, the day we met I fell hard for you, hahaha.”


I chuckled remembering. “Thank you.” I hugged him.


2 years ago (A little over 2 years into the relationship)


I went to the doctor for a checkup because I wasn’t feeling well. After the doctor examine me. He looked at me and sighed.


“What’s wrong?” I asked.


He took another deep breath, “You have cancer.”


I was taken back, “Are.. are you kidding?”


“I wish I am Miss Lee. You’re in stage 2 of the cancer. We need to get you treated right away.”


Tears started coming down from my eyes. What about my life with Myungsoo? He’ll be in pain too.


“How long will I live?”


“I don’t know for sure but about 2 more years.” Enough time for Myungsoo to heal. When he smile again I’ll be gone…


After the doctor, Myungsoo came to pick me up. He was smiling at me and it hurts. He saw me frowning and so he frowned too.


“What wrong?” He asked.


My voice was shaky, “I can’t do this anymore.”


“Can’t do what?”


“Us. Myungsoo, I can’t.”


“What? Are you that sick?” He put this hand on my forehead.


I removed his hand and raised my voice a little higher, “I’m not! Myungsoo, I want to break up.”


Myungsoo, “What why? You can’t end us just like this. You just can’t” His voice cracked a little. You’re making this hard for me.


“Myungsoo! I want to break up! Can’t you understand that?”


“Tell me then. When did you stop loving me?” I wanted to cry.


“I never said I loved you.” I ran away from him, crying and I never looked back…


I weakly sat down on the grass and looked up at the stars. I feel the breeze lightly hitting my skin. I close my eyes and it feels like you're here, wrapping your arms around me.


“Michelle.” He softly called out.


“I miss you.” I said weakly.


“I miss you too.” He said. I sigh. I miss your voice… I took a deep breath.


“Swear I don't know, if the days are as slow as they seem… Or I’m that boring.”


He chuckled, “The stars looks pretty today, like you.”


“They seems so close… but they’re miles and miles away from each other, like me and you.”


“Do you think they feel lonely?” He asked.


“Yeah, but they’ll always be under the same sky.”


“Like us.”


“Just like us…” I repeated. It bring pains into my heart.


It was silent but I still could feel him holding on to me.


“You know, when I’m dreaming it feels like we’re not so far.” I said about to tear up.


“Same.” He said in a sincere tone.


“Well we ever be like this again?” Tears started falling from my eyes.


He gently kiss my forehead, “We will, in the next chapter in life.”


It was silent again. Another breeze came by.


I finally open my eyes and he’s gone. Along with his touch and the warmth. I wipe off my tears and took in another deep breath, taking everything in that happen in my life. I’m ready to let go.


2 years ago ( A week before the break up)

‘Promise to never leave me.”


I slowly closed my eyes again feeling the life in me leaving, “Please bring me to you.”


2 years ago

‘I won’t leave you, not in a million years~ I love you.”


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Daecakie #1
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 2: OMG :( so sad!!!!!
Could you make a sequel please??
woohyunsyoja #3
Chapter 1: So depressing :( please update soon^^
mymymy #4
update soon ^^